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The brewing industry is experiencing an upsurge of militancy amongst the tenants and managers of its public houses. How has this come about? Where is it likely to lead?  相似文献   

Upon termination, most displaced workers lose employer-financed health insurance along with their jobs; data for 1983-84 suggest that such workers ran a high risk of remaining uninsured for extended periods, even after new employment was secured.  相似文献   

Organizations have been increasingly introducing new ways of working (NWW). Yet, it is still unclear how these new work practices (e.g. unassigned-desk policies; self-managing teams; telework) may affect the inclusion of people with disabilities (PWD). The framework developed in this paper theorizes the mechanisms through which NWW can enable or disable PWD's work outcomes (i.e. work-impairment coordination, perceptions of justice, isolation and privacy concerns). Additionally, we use the ideal worker concept to reason that, when combined, NWW practices create expectations for employees that can be incompatible with how PWD are often stereotypically perceived in the workplace. This article helps understand how NWW offer both opportunities and challenges for the socio-economic advancement of PWD and provides HR managers with specific recommendations to balance the enabling and disabling effects of the NWW.  相似文献   

We evaluate the empirical relevance of the Job Characteristics Model of Hackman and Oldham in the modern organizational environment using unique, nationally representative data from a survey of British establishments. The data contain information on a large number of establishments and multiple workers within each establishment. The results generally support the Job Characteristics Model's predictions that task variety and worker autonomy are positively associated with labour productivity and product quality and that autonomy is positively associated with worker satisfaction. In contrast to previous studies, we find the results for task variety are stronger for the performance-related outcomes than for worker satisfaction. The theoretically predicted moderating effect of context satisfaction is largely unsupported in the data.  相似文献   

Controversy abounds the Working Time Directive seven years since its implementation as the European Commission seeks to unpick the compromise that led to the notorious individual opt‐out from maximum weekly working time. This article explores the roots of that controversy in the context of the Court of Justice’s expansive interpretation of the concept of ‘working time’. To what extent is it possible to maintain a health and safety guarantee but allow for more flexibility in the organisation of working time for individual workers in an increasingly heterogeneous working environment?  相似文献   

The introduction of new technology at BL's Longbridge plant was accompanied by changes in organisation and practice of maintenance workers. This article examines the management policies behind such changes, and the dynamic relationship between technology, skill and managerial initiative in their implementation.  相似文献   

悬移支架是介于大型综采支架和单体液压支柱之间的一种较为新型的支护设备,具有许多无可比拟的优点。太原嘉乐泉煤矿根据井下煤层赋存情况,大胆变革,采用悬移支架代替单体柱Π型梁的支护方式,提高了煤炭资源回收率,大大节约了材料费用,杜绝了顶板事故,取得了良好的效果,对同类条件机械化矿井实现高产高效具有较高的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to analyze the factors related to the early internationalization of new firms in Chile. We grouped the internationalization driver factors into three categories: individual, organizational, and firm-environmental factors. Using a sample of 374 entrepreneurs from Global Entrepreneurship Monitor data and performing a logistic regression model, we found that owner-manager’ high educational levels, opportunity-oriented motivation, new technology use, and activities related to extractive sectors (e.g., farming, forestry, fishing, and mining) contribute to a higher likelihood of early firm internationalizing. The implications for theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

临近既有采空区新建巷道的开挖必将对既有采空区的稳定性及其围岩应力状态产生明显影响,确保开挖过程中新建巷道以及既有采空区的稳定性具有重要工程意义。采用ANSYS数值分析软件建立相互影响力学模型,获得了新建巷道开挖引起的应力重分布规律。新建巷道改变了采空区顶板局部范围内的应力分布规律,但并不改变整个采空区围岩的应力分布趋势。通过岩体单元应力安全系数的比较分析,确定新建巷道距离采空区项板的最小安全距离为18~20m。  相似文献   

临近既有采空区新建巷道的开挖必将对既有采空区的稳定性及其围岩应力状态产生明显影响,确保开挖过程中新建巷道以及既有采空区的稳定性具有重要工程意义。采用ANSYS数值分析软件建立相互影响力学模型,获得了新建巷道开挖引起的应力重分布规律。新建巷道改变了采空区顶板局部范围内的应力分布规律,但并不改变整个采空区围岩的应力分布趋势。通过岩体单元应力安全系数的比较分析,确定新建巷道距离采空区顶板的最小安全距离为18~20m。  相似文献   

Traditionally it has been argued that the practices of multinationals conform to the industrial relations practices of the host country. Recent arguments claim that a new orthodoxy prevails which originates in the multi-national's country of origin. The authors find little evidence for a new orthodoxy in Irish industrial relations  相似文献   

This paper deals with the conflict between local and through traffic when allocating land for transportation at the expense of residential consumption. The model developed in this paper gives the optimal allocation of land between both uses, via Pontryagin's Maximum Principle, and shows the impact of through traffic on the urban structure, on local transportation costs and on the cost of housing supply. The cost functionals are used to measure the total burden to the inner city and a connection is made to the ongoing discussion of the ‘exploitation’ thesis.  相似文献   

绿色食品物流模式具有流通环节少、流通速度快、流通成本低、技术标准高等四位一体的特点.在对目前黑龙江绿色食品物流现状进行分析的基础上,发现其存在绿色物流理念淡薄、基础设施不完善、冷链物流不成熟、配套制度不健全、物流信息系统落后等问题,从而基于绿色物流理念提出黑龙江省绿色食品物流体系建设的相关对策,以期对黑龙江绿色食品产业的发展提供参考.  相似文献   

In the German manufacturing sector, white‐collar workers have outpaced blue‐collar workers in numbers. Therefore, unions and works councils have launched initiatives to attract, mobilise and organise white‐collar workers. The analysis is drawing on a conceptual framework that looks at the opportunity structures, framing processes and resources of the initiatives.  相似文献   

This paper establishes robust dynamic features of the worker reallocation process in the US labor market. I use structural VARs with sign restrictions, which take the form of restricting the short‐run negative relationship between vacancies and unemployment (i.e., Beveridge curve). Despite the ‘weakness’ of these restrictions, they reveal a clear, unambiguous pattern that, when unemployment increases and vacancies drop, (i) both the separation rate and gross separations rise quickly and remain persistently high, (ii) the job finding rate and vacancies drop in a hump‐shaped manner, and (iii) gross hires respond little initially, but eventually rise. These results point to the importance of job loss in understanding US labor market dynamics. This pattern also holds with respect to different kinds of shocks that induce the same Beveridge curve relationship. This paper also considers the ‘disaggregate model’, which uses data disaggregated into six demographic groups and incorporates transitions into and out of the labor force. I show that the separation rate continues to play a dominant role among prime‐age male workers, while, for other groups, changes in the job finding rate are more important. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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