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投资状况及风险分析 外国直接投资状况 匈牙利是中东欧国家中引进外资最多的国家之一,外资大量涌入是其经济转轨的一大特点.2004年吸引外国直接投资达46.7亿美元,2005年吸引外资66亿美元.2006年,欧盟经济增长将进一步增强投资者的信心,匈牙利吸引外国直接投资前景看好.匈牙利吸收的外资主要来自德国、荷兰、奥地利、美国、日本和英国,多集中在商业和工业部门,包括加工企业、贸易企业、电力和天然气供应公司等.  相似文献   

陈胜蓝  刘晓玲 《金融研究》2019,472(10):117-134
本文利用中国城际高铁开通对公司产品质量保证动机产生的外生变化来考察其如何影响公司的商业信用供给决策。高铁开通通过降低运输成本,提高了公司与客户之间的交易量,不仅可以降低公司与客户之间的信息不对称,还可以促使公司提高产品质量,削弱了公司为了保证产品质量而提供商业信用的动机。借助高铁开通在时间和空间上错列发生的特征,构建准自然实验情境,本文使用双重差分方法的检验,结果表明高铁开通使公司商业信用供给减少约3.51%。研究发现,交易量提高是高铁开通减少公司商业信用供给的重要渠道。进一步分析发现,对于事前信息不对称程度较大、关系专用性投资水平较高和产品质量保证需求较低的公司,高铁开通导致公司商业信用供给减少更多。本文研究为商业信用供给的产品质量保证理论提供了进一步的补充和发展,研究结论对于理解交通基础设施的经济效应以及公司商业信用供给决策的影响因素具有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

马晓凤 《中国外资》2010,(10):142-143
随着社会主义市场经济的发展,企业之间的交易日益增多,相当一部分企业开始以商业信用为基础、通过赊销方式进行交易,应收账款业务随之产生。通过延期付款和商业信用交易,施工企业业务量开始扩大、市场业务逐步拓展、整体经营成本降低、企业市场竞争地位和实力进一步强化,应收账款已经成为企业资产的主要组成部分,但是,随着信用经济的不断发展,企业之间由于赊销业务而产生的应收账款风险也日益严峻,应收账款管理直接关系到企业资产的质量和企业的资金周转。  相似文献   

随着社会主义市场经济的发展,企业之间的交易日益增多,相当一部分企业开始以商业信用为基础、通过赊销方式进行交易,应收账款业务随之产生.通过延期付款和商业信用交易,施工企业业务量开始扩大、市场业务逐步拓展、整体经营成本降低、企业市场竞争地位和实力进一步强化,应收账款已经成为企业资产的主要组成部分;但是,随着信用经济的不断发展,企业之间由于赊销业务而产生的应收账款风险也日益严峻,应收账款管理直接关系到企业资产的质量和企业的资金周转.  相似文献   

信用评级是国家经济金融健康运行的重要组成部分。近年来我国商业汇票市场发展迅猛,票据交易量在货币市场中占据了举足轻重的位置,而关乎交易标的的我国票据信用评级体系建设尚未起步,两者之间存在巨大的反差。本文分析了我国票据信用评级的现状、问题和建立票据信用评级的必要性,提出了构建票据信用评级体系的总体思路、实施路径和具体方法。  相似文献   

近几年,随着经济的发展和对外开放进程的加快,一些经济欠发达地区涉外资金流入也呈增长态势,涉外收入品种多样化。对私涉外收入中既有侨汇和工人打工收入,也有各类资本撤回和服务收入,其中侨汇和工人打工收入占比较大,而且呈不断上升的趋势。对公涉外收入中既有一般贸易、特殊贸易,也有资本交易及收益,其中贸易项下收入占主导地位。投资资本,特别是外国来华直接投资增加迅猛。  相似文献   

金融是现代经济的核心。现代经济是信用经济,金融信用是社会信用环境中极其重要的一环,无论是具有储蓄与投资转化功能的金融机构,无论是将各种资源转化成产品的企业,还是将资金存入金融机构的存款人。在现代经济中,他们的交易活动都是建立在信用基础之上的,大量的金融理论和实践证明,金融信用出现问题。将引起市场  相似文献   

贸易信贷是指发生在一国居民与非居民之间、由于进出口货物所有权转移和资金收付时间不一致而产生的直接商业信用,贸易信贷是国际收支平衡表和国际投资头寸表的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

在华并购活动渐增近年来,在华并购活动大幅增加。统计显示,2004年交易量比2003年激增五成左右,而且交易形式趋向更庞大、更复杂。从区域来看,中国的交易量一直高居亚洲之首。外企的首选投资方向已从传统制造业转移到服务业,例如银行保险、证券、贸易分销、运输物流等等。随着中国履行入世承诺,开放和解除对个别服务行业的限制,国内和跨国并购交易迅速攀升。新颁布的2004年8号令取消了外资持股比例限制,向外国投资者敞开了中国商贸及分销市场的大门。CEPA的施行降低了香港公司进入内地特定服务领域的门槛,进一步密切了香港与内地的经济联系…  相似文献   

出口信用保险在国际贸易中应用广泛,它用于防范出口交易中的商业风险和政治风险以及出口商的贸易融资。出口信用保险通常由专门的出口信用保险机构来提供。最近十几年来,随着经济和贸易的全球化.金融服务亦随之国际化.对贸易具有特殊促进功能的出口信用保险也出现了新的变化。  相似文献   

