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电子商务时代浙江专业市场的新发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文认为,电子商务对传统专业市场造成了巨大的冲击,改变了其时空观、信息传递方式和交易方式,降低了市场交易成本.面对网络经济的挑战,浙江专业市场通过市场化与信息化、网络化结合,实现了市场交易方式、市场形态、市场空间和市场模式的不断创新.文章提出,针对当前浙江专业市场存在的信息中心型、有形市场与无形市场结合型、无形市场主导型等三种主要的电子商务发展模式,为进一步促进浙江省电子商务的发展,必须建立完善的市场资金结算系统和第三方物流配送系统;建立健全市场信用体系,保障网络交易安全;加大电子商务人才的引进,不断更新人们的市场观念和交易行为.  相似文献   

<正>总结我国商品交易市场20多年的发展经验,展望2005年商品交易市场的发展,可以归纳为三大主题,这就是:升级改造、管理创新、诚信规范。升级改造 升级改造主要是交易方式的升级,改变中国传统的单一摊位制的商品交易市场格局,采用现代商品交易所式的交易方式、拍卖交易方式(包括电子拍卖)、物流配送的交易方式、产销衔接的产业链方式等,从商品交易市场的类型来说,  相似文献   

电子商务时代浙江专业市场的发展与演进   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘斯敖 《商业研究》2006,(3):187-189
随着信息技术和电子商务的应用与发展,改变了传统市场的时空观、信息传递的方式、交易方式和交易成本,对传统专业市场造成了巨大的冲击。如何适应电子商务时代发展的需要,实现传统专业市场的创新与发展,对浙江这样的专业市场大省来说就显得尤其重要。  相似文献   

建立高效畅通的农产品市场体系是发展现代农业的必然要求。完善的农产品市场体系的核心在于降低农产品交易成本,提高交易效率。我国农产品市场体系中交易成本高的原因,主要在于农产品市场主体发育程度低,小生产和大市场的矛盾短期内难以解决,农产品市场服务功能单一,高层次市场发展不足,现代交易方式和经营业态发展迟缓,农产品信息不对称,信息渠道不畅通等方面。现代农产品市场体系建设应推动农产品批发市场创新流通方式,发展农产品期货市场,培育农产品市场主体,创新交易方式和流通业态,构建现代农产品信息平台。  相似文献   

我国区域性资本市场发展路径研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国区域性资本市场是经济转型时期市场经济体系发展的内在要求,肩负着推动产权制度改革和融资体系发展的重任,在一定时期内它也表现出是政策安排的产物。但这个市场内在的资本性和流动性也受到了行政干预的抑制,存在明显的功能性缺陷。因此,本文认为,应该加快股份公司的设立和发展,加强法制建设和监管,为区域性资本市场创设良好的经济基础和制度环境,同时,积极培育投资主体,探索新的交易品种和交易方式,逐步消除行政干预,推行成熟的市场化运作体制;应建立区域性资本市场与其他各层次资本市场之间相互联通的机制,以完善资本市场的作用和功能。  相似文献   

美国货币市场基金发展与利率市场化改革推进是相辅相成的。货币市场基金的出现分流了银行存款,促使美联储启动存款利率市场化改革;改革进程中通胀高企、银行产品创新滞后等因素为货币市场基金提供了发展空间。货币市场基金的兴起对美国金融结构及各部分资产负债表产生深远影响,存款机构投资风险偏好提升,居民、企业部门资产配置改变。中国货币市场基金与利率市场化正在形成积极有效互动,出现“小额先行、加速推进”的独特路径,推动商业银行与金融市场的变革和创新。  相似文献   

完善农产品市场体系的实质是降低农产品交易成本。影响民族地区农产品交易成本的主要原因是市场主体规模、批发市场功能、交易方式、流通渠道、物流、信息渠道等方面存在问题。构建功能齐全的农产品批发市场,发展农产品期货市场,壮大市场主体,发展现代物流,完善行业自律与政府规制相结合的监管机制,是促进西部民族地区农产品市场体系建设的有效途径。  相似文献   

传统产业集群与专业化市场发展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文认为,传统产业集群与现代流通业特别是专业化市场之间具有明显的互动效应,传统产业集群催育专业化市场,专业化市场推进传统产业集群。在地方经济发展过程中,要注意产业发展与贸易发展的相互协调和相互配合,形成传统产业集群与专业化市场发展的协调机制。集群与企业方面,要进一步采取措施加快产品和技术创新,通过等级市场、商务网络等不断获取外部市场的信息,加强革新,改进产业和产品结构;专业化市场在建设方面,要稳步推进体制改革,走市场化道路;政府和商会方面,要转变管理职能,增强服务职能,大力营造有利于集群与流通业协调发展的环境和条件,推进市场、集群和企业的改革与创新,通过专业化市场形成基于集群的区位品牌。  相似文献   

自专业市场产生以来,理论界就一直有"专业市场是否会消亡"的争论。随着电子商务不断渗入专业市场各类活动,以及给专业市场的交易方式、市场形态、物流状况和供应链活动等带来了良好的效果。部分大规模专业市场为了能够有效地克服传统商品流通方式中存在的弊端,及时发现创新机会利用电子商务商业模式,并且将电子商务同专业市场结合发展成为了一种通向国际全球化的进出口贸易平台。文章将以柯桥轻纺城为例来研究专业市场与电子商务融合发展过程中所获得的成果以及存在的问题和应对措施。  相似文献   

