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Under World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute settlement, consistent trade policy rules are established through precedents. This study examines how these precedents are created by citations, including how the kinds of cases involved in previous decisions affect the citation frequency. We investigate three determinants of citation, namely, legal, economic, and political factors. The empirical analysis shows that cases having the following characteristics are more frequently cited: violations of WTO rules found, many claims of WTO rule violations, many third-party participants, and a heightened capacity of complainant country retaliation. These suggest that the case law on trade policy is not only generated through legal considerations but also reflects economically and politically sensitive cases, which the WTO may tend to follow in line with its previous decisions.  相似文献   

Voters often rely on partisan attachments as they evaluate new policy proposals, but does partisanship also color their interpretation of incumbent efforts to entrench themselves in power by changing the “basic rules of the political game”? We explore this question by taking advantage of a rare instance where a single party held a supermajority sufficient to unilaterally amend the constitution and overhaul the electoral system. We embedded a randomized experiment in a panel survey around the 2014 Hungarian elections, providing respondents with different information about recent changes to the Hungarian electoral rules. While respondents were largely pessimistic about the reforms, providing information yielded no significant effects on their views on the elections' legitimacy. But when information was presented alongside partisan cues, respondents became more negative in their views. Subgroup analysis shows that this effect is concentrated entirely among those not supporting the incumbent. Partisan differences in opinion dwarf any treatment effects we were able to induce. We provide evidence that these findings are unlikely the result of a well-informed populace. Rather, we provide the first experimental evidence that partisan-motivated reasoning applies not only to public policy under fixed institutions but also to changes to the institutional rules of a political system. Incumbents can exploit strong partisan attachments to reduce political competition.  相似文献   

In this study, we explore the specific question of the counter cyclicality of remittances in the euro area, namely, if they could be used to stabilize the business cycle and as an additional source of external financing. This research uses data for 13 euro area countries in the period 2004–2013. For whole of the sample, our two hypotheses concerning stabilization and external financing are rejected, but Lithuania and Greece are outliers. Remittances seem to have had a macroeconomic stabilizing effect on Lithuania and to have mitigated in part the liquidity problems that Greece has faced since the sovereign debt crisis.  相似文献   

We provide empirical evidence on banks’ responses to shocks in the wholesale funding market, using data of 181 euro area banks over the period from August 2007 to June 2013. Responses to funding liquidity shocks for both banks’ lending volumes and loan rates, to households and corporates, are analysed in a panel VAR framework. We thereby distinguish banks by country, extent of Eurosystem borrowing, bank size and capitalization. The results show that shocks in the securities and interbank markets have significant effects on loan rates and credit supply, particularly of banks in stressed countries of the periphery. The results also suggest that central bank liquidity has mitigated this effect on lending volumes. Lending to nonfinancial corporations is more sensitive to wholesale funding shocks than lending to households. Lending volumes of large banks that are typically more dependent on wholesale funding and banks with large exposure to sovereign bonds show stronger responses to wholesale funding shocks.  相似文献   

The validity of Okun’s law has been debated because of the increase in cyclicality in aggregate hours after 1985. To investigate this, I measure Okun’s coefficients in three phases of the business cycle – recession, early, and late expansions. I found that an increased coefficient for aggregate hours is due to the increased responsiveness of the employment rate during late expansions and to the increased responsiveness of hours per employee during early expansions. These findings question the flexible labor market hypothesis focusing on firms’ firing behaviors during recessions. Rather, working hours’ flexibility represents a more prominent feature of the post-1985 USA labor market.  相似文献   


This paper presents a simulation exercise on Sraffa's system under various types of technical changes to show that the direction of changes in prices of commodities is contingent on the choice of the numeraire. Thus, such a comparison of prices in two systems turns out to be meaningless. This result points to the arbitrary nature of the neoclassical supply functions, as they inevitably compare prices across several Sraffa systems on the basis of an arbitrarily chosen numeraire. We anticipated such a result from our reading of Sraffa as part of his ‘prelude to a critique of economic theory’.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether the market-making system helps to improve the price discovery ability of New Third Board (NTB) market in China. We first estimate the time-varying coefficients error correction models, then apply common factor weight method to quantify the time-varying price discovery contributions, and finally explore the impacts of trading volume and volatility to price discovery contributions. Empirical results show that both markets have time-varying characteristic in terms of the magnitudes and directions of the equilibrium price adjustment due to error correction term. The Shanghai Composite Index, SZSE Component Index, and SME Index are found to lead in price discovery, while NTB exhibits the leadership on the GEM Index. Volume and volatility have significant influence on the price discovery contribution. The NTB contribution is positively related to its own trading activity, negatively related to the trading activity of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets, while negatively correlated with the volatility of both markets. In comparison, trading activity of SZSE Component Index and volatility of GEM Index have the greatest negative impacts on the contribution of NTB market. As an important part of China’s multi-level capital market, the pricing mechanism of the NTB market needs further to be improved.  相似文献   

