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Managing goals is a key network management function and is critical in the implementation of industrial R&D projects. In this paper, we explore the implementation of an industrial R&D project, focusing in particular upon the role of means-ends decoupling work to understand how the goals are managed. We combine several data sources in our case research to explore project implementation through an understanding of means-ends decoupling work. We collected in-depth interviews, archival records and field observations within the R&D research setting of an industrial R&D project in the period of 2015 to 2017. Our findings identify three types of means-ends decoupling work in R&D project implementation: ‘work on’ causal complexity, ‘work at’ behavioural invisibility, and ‘work with’ practice multiplicity. In addition, we uncover six dynamic micro-mechanisms that collectively influence the making and nature of means-ends decoupling work and therefore serve to allow for the fluid switching of work as the institutional conditions permit. Overall, our findings have significant implications for understanding means-ends decoupling as a highly skilled network competence for managing R&D project implementation goals.  相似文献   

In this paper a fairty tractable approach which managers could use to infer the rate of increase in relative RBD costs over time using actual RBD expenditure data is demonstrated. Two common measures of relative cost increase which in a sense represent bounds, the Laspeyres and Faaschs indices, are estimated for a firm, based on representative projects performed by the firm. The results which are consistent with rnothear study using company level data indicate that the official R&D statistics tend to exaggwate the increase during 1M9-79 in industrial RhQ performance. In particular using the GNP deftstor, one would appuently Qwmimate real 1979 R&D expenditures (in 1963 dolfatrs) by almost 20% in the chemical industry atone.  相似文献   

This paper examines the concept of project control in the context of an R&D laboratory, and reviews some of the methods of presenting control or monitoring information that have been found of use by management for different types of work. The concepts described are those which the author has found of practical value in his own work, and which also figure in some R&D Management training courses within British Gas.  相似文献   

This article reports a comparative study of six in-house and eight independent industrial R&D organisations. These organisations are analysed in terms of three types of control strategy - market control, hierarchical control and professional control. The paper suggests that the professional control strategy, emergent after World War Two, is now being increasingly challenged by market control strategies. R&D organisations under or adopting market control are shown to enjoy marked productivity advantages. The distinctive managerial practices of market controlled R&D are analysed. It is concluded that many in-house laboratories have much to gain by partial adoption of these market control practices.  相似文献   

The paper reviews the current state of knowledge on peer assessment of performance with special reference to industrial R&D organisations. The authors define the term "peer" and discuss briefly various techniques for assessment (nomination, ranking and rating). The authors review the literature of peer review to show that it can add to the value of assessment and that certain obvious objections to peer rating apply also to supervisory review. Their conclusion is that peer review is a useful adjunct to appraisal, but only if it is completely acceptable to all involved. The conditions for achieving this acceptance are discussed. The paper concludes by showing how peer rating can be used for team development.  相似文献   

Israel offers contingent subsidies to selected industrial R&D projects, with the purpose of creating high–quality jobs, reducing the trade deficit, increasing productivity and promoting growth. In 1987–94, 1,200 firms received $1,400 million of subsidies in support of $3,500 million of R&D (in constant 1996 dollars). We estimate that this R&D generated more than $31,000 million of sales, increasing industrial employment by about 10% and contributing to the trade balance a sum slightly less than the entire private sector deficit in the current account. It added 0.3% to GDP in increased productivity, each dollar of supported R&D adding an additional $0.45 to GDP and earning the economy a direct annual return of 13.4%. Electronics, broadly defined, received roughly half the subsidies while accounting for nearly two thirds of the gains; small firms that received one sixth of the subsidies contributed over a quarter of the gains.  相似文献   

The paper is an account of the authors visit to the Peoples Republic of China in 1981. It shows how a highly centralised state deals with innovation, in this context innovation being equated with R&D. The first part of the paper deals with the way the responsibility for planning and execution of scientific and technical effort is distributed through the state and industry. The second looks at the manpower and organisational problems resulting from the economic backwardness of the country and past mistakes in trying to overcome it.  相似文献   