研究表明农产品市场发展促进了农村生产要素流动和经营模式创新,农户决策行为是引起土地利用变化现象的重要动因。农产品市场发展与农户土地利用行为的关系愈发紧密,不仅加速了土地利用结构的调整,而且提高了农产品市场化的程度。但是,在此类关系的研究中,国际理论界在机理和方法研究上更加成熟,国内研究体系和理论框架有待完善。随着国内外农产品市场的进一步接轨,我国农户土地利用变化研究在宏微观结合、时序数据获取和现代方法应用等方面有待加强。  相似文献   

加入WTO之后,解决中国资本市场发展过程中所面临的融资结构调整问题就变得更为迫切和必要。本文强调直接融资和间接融资之间的信息敏感度差异,并且从市场信息结构和整体金融市场的角度来分析和设计中国资本市场未来发展的目标框架,指出了当前大力发展中国资本市场的现实切入点和若干误区。  相似文献   

浙江省出口市场多元化的现状和发展对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
浙江省企业面对新形势。应根据自身的特点来调整市场多元化战略。本文分析了浙江省出口市场多元化的现状,针对当前经济全球化和区域集团化并存的局势,提出了企业的发展对策。  相似文献   

中国外汇衍生品市场发展的次序   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
高扬  何帆 《财贸经济》2005,(10):3-9
本文通过对国际外汇衍生品市场的发展特点和趋势的研究,结合我国外汇衍生品的实际发展状况,提出我国进一步发展外汇衍生品市场的设想,并指出外汇衍生品市场发展所需的配套措施及需要注意的问题.  相似文献   


Purpose: Prior literature has acknowledged the growing importance of service business markets (SBMs). However, relatively little research has examined the relationships and the motives for relationship development in SBMs. The aim of this paper is to investigate the nature of relationships and the various motives for relationship development between service provider and customers.

Methodology: This paper adopts a qualitative research strategy and a case study approach. The context is the maritime industry. One of the largest container terminals in China represents a unique and revelatory case study, wherein nine container terminal-shipping line dyads are the units of analysis. The data were mostly collected via 34 semistructured interviews with maritime industry professionals. The data were triangulated by including archival records and industry reports.

Findings: The interdependence and nonidentical nature of service delivery episodes are identified and considered to add to the knowledge on SBMs. This research provides evidence of the applicability of three groups of motives—economic, strategic, and social—for relationship development to SBMs. The motives are found to coexist and to have greater or lesser weight in the actors’ decision making depending on external factors, such as industry and company development stage, and internal factors, including the companies’ common vision and desire to collaborate.

Contribution: Academic papers have usually focused on specific types of motives, associated with a particular theoretical framework (e.g. transaction cost theory). Motives have rarely been discussed from multiple theoretical lenses. When motives are identified it is not clear what they really imply in different contexts, and what factors cause them to appear. This paper provides a number of contributions. First, it integrates several theoretical perspectives and specifies three groups of motives for relationship development in SBMs: economic, strategic, and social. Second, through the analysis of empirical findings the paper provides a deeper understanding of each group of motives, proposing an integrated framework of motives and the factors affecting their appearance. Subsequently, the research is carried out through a dyadic perspective, which is relatively rare in SBM research. A dyadic perspective allows similarities and differences in actors’ perceptions and actions to be illuminated. Finally, the research brings in a relatively new and important context—the Chinese maritime industry.

Practical implications: Knowing the needs and motives of counterparts can greatly assist SBM actors in formulating their strategies and planning their investments. It is also important that actors realize that the extent to which the other side is open to collaboration depends on the interplay of various motives. In general, business professionals should realize that end users increasingly perceive various service delivery stages within a supply chain as interdependent. Thus, to deliver a more integrated and flawless service to the end user, service providers and customers in SBMs should develop communication and collaboration beyond the operational level.  相似文献   

促进浙江专业批发市场国际化发展的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为市场大省的浙江 ,其专业批发市场的发展近年来呈现出国际化的趋势。本文在分析浙江专业批发市场国际化现状的基础上 ,具体剖析了近年来浙江专业批发市场国际化迅速发展的主要原因 ,认为应该顺应经济全球化的趋势 ,采取措施促进我省的专业批发市场国际化发展。  相似文献   

Competition in Markets and Competition for Markets   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
This paper builds on a distinction that is sometimes made between competition in a market and competition for a market. Competition for a market refers to the struggle to create a new market, or to erect a new standard, and it is usually associated with the process of innovation that brings new displacing technologies to market. Competition in a market is the conventional view of competition, and concentrates on the actions of incumbents and imitative entrants in well-established markets. The paper reviews some of the issues that competition for markets raises for anti-trust policy makers, and then asks whether competition for a market is a perfect substitute for competition in a market.  相似文献   

Emerging Markets     


Emerging Markets  相似文献   

The pace of technological change, the increasing need for multidisciplinary competences and the rising costs of innovation have contributed to the global expansion of technological activities, including the international outsourcing of research and development (R&D). This paper shows that firms involved in international outsourcing of R&D are of a particular kind: they are highly outward oriented, more productive and R&D intensive. Furthermore, firms with patents are more intensely involved in this activity. Our results also suggest that the outsourcing of R&D in global markets by French firms is motivated by technology sourcing rather than cost‐saving interests.  相似文献   


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