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今年1月24日,美国副总统戈尔在美国科学促进会年会上提出了美国政府信息技术研究与开发的新政策,即所谓的IT2计划。2月,美国总统信息技术咨询委员会向克林顿提交了建议增加对信息技术研究投入的报告c6月,美国国家科学技术委员会的ITZ计划工作组制定了ITZ执行计划cITZ计划的背景根据美国总统信息技术咨询委员会的报告,ITZ计划是对美国信息技术的发展进行分析后提出的,其主要原因是:第一,在短短的几年之内,信息技术在美国的广泛应用和美国在信息技术中的领先地位为美国带来了巨大的经济和社会效益,并成为美国藉以保持世界领袖…  相似文献   

本文介绍了近年来小卫星在平台、有效载荷、星座、发射和测控等方面的技术进展,说明了小卫星的发展正从试验验证阶段走向应用研究阶段。文章还重点介绍了美国军事小卫星近期的验证计划。  相似文献   

美国“出口倍增计划”已实施五年,它是以扩大出口规模、促进就业为目标,追求可持续经济增长新模式的战略。本文分析了该计划实施的进展,并运用双重差分模型检验了其对美国经济发展的效果。虽然“出口倍增计划”的预期目标未能实现,对出口的拉动具有一定的负面影响,但其对美国就业、人均收入水平以及投资均显示出较强的正向作用。该计划没有促使美国经济增长实质性地回归出口拉动模式,但却有效地促进了就业。  相似文献   

美国科技发展的新里程碑─—克林顿总统的经济振兴计划马琳(电子工业部科技情报所高级工程师)克林顿总统的经济振兴计划的主导思想是,美国已进入一个新时代,当前,压倒一切的任务是美国国内的繁荣,一切内外政策都要服从于提高美国的经济竞争力。而发展高技术和建立一...  相似文献   

美国磁流体发电公司于1993年初向美国能源部提交了试验示范电站项目建议书,申请建造一座100MW全套磁流体发电综合示范电站。美能源部接受了该项中请,将其列入能源部长期研究与发展计划中,并将该长期研究与发展计划的经费预算报送美国会审批,国会决定停止对该项目的拨款。  相似文献   

美国国家科学基金推出的融合加速器计划基于美国重大战略规划,采用收敛式的融合方式和研究模式,加速科技成果转化。其颠覆传统学科融合方式,加速跨学科、跨领域深度融合。首先调研分析了融合加速器计划的背景与目标、运行模式、运行现状和运行特征,其推动美国基础研究成果快速实现实践应用,解决深层次的科学问题及全球挑战、美国国家安全和社会问题;其次通过与北京融合创新项目的横向比较,发现优势与不足,对北京充分发挥基础研究资源优势提出具有参考意义的创新路径,以此提升北京创新投入的整体效能。  相似文献   

1.美国美国航天活动对国防、经济和科学技术的发展具有重大影响,是国家强盛的重要标志。因此,美国投巨资于航天工业,这就给美国创造了一个巨大的优势。美国企业利用国家军用和民用计划的大量补贴来开发新技术,对以往丢失的市场份额,尤其是在运载火箭和高分辨率光学观测领域,进行有组织地收复失地。此外,在降低航天成本方面,美国航空航天局正在有条不紊地进行“快、好。便宜”新概念的尝试,实施范围正在扩大。一些私营企业看到了通信发展的光明前景,出台了许多研发计划,他们不仅得到金融投资商的强力支持,而且有工业界的加盟,…  相似文献   

美国联邦政府跨部门科研计划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国之所以能够引领世界科学发展的前沿,除了在研发领域的巨大投入和人才优势以外,还有一个很重要的原因就是联邦政府充分发挥其对科技发展的宏观指导作用,包括对一些重大的跨部门科研计划的  相似文献   

顾金亮 《生产力研究》2005,(10):160-162
在美国,风险投资和先进技术计划(ATP)都是促进高技术产业和中小企业发展的最有效方法。本文认为,ATP计划亦具有风险投资的功能,只是其战略定位和投资机制与风险资本存在不同。美国发展风险投资的成功经验是风险投资公司一般由非政府机构和个人创建和经营。ATP计划作为美国政府资助的R&D计划,虽然不是由政府设立的风险投资基金,但它有效地发挥了风险投资的功能,弥补了私人风险投资的不足;与私人风险投资合理分工,共同促进了美国高技术产业的发展。ATP计划对改善我国国家科技计划的管理有参考价值。  相似文献   

