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VIX期权作为波动率衍生品能为金融机构提供有效的市场风险对冲工具。文献中对VIX期权定价的实证分析误差都很大,原因在于模型的选取误差以及校正方法和样本选取不妥。通过在VIX模型中加入均值回复因素和跳因素,可以使VIX过程更加合理,也可以使VIX期权定价精度更高。通过对VIX期权市场中间报价进行校正,得到了4个文献模型的参数估计,并比较4个模型的定价精度和正向隐含波动率偏斜拟合效果。  相似文献   

Savings bonds, retractable bonds and callable bonds are each equivalent to a straight bond with an option. Neglecting default risk the value of these contingent claims depends upon the riskless interest rate. This paper employs the option pricing framework to value these bonds, under the assumptions that the interest rate follows a Gauss-Wiener process and that the pure expectations hypothesis holds.  相似文献   

This paper develops a new top-down valuation framework that links the pricing of an option investment to its daily profit and loss attribution. The framework uses the Black-Merton-Scholes option pricing formula to attribute the short-term option investment risk to variation in the underlying security price and the option's implied volatility. Taking risk-neutral expectation and demanding no dynamic arbitrage result in a pricing relation that links an option's fair implied volatility level to the underlying volatility level with corrections for the implied volatility's own expected direction of movement, its variance, and its covariance with the underlying security return.  相似文献   

In this paper we use power functions as pricing kernels to derive option-pricing bounds. We derive option pricing bounds given the bounds of the elasticity of the true pricing kernel. The bounds of the elasticity of the true pricing kernel are closely related to the bounds of the representative investor's coefficient of relative risk aversion. This methodology produces a tighter upper call option bound than traditional approaches. As a special case we show how to use the Black–Scholes formula to obtain option pricing bounds under the assumption of lognormality.  相似文献   

This paper extends the Heath, Jarrow and Morton model (1992) to atwo country setup. In the presence of common shocks and country specificshocks, we retrieve each country's pricing kernel implied by itsterm structure dynamics and show that the pricing kernels impose a constrainton the exchange rate to be the ratio of the pricing kernels. Under therisk neutral measure, the drift of the exchange rate is the interest ratedifferential, and the volatility reflects the forward rate risk-premiumdifferential of the two countries. The result implies that the risk premiumwill enter the currency option pricing model through the volatility term.Under the assumption of non-stochastic forward rate drift and volatility,we are able to derive closed-form solutions for currency options.  相似文献   

We study international integration of markets for jump and volatility risk, using index option data for the main global markets. To explain the cross-section of expected option returns we focus on return-based multi-factor models. For each market separately, we provide evidence that volatility and jump risk are priced risk factors. There is little evidence, however, of global unconditional pricing of these risks. We show that UK and US option markets have become increasingly interrelated, and using conditional pricing models generates some evidence of international pricing. Finally, the benefits of diversifying jump and volatility risk internationally are substantial, but declining.  相似文献   

This paper examines the forecasting performance of GARCH option pricing models from a market momentum perspective, and the possible impacts of financial crises and business conditions are also examined. The empirical results demonstrate that market momentum impacts the forecasting performance of GARCH option pricing models. The EGARCH model performs better under downward market momentum, while the standard GARCH performs better under upward market momentum. In addition, parsimonious models generally outperform richly parameterized ones. The above findings are robust to financial crises, and the results further demonstrate that business conditions influence the forecasting performance of GARCH option pricing models.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the theory of futures option pricing and tests the valuation principles on transaction prices from the S&P 500 equity futures option market. The American futures option valuation equations are shown to generate mispricing errors which are systematically related to the degree the option is in-the-money and to the option's time to expiration. The models are also shown to generate abnormal risk-adjusted rates of return after transaction costs. The joint hypothesis that the American futures option pricing models are correctly specified and that the S&P 500 futures option market is efficient is refuted, at least for the sample period January 28, 1983 through December 30, 1983.  相似文献   