The paper consists of a theoretical discussion of the circumstances justifying the use of R&D to increase the productivity of a firm's manufacturing capability. There are three possibilities: Increase the productivity of existing capacity; re-equip with purchased existing best-practice technology; or use R&D to develop new technology.
The choice depends on which of the four following situations exist: 1) When the productivity of existing capacity is well below its potential and is also well below that of the industry's best-practice; in this case the right strategy is first to bring actual productivity up to potential, and then to consider the purchase of best-practice. 2) When productivity is well up to potential but is well below best practice; the advice is then to purchase best-practice. 3) When existing capacity is already best-practice but productivity is well below capacity; in this case productivity of existing plant should be increased. 4) When existing capacity is bestpractice and productivity is near the maximum; then and only then is R&D to develop new technology justified.
The paper concludes with a brief account of the process to be undergone between the establishment of a case for R&D using the above criteria and, if R&D is undertaken and completed, the retrospective review of its outcome.  相似文献   

R&D project managers work in an environment in which the uncertainty and complexity of engineering development problems are an important source of episodic job stress. A study of the US. Navy's top major project R&D managers (N = 118) was conducted to test the use of various coping skills and social support as preventive stress management techniques for this population. It was found that perceived environmental uncertainty (PEU) had a direct, positive effect on psychological distress of these project managers while social support had a therapeutic effect on their experience of burnout. While problem focussed coping had a small, positive effect on burnout, neither coping skills nor social support were found to have a primary prevention effect upon perceived environmental uncertainty (PEU).
Engineering managers engaged in high technology R&D are confronted by a wide range of uncertainties, risks and changing demands that give rise to the stress response with its attendant physiological and psychological changes (Asterita, 1985). Adams (1980) has argued that an episodic versus chronic dichotomy of stressors is valuable because it distinguishes between intermittent stressors of finite duration (episodic) and ongoing stressors of indeterminant duration (chronic). This article reports the results of a study of uncertainty as an episodic work stressor for the U.S. Navy's high technology R&D project managers. The results suggest that R&D project managers should develop social support systems and structures to maintain well-being and avert distress and strain.  相似文献   

The existing research contributes to our understanding about the value of social capital in a wide range of social science disciplines; however, it does not well address the role of social capital in creativity for research and development (R&D) project teams in a given context. Using a sample of 54 R&D project teams in high-technology firms of Taiwan, we examined the impacts of social capital on creativity of R&D project teams from an intra-team perspective. Results of factor analysis revealed four factors extracted from the concept of social capital, namely social interaction, network ties, mutual trust, and shared goals. Findings suggested that social interaction and network ties had significant and positive impacts on creativity of R&D project teams, but mutual trust and shared goals did not. Managerial implications for managing social capital in R&D project teams are discussed.  相似文献   

R&D projects affect the interests of different stakeholders in different ways. Understanding the stakeholders and analysing their interests helps in the better management of R&D projects. In this paper we discuss a methodology to systematically analyse the stakeholders of R&D projects. This methodology includes Freeman's (1984) three levels of analysis: rational, process and transactional. Based on these three levels, the stakeholder management capability of an R&D project is determined. The final stage is based on Mitchell et al . (1997) approach to analysing the dynamics of stakeholders. This methodology is illustrated using a New Zealand case relating to a road pricing R&D project.  相似文献   

Post–project reviews are one opportunity to systematically improve performance in subsequent projects. However, a survey reveals that only one out of five R&D projects receives a post–project review. Post–project reviews – if they take place – are typically constrained by lack of time and attention as well as lack of personal interest and ability. They focus mostly on technical output and bureaucratic measurements; process–related factors such as project management are rarely discussed.
In this paper we review the role of post–project meetings as a tool to improve organizational learning at the group level. Based on 27 in–depth interviews with R&D managers carried out between 1997 and 2001, we categorize four classes of learning impediments. These difficulties are not easily resolved, as is illustrated by examples from Hewlett–Packard, DaimlerChrysler, SAP, Unisys, the US Army, and others. We propose a five–level post–project review capability maturity model, identifying some of the key capabilities that need to be in place in order to advance to the next process maturity level. Most companies reside on the first or second maturity level. Our conclusion is that many companies give away great potential for competence building by neglecting post–project reviews as a tool for systematic inter–project learning.  相似文献   

The monitoring and interpretation of costs incurred during a project against pre-specified targets is the most common task which R&D managers at all levels have to undertake. Graphical interpretation of such cost and target figures can provide useful feedback as to financial performance.
Spreadsheets provide an ideal environment for the manipulation of figures and production of graphs and, although not widely used, the programming facilities incorporated in such packages also allow for menu driven systems to be developed which can be operated without a knowledge of the spreadsheet's command structure thus greatly widening their area of application.
This article describes some of the elements of such a system and details its ability to automatically produce four specified graphs taken from accountancy, statistical process control and forecasting which have been shown to offer a valuable insight into cost control generally and, it is proposed, within R&D projects in particular.  相似文献   

