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保险具有社会渗透性以及投保缴费灵活、退保自由等特性,利用办理人寿保险业务洗钱成为一种可能,笔者在分析保单洗钱的典型手段、人寿保险反洗钱现状以及人寿保险建立反洗钱内控制度的必要性的基础上,提出如何防范人寿保险洗钱风险。  相似文献   

黄椿 《福建金融》2007,(6):44-45
团体寿险业务是人寿保险业务的重要组成部分,受宏观政策及市场经营活动的影响,目前基层寿险公司在经营团体寿险业务中存在着一定的风险。本文从剖析团体寿险业务的风险点入手,并对如何防范与化解风险提出相关建议。  相似文献   

作为一家有着深厚历史背景的中外合资保险公司,中美联泰大都会人寿保险有限公司(以下简称“大都会人寿”)以独特的业务销售模式逐渐在国内市场打开局面。信息技术在推动大都会人寿保险业务发展、创新销售服务手段及有效防范风险、  相似文献   

本文介绍人寿保险厦门市分公司保单质押贷款业务开展的基本情况,探讨关于保单质押贷款的前景及市场需求;保单质押贷款的安全性和风险控制;营销推广方案的配合、市场细分和定位;保单质押贷款涉及到的法律问题,并提出对该项业务的定位、利弊分析及改进方向。  相似文献   

本文针对金融计算机网络系统和业务应用的特点,阐述了加强安全性防范的重要性和意义,以及安全性存在的主要形式,分析了其存在和发生的主要原因,并重点介绍了加强安全性防范的具体措施,对于防范金融科技风险、完善金融服务具有一定的现实意义.  相似文献   

本针对金融计算机网络系统和业务应用的特点,阐述了加强安全性防范的重要性和意义,以及安全性存在的主要形式,分析了其存在和发生的主要原因,并重点介绍了加强安全性防范的具体措施,对于防范金融科技风险,完善金融服务具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

探讨银行凭证加载防伪二维码   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
银行支付结算和柜面业务一直是客户纠纷和案件高发领域,亟需突破现行凭证仿伪和风险防范的局限和缺陷。新兴的二维码防伪技术,具有应用灵活方便、成本低廉、安全性高等特点。非常适合于银行凭证仿伪应用。研究设计、推广应用银行凭证加载防伪二维码,可以加强内控,有效防范支付结算和柜面业务风险。  相似文献   

自国际金融危机爆发以来,金融业对金融系统信息安全的关注上升到了前所未有的高度。如何有效防范、化解金融风险,满足金融机构业务发展的安全性需求已成为金融业面临的严峻挑战。为了进一步推动金融系统风险防范体系建设,探讨金融机构信息安全发展的新模式和新应用,  相似文献   

关于政策性住房抵押贷款保险的探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
从个人住房公积金贷款信用风险防范的角度论述利用保险机构规避风险的必要必玫基本内容,介绍保险和住房贷款的三种结合方式;房屋保险、人寿保险和信用保险。  相似文献   

操作风险是当前基层行面临的最主要风险,防范和化解操作风险已成为当前全行重要工作任务。本文通过对基层行柜面业务面临的风险展开调查,剖析当前业务经营中柜面业务风险隐患的主要表现形式,提出防范和化解柜面业务风险的对策。  相似文献   

不放开传统寿险产品的预定利率,传统产品就无法做大,就无法发挥其社会保障功能。只要把住偿付能力监管,市场就不会出现无序竞争。展望未来,需要更多地站在行业的角度、客户的立场来开发产品、开拓市场,唯此整个保险业才能在社会保障体系中进一步确立应有的地位,才能充分发挥经济补偿、资金融通、社会管理三大职能,才能真正实现全方位的发展,才能真正让投资者分享到行业的成长价值。  相似文献   


An insurance company can be considered as an adjustment institution for the policyholders. The individual risks of the policyholders are taken over by the company at the price of a comparatively small stake, the premium. This is so calculated that the premiums from all the policyholders will, according to statistical experience, on the average cover the company's payments for claims. With respect to unfavourable random deviations from the average, the premiums contain security loadings. For the same purpose the company also makes other precautions. The most important of these are reinsurance and the building up of adjustment funds. On the other hand, extensive precautions increase the price of the insurance. Therefore the objective fixing of the precautions in order to get a satisfactory solidity as well as a reasonable price constitutes a weighing problem, demanding a measure of the effect of diverse precautions.  相似文献   

This article investigates the natural hedging strategy to deal with longevity risks for life insurance companies. We propose an immunization model that incorporates a stochastic mortality dynamic to calculate the optimal life insurance–annuity product mix ratio to hedge against longevity risks. We model the dynamic of the changes in future mortality using the well‐known Lee–Carter model and discuss the model risk issue by comparing the results between the Lee–Carter and Cairns–Blake–Dowd models. On the basis of the mortality experience and insurance products in the United States, we demonstrate that the proposed model can lead to an optimal product mix and effectively reduce longevity risks for life insurance companies.  相似文献   

