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公共环境政策涉及千家万户,关乎每一位公众的切身利益。"限塑令"实施已满十周年,十年间关于"限塑令"实施成效的争议不断。"限塑令"实施遇阻固然是新老问题叠加所致,但背后所折射出的公共环境政策困境却不容忽视。在总结回顾"限塑令"实施十年成效的基础上,深入剖析"限塑令"实施遇阻所折射出的我国公共环境政策困境,主要包括政府主导型环境管理模式面临"三重失灵"、有偿使用制度设计存在明显弊端、执行监管机制设计存在明显弊端,进而从完善公共环境政策制定和实施体制、完善公共环境政策中的有偿使用制度、提高生态环境监管的精度和准度、加强公共环境政策执行主体建设这四个层面提出破解我国公共环境政策困境的建议。  相似文献   

对"限塑令"政策效应的分析与延伸思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自2008年6月1日起,我国的商品零售场所施行塑料购物袋有偿使用制度,这是治理白色污染、倡导生态文明和推进节能减排工作的重要举措,同时也是构建资源节约型,环境友好型社会的重要政策支撑.文章根据污染者支付原则,结合产品收费等环境经济手段分析了"限塑令"的政策效应,并对其阶段性实施效果进行了初步评价,指出了法令执行过程中反映出的企业社会责任缺失、缺少有效替代品等主要问题,在此基础上提出了建立政府、企业和公众多方合作机制等相关建议措施,以实现提高公众环保意识、建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会的良好政策初衷.  相似文献   

文章对国内外理论界、实业界对利益相关者治理中责任分担的研究进行综述,并根据董事会制度变迁的路径及特点,将当前国外领先企业的董事责任分担机制进行分类及归纳,得出当前可供选择的企业责任董事会分担机制及不同的决策、实施模式。结合中国现实制度环境、企业特点,提出中国可行的企业责任董事会分担机制,并针对董事会中股东、职工、其他利益相关者代表如何承担责任等进行了详细论述。  相似文献   

公共政策是对社会价值的权威性分配,公共政策的过程就是一个利益重新分配的过程,公共政策制定需要公正、公平,才能实现社会公共利益的有效配置,社会才能和谐发展.在公共政策的制定过程中,政府应该是社会公共利益的代表者、实现者和维护者.相对于政策制定者而言,政策的执行者和政策实施对象处于从属地位,是被动的接受和实行政策.他们都会为了自己的利益而想方设法地抵制政策的实施,甚至为了某种利益而结成联盟.这就要求政府要建立市场化、透明化、民主化的责任政府,建立和完善各利益群体的利益表达机制和利益协调机制.  相似文献   

在阐述战略性贸易政策的含义和实施条件的基础上,结合中国制造业发展的现状,指出为了维护自身的经济利益,促进产业升级,中国应该充分发挥对国际贸易进行干预和指导的作用,实施强硬的和适当的战略性贸易政策,并提出实践中的具体措施.  相似文献   

本文认为央行可采用的软硬兼施策略为:若公众配合央行政策,央行实施温和政策;若公众不配合央行政策,央行实施严厉政策。这一策略反映了央行政策对公众对策的反应规则,弥补了传统政策规则的不足。本文把这一策略理论化和模型化,提出了第二种时间不一致性和央行的第二种声誉,进而构造了不对称收益囚徒困境博弈模型,分析了央行政策与公众对策互动关系的利益机制。本文证明了若采用这一策略,在不完全信息条件下,在有限期重复博弈时,该模型可以产生合作行为。由此,我们得出一种能促使公众配合央行政策的新理论。  相似文献   