2002年2月,美国总统布什改组了美国应对全球气候变化的领导机构,以协调和指导美国应对全球气候变化的科技活动。在新的领导体制下,美国气候变化科学研究和与气候相关的技术开发项目集成到了一个前所未有的程度,形成了相互关联的两大科技计划,即气候变化科学计划(CCSP)和气候变化技术计划(CCTP),并设立了相应的气候变化科技计划管理机构。 本文对上述两大计划,以及美国未来应对全球气候变化、减少温室气体排放的近期和中长期技术选择进行了调研,供参考。  相似文献   

本文通过达瓦斯两国财政离散度的测算和MSVAR模型对中美、中欧财政政策协调进行定量分析。结果表明,中欧的财政政策相关程度比中美要高,这主要是由于中国地方财政分权模式与欧元区相似,以及美元霸权地位的“资本双向流动模式”所决定。债务危机后需要各经济体进行统一协调的财政方案,否则一个开放经济体政策的作用效果会被抵消。目前中国在国际政策协调中仍处于从属地位,未来美国的财政赤字将大幅下降,同时欧元区的赤字也将波动下降,中国要加快做好经济结构调整。  相似文献   

The Japanese pharmaceutical industry has lagged behind the US in developing and marhting innovative new compounh. A gap anabsis rebing on international publication and patenting stahtics as well as market survgs shows that the US is the clear leader in biophannaceuticals. Recent Japanese public and private efforts to close the gap have posed no immediate threat to US pharmaceutical companies. The conflict over industrial policy among the ministries involved will take some time to be resolved. However, information networking activities and cross-border technology linkages of Japanese companies should not be underestimated. Biotechnology is current4 transforming theJapanese pharmaceutical induse, and the US will have to deal with a gowing Japanese challenge in the long run. Preventive US counter-measures should include investments in in-house biotechnology research, acquisitions of smaller biotechnology start-up ventures, global commercialization o f biophannaceuticals, and proactive management o f technology linkages with Japanese companies.  相似文献   

We investigate how, in an open economy, carbon taxes combined with output‐based rebating (OBR) perform in interaction with the carbon policies of a large neighbouring trading partner. Analytical results suggest that, whether the purpose of the OBR policy is to compensate firms for carbon tax burdens or to maximize welfare (accounting for global emission reductions), the OBR rate should be positive in policy‐relevant cases. Numerical simulations for Canada, with the US as the neighbouring trading partner, indicate that the impact of US policies on the OBR rate will depend crucially on the purpose of the Canadian OBR policies. If, for a given US carbon policy, Canada's aim is to restore the competitiveness of domestic emission‐intensive and trade‐exposed (EITE) firms to the same level as before the introduction of its own carbon taxation, we find that the necessary domestic OBR rates will be insensitive to the foreign carbon policies. However, if not only the Canadian carbon tax but also an equally high US tax is introduced, compensatory Canadian OBR rates will be up to 50% lower, depending on the sector and on US OBR policy. If the policy objective is to increase economy‐wide allocative efficiency (welfare) of Canadian policies by accounting for carbon leakage, the US policies will have only a minor downward pressure on desirable OBR rates in Canada. Practical choices of OBR rates hardly affect overall domestic economic performance; thus, output‐based rebating qualifies as an instrument for compensating EITE industries without a large sacrifice in terms of economy‐wide allocative efficiency.  相似文献   

The “new era”, a term introduced by President Xi Jinping, may also be identified as the Xi era, during which China will be transformed from a moderately well‐off to a strong and wealthy nation. In the new era, the Chinese Government will deepen economic reform, widen economic opening and enhance the quality of economic growth. / Our projections show that by 2020, Chinese real GDP per capita, in 2017 prices, will exceed US$10,000, an economic development milestone. By 2031, Chinese real GDP will surpass US real GDP (US$29.4 trillion vs US$29.3 trillion), making China the largest economy in the world. However, Chinese real GDP per capita will still lag behind the US significantly, amounting to only one‐quarter of that of the United States. By 2050, Chinese real GDP will reach US$82.6 trillion, compared to US$51.4 trillion for the United States. However, in terms of real GDP per capita, China will still lag significantly behind, at US$53,000, slightly less than the current level of US real GDP per capita, compared to US$134,000 for the United States.  相似文献   