By means of Malliavin calculus we see that the classical Hull and White formula for option pricing can be extended to the case where the volatility and the noise driving the stock prices are correlated. This extension will allow us to describe the effect of correlation on option prices and to derive approximate option pricing formulas.A previous version of this paper has benefited from helpful comments by two anonymous referees.  相似文献   

This paper compares the empirical performances of statistical projection models with those of the Black–Scholes (adapted to account for skew) and the GARCH option pricing models. Empirical analysis on S&P500 index options shows that the out-of-sample pricing and projected trading performances of the semi-parametric and nonparametric projection models are substantially better than more traditional models. Results further indicate that econometric models based on nonlinear projections of observable inputs perform better than models based on OLS projections, consistent with the notion that the true unobservable option pricing model is inherently a nonlinear function of its inputs. The econometric option models presented in this paper should prove useful and complement mainstream mathematical modeling methods in both research and practice.  相似文献   

Substantial progress has been made in developing more realistic option pricing models. Empirically, however, it is not known whether and by how much each generalization improves option pricing and hedging. We fill this gap by first deriving an option model that allows volatility, interest rates and jumps to be stochastic. Using S&P 500 options, we examine several alternative models from three perspectives: (1) internal consistency of implied parameters/volatility with relevant time-series data, (2) out-of-sample pricing, and (3) hedging. Overall, incorporating stochastic volatility and jumps is important for pricing and internal consistency. But for hedging, modeling stochastic volatility alone yields the best performance.  相似文献   

In an article published in this journal in 2003, Richard Shockley and three of his students presented a detailed valuation of an early‐stage biotechnology investment using a binomial lattice option pricing model. The article demonstrates how investments with multiple stages can be treated as “compound sequential options”—that is, as series of options in which investments in one option provide the opportunity to invest in the next in the series. In this article, the author uses the same business case analyzed by Shockley et al. to demonstrate how to value this early‐stage biotechnology investment by separately modeling the two types of risks: technology and product market. An option that has two distinct kinds of risk that develop differently over time is known as a “rainbow option.” The key adjustment to the option pricing model required to value such an option is that, instead of the standard binomial option pricing model with two outcomes at each point in time, the author uses a “quadranomial” option pricing model with four outcomes at each point in time. By distinguishing technology risks from product market risks and allowing them to develop differently over time, the author's analysis leads to a very different valuation and, indeed, a different decision about the initial investment than the one produced by Shockley's model.  相似文献   

The paper presents GARCH option pricing models with Meixner-distributed innovations. The risk-neutral dynamics are derived by means of the conditional Esscher transform. Assessing the option pricing performance both in-sample and out-of-sample, we find that the models compare favorably against the benchmark models. Simulations suggest that the driver of these results is the impact of conditional skewness and conditional excess kurtosis on option prices.  相似文献   

This paper examines the empirical performance of various option‐pricing models in hedging exotic options, such as barrier options and compound options. A practical and relevant testing approach is adopted to capture the essence of model risk in option pricing and hedging. Our results indicate that the exotic feature of the option under consideration has a great impact on the relative performance of different option‐pricing models. In addition, for any given model, the more “exotic” the option, the poorer the hedging effectiveness.  相似文献   

In this paper, we test the three-parameter symmetric variance gamma (SVG) option pricing model and the four-parameter asymmetric variance gamma (AVG) option pricing model empirically. Prices of the Hang Seng Index call options, which are of European style, are used as the data for the empirical test. Since the variance gamma option pricing model is developed for the pricing of European options, the empirical test gives a more conclusive answer than previous papers, which used American option data to the applicability of the VG models. The present study uses a large number of intraday option data, which span over a period of 3 years. Synchronous option and futures data are used throughout the study. Pairwise comparisons between the accuracy of model prices are carried out using both parametric and nonparametric methods.The conclusion is that the VG option pricing model performs marginally better than the Black–Scholes (BS) model. Under the historical approach, the VG models can moderately iron out some of the systematic biases inherent in the BS model. However, under the implied approach, the VG models continue to exhibit predictable biases and its overall performance in pricing and hedging is still far less than desirable.  相似文献   

