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目的 由于成都市温江区和崇州市农地经营权抵押贷款类型均属自上而下的政府主导型,可将两地进行合并讨论政府主导型农地经营权抵押贷款对农户收入效应的影响,同时相较崇州市,成都市温江区在担保和抵押物处置环节引入第三方参与而更趋于市场化运作,因此将两地进行对比分析以进一步探讨第三方参与是否会使农户信贷约束和收入效应产生显著差异。方法 文章将成都温江和崇州市作为研究区域,通过实地调研共获取249个样本,采用倾向得分匹配—双重差分法(PSM-DID)探讨政府主导型农地经营权抵押贷款对缓解农户信贷约束、增加收入的影响。结果 政府主导型农地经营权抵押贷款能缓解农户信贷约束、增加农户户均总收入、户均农业收入和户均非农收入,且引入第三方参与的温江区相较崇州市在信贷约束缓解程度、农户收入提升方面表现更优。结论 应大力推广政府主导型农地经营权抵押贷款和积极引入第三方参与,以扩大农地经营权抵押贷款规模,促进农户增收和释放土地红利。  相似文献   

土地使用权抵押贷款风险分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究目的:提出防范土地使用权抵押贷款风险的策略。研究方法:综合分析法与比较分析法。研究结果:(1)从贷款抵押类型、抵押期限、土地使用权价值变化、抵押物瑕疵等方面综合分析了土地使用权抵押贷款的潜在风险;(2)土地使用权抵押贷款风险种类多样,日益凸现。研究结论:通过加强银行部门对国家政策、经济形势分析预报,合理确定抵押地块贷款类型和期限,政府部门应完善土地登记制度,防范土地使用权抵押贷款风险。  相似文献   

研究目的:揭示已开展农地经营权抵押贷款业务的农村金融改革试验区农户农地经营权抵押贷款可获性不高的现象并解释其原因。研究方法:问卷调查、有序Logistic回归模型。研究结果:(1)规模农户和小农户土地抵押贷款可获得性具有差异性;(2)土地产权流转市场较小、土地评估机制不健全、农户承包经营权证不随经营权流转、农村土地确权颁证尚未完成、信贷风险分摊机制等制度基石尚未完全确立等因素降低了农户农地经营权抵押贷款的可获得性。研究结论:农地经营权抵押贷款的进一步推广需要提高银行对抵押土地的处置能力,简化规模农户贷款手续,同时完善信贷风险分摊机制。  相似文献   

研究目的:构建城市地价均衡模型,从理论和实证层面研究金融发展对城市商业地价和住宅地价的影响作用,为国家地价调控政策的制定提供理论依据。研究方法:岭回归分析。研究结果:人均贷款规模对城市商业和住宅地价具有显著的正向影响且强度基本相同,而人均存款规模只对住宅地价产生影响,但对地价变动的贡献小于贷款规模;金融相关比率对城市地价的影响效应尚不显著;工资水平对地价的影响强度要明显大于贷款规模。研究结论:当前阶段,居民收入水平的增加是地价上涨的主要因素,但金融发展规模特别是贷款规模对城市地价具有显著的影响,因此在金融结构尚未对地价产生明显影响之时,控制货币供应对稳定地价具有重要意义。  相似文献   

城市土地置换开发项目费用及融资研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章界定了城市土地置换开发的涵义 ,分析了城市土地开发项目的成本和费用构成、融资主体和资金来源 ,在此基础上 ,重点探讨了土地置换项目资本金和债务资金的筹措。文章认为 ,资本金筹措主要包括政府出资和投资入股资金两种方式 ;债务资金筹措有政策性银行贷款、房地产开发企业流动资本金贷款、地产抵押贷款、发行土地置换开发债券和借助房地产证券化等五种实现方式  相似文献   

农村土地抵押贷款是解决农村地区资金需求不足的有效途径,该文以重庆市开县农户调查为依据,从农户意愿角度阐明推进农村土地抵押贷款的必要,运用农户调查法、Logistic回归模型分析法性,揭示农村土地抵押贷款的需求特征:农户土地经营规模、农户经济活动类型、农户家庭收入水平以及乡镇经济发展水平对农户抵押土地意愿影响显著。为推动农村土地抵押贷款提出如下对策建议:开放农村土地抵押贷款,完善农村社会保障制度,建立城乡统一的土地市场,推进农村土地抵押贷款顺利发展。  相似文献   