Although the globalization of industrial R&D processes has increasingly attracted management scientists and considerable work on R&D internationalization has been done since the 70s, important problems in organizing geographically distributed R&D sites have not yet been resolved. This analysis is based on 165 interviews in 31 technology-based multinationals from Switzerland, Germany, USA, and Japan conducted between 1994 and 1997. We describe the extent of R&D internationalization, its key drivers and principal impediments. Two trends are identified: (i) a geographic concentration on leading technology centres, and (ii) a tightened coordination of R&D units. Overlaying structures, superimposed to regional and functional structures, play a central role in overcoming current deficits in global R&D management. Organizational constituents of this structure are technology offices (Schering), technology management as a competence center (Schindler), central project offices (IBM), central project management (Bayer), project oriented career development (Bosch), virtual project management departments (Roche), and cross-cultural job rotation (ATR).  相似文献   

An understanding of how companies acquire external knowledge is important for any organisation which participates in technology transfer partnerships. The process of external knowledge acquisition within the development function of the pharmaceutical industry is described. Six pharmaceutical companies participated in this study. Group depth interviews were conducted with scientists from a wide range of disciplines and at different levels of seniority within their companies. Senior managers and information officers were interviewed individually. The findings indicated that, although this industry is a leader in formalised information services and commercial database usage, even here significant barriers to the acquisition of scientific and technological knowledge exist. In several of the companies examined the process of information acquisition is not addressed strategically and implemented at laboratory level.  相似文献   

A large number of methodologies for Research and Development (R&D) project evaluation have been developed and reported in the literature over the last few decades. Almost all of this literature focused on the mechanisms and underlying theoretical foundation on which the evaluation methods are based. Very little attention has been paid to the effectiveness and suitability of the techniques, especially a comparison of the techniques. This paper presents a comparative study on a number of classes of R&D evaluation methods based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process. We look into the various factors and characteristics of R&D evaluation methods that affect their suitability. A sensitivity analysis was also carried out to determine the critical factors.  相似文献   

The authors relate and analyse the case of a long-running patent conflict between two very large multinational firms in the synthetic fibre business - AKZO and Du Pont. The subject of the conflict was a new fibre of the aramid dass. They show that the case reveals deficiencies in international patent law in need of correction.
The analysis is conducted with the aid of social network theory applied to pub-lished information and data supplied by AKZO and other sources. The theory takes as its starting point that when a number of related functional groups unite behind a common and vital interest the pursuit of this interest becomes virtually unstoppable. In this case the crucial social network was formed first within AKZO and then extended outside to include politicians and government. It propelled the firm to pursue to the end attempts to by-pass a patent position held by Du Pont.
The paper reveals that an apparently strong patent position can actually help a rival to circumvent it. This defect in the patent law is leading companies to avoid patenting and to rely instead on secrecy alone. The authors believe that this will act against the public interest, for exam-ple, by preventing thorough public assessment of a new technology before it is implemented. They argue for changes in the patent law to reduce this risk.  相似文献   

Incentives for research and development have frequently been a feature of government policy to increase the level or alter the direction of new product development activity in industrial product companies. Conceptually, these incentives may be viewed as "risk-modifiers they may encourage managers to undertake innovation projects where the potential payoffs may be attractive, but where some dimensions of risk are perceived as too high to proceed. This research explores the sensitivity of different dimensions of risk faced by managers to incentives of different kinds, at different levels. Implications are cited for different types of R&D incentives aimed at these different dimensionsof risk.  相似文献   

This survey was conducted on the perceived popularity of PERT and PERT-type management systems; whether PERT'S applications were static, increasing, or decreasing, and whether its use was by choice or imposition. The extent of applications of PERT for managing various types of research and development (R&D) was examined with the view to ascertaining its individual popularity when applied to (a) basic research, (b) applied research, or (c) development projects. In addition, an inquiry was made into the estimated expense of PERT systems to plan and control projects as a percentage of the budget. The results of the survey are presented and discussed relative to various sizes of R&D organizations.  相似文献   

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