公共政策价值分析为两个层次。第一层次:政府一公共政策,其中主体是政府,客体是公共政策。政策之于政府的意义和效用在于它的实施推行过程中使政府得到满意的利益分配;第二层次:公共政策一群众,其中主体是公共政策,客体是群众。群众之于政策的意义和效用在于,群众中社会公共问题在公共政策的指引和推行中得以解决。就公共政策的价值而言,赋予公共政策利益优先的价值取向,在利益优先的前提下,选择、分配、综合和落实利益,最终达到平衡利益,解决公众问题。以利益为基础的公共政策价值分析无疑揭示了公共政策的本质,也为公共政策价值判断建立了一个客观参照系,为政府行为的良性循环引领方向。  相似文献   

“工具”理性下的公众参与地方政府绩效管理已无法满足多元价值背景下的地方政府治理需求,亟须通过公共价值修正。本文通过溯源公众参与地方政府绩效管理中的“工具”异化,阐述了由于价值失位导致的当前公众参与困境,认为需要进一步明确公众参与地方政府绩效管理中公共价值的基础地位。对此,通过建构公共价值导向下的公众参与地方政府绩效管理框架,进一步明确政治领导、公共价值与绩效实践三要素之间的关系,探讨作为价值载体的公众参与地方政府绩效管理实践中公共价值的“表达——实现——创造”过程,为地方政府绩效管理改革提供参考。  相似文献   

近年来,英国加强了国家养老金的再分配职能,推出公私合作的养老金个人账户、提高养老金领取年龄和实施单一养老金改革等举措,重新塑造了国家养老金体制,实现了养老金责任分担,解决了养老金贫困问题,同时简化制度安排,其做法对我国完善养老保险制度有积极意义。我国应探索有效的多支柱养老金体系,明确政府、雇主与个人的养老金责任分担,整合养老金制度,实施渐进式延迟退休年龄政策。  相似文献   

政府实施经济管制政策的目标是什么?这是迄今为止研究管制的政治经济学要回答的核心问题,也是任何经济管制理论研究的逻辑起点。本文遵从公众利益论和集团利益论两大理论脉络,对西方学者在这一领域的研究成果进行了细致的梳理、归纳和点评,由此形成该领域理论研究的总体性认识框架。  相似文献   

塑料袋的过度使用造成了巨大的资源浪费和环境问题,我国于2008年6月1日正式开始实施限塑令。限塑令的实施标志着塑料袋的使用和管理进入规范时代。然而,限塑政策的不完善和限塑令本身的执行和监管都还未能到位,造成集贸市场、小型商场的限塑情况不够理想,人们的环保意识和使用习惯尚未稳固地建立。文章通过分析限塑令的实施现状,尝试探寻完善限塑令的对策,以期能为下一步的限塑行动提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Policy makers in many countries have perceived plastic-bag litter as a problem, and have used a variety of regulatory tools to address it. South Africa's current legislation on plastic-bags came into effect on 7 May 2003. It increased the thickness of the plastic used, charged a small levy and required that bags be sold rather than distributed gratis. These regulations sharply reduced consumption of plastic bags in the short term, but unlike the Irish and Danish levies have failed to curb their use meaningfully in the long run. It is suggested that the initial sharp fall in use of bags was a result of loss aversion rooted in an endowment effect (the bags having long been a free good). Once consumers became accustomed to paying for bags, demand slowly rose to its historic levels.  相似文献   

The most popular tax in Europe? Lessons from the Irish plastic bags levy   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
There have been occasional ad hoc efforts to influence consumer behaviour by the imposition of product taxes that reflect external costs imposed by such products that are not initially included in their price. In the spirit of this idea, in 2002 Ireland introduced a 15 Euro cent tax on plastic shopping bags, previously provided free of charge to customers at points of sale. The effect of the tax on the use of plastic bags in retail outlets has been dramatic—a reduction in use in the order of 90%, and an associated gain in the form of reduced littering and negative landscape effects. Costs of administration have been very low, amounting to about 3% of revenues, because it was possible to integrate reporting and collection into existing Value Added Tax reporting systems. Response from the main stakeholders: the public and the retail industry, has been overwhelmingly positive. Central to this acceptance has been a policy of extensive consultation with these stakeholders. The fact that a product tax can influence consumer behaviour significantly will be of interest to many policymakers in this area. This paper analyses the plastic bag levy success story and provides insights and general guidelines for other jurisdictions planning similar proposals.
Simon McDonnellEmail:

