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国外频繁对华发起反倾销指控,我国涉案企业应诉不力的一个重要原因就是应对反倾销会计联动机制的缺失。本文对我国应对反倾销会计联动机制的内涵、目标、构建原则、构成要素、结构、功能和治理主体等进行了分析,以期提高我国应对反倾销的成效。  相似文献   

At the beginning of the nineteenth century the former glory of Italian accounting was overshadowed by its decline during the eighteenth century, and literature from France, England, Germany, America and other countries took centre-stage. 'Theories of accounts' (rather than 'accounting theories') dominated not merely the early but also the later part of this century when Italian accounting had regained a prominent position beside other countries. The relation of those theories to the 'charts of accounts'-which later became so prominent in Continental Europe is historically important. The controversies over personalistic versus materialistic accounts and that between entity versus proprietary theories, as well as the emergence of other theories are discussed with reference to individual authors. Diverse topics from railroad accounting and auditing to various aspects of cost accounting are investigated. Particularly important are the pioneering efforts of this period that anticipated further developments. These manifested themselves in the following ideas: entity theory, flow of funds statement, matrix accounting, different aspects of valuation, allocation and depreciation, price-level adjustments and indexation, current values, exit values, residual income valuation, managerial control, the emergence of competing accounting (and Bilanz) theories, the separation of fixed from variable costs, fixed and flexible budgeting, zero-based budgeting, PERT, transfer prices, break-even charts, variance analysis, job-order costing, labour and machine hour rates, standard costing, price determination, integrating financial and cost accounting, clean surplus theory, agricultural accounting, holding gains, and other topics. Appendix A offers an overview of Nineteenth century scholars concerned with accounting history (together with one representative work of each), and Appendix B lists the nationally (and often internationally) prominent names of accounting authors born in the nineteenth century but also or exclusively active during the twentieth century. The paper integrates approximately 400 publications of which less than half are of the English tongue.  相似文献   

会计人员的权益保障对于会计人员依法独立履行职责以及会计职能的实现、会计职业道德的弘扬、经济领域职务违法犯罪的预防都具有不可替代的作用。在我国现行《会计法》中,已经初步形成了会计人员权益保障的制度体系,但由于立法经验的不足,会计人员的权益的切实保障仍存在若干障碍。完善会计人员的权益保障体系,我国《会计法》应强化对会计人员的倾斜性保护,增设权益救济的具体程序,设立会计行业性协会制度。  相似文献   

This article analyses the use of the concepts of cost and profit in Chinese agricultural treatises. Special attention is given to the agricultural works Shengshi Nongshu and Pu Nongshu in the seventeenth century. The analysis shows how Chinese people applied the concepts of cost and profit to agricultural production. This paper also analyses the reasons for the lack of further progress of Chinese accounting in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. It concludes that Chinese accounting reached its peak in the Ming and Qing dynasties under a feudal framework and that accounting development has been strongly associated and constrained by its social environment, including political and cultural constraints.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an inquiry into the accounting practices of the St. Joseph Lead Company during the nineteenth century. For several decades following its incorporation in 1864 the St. Joseph Lead Company maintained a very crude double-entry bookkeeping system that lacked detailed cost accounting records. In fact, there is little evidence of any type of industrial accounting prior to 1890 when a direct cost responsibility accounting system was established. Thus, the industrial accounting procedures of the St. Joseph Lead Company appear to have lagged far behind the practices of the contemporary British and American mining firms which have been the objects of recent studies. The investigation thereby reveals considerable diversity in the industrial accounting practices of the American mining industry during the second half of the nineteenth century.  相似文献   

2008年,联合国、欧盟委员会、经济合作与发展组织、国际货币基金组织和世界银行五大组织对“1993年国民经济核算体系”(1993版SNA)进行了修订,形成了“2008年国民账户体系”(2008版SNA)。本文详细梳理了2008版SNA对中央银行服务产出核算问题的具体修订情况,并与1993版SNA的相关处理规定进行了对比。基于对我国中央银行服务产出核算现状的探讨,本文认为,依据2008版SNA对中央银行服务产出方法进行调整,我国金融业服务增加值将会呈现明显的增加。鉴于我国实现2008版SNA的核算方法尚存在障碍,本文提出改革我国中央银行服务产出核算的若干建议。  相似文献   