This paper looks at the insertion of China and India in the contested and highly legalised regime of intellectual property rights (IP). In doing so it pays particular attention at two dimensions, the internal adoption of this regime and external endorsement/contestation of international IP norms. Much has been written about whether emerging countries will challenge or support the maintenance of an open rules-based multilateral trade system. In this context, the differentiated integration of these two countries in the IP regime is notable. Domestically, China despite much criticism for widespread IP infringement has followed a maximalist interpretation of TRIPS. India, on the contrary has followed other emerging countries in pursuing a more critical, minimalist understanding. These positions have also been visible at the multilateral arena. This empirical finding runs contrary to the assumption that defiance results from market power. The divergence is the more surprising given a recent explosion of patent filings in both countries. From a political economy perspective, this should translate into support for stricter rules under TRIPS. In explanaining the two countries’ divertent insertion this paper looks beyond economic (market) power and domestic interests and underlines the role of ideational legacies, domestic interests and regulatory capacity. The paper thus stresses the need to look deep into domestic politics and ideational cleavages, as well as at their evolution over time, in order to better understand the international behaviour of emerging countries.  相似文献   

Experimental modes of attacking malaria via mosquitoes will be described and analysed.  相似文献   

We estimate monetary policy rules for six Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC) during the period when they prepared for membership to the EU and monetary union. By taking changes in the policy settings explicitly into account and by splitting up the exchange rate impact into two different components we significantly improve estimation results for monetary policy rules in CEEC. We uncover that the focus of the interest rate setting behaviour in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland explicitly switched from defending the peg to targeting inflation. For Slovakia, however, there still seemed to be on ongoing focus on the exchange rate. Finally, Slovenia and, after a policy switch, Romania exhibit a solid relation with inflation as well.  相似文献   

In this paper, we conduct choice experiments in Turkey and Ukraine on the valuation of a marine restoration programme in the Black Sea, to examine whether the value of environmental goods is sensitive to the source of public financing. We contribute to the debate on the optimal composition of public expenditure, an issue that can be controversial in times of financial crises. We discriminate between two funding regimes through the reallocation of public spending. The first proposes financing the marine restoration programme by reducing public expenditure for investments in renewable energy, and the second by reducing public expenditure for civil servants’ training. The results reveal that the marginal value of public money depends on the funding source. Furthermore, attribute values are sensitive to the trade-off implied by the funding scheme. The magnitude of the results differs in the two countries considered, because of their heterogeneity in political and cultural dimensions.  相似文献   

This paper looks into possible explanations for differences between Eastern and Western Europe alcohol consumption behaviour even twenty years after the collapse of the Soviet regime. It suggests these differences can be viewed as an expression of cultural habits. We explore different ways of defining exposure to the communist regime: using number of years a person spent under the regime and also a dummy indicator for spending formative years (18–25) in it. We find both to be strong factors in explaining alcohol consumption behaviour. We consider differences in frequency of alcohol consumption and binge drinking using European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) micro data from Eurostat. Estimations are run with ordered probit model for men and women separately. Evidence suggests a statistically significant effect of experiencing communist regimes, which is larger for women's alcohol consumption frequency than for men's. It is also the most important factor in explaining more frequent male binge drinking. These effects hold after controlling for socio-economic, country level and time characteristics. This suggests the attitudes towards alcohol consumption could be more permissive in the Eastern Bloc countries.  相似文献   

The paper presents the evolution of national disparities in Italy in a cyclical perspective, comparing GDP per capita growth rates in the Centre-North and South from 1892 to 2007. The aim is to evaluate the pro-cyclical pattern of macro-area divergences and to measure, with a non-parametric analysis, the degree of the Southern regions (Mezzogiorno) dependence on the whole country. A performance indicator for national growth is used to determine whether the South can be defined as a sheltered economy. Our results show that peripheral regions as a whole had different degrees of dynamism during the period considered and that the South can be defined as unequivocally sheltered only when national policies switched from industrialization and investments into simple transfers. In other periods, including recent times, national disparities do not show pro-cyclical patterns, supporting the conclusion that the Mezzogiorno has been exposed to market conditions and its economy has not always been dependent on external factors.  相似文献   

The ECB target is set in terms of the year on year growth rate of the euro area Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices. Nonetheless, a good deal of attention is given to national data by market analysts when they try to anticipate monetary policy moves. In this paper we use the Generalized Dynamic Factor Model to develop a set of core inflation indicators that, combining national data with area wide information, allow us to answer two related questions. The first is whether country specific data actually bear any relevance for the future path of area wide price growth, over and above that already contained in area wide data. The second is whether to track ECB monetary policy decisions it is useful to take into account national information and not only area wide statistics. Within our empirical framework we find that once area wide information is properly taken into account the contribution of national idiosyncratic developments is negligible.  相似文献   

