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We analyze the problem of eliminating an inefficient regulation, such as protection, in a dynamic model in which there is
incomplete information and unanimous approval from all parties involved is necessary. Existing firms have heterogeneous cost,
and efficiency requires some of them to shut down when the inefficient regulation is eliminated. The government can set up
a revelation mechanism, giving subsidies and requiring firms to exit the market at a given time depending on the information
collected. Under full commitment the optimal policy prescribes that some inefficient firms remain active and are subsidized.
The optimal policy takes a simple form, with at most two times at which the firms are allowed to exit.
We are very grateful to Matt Mitchell whose comments substantially improved the paper. 相似文献
Ivan T. Kandilov Aslı Leblebicioğlu Ruchita Manghnani 《Applied economics letters》2017,24(14):1031-1034
We analyse the impact of deregulatory reforms in India during the 1990s, which eliminated compulsory industrial licensing, on manufacturing firms’ investment decisions. We find an economically and statistically significant positive effect of delicensing on investment. We also show that firms in states with better credit conditions benefitted more from the removal of licences. Moreover, our analysis demonstrates that the increase in investment was predominantly driven by smaller firms. 相似文献
Thomas Orwell Armstrong Michael L. Goetz 《Economics of Innovation and New Technology》2013,22(6):559-572
This paper estimates regulated and poientially deregulated costs of production for a multiproduct electric utility industry. The empirical evidence suggests technological regression with respect to costs in both regulated and deregulated environments. Analysis of factor cost shares indicates that technological change in a deregulated environment is expected to be less apital saving than technological change in the regulated environment. In addition, this study finds that overall diseconomies of scale may be nduced over time and to a greater extentunder deregulation than under regulation. Also, cost complementarities may be enhancedover time, but to a lesser extent under deregulation. Hence. tendencies toward natural monop oly may be increased or decreased by deregulation, and advancing deregulation may or may not be an appropriate policy. 相似文献
This paper analyzes the impact of deregulation in an energy market on R&D activities for new energy technology when climate policy is implemented. A model of growth with vertical innovation is modified by including an oligopolistic energy supply sector for demonstrating to what extent deregulation in the energy supply sector will affect R&D activities for low-carbon energy technology, provided that carbon taxation is implemented. The analysis shows that, when the elasticity of substitution between input factors is less than unity, deregulation will drive energy R&D activities and reduce CO2 accumulation if the energy market is highly concentrated in the beginning. 相似文献
对我国中部粮食主产区农民售粮情况的实地调研显示:当前农民售粮行为正发生显著改变,由单纯注重价格向统筹考虑售粮价格、便利性及机会成本等转变,且不同规模、不同性质的农户售粮方式开始分化。农民售粮方式和节奏的变化,已经对粮食市场流通主体经营行为、粮食市场稳定、国家宏观调控等产生明显影响。因此,亟需引导农民形成合理价格预期,支持农户科学储粮,完善托市调控政策等,发挥好农户储粮分期销售对促进农民种粮增收、服务国家宏观调控、维护粮食市场稳定的协同作用。 相似文献