This paper studies the determinants of disclosure level in the accounting for financial instruments of Portuguese listed companies. An index of disclosure based on IAS 32 and IAS 39 requirements is computed for each company. The analysis includes variables that capture intrinsic features of Portuguese companies and institutional regulatory context, such as capital structure and characteristics of the corporate governance structure, within contingency theory. We could not find any significant influence of corporate governance structure or of financing structure. We conclude that the disclosure degree is significantly related to size, type of auditor, listing status and economic sector. This research reveals areas for improvement of Portuguese companies' reporting practices and suggests areas for intervention of the Portuguese capital markets regulator in the context of mandatory IAS after 2005.  相似文献   

Economic and financial markets interpenetrate and national economies are increasingly interdependent. This results in a growing need for comparability of accounting procedures internationally. Accounting for goodwill illustrates this phenomenon. By specifying the recommended asset treatment for purchased, positive goodwill, and the five-year amortization period, IASC has taken a significant step towards harmonization of goodwill accounting. As noted in the article, however, the implications for consolidated income may be quite drastic. This is especially so with respect to the implications of the revised IAS 22 (following IAS ED 32) for potential leveraged corporate buy-outs.  相似文献   

It is often suggested in the accounting literature that there was a distinct change in the methodology employed by accounting theorists/researchers around 1970. Nelson (1973) has referred to the 1960s as the 'golden age in the history of a priori research in accounting'. Since then, some have claimed a more scientific empirical methodology has been used. However, there are distinct similarities in the methodological presuppositions in both periods and it is argued in this paper that contemporary researchers have a debt to the 'golden age' theorists for introducing the requirement of a rigorous standard of argument for effective and reliable accounting knowledge.  相似文献   

新会计准则下影响套计职业判断的因素主要有:会计法律、法规;不同利益主体;企业经营环境;财务会计报告的质量要求;会计人员的素质与动机。提高会计人员业务素质;坚持诚信原则和遵守职业道德;坚持独立原则、合理权衡相关性原则;加强会计人员职业道德建设;进一步完善会计监管体系是确保会计人员正确运用职业判断的重要途径。  相似文献   

Joel Amernic  Russell Craig 《Abacus》2004,40(3):342-378
This article reflects critically on the general state of university-based accounting education. It highlights the chiding of business school educators by the President of the U.S.A., George W. Bush, in his response to the collapse of Enron and subsequent corporate failures. It draws attention to Bush's plea for corporate accounting to be moved 'out of the shadows'.
An agenda of reform for accounting education is proposed, seeking a greater responsiveness by accounting educators to three broad matters: first, the political, rhetorical and ideological nature of accounting; second, the 'poverty of discourse' in accounting curricula; and third, the merits of a better understanding of accounting history. It is suggested that responsiveness to these matters be manifest in a stronger commitment to critique of accounting. This entails implementation of four curriculum themes commencing in the first class in accounting. The benefits of reading and reflecting upon the collected life's work of distinguished intellectual forbears of our discipline are canvassed. Wide-ranging general proposals for the reform of accounting education are advanced.  相似文献   

The application of advanced digitization technologies to accounting and business archives has created new opportunities for accounting and business historians. The joint American Accounting Association and European Accounting Association Task Force (2006–2010) that examined digitization confirmed this. This paper explores these opportunities, along with some attendant challenges and cautions, with reference to the digitization of two significant archives located in Australia. The first is the archive of CPA Australia, a professional accounting association that has its beginnings in 1886 and which today has over 132,000 members. The second is the archive accumulated by the pre‐eminent accounting scholar Raymond Chambers during his long and extraordinarily productive tenure at the University of Sydney. Studies of surviving business records, biography and institutional history provide examples of scholarship that is enabled by digitization technology and which has the capacity to inform contemporary issues and debates.  相似文献   

Evidence from the archives of the U.K. Accounting Standards Committee (ASC) is used to trace the events leading to the withdrawal of the current cost accounting standard, SSAP 16, from 1980 to 1988. Three central issues are addressed. First, the ASC's role as a regulatory body is considered in the light of the failure to obtain compliance with SSAP 16 and to find an acceptable replacement. Second, the decline in support for SSAP 16 is explained in terms of changes in the economic environment. Third, the roles of different interest groups in the process are analysed.  相似文献   

