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陈学林 《经济研究导刊》2010,(3):157-158,163
国际技术许可是国际技术贸易中使用最广泛的一种重要形式。为了使国际技术许可项目在策划准备阶段不埋隐患,有必要注意控制相关风险因素。技术许可合同有其自身的特点,其最大特征是客体为技术使用权的许可,有较长的期限性、不可随意转移性、地域性、技术的相对滞后性等特征。从其前期风险控制方面讲,风险环节涉及许可方的选择、许可形式的选择、技术的选择、法律顾问及早介入、出口许可证、技术许可合同谈判团队、翻译人员选择等。这些风险中的大多数,可以通过采取适当措施予以控制或减小。  相似文献   

界定了技术垄断的概念并区分了市场垄断和技术产权。以技术存在形式视角分析了技术垄断的形成和结构,以及技术垄断的外在表现,并研究了在市场经济体制下影响技术市场垄断程度的因素。提出了技术的市场垄断程度的评价体系和计算方法,并将市场中技术垄断组织作为一个系统,分析技术创新投入和技术市场垄断程度之间的关系。分析了技术垄断的周期,并从中得出了技术垄断竞争力的构成,推出产业技术联盟的技术垄断竞争力内涵。  相似文献   

We investigate the welfare effect of international technology transfer in a quality model. A foreign innovator with a new quality product can license its innovation to the domestic firm(s) via a fixed fee. Findings show that the foreign innovator will license exclusively to the high‐quality firm under Bertrand competition, whereas it may exclusively license to the high‐quality firm, the low‐quality firm, or non‐exclusively to both firms under Cournot competition. Non‐exclusive licensing is necessarily welfare‐enhancing whereas exclusive licensing is welfare‐reducing if the quality of the new technology is not sufficiently superior to that of the domestic ones.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the situation in which a national government introduces environmental regulations. Within the framework of an international duopoly with environmental regulations, an environmental tax imposed by the government in the home country can induce a foreign firm with advanced abatement technology to license it to a domestic firm without this technology. Furthermore, when the domestic firm's production technology is less efficient than that of the foreign firm, the foreign firm may freely reveal its technology to the domestic firm. These improvements through the voluntary transfer of technology imply that environmental regulations have positive impacts on innovation.  相似文献   

地方专业化、技术进步和产业升级:来自长三角的证据   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
以长三角制造业为对象,利用长三角区域内16个城市1998-2003年的相关数据进行的分析和计算表明:地方专业化能促进产业从劳动密集型向资本密集型升级,推动行业的技术进步;地方专业化行业的技术进步增长率和技术对经济的贡献率都明显高于非地方专业化行业,地方专业化有弱化垄断而强化竞争的倾向。  相似文献   

刘群  梁福铖 《技术经济》2022,41(9):83-94
平台经济是连接多个用户群体进行信息与资源交换的新型商业模式,近年来其垄断形势愈演愈烈,对现有监管模式和反垄断研究理论提出了新的挑战。文章利用Citespace V科学计量工具,对2003—2022年中国知网数据库中中文社会科学引文索引(CSSCI)来源期刊的平台经济反垄断研究进行知识图谱可视化研究,在探究该领域的研究热点演化路径的基础上,构建了平台经济反垄断的理论框架。研究发现,平台经济反垄断研究主题经历了从传统双边产业反垄断与反垄断法构建,到双边市场特征与相关市场界定问题,到算法、大数据引发的垄断治理困境,再到超级平台形成、“二选一”独占交易协议4个阶段的演变。总的来看,平台经济反垄断理论框架由垄断形成机理、垄断演进趋势和反垄断规制体系三个部分组成。平台经济的规模效应、网络效应和锁定效应三种特征诱致垄断发生,垄断竞争理论、双边市场理论和产业组织理论是这一问题的重要研究视角;在技术与规模驱动下,平台经济呈现“厂商垄断-平台垄断-场域垄断”的主体变迁和“价格垄断-算法垄断-数据垄断”的形式升级;对此,应当构建价格监管、算法规制与数据治理相结合的综合规制体系。  相似文献   

市场结构与技术创新——以美国AT&T公司的拆分为例   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
本文以美国AT&T的拆分为模型案例 ,探讨和分析垄断与竞争 ,哪种市场结构更有利于企业的技术创新。本文的模型和实证的结果表明 ,在分割之前公司规模和研发之间存在显著的正相关 ,这说明规模在电信业中依然具有优势。本文的重点在于揭示出效率 (由TFP来衡量 )和竞争的关系 ,因此 ,本研究的一个更为重要的结果是 :TFP与研发之间在分割前是完全不相关 ,分割后却强烈正相关。这一结果表明 ,从受保护的垄断地位转移到竞争性的垄断迫使AT&T提高研发投资 ,以保持其竞争优势。  相似文献   

The literature on piracy has questioned the role of regulatory enforcement in the form of monitoring in deterring piracy. This article shows that for a wide range of penalty levels the equilibrium monitoring rate is such that it is optimal for the copyright holder to prevent piracy by expanding his output beyond the monopoly output level rather than producing the monopoly output level and investing in an anticopying technology. This result holds even when the monitoring cost is “sufficiently” high relative to the cost of investing in anti-copying technology.  相似文献   