Regulators, commercial and investment banks, hedge funds and rating agencies have all borne some blame for the current global financial crisis, but could central banks have done more? It is argued in the lecture that in a number of ways central banks should have paid more attention to asset bubbles, which have high output costs. Asset prices, especially housing prices, should be identified as an explicit factor in the consideration of policy. More generally, central banks should adopt policies that ‘lean against the wind’.  相似文献   

"This article uses the 1970, 1980, and 1990 Public Use Samples of the U.S. census to document what happened to immigrant earnings in the 1980s and to determine if pre-1980 immigrant flows reached earnings parity with natives. The relative entry wage of successive immigrant cohorts declined by 9% in the 1970s and by an additional 6% in the 1980s. Although the relative wage of immigrants grows by 10% during the first 2 decades after arrival, recent immigrants will earn 15%-20% less than natives throughout much of their working lives."  相似文献   

《European Economic Review》2001,45(4-6):875-889
This paper provides a comparison of the incidence and composition of female employment both in the EU and in the US. Despite a significant increase in female labour market participation in the EU, about 50% of the difference between the employment rates in the US and the EU can still be attributed to differences in the educational attainments and the employment rates of women aged 25–54. We highlight the main features of female employment in both areas, paying particular attention to the differences across age cohorts and educational levels. Our main findings are as follows: (i) the educational level of the EU female population is slowly converging to that of the US across age cohorts, (ii) the employment rates of less educated women are much lower in the EU than in the US (with the exceptions of the Scandinavian countries) even for women aged 25–34, and (iii) occupational segregation is lower for the younger highly educated women who seem to be entering more typically male occupations and less typically female occupations, although at a higher rate in the US than in the EU.  相似文献   

The (physical) output adjustment model and the price adjustment model are presented. By the two models we quantitatively analyze the influences of alterations of one sectoral (physical) gross output and of one sectoral price on another sectoral (physical) gross output and on another sectoral price, respectively. Hence, a basic nature of the Ghosh inverse and a fundamental character of the monetary Leontief inverse are obtained. The proposition that a matrix of intermediate output (input) coefficients alters if the vector of output (price) adjustment coefficients is nontrivial holds, if and only if this matrix is C-irreducible. It is impossible that (i) the adaptation of output system causes all sectoral final output rates (or input multipliers) either to rise or to fall collectively, or (ii) an adjustment of price system causes all sectoral value-added rates (or output multipliers) either to increase or to decrease jointly. However, maybe (i) a change of output system enables some sectoral final output rates (or input multipliers) to rise (fall) and all others to be constant, and (ii) an alteration of price system enables some sectoral value-added rates (or output multipliers) to increase (decrease) and all others to be fixed, whose necessary and sufficient condition is that the matrix of intermediate output (or input) coefficients has at least one non-final (or non-initial) class. The proposition that the vector of final output rates (or input multipliers) changes if the vector of output adjustment coefficients is nontrivial is true, if and only if the matrix of intermediate output coefficients has only one final class. The proposition that the vector of value-added rates (or output multipliers) alters if the vector of price adjustment coefficients is nontrivial holds, if and only if the matrix of intermediate input coefficients has only one initial class. The necessary and sufficient conditions and the matching economic explanations for possibility and uniqueness of the economic adjustment that enables (i) all sectors to have a uniform final output rate (or input multiplier), and (ii) all sectors to have the same value-added rate (or output multiplier) are respectively given. I would like to thank an anonymous referee for helpful comments and suggestions.  相似文献   

Sizable prevailing real economic disparities among countries in a currency union potentially involve costs for those countries for which the aggregate policy stance is not appropriate. This paper contributes to the literature by testing for productivity convergence among euro area countries. While no convergence can be found on the aggregate level, selected service sectors and manufacturing sub-industries indicate evidence of convergence. In a search for factors influencing productivity, investments in research and development as well as a high skill level of employees are shown to be beneficial, whereas regulations constitute a burden.  相似文献   

Previous literature on the link between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and financial performance has focused mainly on the financial implications of a firm’s level of CSR without considering the potential effects on financial performance of variations in CSR rating. We try to fill this gap by studying whether variations in a firm’s CSR rating affect systematic risk, firm value, and portfolio performance. First, our results show that an increase in firms’ CSR efforts, as reflected by an increase in their CSR ratings, significantly reduces systematic risk. Second, a positive variation in CSR ratings significantly improves firm value. Finally, from a portfolio perspective, a strategy that consists of buying stocks that have experienced a CSR ratings increase and selling stocks that have experienced a CSR ratings decrease (or remain stable) leads to lower financial performance. Taken together, our findings provide new evidence and financial implications for firms and portfolio managers.  相似文献   

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