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广东省双转移面临的机遇和挑战研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以广东产业和人力资源双转移为背景,分析了产业转移的现状、困难和转移过程中存在的问题,此基础上,综合借鉴了前任的理论研究成果,针对广东省产业和人力资源双转移过程中存在的问题,提出了解决办法,分析了双转移所面临的机遇与挑战。  相似文献   

广东产业升级与转移过程中的问题与对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王佳佳  雷红  梁云  左小德 《价值工程》2010,29(5):237-238
本文利用产业转移的相关理论,分析了广东在产业和人力资源双转移过程中存在的问题,并分析了产生这些问题的深层次原因,分析了广东省经济地理区域的比较优劣势。在此基础上,针对性地提出了解决措施和应对策略。  相似文献   

承接产业转移,是指在产业转移过程中,主动做好承东启西、贯通南北的区位优势,充分发挥资源优势、巨大的发展空间以及人力资源优势,主动抓住历史性重大机遇促进产业聚集,增强经济总量,提升经济质量,推进新型工业化进程。在广东面临产业升级的情况下,广西应利用好自己独特的区位优势承接广东产业转移。文章结合产业转移相关理论,通过对两广产业转移的可行性分析,论证了广西在承接广东产业转移中的优势,并为承接产业转移的选择提出一些建议。  相似文献   

叶迪 《企业导报》2014,(2):24-24,31
为解释国际产业转移,众多经济学家通过艰苦卓绝的研究工作,得出了很多真知灼见:这些理论可分为国际产业转移动因理论,国际产业转移方式理论以及产业转移的效应理论等。但这些理论却不尽一致甚至相互冲突。本文力图将国际产业转移动因、转移方式与企业的类型加以分类和匹配,以更加精确地解释国际产业转移与本土企业成长的关系。  相似文献   

房丽 《价值工程》2011,30(33):117-118
本文着眼于现代产业转移这一重要课题,从一般规律、经济动因、转移模式、转移效应、转移战略与对策五个方面进行了综合论述,为产业格局和产业结构当中产业承接方与产业转移方进行产业的科学评估和选择提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

价值转移与供应链结构变迁——以家电产业供应链为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
价值的转移将影响供应链的水平结构、垂直结构以及供应链上各企业的内部结构。本文以价值转移理论为出发点,分析家电产业供应链结构的变迁过程。  相似文献   

文章以广东“双转移”战略指导下的产业转移园为研究对象,利用演化博弈论讨论影响地方政府合作开发的关键因素,并从经验层面验证了合作开发对产业转移的机制性作用,以期为优化产业转移实践提供有益参考。  相似文献   

产业价值转移与企业竞争优势   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
关于企业竞争优势来源,主流理论是一种由内向外,主要集中于成本和全面质量管理(TQM)、营销及研发的战略思考模式,尽管外部环境分析作为必要的假设,但忽略了企业所在的行业不断发生“价值转移”现象或规律。本文提出,研究和培育企业的竞争优势必须首先研究产业的价值转移规律,否则即使对产业竞争结构和内部资源把握得再准,也难以使企业获得充分的价值和持久的竞争优势。在这一思想引导下,本文分析了产业价值转移现象,并就企业如何基于产业价值转移制定竞争战略进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

本文在总结国际产业转移历史发展规律的基础上,认为弗农的产品生命周期理论、阿瑟·刘易斯的劳动密集型产业转移理论、小岛清的"边际产业转移论"、邓宁的国际投资发展周期理论对指导我国服务业的国际产业转移具有局限性,提出应用价值链思想来指导中国服务业的国际转移.  相似文献   

张弢  严燕 《企业导报》2012,(12):1-3
全球四次产业转移浪潮中的经验证明,产业转移不仅是落后国家追赶发达国家的一种有效途径,也是一个国家中落后地区追赶发达地区的一种战略选择。近年来,学者们对于产业转移理论的研究日趋成熟,随着国家政策的转变,已经有越来越多的学者开始对产业转移模式进行了深入的研究。本文首先从产业转移模式的相关基本概念开始介绍;接着依次归纳总结了国外和国内至今所研究的产业转移模式并做出了评述;最后在此基础上,文章结尾提出了对于产业转移模式研究的不足和展望,具有重要实际指导意义。  相似文献   

Evolution of industrial relations and human resource management in Italy in the last decade is analysed through qualitative case studies, quantitative surveys and a combination of qualitative/quantitative data originating from network researches.

In the 1980s, complementary industrial relations/human resource management in Italy were based on the trade-off between employment security, work flexibility and industrial adjustment. In the 1990s this complementarity is under pressure from a second restructuring process (and privatization) of Italian enterprises.