Although Australia has an equivalently large trading relationship with Japan and the US, current macro models often incorporate only US variables in the external sector of Australia. This paper explores the consequences of including both US and Japanese effects in the international sector of a SVAR model of Australia. The results indicate the significance of the Japanese effects. Excluding Japan results in an overstatement of the impact of US based shocks on the Australian economy. When Japan is included, US based shocks remain dominant in explaining Australian outcomes, but the responses are moderated compared with a model incorporating only a US based external sector. This has important implications for domestic policy responses to international shocks. Without the influence of Japan, domestic monetary policy will over-react to a US based shock.  相似文献   

Jinghua Lei 《Applied economics》2013,45(52):5689-5705
This article investigates the effects of the US money supply shock on global business cycles by employing a global vector autoregressive model containing 26 economies over the period from 1979Q2 to 2009Q4. The US money supply is incorporated as an endogenous variable for the US and a global factor for other economies. When a positive US money supply shock hits the global economy, developed economies (such as the US, Euro area and the UK) will have neither real output decline nor inflation pressure, while China and some other developing countries are going to have a significant decline of real GDP. The international spillover of the liquidity effect exists. The global effects of quantitative easing are discussed as well.  相似文献   

2008年金融危机给世界经济带来了重大的影响,国际金融格局也发生了显著变化。本文主要分析了国际汇率体系、国际收支和国际储备体系、国别经济政策与国际间经济政策协调的变化。在后危机时期,美国经济也受国际金融格局变化的影响,包括美元中心地位的问题、“中心一外围”模式可持续性的问题和美国的国际经济领导权问题。本文得出的主要结论是:国际几种主要货币汇率波动增大,国际汇率体系弹性增大,国际收支总体失衡程度下降,美元为主的国际储备体系呈多元化趋势,先进经济体与新兴发展经济体的经济协调在加强,美元的霸权地位面临挑战,美国在国际分工中的中心地位在下降,美国在国际经济的主导地位也在逐渐下降,新兴经济体获得更多的话语权。  相似文献   

本文研究美国货币政策对我国宏观经济的影响,从存在性检验和强度测算两个方面予以分析,运用虚拟变量刻画量化宽松货币政策的实施情况,并引入Gumbel Copula上尾相依系数来检测其波动效应的存在。实证结果不仅验证了理论分析的合理性,也证明了美国货币政策的负波动效应,以及量化宽松货币政策与传统货币政策间的协同效应。  相似文献   

2009年美国财政研发预算特点及趋势   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
美国政府继去年8月推出2009年研发优先方向方案后,2008年又较早地提交了2009年研发预算案。在美国经济进入低迷期后,政府投入研发的资金依然保持着高于GDP增幅的稳步增长态势,强调增强基础研究和尖端设施、扩大转化实效。本文简要分析美国联邦财政2009年研发预算案的特点,以及近年来该国政府研发投资的策略与趋势。  相似文献   

Extrapolating from some simple game-theoretic models, this paper suggests that invoking Section 301 will tend to shift the terms of agreement in the US's favor. This shift will be larger (a) the greater the harm to the targeted country from having its access to the US market limited; (b) the smaller the targeted country's ability to harm the US in retaliation; (c) the smaller the costs within the targeted country of complying with the US demands; and (d) the greater the benefit to the US – in the US negotiators' perception – from the demanded liberalization. But these determinants of the success of a Section 301 action do not identify the areas where the social gains from freer trade are largest. Thus there is a tendency to direct Section 301 actions at the wrong targets. Section 301 increases bargaining frictions: attempts to exploit the bargaining power that comes from either private information or commitments can lead to costly delays to agreement or even the possibility of a complete breakdown in the negotiations. And the use of retaliatory strategies can upset an existing global equilibrium and lead to counter-retaliation.  相似文献   

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