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采用案例研究方法,对中国科学院高能物理研究所创建学习型组织的6项举措进行了详细描述,指出:创建学习型科研组织是科研组织更新科技知识和改善科研管理的一项新举措,提出了科研事业单位创建学习型组织的若干原则与注意事项。  相似文献   

Serving as an introduction to the essays in this volume, we put forward an intellectual hardcore for a shared research agenda between Austrian and Virginia political economy. This research agenda rests on three pillars: exchange, rules, and social cooperation. Each of these pillars forms the distinctive flavor of Austrian and Virginian political economy with respect to theoretical approach, types and applications of empirics, and even to normative questions. Our essay explores the meaning of these pillars with respect to the broader study of political economy, as well as the intellectual superstructure of each respective school.  相似文献   

工业化和工业化道路是中国共产党对先进生产力的现实选择;新型工业化道路是党在领导中国发展经济的历史进程中,顺应世界经济从传统的工业化向新型工业化发展的要求,对社会生产力发展所选择的正确途径和所设计的与时俱进的方案,是党发展先进生产力的现实选择。  相似文献   

Advanced product development distinguishes itself by being surrounded by a “cloud of technology spillovers” available to external users in proportion to their competence to commercialize them. The local capacity to commercialize spillovers is experience based and hence more narrow than the range of innovations. The cloud will therefore be incompletely explored. While the value of the cloud to society may be greater than the development investment, the value captured by the producer is often not sufficient to make the product development privately profitable. The producer faces the property rights problem of how to charge for the dual product it develops, the product itself and as much as possible for the technology cloud. The public and private customers, however, appreciate the situation differently. While the former appears in the double customer role of being interested in both the product procured and the spillover benefits to society, the latter is not interested in paying for spillovers that only benefit society. Marketing the product, therefore, involves the ability to present a credible case for the economic value to society of the spillovers. To do that, a theory is needed that demonstrates both the user value to the customer, and the entrepreneurial capacity of the economy to commercialize the spillovers. The theoretical argument is illustrated with the case of downstream industrial business formation around Swedish military aircraft industry.  相似文献   

The author presents a simple proof of a property of the method of least squares variously known as the FWL, the Frisch-Waugh-Lovell, the Frisch-Waugh, or the decomposition theorem.  相似文献   

文化是文明的积淀、时代的精华,是人类创造的物质财富和精神财富的总和.一个地方有实力,还要有魅力,而魅力就要靠文化.近年来,为积极响应省、市建设"文化大省"、"文化名城"的号召,常州市武进区提出要加快建设"文化强区",将加快发展先进文化、促进人的全面进步,列入了今后五年武进发展的重要目标,要求使"江南风情看武进、江南古韵在武进、江南文化靓武进"成为武进的鲜明文化特色.  相似文献   

国防科研院所管理体制改革现状及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析国防科研院所改制现状和面临的问题,从目标、产权模式、组织结构、经费管理、人力资源等方面提出了若干政策建议。  相似文献   

文章构建了高精尖产业发展创新驱动机制分析的系统动力学模型,仿真模拟了基准情景、改善营商环境、金融政策、税收政策和人才政策等对高精尖产业发展的影响效应.研究结果显示:政府可以通过优化营商环境促进科技创新,加快构建高精尖经济结构;实施金融政策短期内能够引起高精尖产业迅速发展;相较于其他政策,税收政策对构建创新驱动体系的促进作用较弱;实施人才政策能够有效提高技术水平,增强高精尖产业创新驱动力.最后,根据研究结论提出了相关政策建议.  相似文献   

A case-control study of the car-free model housing project in Vienna was conducted to evaluate whether people living in this settlement have more ‘sustainable lifestyles’ than people living in comparable buildings in Vienna. Another aim was to identify the lifestyle characteristics and household activities which significantly influence the environmental impact of the residents of the car-free housing project and a control group. The control group, referred to as the reference settlement, was chosen from a nearby building complex, with similar characteristics, but without the car-free feature. Household consumption patterns were estimated based on interviews in combination with data from the Austrian consumer expenditure survey and the national accounts. The evaluation of household environmental impacts uses emissions estimates from the Austrian national accounting matrices including environmental accounts and data from life-cycle assessments. Households from the car-free settlement have substantially lower environmental impacts in the categories of ground transportation and energy use; their CO2 emissions of these two categories are less than 50% of those living in the reference settlement. The households in the car-free settlement have somewhat higher emissions in the categories air transport, nutrition, and ‘other’ consumption, reflecting the higher income per-capita. As a result, the CO2 emissions are only slightly lower than in the reference settlement, but the emissions intensity is 20% lower. Both household groups have significantly lower environmental impacts than the Austrian average reflecting less car use and cleaner heating energy in Vienna.  相似文献   

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