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Loan pricing under Basel capital requirements 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
We analyze the loan pricing implications of the reform of bank capital regulation known as Basel II. We consider a perfectly competitive market for business loans where, as in the model underlying the internal ratings based (IRB) approach of Basel II, a single risk factor explains the correlation in defaults across firms. Our loan pricing equation implies that low risk firms will achieve reductions in their loan rates by borrowing from banks adopting the IRB approach, while high risk firms will avoid increases in their loan rates by borrowing from banks that adopt the less risk-sensitive standardized approach of Basel II. We also show that only a very high social cost of bank failure might justify the proposed IRB capital charges, partly because the net interest income from performing loans is not counted as a buffer against credit losses. A net interest income correction for IRB capital requirements is proposed. 相似文献
We use a unique dataset to analyze how Italian banking groups managed their exposure to interest rate risk during the recent financial crisis. First of all, we document that on average the interest rate risk exposure – measured by duration gap approach – has been limited and well below the alert level enforced by regulators. Second, our econometric results indicate a relation of substitutability between banks’ on-balance-sheet interest rate risk and their use of interest rate derivatives suggesting that banks used these two instruments to curb their overall interest rate risk exposure in case of an increase in interest rates. Furthermore, we also find robust evidence of a negative correlation between banks’ interest rate risk and liquidity risk. 相似文献
Kjell Bjrn Nordal 《Review of Financial Economics》2009,18(3):132-141
I evaluate a bank's incentives to implement a risk-sensitive regulatory capital rule. The decision making is analyzed within a real options framework where optimal policies are derived in terms of threshold levels of credit risk. I provide a numerical example for the implementation of internal ratings based models for credit risk (the IRB approach) under the new Basel Accord (Basel II). 相似文献
In commercial banking, various statistical models for corporate credit rating have been theoretically promoted and applied
to bank-specific credit portfolios. In this paper, we empirically compare and test the performance of a wide range of parametric
and nonparametric credit rating model approaches in a statistically coherent way, based on a ‘real-world’ data set. We repetitively
(k times) split a large sample of industrial firms’ default data into disjoint training and validation subsamples. For all model types, we estimate k out-of-sample discriminatory power measures, allowing us to compare the models coherently. We observe that more complex and
nonparametric approaches, such as random forest, neural networks, and generalized additive models, perform best in-sample.
However, comparing k out-of-sample cross-validation results, these models overfit and lose some of their predictive power. Rather than improving
discriminatory power, we perceive their major contribution to be their usefulness as diagnostic tools for the selection of
rating factors and the development of simpler, parametric models.
Stefan DenzlerEmail: |
《Journal of Financial Stability》2013,9(3):320-329
This paper examines the impact of imposing capital requirements on systemic risk. We use a static model on financial institutions’ risk-taking behavior to quantify the systemic risk in the cross-sectional dimension in both regulated and unregulated systems. Although imposing a capital requirement can lower individual risk, it simultaneously enhances systemic linkage within the system. By using a proper systemic risk measure combining both individual risk and systemic linkage, we show that systemic risk in a regulated system can be higher than that in an unregulated system. In addition, we analyze a sufficient condition under which the systemic risk in a regulated system is always lower. 相似文献
Franck Moraux 《International Review of Financial Analysis》2004,13(1):47-61
Most structural models of default risk assume that the firm's asset return is normally distributed, with a constant volatility. By contrast, this article details the properties that the process of assets should have in the case of financially weakened firms. It points out that jump-diffusion processes with time-varying volatility provide a refined and accurate perspective on the business risk dimension of default risk. Representative Arrow-Debreu state price densities (SPD) and term structures of credit spreads are then explored. The credit curves show that the business uncertainties play a major in the pricing of corporate liabilities. 相似文献
We analyze the counterparty risk for credit default swaps using the Markov chain model of portfolio credit risk of multiple
obligors with interacting default intensity processes. The default correlation between the protection seller and underlying
entity is modeled by an increment in default intensity upon the occurrence of an external shock event. The arrival of the
shock event is a Cox process whose stochastic intensity is assumed to follow an affine diffusion process with jumps. We examine
how the correlated default risks between the protection seller and the underlying entity may affect the credit default premium
in a credit default swap. 相似文献
Oliver Hermsen 《Quantitative Finance》2013,13(10):1215-1224
The Basel II framework allows the calculation of the capital requirements for market risk with Value-at-Risk models. Since no special model is prescribed in the framework, banks may use simple models with questionable assumptions concerning their underlying distributions. Our numerical analysis reveals that simple VaR models that perform noticeably worse than comparable simple models with more realistic assumptions may lead to a lower level of regulatory capital for banks. For this reason, banks have a major incentive to implement bad models. This is obviously contrary to the interests of regulatory authorities. 相似文献
Internal credit risk modelling is important for banks for the calculation of capital adequacy in terms of the Basel Accords, and for the management of sectoral exposure. We examine Credit Value at Risk (VaR), Conditional Credit Value at Risk (Credit CVaR) and the relationship between market and credit risk. Significant association is found between different Credit CVaR methods, and between market and credit risk. Simpler Credit CVaR methods are found to be viable alternatives to more complex methodology. The relationship between market and credit risk is used to develop a new model that allows banks to incorporate industry risk into transition modelling, without macroeconomic analysis. 相似文献
