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This study provides evidence regarding the level of ethical cognition of business students at the entry to college as compared to a national norm. It also provides comparative evidence on the effects of group versus individual ethical cognition upon completion of a business ethics course. The Principled Score (P-score) from the Defining Issues Test (DIT) was used to measure the ethical cognition of a total sample of 301 business students (273 entering students plus 28 students in a business ethics course). The results indicate that (1) business students are not significantly different from the national norms at entry to college and (2) group reasoning helps male students improve their P-scores significantly in the business ethics course at a loss of P-score (albeit not statistically significant) for female students.  相似文献   

This study examines the influence of ethics instruction, religiosity, and intelligence on cheating behavior. A sample of 230 upper level, undergraduate business students had the opportunity to increase their chances of winning money in an experimental situation by falsely reporting their task performance. In general, the results indicate that students who attended worship services more frequently were less likely to cheat than those who attended worship services less frequently, but that students who had taken a course in business ethics were no less likely to cheat than students who had not taken such a course. However, the results do indicate that the extent to which taking a business ethics course influenced cheating behavior was moderated by the religiosity and intelligence of the individual student. In particular, while students who were highly religious were unlikely to cheat whether or not they had taken a business ethics course, students who were not highly religious demonstrated less cheating if they had taken a business ethics course. In addition, the extent of cheating among highly intelligent students was significantly reduced if such students had taken a course in business ethics. Likewise, individuals who were highly intelligent displayed significantly less cheating if they were also highly religious. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a study of the effect of a business ethics course in enhancing the ability of students to recognize ethical issues. The findings show that compared to students who do not complete such a course, students enrolled in a business ethics course experience substantial improvement in that ability.  相似文献   

The authors investigate whether frequent in class exams can improve the performance of students in hybrid global business courses. An experiment was conducted in three hybrid sections of a global business course exposing students to short in class exams. The expectation of a short exam forces students to watch the online lectures and study the course material. By having more prepared students, the professor can devote class time to discussing international business issues. This results in significantly higher student performance. The performance of 182 students was examined and the results show significant improvements for all groups.  相似文献   

The study was prompted by (a) Frederick and Vogel's debate concerning future research in “business and society”, (b) such recently reported managerial excesses as golden parachutes, “greenmail”, and fraud, (c) the increasing emphasis on coursework in the area. It appears that there is a need to assess how students, our future business leaders, perceive social issues and if a “business and society” course can help them define and understand the importance of these issues. Three questions provided the focal point: (1) Which issues do students perceive as most important before and after completing the course? (2) How much importance do students place on issues? (3) Does completing a “business and society” course make a significant difference in how students perceive the importance of the issues presented? Students appeared to have already clearly defined priorities before entering the course as there was very little post-course reordering of priorities. However, they did display an increased perception of the importance of social issues. The study also indicated that a “business and society” course can contribute to an increased student awareness of the importance of social issues. Therefore, it was concluded that a “business and society” course can help students define and evaluate the importance of social issues.  相似文献   

罗衡军 《对外经贸》2021,(4):133-135
国际商务概论作为学生进入国际商务专业学习的第一门专业课,同时也是国际商务专业课的先修课程与基础课程,对于国际商务专业的重要性不言而喻,但国际商务概论存在着教材内容更新慢等不足,从优化师资团队、丰富教学内容、加强校企合作等三个方面提出了相应的改革方案。  相似文献   

In this study, we present evidence on the changes inethical cognition of business students over afour-year period. We use the Principled Score(P-score) of the Defining Issues Test to measure thischange. Specifically, we first compare the P-scores ofstudents at the entry to, halfway through, and shortlyafter graduation from a business school to analyze theeffect size of education on ethical cognition.Secondly, for a sample of students in an electivebusiness ethics course, we compare P-scores at thebeginning, and at the end of the semester to analyzethe effect size of specific intervention course onethical cognition.Prior studies in liberal arts fields have reportedhigh effect sizes from four-year college education onethical cognition, while a few studies have reportedonly moderate gains for business students. Consistentwith the liberal arts studies, our results indicatestatistically significant gains, and high effect sizesfor business students as well. Similarly, priorstudies have reported moderate gains in the P-scorefrom intervention courses in various fields. Ourresults indicate only low to moderate effect sizes forbusiness students. Importantly, while the gain waslow, and statistically insignificant for femalestudents, it was moderate, and highly significant formale students. Implications for education and researchare discussed.  相似文献   

An examination of ninety-nine syllabi for undergraduate courses in business ethics, collected by the Center for Business Ethics at Bentley College, reveals that half the courses are offered to freshmen and sophomores. Because of the fact that these students will have minimal knowledge of the functional areas of business firms, and because these courses rely heavily on case analysis, it is likely that the students in these courses are not able to deal effectively with the material in the course. Therefore, any expectation that the business ethics course will raise the students' ethical sensitivity when considering business problems or decisions is unrealistic.Dr. Pamental teaches Business, Government and Society and Business Ethics in Literature at Rhode Island College, and is a Research Fellow of the Center for Business Ethics at Bentley College. He has written extensively on the subject of business ethics and its relationship to business programs.  相似文献   

This exploratory research examines students' perceptions of a capstone business simulation game by identifying (a) courses that were most useful in preparing students for the simulation and (b) interpersonal skills students found most helpful when working with teammates on the simulation. Also identified are the simulation's impact on student understanding of business disciplines and additional interpersonal skills training desired by the students. By studying these later topics, faculty members can alter their course design so that students are better prepared for their capstone course simulation. Finally, connections between the simulation participation and attitudes toward employment and career success are explored.  相似文献   

