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从2005年至今,笔者及其团队曾参观调研过十几家连锁药店和便利店的配送中心,在此进行综合性介绍,和业内同行分享.连锁药店、便利店行业应用的拆零拣选方式主要有以下几种.  相似文献   

《Labour economics》2006,13(5):639-663
In this paper, we extend a dynamic efficiency wage model to the case of multiple local labour markets that interact through migration. Firms are concerned about turnover costs. The quitting behaviour of workers is a function of local labour market conditions, non-wage income and the costs and benefits of migration to other local labour markets. A synthetic micro sample of 20,302 observations from the 1986, 1991 and 1996 New Zealand Censuses of Population and Dwellings provides evidence supporting the theory. Across subgroups, the wages of workers with relatively inelastic local labour supply and/or lower geographical mobility are relatively more responsive to changes in the local employment rate. The evidence is consistent with the notion that local employers engage in monopsonistic competition with respect to the employment of such workers.  相似文献   

北京城区轨道交通换乘站点布局及其便捷度评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
轨道交通换乘站点的便捷程度直接影响着整个轨道交通线网的效率,它不仅是决定人们选择出行方式的关键因素,也是轨道交通规划设计首先需要考虑的问题。以北京城区除4号线以外的现有轨道交通线路之间的换乘车站为研究对象,通过主、客观对比研究的方式,分析和评价北京城区轨道交通换乘便捷度水平,研究各换乘站点便捷度的强弱及其空间分布的合理性,对目前北京轨道交通换乘站点分布中存在的问题提出对策建议。  相似文献   

《Labour economics》2006,13(2):237-257
Overlapping labour markets arise when some types of workers do not meet employers with some types of jobs. For example, skilled workers could seek high-skill or low-skill jobs, but low skill workers could be limited to low-skill jobs. The paper derives conditions for equilibrium and efficiency, distinguishes reducible from irreducible overlapping labour markets, and describes distributional impacts of proportional demand shifts and technological change. Many labour models incorporate the structure of overlapping labour markets, so that the results have widespread applicability.  相似文献   

This article considers the relationship between Chinese and Western labour activists. It analyses this relationship in reference to ‘vertical’ and ‘horizontal’ divisions of global power, drawing on world‐systems and social movement unionism literature to illustrate this. It argues for a conceptual middle ground to develop useful engagement strategies.  相似文献   

The paper develops a model where the structure of organizations is a choice variable for firms and depends on conditions in the labour market. It shows that an increase in the supply of skilled labour may lead firms to adopt organizations with less hierarchical levels. This organizational change increases firms' demand for skilled agents and qualitatively modifies their jobs (i.e. the set of tasks assigned to skilled employees) thus increasing the skilled wage premium.  相似文献   

《Labour economics》2005,12(3):321-343
This paper provides empirical evidence that, at a given wage, individuals cannot freely choose the number of hours they work. The novelty relative to the existing literature (e.g. [Altonji, J., Paxson, C., 1986. Job characteristics and hours of work. In: Ehrenberg, R. (Ed.), Research in Labor Economics, vol. 8. Westview Press, Greenwich, 1–55]) is twofold. We use the US data on prime age males from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth and we account for endogenous switching between jobs. Our results are: (i) the variance of the change in hours worked is more than six times higher for movers than for stayers; (ii) the intertemporal labour supply elasticity is positive and significant for movers and zero for stayers. This is further evidence for the presence of hours constraints. One important implication is that estimates of the labour supply elasticity that ignore these constraints are biased.  相似文献   

This paper studies how the replacement rate, defined as the ratio of disposable income when unemployed to expected disposable income if beginning to work, affects individuals’ transition rate from unemployment. Linked register data, representing a local Finnish labour market in 1996, are analysed with piece-wise constant exponential hazard models. Results suggest that the effect of the replacement rate and, thus, of “unemployment traps”, is fairly modest. It does not seem to change with time spent unemployed. The impact on the transition rate into employment is lower than on the transition rate out of the labour force. Unemployment insurance recipients are found to be less sensitive to changes in the replacement rate than are unemployment assistance recipients.  相似文献   

The tradition in national labour laws to support labour standards in collective agreements is reflected in the trend in EC labour law towards recognition of collectively bargained standards in a number of recent legislative initiatives. If this trend can be linked with, and reinforced by, sectoral bargaining at EC-level, the emergence of a European labour law will come nearer to realisation.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that a great deal of empirical research confirms the existence of strategic groups, not enough attention has been paid to their theoretical development. This paper links the theories of spatial competition and cognitive taxonomy to the very existence of strategic groups in a competitive environment. It is shown that the concept of strategic groups is not an analytical convenience but a theoretical construct.  相似文献   

Under the assumption that workers are more heavily credit rationed than firms, the standard model of testing and self-selection in the labour market is extended. The two main findings are that ex post inefficient termination may be used as a self-selection device and that when workers can be of more than two different productivities, only the best worker should be overpaid.  相似文献   

This article looks at industrial relations changes, conflict and control in higher education, particularly among university academics. It suggests a tendency towards proletarianisation, and a focus on the academic labour process is useful in explaining growing conflict. An apparent HRM agenda and (reluctantly) increasing managerialism are forms, not causes, of change which is driven by funding pressures similar to those affecting other HE systems.  相似文献   

Drawing on evidence from Greater Manchester, this article examines how structural changes in capital accumulation have created particular labour market outcomes, which have led to young people becoming a source of cheap labour for the growing low‐wage service economy. Greater Manchester has been selected as a case study because of the sectoral composition of its labour market and because levels of low pay for young workers are above the national low‐pay average of 40 per cent. The research reveals that it is necessary to move beyond sociological explanations that concentrate on the ‘essential youthfulness’ of young people and instead draw on analytical categories from political economy in order to understand the structural causes of young people's material circumstances.  相似文献   

分析了我国船员参与国际船员市场竞争的优劣势,指出存在劣势原因,提出目前我国航海类院校如何培养具有竞争力外派船员的途径与方法以及航海类学生如何提升自身全面能力。  相似文献   

和谐社会是一个美好的蓝图,是政通人和、国泰民安的社会状态,是我们党治国理政的理想,也是我们海事全体人员的理想。  相似文献   

This article focuses upon internal labour market processes and reviews current theoretical and empirical material. In reporting two recent studies which indicate the variety of internal processes the authors offer some explanations for such developments, in particular their relevance to issues of managerial control.  相似文献   

时捷应用新物流系统,日出货量得到有效提升,满足了美宜佳便利店的配货需求。  相似文献   

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