基于浙江省林业厅的统计数据,研究新型林业经营主体林权抵押贷款的现状。结果表明:林业金融资本不足是浙江省林业市场主体面临的主要问题之一,而作为融资工具的林权抵押贷款,存在着部门管理机制不健全、林地流转不畅通、保险机制不健全、评估机构专业化欠缺、担保机构不完善以及扶持政策不到位等问题。因此建议:提升发展新型林业经营主体、加强部门联动机制建设;完善林权抵押贷款的配套服务机构;加强林业产业政策环境建设。  相似文献   

The paper reviews the theory of the impact of loan collateral, and in particular land collateral, in institutional and non-institutional rural credit markets. Evidence from three Asian developing countries is presented, showing extensive use of land collateral among institutional lenders in countries where such collateral is legal. The use of land collateral is more common than other forms of security, except in places where legal inhibitions on mortgaging agricultural land exist. Non-institutional lenders are less inclined to use land collateral. However, lenders who do not have links to borrowers in matters other than finance are more likely to use loan securities. Estimates of instutional credit supply and demand in rural Thailand confirm that the pledging of land collateral affects the supply of credit more than group guaranty. It is also shown that larger farmers are more likely to utilize land collateral. The conclusion is that land collateral is preferred by instutional lenders as it reduces creditworthiness assessment costs. Attempts to ban or limit collateral use by decree are motivated by equity considerations, but they will cause loss of efficiency. Simplification of ownership verification and other policies reducing the transaction cost of collateral pledging will mitigate the negative equity implications of collateral.  相似文献   

在遏制固定资产投资增长过快过程中,土地宏观调控和控制银行信贷是两大主要手段。土地宏观调控是一项系统工程,需要实现多重目标。本文主要探讨在多目标约束下,土地宏观调控的政策措施,特别是在优化土地供应结构、细化调控手法方面,提出了建设性的意见。  相似文献   

本文基于宁夏农地产权抵押贷款试点区777户农户调研数据,剖析土地经营权抵押响应对农户土地转出行为的影响.研究结果表明,土地经营权抵押响应越频繁,越显著抑制农户土地转出,农户每多参与一次土地经营权抵押贷款,其土地转出概率就会降低12.10%.进一步研究发现,土地经营权抵押响应对户主年龄在46岁以下、受教育程度9年以上、无...  相似文献   

土地权利的安全保障能有效地促进社会、经济的发展。在发达国家,由于土地私有化、各种经济、法律制度的完善,这种机制运行得相对比较好。而在中国,由于历史、传统、法律方面的各种原因,农民得不到有力的土地权利保障,因此不能有效地促进社会、经济的发展,我国政府还需努力来改善这种状况,中央政府应采取一切手段,特别是法律手段确保农民在家庭承包制下的土地使用权,加强金融市场改革使农民可以方便地借贷资金对土地进行投资,支持土地市场发展,促进土地交易,加大土地执法力度。  相似文献   

[目的]客观掌握黑龙江省3个试点县的土地经营权抵押贷款运行实践,对首轮试点期结束后土地经营权抵押贷款产生的共性问题进行总结,进而探究完善对策,为新一轮的抵押试点运行和制度建设提供积极思路。[方法]通过3县土地经营权抵押的田野调查,与农经部门和抵押参与主体进行深度访谈,获得土地经营权抵押贷款试点资料,并在此基础上定性阐释3县土地经营权抵押贷款模式、困境和对策。[结果]3县分别形成了"四权结合"、"直接设定"、"扶贫关联"的土地经营权抵押贷款模式,但仍存在推进不均衡、认定不准确、评估不科学、成效不明显等突出问题,应从强化支持、加强规范、科学评估、维护权益等方面积极完善。[结论]3县的土地经营权抵押贷款试点实践已取得一定成果,但存在共性、个性兼有的问题,因此需要进一步巩固成果、解决问题,从而为省、国家层面的制度建设形成支撑。  相似文献   