In recent years, both practitioners and academics have argued that traditional discounted cash flow models do a poor job of capturing the value of the options embedded in many corporate actions. This paper shows how option pricing models used in valuing financial assets can be used to value three kinds of real options that are often built into corporate projects: the option to delay, the option to expand, and the option to abandon. As a number of examples in this paper suggest, corporate investments that would be rejected using conventional DCF analysis can sometimes be justified by the value of the strategic options they provide. As the illustrations also show, however, the pricing of real options is considerably more difficult than the pricing of financial options and adjustments must often be made to capture the complexity of real investments.  相似文献   

This paper investigates option prices in an incomplete stochastic volatility model with correlation. In a general setting, we prove an ordering result which says that prices for European options with convex payoffs are decreasing in the market price of volatility risk.As an example, and as our main motivation, we investigate option pricing under the class of q-optimal pricing measures. The q-optimal pricing measure is related to the marginal utility indifference price of an agent with constant relative risk aversion. Using the ordering result, we prove comparison theorems between option prices under the minimal martingale, minimal entropy and variance-optimal pricing measures. If the Sharpe ratio is deterministic, the comparison collapses to the well known result that option prices computed under these three pricing measures are the same.As a concrete example, we specialize to a variant of the Hull-White or Heston model for which the Sharpe ratio is increasing in volatility. For this example we are able to deduce option prices are decreasing in the parameter q. Numerical solution of the pricing pde corroborates the theory and shows the magnitude of the differences in option price due to varying q.JEL Classification: D52, G13  相似文献   

Option replication is discussed in a discrete-time framework with transaction costs. The model represents an extension of the Cox-Ross-Rubinstein binomial option pricing model to cover the case of proportional transaction costs. The method proceeds by constructing the appropriate replicating portfolio at each trading interval. Numerical values of these prices are presented for a range of parameter values. The paper derives a simple Black-Scholes type approximation for the option prices with transaction costs and demonstrates numerically that it is quite accurate for plausible parameter values.  相似文献   

Since the pioneering paper of Black and Scholes was published in 1973, enormous research effort has been spent on finding a multi-asset variant of their closed-form option pricing formula. In this paper, we generalize the Kirk [Managing Energy Price Risk, 1995] approximate formula for pricing a two-asset spread option to the case of a multi-asset basket-spread option. All the advantageous properties of being simple, accurate and efficient are preserved. As the final formula retains the same functional form as the Black–Scholes formula, all the basket-spread option Greeks are also derived in closed form. Numerical examples demonstrate that the pricing and hedging errors are in general less than 1% relative to the benchmark results obtained by numerical integration or Monte Carlo simulation with 10 million paths. An implicit correction method is further applied to reduce the pricing errors by factors of up to 100. The correction is governed by an unknown parameter, whose optimal value is found by solving a non-linear equation. Owing to its simplicity, the computing time for simultaneous pricing and hedging of basket-spread option with 10 underlying assets or less is kept below 1 ms. When compared against the existing approximation methods, the proposed basket-spread option formula coupled with the implicit correction turns out to be one of the most robust and accurate methods.  相似文献   

Shibor自2007年发布以来,已成为人民币利率市场的一个重要定价基准,对金融衍生品、债券的定价起着十分重要的作用,由于人民币利率衍生品市场尚处于发展的初期,与美元Libor利率期权等较为成熟市场相比,目前Shibor利率期权缺少成熟的市场报价。本文通过风险中性的定价方程反解参数的方法,利用Shibor利率掉期曲线对Shibor利率上下限期权的隐含波动率进行计算,从而探讨对Shibor利率期权的定价。  相似文献   

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