International business education has as much value as a component of a liberal arts program as it has in a professional business program. At Bucknell University, resource constraints have demanded that an international business course serve a wide variety of students. This article describes the structure and content of such a course and the role it plays in both business and liberal arts curricula. This expanded concept of international business has implications for larger institutions as well as requiring that new research directions be pursued.  相似文献   

Seven hundred seventy-three questionnaires were completed by students enrolled in an undergraduate business administration program at a university in Victoria. The survey instrument was adapted from one used by Professor John Milton-Smith (1992) in his Australian Business Ethics Project. The results indicated that (a) students place importance on business ethics education, (b) students who have taken a business ethics course found that experience to be valuable, (c) students view ethical behavior as leading to positive outcomes for the corporation and (d) some measures are underway in Australian higher education and in the community at large to enhance learning in this area.  相似文献   

This article describes our team teaching of asemester long course in business ethics taught oneevening a week to mostly part-time MBA students. Wediscuss the differences and similarities in ourbackgrounds, disciplines, and preferred teachingstrategies. Our team teaching approach, thesubject matter, and teaching strategies are alsodiscussed. A typical session of the course is brieflydescribed. We discuss how student performance isevaluated. Finally, we provide some thoughts on teamteaching a business ethics course and briefly commenton our redesign of this business ethics course in afour Saturday schedule.  相似文献   

A number of states require or are considering the required teaching of consumer education in secondary schools. However, almost all previous research has found no difference in consumer economic competency between students who had taken a consumer education/economics course and students who had not taken the course. This research was conducted in a state that requires consumer education of all students to see if there was a change in competency level and attitudes toward business. Potential differences in types of courses used to meet the state requirements were also investigated. The basic finding is that students who took a course specifically designed to present consumer education topics did improve their consumer economics competency and developed a more positive attitude toward business.  相似文献   

As our world becomes more integrated, international business students should develop skills that match corporations' needs. Moreover, students need hands-on, problem-solving, team-based, critical-thinking skills that companies demand. Students need international business experience but many of them lack the funds or support to study or intern abroad. This article explains how one program developed a project-based course that addressed these skills by partnering with a local consulate office. It lays the framework for using a project-based course, explains the course's development, outlines the necessary and important skills addressed, and provides an agenda for other schools considering such a course.  相似文献   

Data about whether business ethics should be taught generally,whether it was included in the current class the students were taking, and how beneficialthat inclusion was are analyzed in relation to two general questions about the qualityof the course. The database is from a large U.S. MBA program in an institution thatis committed to integrating business ethics throughout the curriculum. Thegraduate students felt strongly that ethics should be taught in business classes. All five itemsunder study were significantly correlated with one another and a factor analysisidentified two major factors. Significant effects were found in student opiniondepending on whether the course was elective or core as well as the discipline of theclass. Areas for future research were suggested.  相似文献   

This pilot study measures levels of cross-cultural understanding and ethnocentricity of college students and tests the hypothesis that students exhibit increased levels of cross-cultural understanding and lower levels of ethnocentricity after taking a university course in international business. Two matched-demographic groups of students are surveyed, one before taking the course, and t l' e other following completion of the course. The findings indicate some tendency to change in ,a positive direction with increased exposure to international business issues. The study also uses a factor analytical approach to examine the underlyin structures of attitudes relating to cmss-cultural understanding andethnocentricity. In this respect, differences in cross-cultural understanding and ethnocentricity are found to exist among sub-groups of the research population, with women and cosmopolitans scoring higher in terms of cross-cultural understanding and lower in ethnocentric- . Practical implications and suggestions for further research are a '7 so offered.  相似文献   

Short-term study-abroad programs are gaining in popularity at business schools around the United States. We discuss the innovative 4-week program we have developed at Duquesne University where we offer two three-credit, required business core courses. In particular, we focus on the structure of a 2-week core supply chain management course. By analyzing student performance on a common final examination, we show that the study-abroad students attain the same level of mastery of the course material as students do over a semester-long course.  相似文献   


An Internet-based simulation about a business in an emerging economy is presented and described as a crucial ingredient for a business strategy course dealing with emerging economies. The development of the course took place in three separate classes where experiments were conducted regarding the key ingredients necessary for a course designed to teach Business Strategies for an Emerging Economy. The simulation, when coupled with today's dominant strategy paradigm, the Resource Based View, appears to yield a course design that attracts students while emphasizing the actual substance which is crucial in such a course.  相似文献   

Internationalizing the business administration curriculum has been an ongoing concern for educators. The experience in the United States appears to have encountered certain hurdles and international business education has not yet gone into full swing. On the other hand, for those countries which depend heavily on international business, the subject is generally regarded as important. Four different groups of students in Hong Kong were surveyed. The results show slight differences in their particular area of interest. The area and course rankings, in general, are similar to the findings of studies in North America. Hong Kong students are more interested in risk assessment topics. Based on the findings, various teaching strategies can be formulated. Students' attention can be drawn to relevant global developments and teaching materials can be updated accordingly. Emphasis within each course can also be adjusted each term in view of students' needs. Thus, in order to successfully internationalize a business program, both students,and instructors should be well-versed in global politics, in changes in economic situations and in major events happening in the world.  相似文献   

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