This paper studies the interaction between bank capital regulation, moral hazard and co-existence of traditional and shadow banks. Bank managers can choose between traditional banking and off-balance sheet special purpose vehicles (SPV), in a setup with deposit insurance and moral hazard. We first show that in the absence of SPV intermediation, capital requirements are ineffective at preventing the moral hazard problem originated by deposit insurance. We find that shadow banks can improve financial stability, when there is full information sharing. Finally, we analyze the case of neglected tail risk. We find that under such circumstances, the SPV will increase financial risk by exposing the system to extreme events. 相似文献
This paper analyzes the effect of the business cycle on the regulatory capital buffers of German local banks in the period 1993–2004. The capital buffers are found to fluctuate countercyclically over the business cycle. The evidence supports that low-capitalized banks do not catch up with their well-capitalized peers over the observation period and they do not decrease risk-weighted assets during a recession. This finding suggests that their low capitalization does not force them to retreat from lending. 相似文献
We discuss the application of gradient methods to calibrate mean reverting stochastic volatility models. For this we use formulas based on Girsanov transformations as well as a modification of the Bismut–Elworthy formula to compute the derivatives of certain option prices with respect to the parameters of the model by applying Monte Carlo methods. The article presents an extension of the ideas to apply Malliavin calculus methods in the computation of Greek's. 相似文献
Thomas Chopping 《Quantitative Finance》2013,13(5):889-911
Recent research has found a number of scaling law relationships in foreign exchange data. These relationships, estimated using simple ordinary least squares, can be used to forecast losses in foreign exchange time series from as little as one month’s tick data. We compare the loss forecasts from a new scaling law against six parametric Value at Risk models. Compared to these models, the new scaling law is easier to fit, provides more stable forecasts and is very accurate. 相似文献
This paper proposes a new methodology to compute Value at Risk (VaR) for quantifying losses in credit portfolios. We approximate the cumulative distribution of the loss function by a finite combination of Haar wavelet basis functions and calculate the coefficients of the approximation by inverting its Laplace transform. The Wavelet Approximation (WA) method is particularly suitable for non-smooth distributions, often arising in small or concentrated portfolios, when the hypothesis of the Basel II formulas are violated. To test the methodology we consider the Vasicek one-factor portfolio credit loss model as our model framework. WA is an accurate, robust and fast method, allowing the estimation of the VaR much more quickly than with a Monte Carlo (MC) method at the same level of accuracy and reliability. 相似文献
Roger J. Bowden 《Quantitative Finance》2013,13(2):159-171
Generalized value at risk (GVaR) adds a conditional value at risk or censored mean lower bound to the standard value at risk and considers portfolio optimization problems in the presence of both constraints. For normal distributions the censored mean is synonymous with the statistical hazard function, but this is not true for fat-tailed distributions. The latter turn out to imply much tighter bounds for the admissible portfolio set and indeed for the logistic, an upper bound for the portfolio variance that yields a simple portfolio choice rule. The choice theory in GVaR is in general not consistent with classic Von Neumann–Morgenstern utility functions for money. A re-specification is suggested to make it so that gives a clearer picture of the economic role of the respective constraints. This can be used analytically to explore the choice of portfolio hedges. 相似文献
This paper explores the relationship between capital structure and import competition for the textile and apparel industries from 1974-1987. The level of import penetration should have an important effect on business risk and hence on financial leverage. We also examine the response of leverage to the interrelationships that may exist between import competition and three other factors: firm profitability, strength of the dollar, and investment in capital equipment.The evidence suggests that leverage for the textile firms increases with rising imports but that the effect is less marked if the imports are the result of a strengthening dollar. The textile firms also seem to have inaugurated a capital investment campaign in reaction to import competition. For apparel firms, the interrelationship between profitability and import penetration seems to have been the primary determinant of leverage. 相似文献
This paper develops a valuation model for a firm’s investment opportunities. Given standard market imperfections, we show
that maximizing the firm’s equity value is consistent with the need to include a capital charge for an investment specific
to a firm’s capital structure and in excess of the investment’s market determined risk. A reduced form credit risk perspective
is taken to enable a continuous time implementation. This continuous time implementation is illustrated within the paper.
In recent years public health problems caused by indoor air pollution, known as ‘Sick Building Syndrome in housing’, or ‘Sick House Syndrome’ in Japan, have been drawing strong public concern. After conducting extensive exposure assessment, government authorities have taken effective measures to solve the problem. However, as a result of diversification and increase in quantities of industrial chemicals, existing regulations do not cover enough ranges of various potential hazardous chemicals. Hence, the regulations seek to be changed from hazard‐based regulation to a risk‐based one. Good indoor air quality (IAQ), which does not pose unacceptable health risks from all pollutants affecting indoor air, should be ensured for all public people. The objective of this study is to clarify the remaining issues to be solved urgently, related to the regulations to ensure a good IAQ. We reviewed enormous numbers of the existing governmental and industrial voluntary standards and/or guidelines, literature and documents concerning IAQ research in the past 40 years. Our results showed six subjects from those remaining issues. Based on these subjects we created a new scheme to control the IAQ; we especially regarded a comprehensive labeling system as one of the important strategies. 相似文献