在农地流转的影响下,农户的土地利用结构、土地投入、土地利用效率发生了改变。通过对现有文献的总结,全面探析农地流转行为对农户土地利用行为及效果的影响,以期阐明国内外学者现有研究的不足及未来的主要研究方向。对文献的梳理得出:农地流转中,"非农化"及"非粮化"倾向明显,且土地流转市场、土地利用比较收益、政府引导是三大主要驱动力;随着农地规模的扩大,单位面积劳动投入减少,劳动产出率提高;农地流转对农地投入及农业生产效率产生何种影响,国内外学者仍存在分歧,这主要是由于现有研究不够系统深入,未考虑土地流转市场、地权稳定性、农户类型、流转方式、流转用途等因素的作用。要充分发挥农地流转对农民收入的促进作用,政府应从完善土地流转市场,提高地权稳定性出发,但如何避免流转农地"非粮化"以确保国家粮食安全仍是一个亟待解决的问题,这也是未来的一个主要研究方向。  相似文献   

As Hong Kong's property prices have been skyrocketing particularly in the last several years, housing has become even less affordable than it was prior to the Asian Financial Crisis, compromising Hong Kong residents’ living standards. The general public mostly blames the supply-side actors (i.e. property developers and/or the government) for such a predicament, and vociferously demands for higher supply of residential flats both in the private and public sectors. The government, in response, proposes the supply of more residential land, among other measures, in addressing the public's demands, with the notion of “higher land supply results in higher housing supply”. Nonetheless, there are other channels, other than land sale, which provide land for housing construction, such as land exchange, which are usually overlooked in public debates. In the light of this, this paper aims to investigate the respective impact of land sale and land exchange on Hong Kong's housing supply. The findings, interestingly, show that land exchange has a much larger long-run impact on housing supply than land sale does; that housing supply responds to short-run fluctuations in property price; and that best lending rate has neither a short- nor long-run relationship with the supply of housing. The reason behind the finding regarding land sale and land exchange is that, the former is initiated by the government which overlooks property developers’ profit incentives and development strategies, while the latter essentially reflects that a particular land site is ripe for development (i.e. profitable) from the developers’ standpoint. Some implications relating to the recently announced government land policy measures are also discussed.  相似文献   

China’s land transfer is an inevitable requirement for implementing the rural revitalization strategy in the new era. The speed and extent of land transfer are related to the sustainable development of China's agriculture and the process of realizing rural agricultural modernization. In practice, due to the imperfect land transfer market and related systems, the property income of the transfer farmers is insufficient, which leads to inconsistency between the intention and behavior of the farmers. Based on a field survey of rural households in Gansu Province's impoverished mountainous area, we first employ cross-analysis to qualitatively assess the deviation between farmers' land transfer intention and behavior. Second, we use a logistic-interpretative-structural model to empirically analyze the factors influencing such a deviation and the internal logical relationships of these factors. We find that a substantial deviation exists between farmers' land transfer intention and behavior, with 57.64 % of respondents having the intention to transfer, but no actual transfer behavior. Moreover, among the 12 factors identified that significantly affect this deviation, agricultural production enthusiasm is superficially the main direct factor, while agricultural production scale, non-agricultural income, satisfaction in agricultural subsidy policy, and the impact of disasters are the secondary, indirect factors. Meanwhile, the deep-rooted factors are the head of household's age, the presence of village cadres in the household, non-farm working hours, the size of the household's labor force, and difficulty in obtaining land transfer information, land types, and property rights intervention. Therefore, we conclude that in the process of land transfer, the leading role of village cadres should be strengthened, a transfer information exchange platform should be established, land policy should be strictly implemented, land adjustment should be reduced, the rural land exit guarantee mechanism should be improved, and the doubts of farmers regarding land transfer should be eliminated. These steps would make sure that the deviation between farmers’ land transfer intention and actual behavior is minimized.  相似文献   

研究目的:针对城乡土地资源流转不畅、土地资本难以显化、农民土地财产权利保障困难等诸多问题,探索设计提供资源汇集、资金融通、资产评估、信用创造等诸多功能服务的城乡土地资本化制度。研究方法:文献研究法、比较分析法。研究结果:分析了土地资本化的本质内涵和关键难点,参考存款货币银行的功能架构和运作机制,探索设计了包含土地储备、土地存取、土地贷出和土地资本经营4大制度模块的城乡土地银行制度方案。研究结论:建议推进试点运行城乡土地银行制度,以一揽子推进城乡土地一体化调控有序、城乡土地财产权利具体显化、土地市场化流转集聚配置高效、增值收益分配公平合理和土地资本价值不断提升等制度愿景的实现,助推配置市场化、资产权益化、利益共同化、收益长期化和价值最大化的城乡土地制度改革实现。  相似文献   

