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在我国的现行金融体系之下,上市企业之间的资金拆解是不被允许的。但是,只要上市公司借贷资金经过了必要的程序,经过股东会、股东大会或者董事会同意,拆借的是自有资金(而非银行借款),利率不高于银行同期的4倍,在司法实践中则是被允许的。而我们所探讨的影子银行体系,其所创造的主要金融工具——信托贷款,在一定程度上破除了金融系统结构与市场需求之间的边界,在融通资金方面发挥一定的作用。这种格局造成了已经习惯于各司其职的监管体制,常常处于无所适从的境地。  相似文献   

银行业并购重组的国际经验及我国银行业的并购重组   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
白涛  任建军 《金融论坛》2003,8(7):53-60
从国际范围考察 ,并购重组始终贯穿了现代银行业的发展全过程。为应对全球银行业的并购重组浪潮 ,本文提出中国银行业要在坚持自主性原则、市场化原则、公平性原则和创新化原则的前提下 ,实现由强弱并购重组向强强并购重组转变 ,由政府主导型并购重组向市场主导型并购重组转变 ,由横向并购向纵向并购、混合并购转变 ,由直接并购重组向间接并购重组转变 ,由国内并购重组向国际并购重组转变和由表层机构重组向实质性机构重组和产权重组方向转变 ;同时 ,要完善银行交购重组的法律保障体系 ,规范并购重组中的政府行为 ,加强对银行并购重组的监管 ,完善和发展资本市场等项措施。  相似文献   

本文对1997年以来中国银行业改革进行了总结和回顾,指出了这是中国银行业经历的一次本质意义上的深刻变革,体现出了外在与内在同步、主体与多元协调、开放与主导结合、渐进和持续匹配、监管与被监管互动等5个方面的显著特点。本文认为,我国银行业的这场深刻变革意义深远而重大,使得我国银行业整体具有了持续稳健发展的内在基础、外部环境以及良好的潜力和预期。在总结反思我国银行变革的深层因素和经验的基础上,文章得出了今后保持我国银行业持续稳健发展的几点启示。  相似文献   

《Africa Research Bulletin》2006,43(10):17153A-17154

网上银行服务正式面世已经5年,发展速度非常迅速。目前网上银行可分两大类,一是没有任何实质分行的"纯网上银行",二是由传统银行提供的网上服务。网上银行在世界各国的发展极不平衡,各国对其价值及发展前景也有不同看法,因为网上银行在安全性、盈利性、灵活性等方面还存在诸多问题。但既有的网上银行为求生存求发展,已采取了一系列的竞争策略,如对客户支付高息、建立策略联盟、应用先进科技手段、非核心业务外包等,通过更方便更优惠的服务吸引客户,对传统银行的中介地位形成巨大的威胁,增加其盈利的难度。因此传统银行必须把握新机会,迎接新的挑战。  相似文献   

This article discusses why many companies use committed bank facilities to finance their real options. The pace of change in the current economic environment has increased the value of financial flexibility. If and when companies choose to exercise their real options, they often require capital to finance these initiatives. Committed bank facilities meet this requirement by providing the assurance of funding (subject to explicit conditions), or at least a starting point for raising the new capital.
Raising the capital necessary to finance very large real options is so critical that many companies use a single financial advisor to evaluate M&A transactions and raise the funds. In the case of ClubCorp, Bank of America provided M&A advice and an interim loan to finance an acquisition that exceeded the company's committed bank capacity. Later that year, Bank of America "agented" a new deal to refinance this acquisition debt. In a second case, Ferrellgas hired Bank of America to evaluate, help negotiate, and finance its acquisition of Thermogas. Financing this transaction required a bridge loan and synthetic lease as well as monetizing $175 million of equity securities.  相似文献   

The production technology of investment banking, particularly in the pricing and distribution of securities offerings, has long depended on the ability of bankers to build and maintain networks of relationships with institutional investors and client firms. Among other benefits, these relationships enabled banks to economize on communications with investors at a time when communicating with the investment community was quite costly. But recent advances in information technology are forcing banks to reevaluate this relationship-based technology. For example, Goldman Sachs recently purchased a stake in Wit Capital's efforts to build a retail distribution channel via the Internet. And William Hambrecht, founder of Hambrect & Quist, has gone so far as to propose that IPOs be put up for auction over the Internet.
This article offers both historical and economic perspective on these technological innovations in investment banking. In so doing, it provides a framework for thinking about how this segment of the industry is likely to evolve in the near future. It also discusses how advances in information technology coupled with the increasing codification of investment banking practices could reduce the central role of human capital and relationships elsewhere within investment banks, and how this might influence both the organization of individual banks and the industry in general.  相似文献   

网络银行的发展及对我国网络银行业监管的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
公用计算机网络的迅猛发展导致了金融服务业的网络业务的出现.尽管网络银行只是在近十年才出现的新生事物,但其对金融服务业的影响却具有划时代的意义.网络银行的监管具有诸多不同于传统银行监管的特点,包括网络银行相对于传统银行更容易发生银行挤兑、网络银行中经理人员避免外部监管的手段更先进、网络银行的国际性也增大了监管的难度等.为此,中国政府应尽快制定有关法规,健全网上银行业务发展和管理的法规框架,包括市场准入规则的制定、网络交易公平规则的制定、网络银行信息披露制度的建立、跨国法律的适用与管辖权问题的解决等.  相似文献   

时下正值银行业流动性缺乏、市场紧张的微妙时刻,而2007年度《银行家》投资银行大奖就在此时新鲜出炉了。2007年是银行必须展示他们勇气的一年,《银行家》大奖褒奖的也正是这种品质。回顾每个获奖者令人难忘的获奖年度,其间创新和履诺无疑成为增长的驱动力。  相似文献   

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