公司治理涉及各种利益相关者责权利的划分和制衡。会计是连接权利和利益的纽带,会计信息质量在公司治理结构中扮演着重要的角色。公司治理中对各种利益相关者的约束与制衡机制需要以会计信息作保障。会计目标与公司治理目标具有内在的关联性,在我国公司目前所处的经济环境下,公司目标是影响公司治理结构的重要因素.会计法律制度的完善对我国公司治理具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

JULIE NORTON 《Abacus》1995,31(2):178-200
The purpose of this paper is to make a quantitative comparative analysis of differences between Australian financial reporting practices and U.S. GAAP. The empirical data consist of Form 20-F filings for thirteen Australian incorporated companies for the period 1985–93. Based on prior research, there is a test of the hypothesis that U.S. GAAP is more conservative than Australian financial reporting practice. The results of the empirical analysis offer little support for this hypothesis in the context of the reporting of profit. However, the hypothesis is supported for the reporting of shareholders’ equity. The most frequent and material differences in profits relate to asset measurement, equity consolidation and accounting for intangible assets. Generalizations relating to differences in shareholders’ equity are more difficult to make.  相似文献   

Discussion of the influence of culture on the international development and harmonization of accounting has focused primarily upon indigenous characteristics which are confined within national boundaries. But cultural inputs, such as religion, which transcend national boundaries, should not be overlooked. Islam is a particular case in point. Its principles commit Muslims to a definitive code of ethical commercial and personal behaviour affecting both the structuring and financing of business affairs between the faithful, and between Muslims and non-Muslims. Islam has the potential for influencing the structure, underlying concepts and the mechanisms of accounting in the Islamic world. Its potential for influencing accounting policy is illustrative of religion as a confounding element in the analysis of national idiosyncrasies in accounting practice and in deconstructing the impediments to international harmonization.  相似文献   

British students from lower socio-economic backgrounds are more likely to attend non-selective state schools and are therefore more likely to take a wider variety of A-level subjects including applied disciplines such as Accounting. This is attributed to the performative pressure subjected by school league tables that incentivise schools to encourage students to select subjects that will yield the highest grades. However, many leading universities have restricted the chances of applicants holding particular combinations of A-level subjects that, in some cases, include Accounting. Interviews held within a large English university reveal that few students are aware of such restrictions, whilst corresponding quantitative data indicates that students who enter university with two or more restricted A-level subjects perform no differently on average than other students. Those entering university with an Accounting A-level, however, perform, better in their first year but exhibit lower degree performance, on average, by the end of their studies.  相似文献   

The distinguishing characteristic of the double account system is the subdivision of the conventional balance sheet into a capital account and a revenue account, and it is the purpose of this paper to explain why it became the practice of railway companies to publish accounts in this form.  相似文献   

Laurence van Lent 《Abacus》1997,33(1):88-114
This article examines the political process of promulgating two controversial laws which pertain to the reporting of Dutch financial conglomerates. Central to the study is the exploration of the lobbying efforts observed during the process, and the interaction between the government, the supervisors of banks and insurance companies, the industry and its associations, and the users and auditors of annual reports of financial conglomerates. Previous studies in accounting-rule development have often ignored influences that do not fall within the formal regulatory procedures. By adopting an inductive research approach, this study explores in some detail the behaviour of participants, including their use of informal lobbying methods. Pluralist theory is used to explain the nature of the political process and the behaviour of interested parties. The findings indicate that the Dutch political process in accounting matters is indeed pluralistic. Although auditors and producers of accounts seem to have greater possibilities to participate, the users of corporate reports are able to voice their opinion effectively. Overall, the users' preferences were acknowledged in the final rules governing the reporting by financial conglomerates.  相似文献   

试论我国银行业风险的会计因素及其防范措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本从会计角度出发,分析我国国有商业银行会计核算不实、内部监督乏力、政策运用不当和社会监督机制不健全等银行业风险产生的因素,并从宏观和微观两个层面来探讨防落银行业风险的会计政策与措施。  相似文献   

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