从寡头垄断市场特点入手,在已有文献的基础上,分析了适合寡头垄断市场的技术创业路径。以襄阳博亚机械有限公司为例,探析了切入寡头垄断市场的技术引领型进口替代技术创业路径,并系统讨论了影响其创业成功的关键因素。  相似文献   

大学所属的技术转移公司是英国技术转移中介机构中最重要的一类机构,在促进英国大学技术转移中发挥了重要作用。以曼彻斯特大学的知识产权管理公司(UMIP)为例,对其业务范围、团队构成、主要技术转移模式和支持方式进行了详细的介绍。UMIP技术转移的模式主要为技术驱动型和需求导向型两种。除一般性支持外,UMIP还通过PoP基金对项目进行早期支持,同时为派生公司提供早期风险资金支持。英国大学技术转移工作的模式和方法带给我们的启示是:大学应成为技术转移的重要力量,专业化的技术转移人员是技术转移中介机构成功的重要保证,专利许可不是技术转移的唯一模式,也不是主要模式,大学要为所属技术转移机构提供政策和基金支持等。  相似文献   

Entry into the taxi industry involves few risks. Entrants have lower costs than the incumbents, sunk costs are small, and modern technology makes it easy to hail a cab using the Internet. Despite large scale entry and low barriers to entry, monopoly power persists. The persistence of monopoly power illustrates that new technologies may not quickly eviscerate monopoly power.  相似文献   

The Cost Structure of Australian Telecommunications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Since 1991 Australian telecommunications has undergone substantial reform. To a large extent, the economic correctness of pro-competitive policy depends on the non-existence of natural monopoly technology. This paper provides estimates of the Australian telecommunications system cost structure, and tests for subadditivity from 1943 to 1991. Additivity of the cost function after 1945 rejects the natural monopoly hypothesis and supports recent government policy. Diminished natural monopoly characteristics suggest that co-ordination between firms through networking can achieve similar economies as internal co-ordination within a monopoly. This finding is important, given the trend towards network unbundling, and service provision through interconnection.  相似文献   

Licensing a new product with non-linear contracts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract .  This paper looks at a situation where a licensor owns a patent on a technology that allows the production of a new good. The licensor seeks to license its innovation to a set of producers that differ according to their marginal cost of producing an existing good. We show that the licensor is able to obtain the profit a monopolist would achieve by producing the new good. The equilibrium licensing contract specifies both a fixed fee and a royalty scheme based on the production of a licensee.  相似文献   

Genetically modified (GM) wheat is an example of an irreversible technology that will cause environmental and market externalities. The optimal time to license this irreversible technology is examined using real options theory. Given the likely spread of the GM wheat genetics in the environment, the decision to license and adopt GM wheat will increase future herbicide costs for both adopters and nonadopters. Also, without the ability to segregate GM and non-GM varieties, the market price of wheat is reduced for all producers. This creates a licensing dilemma due to the "lemon" characteristics of the new technology. (JEL Q18 , D62 )  相似文献   

本文基于Stackelberg双头垄断竞争模型,分析比较了质量提高型创新技术拥有企业的技术授权策略和企业兼并。研究结果表明:不论技术拥有企业是市场先行者还是跟随者,其总是偏向于企业兼并,而不会选择固定费用授权方式;如果政府禁止企业的兼并行为,那么当技术拥有企业在市场中是产量跟随者时,其愿意以提成许可方式进行技术授权;从社会福利角度考虑,技术授权可提高社会福利,而企业兼并一般不利于社会福利的提高,只有当创新技术拥有企业是Stackelberg竞争结构中的产量跟随者且其创新规模较大时,企业兼并才可提高社会福利。  相似文献   

在我国专利与科技奖励双轨制之下,专利奖励是在专利授权基础上的奖励,其实质是一种科技行政奖励。在实体上它要服从科技奖励的规律,在程序上必须遵循行政奖励程序。对专利奖励的法律规制,最根本是要通过立法的完善,包括完善专利奖励的一般的原则性规定,明确有关专利奖励条件、范围、标准等关于奖励结构的实体性规定,最后是从程序法的角度对专利奖励程序和法律救济进行规制。  相似文献   

自然垄断产业具有特殊性质,在国民经济中具有举足轻重的作用。传统自然垄断理论和现代自然垄断理论对自然垄断产业有着不同的看法,两者判断自然垄断的标准分别是规模经济和成本弱增性。自然垄断理论的演进过程表明自然垄断产业的运作方式已经发生了改变。为了适应中国自然垄断产业的进一步发展,政府必须转变职能并实行政企分开,积极引入民间资本以推动自然垄断行业发展。  相似文献   

Treatment of Mobile Phone Licenses in the National Accounts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper addresses the question of how to record mobile phone license payments in the national accounts. It concludes that there are usually two assets involved with mobile phone licenses: the spectrum, which is owned by the government, and the license, which is an intangible nonproduced asset sold by the government to the licenseholder. The values of these two assets are linked complementarily. A set of indicators is proposed that jointly may help judging whether the license or lease arrangement constitutes an asset in its own right or not. Alternative treatments of recording the license payments such as sale of the spectrum itself, other taxes on production, production of a service, or rent, are considered and rejected. Methods of amortization of the license over its life are considered.  相似文献   

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