Sustainable land management is essential to meeting the global challenge of securing soil and water resources that can support an ever increasing population. In Auckland, New Zealand's largest city, population growth is forecast to increase from 1.5 to 2.5 million by 2040 which will put immense pressure on the region's soil resources. The objective of this study was to robustly quantify the amount of high class land (Land Use Capability Classes 1–3) that has been converted, and what is likely to occur, to urban development in Auckland using both long term trend records and future growth projections.Spatial analysis indicated that over the various spanning datasets 10,399 ha (or 8.3%) of Auckland's high class land has been converted to urban development through incremental urban extension, operative/approved greenfields and building consents. Of this, 10,080 ha of high class land was converted to development between the years, 1975 and 2012. The rate of urban extension onto high class land has accelerated since 1996. Furthermore, the majority of land allocated to urban extension since 1996 has been high class land. Looking into the near future, lodged/future greenfield developments equate to an additional potential development of 6010 ha (or 4.8%) of current high class land. Future growth pressures indicate that this trade-off will continue.There is a real need to analyse the economic benefits and long term sustainability of future development against the protection of high class land for current and future production requirements. Further research should account for the true cost of lost provisioning, regulating and cultural soil ecosystem services to ensure that these values are recognised and considered not only by urban planners but also by both policy and decision makers.  相似文献   

The need to take land out of intensive arable production offers possibilities for conservation. Assuming that such schemes will operate on a voluntary basis, farmers' reactions to incentives encouraging them to divert land to other uses must be crucial. Samples of farmers in three areas of England were presented with hypothetical schemes to divert cereal land to fallow, permanent pasture and woodland. They were asked for a money ‘bid’ equivalent to the minimum sum to persuade them to enrol land in the scheme an the acreage they would enrol at that level of payment. On average the 147 farmers wanted £348/ha to fallow cereal land, £336/ha to divert arable land to permanent pasture and £437/ha to grow trees. The hypothesis that farmers' response to land diversion initiatives would depend on interaction of conservation attitudes and structural/financial constraints received some support, a result with implications for the design of future land diversion schemes.  相似文献   

土地融资与财政和金融风险--来自东部一个发达地区的个案   总被引:39,自引:3,他引:39  
研究目的:研究地方政府经营土地的风险和防范措施.研究方法:实地调查.研究结果:土地融资成为地方政府财政和城市化资金的重要来源.研究结论:20世纪90年代以来的城市化主要表现为政府主导和城市外延扩张;发达地区政府财政预算内靠城市扩张带来的产业税收效应,预算外靠土地出让收入,成为名副其实的"土地财政";追求土地收益最大化及以土地抵押融资是政府储备土地的真实宗旨;新一轮的城市扩张主要由银行资金投放支撑,而银行贷款又是通过土地撬动.  相似文献   

西安市农村土地流转速度大大加快,在8区县开展土地流转工作试点,土地流转区域范围得到不断拓展,规模得以不断扩大;流转形式向多样化发展,流转主体向多元化发展且以农民为主体;政府重视程度提高,土地流转形式更加规范化。文章在分析西安市农村土地流转现状、流转特征、以产权改革促进土地流转的基础上,选取西安市最具代表性的农村土地流转"高陵模式"为例,分析其具体的实践策略,总结出"高陵模式"中流转土地建农场、小面积土地流转给园区、不改变流地农业生产性质的三大现象。以土地流转"高陵模式"的实践经验为参考,探讨农村土地流转的战略意义,从政策法规、组织管理机构、流转机制、配套体系等方面进行农村土地流转路径研究,提出了出台土地流转政策法规,健全土地流转组织管理机构、试点工作勇于突破,进行流转机制的大胆创新、完善土地流转配套体系建设的土地流转路径,为西安市农村土地流转工作提供指导性作用,有效促进西安市农业现代化发展。  相似文献   

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