In 2011, Colombia instituted a tax on repayment of bank loans, which increased the cost of short‐term bank credit more than long‐term credit. Firms responded by cutting short‐term loans for liquidity management purposes and increasing the use of cash and trade credit. In industries in which trade credit is more accessible (based on U.S. Compustat firms), we find substitution into accounts payable and little effect on cash and investment. Where trade credit is less available, firms increase cash and cut investment. Thus, trade credit provides an alternative source of liquidity that can insulate some firms from bank liquidity shocks.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of financial deepening on the relationship between trade credit and cash holdings among Chinese listed firms. We first document an asymmetric effect of trade payables and receivables on cash holdings, in that firms hold an additional $0.71 of cash for every $1 of credit payable but use $1 of receivables as a substitute for only $0.15 of cash. We then find that firms in regions with higher levels of financial deepening hold less cash for payables while substituting more receivables for cash. A more highly developed financial sector helps firms to better use trade credit as a short-term financing instrument. Finally, we find that the ratio at which receivables are substituted for cash increased following the implementation of the new receivables pledge policy in 2007, which allowed firms to use receivables as security for loans. This policy event represents an exogenous shock that mitigates the endogeneity concern.  相似文献   

We study the impact of female production workers on firms' access to trade credits across the world. Using two sources of plausibly exogenous variations in gender bias and a difference-in-differences framework, we document that firms with more female production workers have less access to trade credits in countries with stronger gender beliefs that favor males. This relationship is largely driven by firms in industries with unexpected credit shortages and industries dominated by males. Since female firms rely more on informal finance, this study is relevant for policies that direct female firms towards formal credit markets in highly gender-biased places.  相似文献   


This paper investigates whether Chinese firms utilize trade credit as an alternative financial intermediation to alleviate financial constraints, and whether trade credit matters for firm productivity. The results show that trade credit significantly affects firm productivity in private and foreign-owned firms but not state-owned enterprises, indicating that trade credit is an efficient financial intermediation for non-state firms. Second, trade credit better helps firms that have severe financial constraints grow. Third, the mechanism of trade credit and TFP is by the substitution effect of cash flow, the smoothing effect of working capital and the drive of innovation. Finally, the impact of trade credit on productivity is driven by the regions under a more institutionally developed environment.  相似文献   

This study investigates the trade credit channel of monetary policy transmission in Turkey by using a large panel of corporate firms and includes detailed information on balance sheets and income statements of firms that regularly reported to the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey during the period 1996-2008. The study suggests that the composition of external finance differs considerably across firm types based on size and export performance under tight and loose financial conditions. Small and medium-size manufacturing firms and firms with a low export share are less likely to have access to bank finance, especially in tight periods. In addition, financially constrained firms with limited access to bank finance (small, low-export-share firms) tend to substitute trade credits for bank loans more aggressively in tight periods as monetary policy tightens. The large volume of trade credit on firms' balance sheets and its positive response to contractionary monetary shocks imply that the trade credit channel might subdue the traditional credit channel of monetary transmission.  相似文献   

In this article, we identify and examine three different views of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and the relationship between CSR and firms’ provision of trade credit. The trust view of CSR argues that CSR and trade credit provision are related positively, because CSR, as a trust-enhancing device, complements the incomplete contract nature of trade credit. The CSR literature shows that CSR firms tend to have higher cash holdings. With this in mind, the precautionary motive view of CSR suggests that cash holdings serve as a hedge against trade credit risk, while, on the other hand, the substitution view of CSR predicts that cash hoarding discourages the provision of trade credit. Using a dataset of 20,591 firm-year observations from 1991 to 2015, we find strong evidence that supports both the trust and substitution views of CSR but not the precautionary view of CSR.  相似文献   

In 2012, China implemented a green credit policy (GCP) that restricts bank credits to heavily polluting firms. Using a difference-in-differences research design, we find that polluting firms increased their cash reserves by 9.5% after the GCP's issuance relative to non-polluting firms. We also document that the GCP significantly reduces firms' access to bank finance but increases the value of cash. Cross-sectional analysis shows that the increase in cash holdings is more significant for firms with greater financial constraints, firms with more investment opportunities, and high-tech companies. Overall, our findings are consistent with a constraint explanation: when external financing is restricted, firms retain more cash to meet future investment needs.  相似文献   

Since 1988, cash holding of the UK companies has increased from 10.6% to 16.4% of total assets. To explain this increase, we develop a panel vector autoregression and analyse the dynamics between cash holding and its closest substitutes, trade credit and short-term bank finance. Impulse response functions confirm the signalling theory, as trade credit facilitates access to bank finance. Firms experiencing liquidity shocks resort to cash or trade credit but not to bank finance. Cash holding improves access to trade credit. Additional cash and trade credit trigger a slowdown of the cash conversion cycle explained by agency theory. Cash-rich firms have accumulated more cash than predicted because of an unexpected decline in short-term debt, stressing the role of banks in explaining the increase in cash holding.  相似文献   

This paper studies whether trade credit is used as a substitute for bank credit in crisis periods in Latin America. The sample is composed of firms listed on the Argentine, Brazilian, and Mexican stock exchanges from 1994 to 2009. For the small firms, the substitution hypothesis was not rejected. However, this hypothesis was not confirmed homogeneously for all the firms during the crises. Unlike Brazilian and Argentine firms, Mexican firms use more cash reserves than trade credit. The big firms tend to use other financing sources. A pattern of trade credit use by sector has not yet been found.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the effect of earnings quality on supplier credit in a sample of small and medium‐sized firms. After controlling for other determinants of trade credit, we show that firms whose earnings present lower variability, higher smoothing and predictability, and higher accruals quality have access to more trade credit from suppliers. This association suggests that earnings attributes associated to lower volatility and higher precision with respect to cash flows facilitate access to trade credit.  相似文献   

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