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随着我国市场经济的发展,对会计的要求也发生着变化,2006年我国发布的《企业会计准则一基本准则》,既是与国际会计惯例的趋同,同时又具有中国特色,亦可看作我国的财务概念框架.本文主要通过对年美两国财务会计概念框架的比较,来分析两个框架的异同以及美国对我国概念框架的借鉴意义. 相似文献
新发布的《企业会计准则——基本准则》,尽管没有按照国际惯例称为“概念框架”,但它实质上起着概念框架的作用,因为它明确规定具体准则的制定应当遵循基本准则;同时,其中首次提出了国际会计惯例中公认的一些概念(如确认、计量、报告、交易、事项等),其从内容到实质全面向国际惯例趋同。应该说我国财务会计概念框架已具雏形。本文从财务会计概念框架的由来与比较入手。谈谈《基本准则》所确立的我国财务会计概念框架。 相似文献
财务会计概念框架是应市场经济发展的要求的产物,是由目标和相互关联的基本概念组成的连贯的理论体系,不同国家的财务会计概念框架不尽相同.本文通过对美国、英国、日本及我国的财务会计概念框架进行比较,以期为我国构建财务会计概念框架提供借鉴参考. 相似文献
财务会计概念框架是应市场经济发展的要求的产物,是由目标和相互关联的基本概念组成的连贯的理论体系,不同国家的财务会计概念框架不尽相同。本文通过对美国、英国、日本及我国的财务会计概念框架进行比较,以期为我国构建财务会计概念框架提供借鉴参考。 相似文献
财务会计概念框架(CF)是会计界理论研究的产物,是制定会计准则的需要,也是社会环境综合作用的结果。FASB及IASB都非常重视财务会计概念框架的研究,正在联合研究国际通用的概念框架。本文对FASB和IASB概念框架的主要内容作了比较研究,在此基础上提出构建我国财务会计概念框架的若干思考,以期对我国会计理论研究和会计准则建设与完善提供一定参考。 相似文献
本文从财务会计概念框架的内涵着手,分析财务会计概念框架的产生和发展,对主要的财务会计概念框架进行比较分析,重点阐释了国际标准委员会、美国和英国制定的财务会计概念框架。 相似文献
财务会计概念框架是由相互关联的目标和基本概念所组成的逻辑一致的体系,其内容包括财务报告目标、会计信息的质量特征、财务报表要素、财务报表的确认与计量等,其目的在于指导会计准则的制定与应用。利用财务会计概念框架作为沟通财务会计理论和财务会计准则的桥梁,已经成为西方主要国家在制定会计准则中普遍采用的做法。我国财政部于2006年2月15日发布的企业会计准则体系,标志着我国企业会计准则体系制定任务的初步完成。结合对西方国家有关财务会计概念框架体系的内容及我国新颁企业会计准则的研究,笔者认为,我国新颁布的"企业会计准则—基本准则",作为我国未来财务会计概念框架的过渡形式,充当现阶段我国的财务会计概念框架,是符合我国当前国情的。 相似文献
我国财务会计概念框架的法律地位研究 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
在制度比较分析框架下 ,制度收益和制度成本两方面分析结果表明 ,将概念框架作为会计准则组成部分的制度安排 ,其效率要优于将概念框架作为指导性规范的制度安排。本文的政策意义在于 :概念框架的制度建设 ,应立足基本国情 ,考虑国际发展趋势 ,确立政府的主导作用及其法律地位。 相似文献
新会计准则体系重在使会计信息更真实地反映企业的经济实质,强调有利于利益相关者的决策之用;促使上市公司转换会计思维的同时,对上市公司财务经济分析产生了一定影响。本文的主要目的就在于基于对新基本会计准则的财务会计概念框架身份认识上探讨新准则对财务分析的影响。 相似文献
新会计准则体系重在使会计信息更真实地反映企业的经济实质,强调有利于利益相关者的决策之用:促使上市公司转换会计思维的同时,对上市公司财务经济分析产生了一定影响.本文的主要目的就在于基于对新基本会计准则的财务会计概念框架身份认识上探讨新准则对财务分析的影响. 相似文献
财务会计概念框架研究的比较与综评 总被引:30,自引:3,他引:30
本文在对目前主要的财务会计概念框架进行比较的基础上 ,着力阐述和综评了美国财务会计概念公告、国际会计准则委员会编报财务报表的框架、英国会计准则委员会的财务报告原则公告的各自优缺点。 相似文献
《Critical Perspectives On Accounting》2014,25(1):17-26
The ongoing neoliberalisation of global economies has been well documented. Neoliberalism requires a commitment to a broad set of ideas about how political economies should operate, and these ideas underpin the transformations of practice in the process of neoliberalisation—both at a technical and conceptual level. Transactions within a neoliberal economy need to be accounted for in a way that accords with this broader set of ideas. Specifically, the growth of accumulation through financial markets has seen a concurrent growth in accounts that both reflects and reproduces finance at its centre. These accounts are more than just reports; they condition our expectations and support the production of further accounts, which in turn reinforce the dominant political economy. Despite the connection between neoliberalism, financialisation and the practice of accounting, the role of accounting in the process of neoliberalisation has received only limited attention. In order to contribute to a deeper understanding of these processes and to the role that accounting plays within them, this paper re-examines the Conceptual Framework (CF) to show how it forms an important part of the architecture of neoliberalism, providing coherence and legitimacy to its key ideas. The current CF project was jointly conducted by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and the US Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), and is positioned within the broader literature on neoliberalism and financialisation. This paper shows how changes in terminology, shifts in notions of income and the popularity of market valuations (fair value accounting) work to normalise the speculative characteristics of financial markets. Through this newly configured globalised CF, the regulatory architecture of accounting may work to sustain the centrality of finance in a post-GFC economy, despite its many deficiencies. 相似文献
建立中国财务会计概念框架的总体设想 总被引:77,自引:0,他引:77
本文围绕在我国建立财务会计概念框架的基本问题,系统探讨了财务会计目标、财务报告信息的质量特征、财务报表的要素、要素的确认与计量、财务报告的列报等问题。本文在借鉴国外既有研究成果的基础上着重探讨了资产要素的定义,结合收入要素探讨了确认问题,在财务报告列报部分还具体探讨了财务报表确认、财务报表附注及其它财务报告的披露问题。 相似文献