The last surveys underline that the basic features of industrial relations were not altered, but the data confirm the critical importance of the relationship between industrial relations and human resource management and also the fragility of this balance.  相似文献   

人力资源的低效配置会导致失业率上升,误导教育产业结构,同时还会导致人才的流失以及不利于完善劳动力市场的功能。文章分析了人力资源的配置效率与失业之间的关系,概述了我国人力资源低效配置的表现和原因,并探讨了提高人力资源配置效率、降低失业率的政策选择。  相似文献   

全莺歌 《价值工程》2011,30(6):209-209
结合作者多年的SAP ERP人力资源系统实施运维经验,本文阐述了山东中烟ERP人力资源管理系统总体设计经验,重点分析了组织机构管理、人事管理、薪酬管理和系统集成等方面的功能设计;分析了人力资源系统的应用成效和未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

孙伟 《中国工程师》2013,(12):54-55
本文基于PLC、变频器、编码器组成汽车输送主、副线主从控制的双闭环随动控制系统,采用主输送线的实际运行速度作为副输送线的设定值,实现汽车输送主副线的传动速度同步、高精度稳速控制;该系统可有效抑制外部干扰,消除速度偏差,稳定程度高;实际应用效果达到设计要求。  相似文献   

寻找金融机构信贷投向的影响因素成为提升金融机构信贷资金投向正确性,及促进经济发展的重要途径。而在这些影响因素中,区域人力资源要素无疑是非常重要的一个。但是,区域人力资源要素对金融信贷投向的影响机制的相关研究还非常缺乏。本研究采用相关分析及结构模型建模方法对区域人力资源要素与金融机构信贷投向的影响效应进行实证分析。结果表明,人力资源要素对金融机构信贷投向具有积极的直接正向影响,同时,人力资源要素通过对产业结构的调整及优化作用对信贷投向产生了积极的间接影响作用。该研究不仅在理论上促进有关信贷理论的发展,完善信贷理论的研究体系;而且在实践中有助于促进金融信贷投向合理的方向。  相似文献   

陈华勇 《价值工程》2013,(30):144-145
高校如何适应现代产业链、产业群的发展和激烈的人才竞争,建立发现人才、培养人才、激励人才、成就人才机制,从而使高校最重要的资源——教师真正体现人力资本的价值,在尊重高校自身历史情况下,结合现代人力资源管理,配合国家相关政策,选择和建立适合高校的激励机制。本文就此问题浅谈高校基于岗位管理和人员聘用制度下的人力资源管理。  相似文献   

Multinational companies have assumed a position of considerable prominence in the Australian economy. Drawing on the 1995 Australian Workplace Industrial Relations Survey, this paper examines the character of human resource management in multinational companies operating in Australia. The findings suggest that investments in the human resource function and the utilization of human resource practices were generally more widespread in foreign-owned than Australian establishments. This was especially the case for workplaces belonging to American and British-owned firms. It is concluded that the more strongly regulated industrial relations environment as well as the legacy of protected domestic markets have not made multinational companies reluctant innovators in human resource management in the Australian context.  相似文献   

This paper takes a critical look at the field of strategic human resource management and in particular the debate about the strategic value of the human resource. We identify the contribution as well as the problematic nature of the situational-contingency perspective. Drawing from the strategic management literature and the concept of resource heterogeneity, we then posit a resource-capability view of the firm and argue that the mutually reinforcing interaction between the stock of knowledge, skills and expertise (resources) and the organizational routines and human resource policies and practices (capabilities) generates human resource competencies whose strategic value is realizable to the extent that they are linked with core competencies. We thus offer a reconceptualization of human resource competencies which goes beyond existing trait, behavioural and systems approaches. Finally, we identify the circumstances surrounding the generation and distribution of rents arising from the utilization of human resource competencies by drawing from transaction cost theory and industrial relations.  相似文献   

In this paper, developments in human resource management in manufacturing in modern Britain based on a national sample are examined. The organization and role of human resource management, employee involvement, training and development, work practices and rewards are all targeted for an assessment of current practices. This is a prelude for a contrast between manufacturing and non-manufacturing. The conclusion is that the similarities between manufacturing and non-manufacturing substantially outweigh the differences. By inference, too, developments in human resource management practices are likely to reflect changes in the broader environment of businesses (and differences between companies) rather than being specific to the main industrial sectors.  相似文献   

In the past decade human resource management issues featured prominently in debates over the competitiveness and human resource professionals were expected to ascend to positions of greater influence in corporate strategy making and implementation. Despite numerous calls for a paradigm shift towards a more ‘strategic’ focus for human resource management research, developments in both practice and research fell far short of expectations. Thus, the process of transforming human resource policy into a strategic asset for employees, individual firms or the American economy is not yet complete. The paper suggests that the ‘strategic’ human resource management models of the 1980s were too limited and reactive in character because they depended so heavily on the values, strategies and support of top executives and line managers. A model capable of achieving sustained and transformational change needs to incorporate more active roles of other stakeholders in the employment relationship, including government, employes and union representatives as well as line managers and top executives. The paper starts by reviewing the evidence on innovations in human resource management in the past decade and then outlines the implications of the change model for human resource management and industrial relations theory, policy and practice. Special emphasis is given to the role of human resource professionals as potential change agents or facilitators of the transformational process.  相似文献   

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