It is widely held that the social-economic context of the US,characterised by labour market flexibility and deregulationof product and capital markets, lies at the basis of the innovativecapacity displayed by the country's productive system in the1990s, thus accounting for the growth differential with Europe.Starting from a different interpretative model of innovationand growth, the paper focuses on both supply (institutionaland technological) and demand factors. It is argued that, whentheir interaction is taken into account, there is no strongevidence that more deregulated labour and product markets areamong the factors allowing for US growth. In accordance withthe view that there is no single road to innovation and growth,this leaves room for the exploration and implementation of policiesthat might reconcile innovation and growth with safeguards suchas those provided by Europe's social institutions. 相似文献
我国进口粮食的风险评价 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文根据工业过程的一般规律,利用比较优势理论,分析了当前阶段扩在粮食进口是提高我国经济福利水平的内在需求,而加篱世贸组织是扩大粮食进口的外部推动力量,在此基础上,重点讨论了粮食进口的经济风险和政治风险,并给出了风险评价的量化指标。 相似文献
通货膨胀状态下我国粮食价格波动对生产者的影响研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通货膨胀状态下粮食价格波动对农业生产者的影响,一方面是粮食价格波动对农民粮食收入的直接影响,另一方面是由于物价普涨而导致的农民生活成本、生产成本增中所产生的影响。通货膨胀状态下,粮食价格上涨并不能保证农民收入同步增长,可能会导致农民收入增长、也可能导致下降、或不变。考虑到生产成本与生活成本的提高,在通货膨胀状态下,尽管农产品价格上涨农业生产者获得了部分利润,但由于物价的普遍上涨导致农业生产者的生活成本与生产成本的增加,农业生产者的相对收益是下降的,实际生活水平也是下降的;由于农业领域的特殊性,农业生产者不能自由的进入或退出农业领域,农业生产者被动的承担着农业生产的自然、市场双重风险;由于农业领域的生产要素的流动性较差,市场机制的作用在农业领域部分失灵,市场的风险农业生产者不能通过市场机制自发调节,因此通货膨胀状态下农民的利益只有靠政府的政策来保证。 相似文献
文章运用1983~2005年我国粮食生产的有关数据,选取粮食播种面积和粮食单产这两个最主要的指标对我国粮食综合生产能力进行分析,认为我国粮食生产仍处于规模收益递增阶段,单产是影响我国粮食综合生产能力最主要的因素,其次是粮食播种面积,农业的抗灾能力对粮食生产的影响不显著.因此,提高我国粮食综合生产能力最根本的途径是加大对粮食生产的投入,依靠科技提高单产水平,提高粮食复种指数,同时加强农业抗灾能力建设. 相似文献
中国现行的粮食储备调节制度存在若干不足,如库存大、成本高、储备体系不健全、调控能力不强等,完善储备粮吞吐 机制,进一步健全中央和地方两级粮食储备,完善粮食风险基金的运行机制,是实现中国的粮食储备调节制度的调节功能的有 效措施。 相似文献
主要就城市轨道交通项目运营阶段环境价值的有关问题展开论述。当前,中国的城市轨道交通开工项目多、建设速度快,但是,运营亏损仍是困扰政府当局的最大难题。通过生命周期中运营阶段环境价值分析,提出可以用城市轨道交通项目产生的环境价值弥补部分运营亏损,这样符合帕累托最优原理,降低环境污染并提高城市整体交通体系的效率。文章的主要贡献在于提供了一种城市轨道交通项目运营阶段环境价值的整体分析方法并使其有利于运营亏损问题的解决。 相似文献
我国粮食安全与耕地保护 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
一些学者认为,粮食产量低于一定的数量,就意味着出现了粮食安全问题或者存在粮食危机;播种面积低于一定的数量,意味着中国出现了粮食安全问题.但本文认为,建国以来的数次粮食价格上涨,与耕地面积没有直接关系.通过计量分析发现,影响粮食产量的主要因素是价格、政策、投入等因素,而非耕地面积.不能简单地将粮食产量与播种面积或者耕地面积挂钩,不能认为保有了一定的耕地面积或保证了一定的播种面积就必然保障一定数量的粮食产量. 相似文献
论农业资源高效利用与粮食生产可持续发展 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
本文从理论上分析了农业资源利用方式与粮食生产关系密切,论述了当前我国农业资源利用与粮食生产的现状,提出了应协调资源效益、经济效益与生态效益关系,巩固粮食生产基础等相应对策。 相似文献
对我国农村居民粮食直接消费的历史特征和随收入变动的阶段性作了模型描述,利用筛选出的有效模型对人均粮食需求量进行了长期预测。结合我国人口自然增长率和未来城镇化的变化因素,论文也得到了我国农村居民粮食直接消费的长期预测总量。本文的结论是,随着生活水平的提高和食物结构的丰富,农民人均粮食直接需求量会不断下降,至2015年前后达到稳定,农村人口的不断减少也会导致农村粮食需求总量减少。 相似文献
粮食安全是人类社会存在和发展的基本保障,粮食流通是粮食安全目标得以实现的重要一环。文章选择20世纪二、三十年代这一特定历史时期,考察了在世界市场体系框架下长江中下游地区粮食流通状况,对粮食的流向、流量和流通费用进行了较为细致的研究分析,认为粮食流通成本过高对当时的粮食安全产生了较大的负面效用。它造成了粮价的大幅波动,因赈艰不能及时运到也大大影响赈灾救荒的效果。同时,还导致国产米谷与洋米麦的竞争失败,使得粮食产区相对过剩而引发“谷贱伤农”,给粮食安全带来长期的隐患。 相似文献
粮食与人类生存、人体健康、经济发展、社会安定密切相关,在人类历史和社会进步中占有十分重要的地位。本文从理论与实践两个方面入手,论述了中国粮食可持续发展的问题,根据粮食发展在国民经济中的地位与作用,系统分析了国内外粮食发展现状与存在的突出问题,对国内外粮食的发展进行完整与深刻的总结,并采取立体与动态的方法,针对中国的实际情况,提出了粮食持续、稳定、健康发展的对策 相似文献