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When the CEO for one of the country's large telecommunications companies selected Bonnie C. Hathcock as chief human resources officer almost six years ago, she had not spent day one in a personnel or human resources assignment. At that time, her career spanned 15 years and included a decade in sales and marketing with a Fortune 50 corporation and two training and development assignments with large multinationals. Now after 20 years of corporate life, Bonnie says, “I love this dynamic profession and have discovered my perfect fit in corporate America.” Bonnie and her team of human resource professionals at Siemens Rolm Communications Inc. in California's Silicon Valley, have launched a progressive human resource strategy and a creative organizational design. In this article, Bonnie shares her approach to 21st century human resources that is newbreed, strategic, and refreshingly unconventional. © 1996 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of information technology (IT) in the late twentieth century, a 'real-time' global economy is now taking shape. The social costs of being networked in the global economy vary across nations and regions. Some report job losses and fragmented working conditions, and in general social structure is endangered. The idea of maintaining a nation's social safety net and the traditional concept of the welfare state is now challenged. In this article, we deal with three issues. First, we point out that new social risks are formed by the structural change in the labour market. Second, the interaction of the nation-state and global economy is addressed; in facing new social risks, we argue, the role of nation-state is still important. However, the traditional paradigm of the welfare state needs to be re-conceptualized. Third, with the expanding view of the welfare state, this paper examines the developments of constructive welfare policies and discusses the social transformation processes in Singapore, especially in the face of the new social risks caused by globalization.  相似文献   

Hector Correa 《Socio》1978,12(3):135-143
This paper first presents the hypothesis relating the education of the labor force to production, along with some observations about its statistical verification. The conceptual basis for the manpower approach to educational planning appears next, followed by a discussion of its use with and without the assumption of constant labor productivity. Finally, the human resources approach to manpower and educational planning is extended to include income distribution planning. The method developed is applied to Mexico.  相似文献   

Benefit consultants run the gamut, from specialized independents to international corporations employing various types of benefits people. Find out how to choose a consultant that is compatible with your organization.  相似文献   

随着后工业社会的来临,人力资源已经成为企业的战略性资源。战略人力资源管理的实施能力,正是企业应当拥有的一项重要能力。笔者认为,企业应该从组织环境、人力资源管理活动和内部人力资源三个方面来挥发企业的资源优势,提高战略人力资源管理的实施能力。  相似文献   

This article describes how the politics of human resources have changed in Peru, and how this change played an important role in the reforms that occurred throughout the 1990s. Throughout the article, we examine how the size and the type of organization influence the generation of human resource management. For example, some medium-sized businesses have successfully integrated their human resource management with its central competencies, experiencing positive economic and financial business results. Other companies chose to circumvent human resource management issues by outsourcing or using contract workers, relegating the role of human resources to a peripheral role. Transnational organizations bring many methods and selection processes, promotions, evaluations, training and salary determination. The article ends with a comparative analysis between the formal and informal sector of the national economy with respect to human resources practices.  相似文献   

屠建卿 《上海企业》2004,(12):44-46
在人类所拥有的一切资源中,人力资源是第一宝贵的,因为它是经济发展的第一资源。如果没有人力资源作为基础,其他任何资源都不能实现其经济功能。因此,人力资源管理就成了现代企业管理的核心。 人力资源管理的基本任务:就是根据企业发展战略要求,通过有计划地对人力资源进行合理配置,搞好企业员工的培训  相似文献   

积极心理学在人力资源开发中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章分析了积极心理学的概念及其主要思想,探讨了运用积极心理学原理进行人力资源开发的理论基础,并建立了相应的数学模型,然后从实用的角度,讨论在人力资源开发中如何具体应用积极心理学的原理。研究成果对积极心理学的普及应用具有一定的参考作用,对企事业单位的人力资源开发具有较好的指导意义和实用价值。  相似文献   

随着市场经济的不断深入,人事部门的职能在不断地转变.而职能的转变,势必带来机构和领导体制等方面的变革.如何使各项变革更有利于提高工作效率,更好地服务于经济建设和社会发展,是摆在人事部门每个领导干部和领导集体面前的一个非常严峻的课题.组织行为学为解决这个课题提供了理论依据.本文仅就如何运用组织行为学基本原理不断提高人事部门工作效率提出自己的观点.  相似文献   

为了使我国民营企业得到更好的发展,民营企业应该分析不同的人力资源管理模式,分析企业经营管理中存在的问题,依据企业正确的经营理念,找到一条适合企业自身发展的道路。同时民营企业要建立科学的人力资源管理制度,健全的激励机制,提高民营企业的管理水平。  相似文献   

企业的人力资源外包管理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
人力资源外包管理的内涵 人力资源外包是在当今组织日趋变得虚拟化的情况下,传统的人力资源部门重组过程中一种人力资源新模式产品.  相似文献   

服务行业是以客户服务为中心的行业,文章分析了目前留学服务行业存在的不足之处,并有针对性地提出提升人力资源管理的方法,同时利用仿真模型进行检验,为解决企业的实际问题提供了思路和方法。  相似文献   

This article begins with the observation of three recent and interrelated trends in management: corporate advertising, internal marketing, and strategic management of human resources. The basic argument is that these trends indicate a shift in managerial focus, from the management of human resources to the management of symbolic resources. Symbolic resources are here seen as symbols, metaphors, images, etc., which in a condensed form represent complex organizational phenomena, and which can be developed and utilized to guide strategic corporate action. There are four types of “symbolic resources” that seem to be particularly powerful: historical resources (i.e., elements of the corporate saga or epic), basic values and ideologies (as expressed in the corporate policies), particular activities and events (as anniversaries and celebrations), and finally, the company lifestyle (or ethos).  相似文献   

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