This paper presents an empirical study of how three waste management policies have affected residential waste generation and recycling behavior in Taiwan over the past decade. The three policies are unit-pricing of garbage in Taipei, a mandatory recycling program in Kaohsiung, and a nationwide policy of charging for plastic bags. We estimate policy effects on total waste, total recycling, and recycling of four specific materials, all measured by weight per capita. Unlike prior work, we find that unit-pricing and mandatory recycling policies lead to significant increases in recycling of most materials, as well as increased levels of total recycling and garbage reduction. The “plastic bag” policy is generally found to lower material-specific and total recycling rates, as well as total garbage volumes.  相似文献   

绿色消费理念在世界范围内被越来越多的人所接受,可是在我国却做得还不够.本文试图以国内外塑料袋的使用为例,阐述推广绿色消费的迫切性与重要性,并借鉴各国政府对于使用塑料袋的管制措施,倡导消费者从身边的小事做起,少用塑料袋,以保护我们日渐沉重的地球.  相似文献   

A model is introduced to answer three questions pertaining to site-specific nutrient management in production of orchard crops: which input factors of crop production are limiting yield; what action should be taken to remove the limiting factors; and what is the potential gain in revenue from taking the action. Our model captures the essence of the law of the minimum in that yield and revenue increase only if the limiting nutrients are adjusted. An example of pear trees shows how to implement the method.  相似文献   

Gibrat's law is a referent model of corporate growth dynamics. This paper employs Bayesian panel data methods to test Gibrat's law and its implications. Using a Pharmaceutical Industry Database (1987–1998), we find evidence against Gibrat's law on average, within or across industries. Estimated steady states differ across firms, and firm sizes and growth rates do not converge within the same industry to a common limiting distribution. There is only weak evidence of mean reversion: initial larger firms do not grow relatively slower than smaller firms. Differences in growth rates and in steady state size are persistent and firm-specific, rather than size-specific.  相似文献   

Policy makers have made several attempts to limit hospitals’ upcoding. We investigate the impact of a law introducing a minimum length of stay for discharges with complications. We analyze its effects on the probability of a discharge with complications, on its length of stay and on its reimbursement. We show that the policy has been effective in limiting upcoding, since, after the law, (1) the probability of a discharge with complications has decreased by 3%; (2) its length of stay has risen by 0.17 days more than the observed corresponding variation in the length of stay of a discharge in the control group; (3) the hospital’s revenue on a discharge with complications has decreased by 8.5% more than the observed revenue change on a discharge in the control group. Furthermore, we find evidence of an ownership effect on upcoding, since not-for-profit and for-profit hospitals have been more affected by the law than public hospitals.  相似文献   

陈丽  周青 《生态经济(学术版)》2006,(10):263-265,269
日趋严重的环境问题使人们更加关注农业的命运,循环农业的兴起,使人类看到了农业持续发展的希望。本文从循环农业中的生活型选择、限制因子定律与耐受性定律、正相互作用、捕食作用、寄生关系、生化他感、群落时空格局构建、边缘效应、演替作用、物质循环再生、生态效率以及生物操纵等多角度探讨了生态学原理在循环农业中的应用。  相似文献   

The generality principle advocated by Buchanan and Congleton (1998), stating that only legislation which treats all citizens equally as citizens is permissible, is normally motivated on contractarian grounds. It is shown that the generality principle can also be motivated on preference-utilitarian grounds. This is in line with Hayek (1960), who defends the rule of law by reference to consequentialist considerations. Using Hare's (1981) terminology, on a critical level we realize that everyday political decisionmaking tends to generate rash and non-general outcomes and that a rule limiting the action space of politicians can induce a higher degree of total preference satisfaction.  相似文献   

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