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This study investigated the impact of investments in human capital on the economic well-being of black and white women immediately following marital disruption. It also explored the extent to which the observed differences in income between the two groups were due to differences in the levels of qualities (endowments) or differences in the impact of these qualities (discrimination). The average differences in endowments explained almost two-thirds of the income gap between black and white women. Most of this explanatory power was due to differences in educational attainment, work experience, and region.  相似文献   

Data are presented on black family income and wealth that run counter to the claims that blacks have made substantial economic progress in recent years. The evidence reveals that not only has there been little in the way of real, sustained advances but that what few gains have been made are starting to erode.  相似文献   

The Effect of Intellectual Property Rights on International Trade and Investment. — The widespread debate regarding extended recognition of intellectual property rights across borders has not been matched by empirical investigation regarding the effect of such international recognition of intellectual property as exists in the status quo. In this paper, the effects of membership in intellectual property treaties is investigated in the context of U.S. exports, foreign affiliate sales, and flows of royalties and license fees. Membership in intellectual property treaties increases the flows of payments and receipts for intellectual property as long as domestic patent protection is sufficiently strong. U.S. parents export more to subsidiaries in countries which do not adhere to such treaties, but their impact on arms’-length exports and foreign investment is minimal.  相似文献   

Conclusion Our results indicate that the median income of economic minorities relative to that of whites does not adequately represent the entire income distribution. Among black males, for example, only the lower half of the income distribution experiences a significant change in relative income over the business cycle. The secular trend shows similar variation. Black men at the 25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles experienced significant gains relative to whites in the 1965–77 period while there was little improvement among blacks in the 90th percentile. Using a measure of central tendency to generalize about the entire distribution of an economic minority is a dubious proposition. While this may seem like a trival point, it should be remembered that in today’s political climate such credence is being given to improvement in the general health of the economy as the best way to foster economic progress for economic minorities, while less general remedies, such as affirmative action, are rapidly being deemphasized.  相似文献   

FDI、对外贸易对中部经济增长影响的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用中部地区1993年至2007年年度样本数据,应用协整理论及格兰杰因果关系检验等现代计量经济学方法,定量分析了FDI、对外贸易和经济增长之间的动态关系。结果表明,中部地区经济增长在短期内与对外贸易互为Granger原因,而外商直接投资在短期内与中部经济增长不构成Granger因果关系;经济增长对对外贸易的波动冲击表现出较大的正向效应,而FDI由于地区因素的影响,作用较小,同时方差分解也表明对外贸易在中部经济增长预测误差的方差贡献度中所占比重最大。  相似文献   

This article explores the relationship between civil rights legislation and the housing status of black Americans. An economic and judicial history of the pursuit of fair housing (or equal opportunity in access to housing) is provided for two major periods-from the late 1800s to the 1950s, and from the years of the civil rights movement to the present. An exploration of the housing status of black Americans throughout these periods follows, in which measures such as crowdedness and tenure-attributable partly to inequality in access to housing—are examined, and comparisons of black and whites are made.  相似文献   

This paper thoroughly examines the impacts of daily weather on the aggregate economic outcomes in China and identifies the underlying channels. Using within-county variations in daily weather between 1996 and 2012, we find that daily temperature and precipitation have non-linear effects on county-level economic outcomes. An additional day with an average temperature above 20 °C reduces county-level GDP by 0.05% to 0.08%, and the detrimental effects tend to intensify when the temperature rises. The precipitation does not have robust effects on county-level GDP. By examining the effects of daily weather on primary, secondary, and tertiary industries, we find that the primary industry is the main channel of the negative impacts of high temperatures. Heavy precipitation is inclined to harm agricultural output, especially grains and oil crop yields. Besides, we discover heterogeneous responses to weather extremes across counties and find suggestive evidence of adaptation.  相似文献   

Are the economic interests of black and white women similar? This article explores this question by reviewing data on the “feminization of poverty,” data on changes in the economic status of blacks, and differences in the occupational status of black and white women. The article reviews several policy questions, discusses ways in which the interests of black and white women differ in the policy arena, and concludes that although there are some similarities in the interests of black and white women, the racial interests of black women suggest that the interests of black and white women may frequently differ.  相似文献   

By most statistical indicators, the educational gains made by black women during the past decade are rapidly being eroded: high school completion rates and college enrollment figures are declining, and dropout rates are increasing. The increase in black women earning bachelors and graduate degrees is due almost entirely to their higher participation rates in college. A higher proportion of blacks than whites are below 24 years of age; declining enrollments at a time when the black population is expanding reflects a significant loss. Important areas for policy initiatives include increases in financial aid. a critical factor in college attendance by black women-particularly at the graduate and professional degree levels-improvement in quality of primary and secondary education and counseling, and continuing education programs for teenage mothers.  相似文献   

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