中国数字经济发展日新月异,在其快速发展中也暴露出各种网络安全风险。网络风险呈现出频繁性、隐蔽性以及高度破坏性特点,给数字经济发展带来了巨大隐患。国家"十四五"规划纲要中明确提出,将网络安全列为营造良好数字经济生态的重要一环。本文分析了数字经济时代的网络安全风险、网络安全保险的发展现状,以及中国网络安全保险市场的发展机遇、存在的问题,挖掘了国外网络安全保险的先进发展经验,并从保险公司、网络安全企业以及政府监管部门三方面,提出了网络安全保险创新发展的政策建议,以期化解网络安全保险风险,促进我国数字经济的良性发展。  相似文献   

从社会保障帮助人们处理生活风险的核心职能出发,审视政府在养老保险中的责任,政府应协调和利用各种力量实现养老保障目标,控制个人、企业等主体在养老决策中的风险因素。在多支柱养老保险体系中,政府的责任在于统筹利用不同的养老金类别在收入再分配、风险分担和处理、资本积累和金融深化等方面各自的优势。为实现养老保障目标,政府还应承担财政兜底责任,履行财政兜底责任,必须控制财政风险。  相似文献   

In this paper we ask whether an aspect of social security, namely its role as a provider of insurance against uncertain life spans, is welfare enhancing. To this end we use an OLG model where agents have a bequest motive and differ in sex and marital status and where families are formed and destroyed and their characteristics evolve (exogenously) according to U.S. demographic patterns of marriage, divorce, fertility and mortality. We compare the implications of social security under a variety of market structures that differ in the extent to which life insurance and annuities are available. We find that social security is a bad idea. In economies where the private sector provides annuities and life insurance, it is a bad idea for the standard reason that it distorts the intertemporal margin by lowering the capital stock. In the absence of such securities social security is still a very bad idea, only marginally less so compared with economies with annuities and life insurance. We also explore these issues in a world where people live longer and we find no differences in our answers. As a by-product of our analysis we find that the existence of life insurance opportunities for people is important in welfare terms while that of annuities is not.  相似文献   

The prediction of future mortality rates by any existing mortality models is hardly exact, which causes an exposure to mortality (longevity) risk for life insurers (annuity providers). Since a change in mortality rates has opposite impacts on the surpluses of life insurance and annuity, hedging strategies of mortality and longevity risks can be implemented by creating an insurance portfolio of both life insurance and annuity products. In this article, we apply relational models to capture the mortality movements by assuming that the realized mortality sequence is a proportional change and/or a constant shift of the expected one, and the size of the changes varies in the length of the sequences. Then we create a variety of non-size-free matching strategies to determine the weights of life insurance and annuity products in an insurance portfolio for mortality immunization, where the weights depend on the sizes of the proportional and/or constant changes. Comparing the hedging performances of four non-size-free matching strategies with corresponding size-free ones proposed by Lin and Tsai, we demonstrate with simulation illustrations that the non-size-free matching strategies can hedge against mortality and longevity risks more effectively than the size-free ones.  相似文献   

Global ‘standards’ in social security are set by the UN Specialist Agency, the International Labour Organization (ILO). The ILO ‘Standards’ prioritize one model of social security system in particular; namely, contributions‐financed social insurance. Specifically, social insurance systems are designed to mitigate the negative impacts of formal labour market risks. Accordingly, social security systems typically fail to address adequately many informal labour market and nonlabour market risks. The inherently limited focus of social protection provided by many social security systems is recognized to be of major concern for least developed countries (LDCs) in particular for whom western‐centric definitions of life‐cycle risk remain largely inappropriate for the majority. This realization has led the World Bank to experiment with a reconceptualized definition of social protection; Social Risk Management (SRM). Seeking to encourage wider debate across the multidisciplinary field of risk management research, this article outlines critically the tenets underpinning SRM and highlights the policy limitations of this innovative World Bank venture in two key respects. First, by outlining the likely policy implications of World Bank approaches to social protection for global social security standards and practice. Second, by questioning the short‐term contribution that SRM can make to poverty reduction, not least amongst the elderly poor.  相似文献   

互联网的广泛应用在促进世界交流与发展的同时也给信息资产安全带来隐患,我国网络信息安全保险体系尚未建立。本文首先从信息资产重要性和国外相关实践等方面分析了建立我国网络信息安全保险体系的必要性,对网络信息安全保险风险管理的特点和步骤进行构思,探讨如何在当前的市场环境中从政策、监管、法律、人才培养、技术合作和产品研发创新等角度推进我国网络信息安全保险体系的建立。  相似文献   

In this article, we introduce a premium principle for equity‐indexed annuities (EIAs). Traditional actuarial loadings that protect insurance companies against risks cannot be extended to the valuation of EIAs since these products are embedded with various financial guarantees. We proposed a loaded premium that protects the issuers against the financial and mortality risks. We first obtain the fair premium based on a fair value of the equity‐linked contract using arbitrage‐free theory. Assuming a specific risk level for hedging errors, we obtain a new participation rate based on a security loading. A detailed numerical analysis is performed for a point‐to‐point EIA.  相似文献   

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