The nature of accounting dictates that it be concerned with the process of measurement. However, only in recent decades has debate about the concept of measurement appeared in accounting literature. This article identifies problem areas and pitfalls that need to be addressed, and contributes to the debate about measurement. It examines the importance of measurement to accounting, definitions of the term and what measurement involves. This leads to the consideration of statements and inferences that can be made about the outputs of the measurement process, and to proposed guidelines for the development and assessment of a conceptual framework document. 相似文献
The history of the conceptual framework (CF) exercise indicates more a search for a rationale for current practice than a re-affirmation of the legal, social and economic (especially financial) framework within which accounting is to function, and the necessary shape of a compatible system of accounting. Interestingly, issues similar to those presaging the formation of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants' Wheat and Trueblood Committees (antecedents of the formation of the Financial Accounting Standards Board in 1973 and its CF project in 1976) are evident again today. Such events led to a reconsideration of the effectiveness of CFs in their current form as 'constitutions'. Arguably, the framework of concepts underpinning ordinary, everyday commerce is the CF of accounting. The quest for a unique constitution-based CF of accounting, independent of observables, has been misplaced, insofar it is unnecessary. Arguably, if more attention had been given to the function of accounting the futility of the CF exercise could have been avoided. 相似文献
在基本准则转换为财务会计概念框架的进程中,需对我国会计准则规范体系进行重新的梳理,应遵循的正确路径是将现行的会计准则体系分立为确认与计量准则和披露准则,并由不同职能部门分别进行制定.完整的会计准则规范体系应包括财务会计概念框架、确认与计量会计准则、财务会计信息披露准则. 相似文献
对会计概念框架的研究是会计理论研究的重要内容,构建具有逻辑性、整体性和系统性的税务会计概念框架,不仅可以夯实税务会计理论基础,还可以正确界定税务会计与财务会计的关系,有利于建立健全会计学科体系,规范会计处理实务;可以避免税收法规中出现某些前后矛盾、明显疏漏或违背公认会计原则的问题,有利于完善税收法规制度。本文在借鉴财务会计概念框架的基础上,根据税务会计学的基本架构,初步构建了以税务会计目标为逻辑起点,以税务会计假设、税务会计原则、税务会计要素和税务会计程序为基本概念和逻辑层次的概念框架。 相似文献
Rowan Jones 《公共资金与管理》1998,18(2):11-16
This article explains the underlying principles of resource accounting in UK central government and some of the theoretical and practical complications involved in meeting the requirement that it should be based on company accounting. The author argues that the principles of resource accounting are very different from those underlying company accounting, and that accounting for the effects of changes in the general level of prices might be being stifled only because there is no parallel in company accounting. The implication is that competition will arise between resource accounting and company accounting for dominance. 相似文献
As a step toward developing a widely accepted theory to guide the standards-making process and the accounting profession, the Financial Accounting Standards Board submitted a conceptual framework to the profession for its consideration. Its purpose is to provide guidance in the choice among alternative accounting methods for an issue. Whether the conceptual framework performs its function can be objectively evaluated only when it is applied to issues and tested through a rigorous procedure. A rigorous procedure to evaluate a theory has two conceptually distinguishable but interrelated parts: (a) testing the set of sentences constituting the logical structure of the theory and its inferences by way of mathematical or logical proofs, and (b) evaluating the content of the sentences constituting the theory and its inferences by way of evidence, be it empirical, intuitive, or otherwise. The purpose of this study is to test the logical structure of the conceptual framework. The results of the study provide a demonstration that the structure of the conceptual framework is logically consistent and that inferences from the structure of the conceptual framework to alternative methods for an issue are deductively valid. The study also exemplifies an application of the structure of the conceptual framework in the selection of an alternative method for an issue. The application explicitly interrelates the structure and content of the conceptual framework. 相似文献