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This paper investigates the stock–bond dependence structure using a dependence-switching copula model. The model allows stock–bond dependence to switch between positive dependence regimes (contagions or crashes of the two markets during downturns or booms in both markets during upturns) and negative dependence regimes (flight-to-quality from stock markets to bond markets or flight-from-quality from bond markets to stock markets). Using data from four developed markets including the US, Canada, Germany, and France for the period between January 1985 and August 2022, we find that the within-country stock–bond (extreme) dependence could be both positive and negative. In the positive dependence regimes, the stock–bond dependence is asymmetric with stronger left tail dependence than the right tail dependence, giving evidence of a higher likelihood of joint stock–bond market crashes or contagions during market downturns than the collective stock–bond market booms. Under the negative dependence regimes, we find both flight-from-quality and flight-to-quality, with flight-to-quality being more dominant in the North American markets while flight-from-quality is more prominent in the European markets. Further, the dependence switches between positive and negative regimes over time. Moreover, the dependence is mainly in the positive regimes before 2000 while mostly in the negative regimes after that, indicating contagions mostly before 2000 and flights afterwards. Further, the dependence switches between positive and negative regimes around financial crises and the COVID-19 pandemic. These results greatly enrich the findings in the existing literature on the co-movements of stock–bond markets and are important for risk management and asset pricing.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new time-varying optimal copula (TVOC) model to identify and capture the optimal dependence structure of bivariate time series at every time point. In the TVOC model, half-rotated copulas are constructed to measure the nonlinear and asymmetric negative dependence, and the distribution-free test for independence is introduced to verify the dependent relationship and reduce the computational time. The TVOC model is then employed to research the dependence structure between security and commodity markets. We find evidence that the dependence structures across different markets vary over time and that emergencies are usually the major cause of sudden changes in the dependence structure. We also show that the TVOC model captures the dynamic characteristics of the direction and intensity of the dependence as well as the dynamic characteristics of the types of dependence structure. In particular, the half-rotated copulas can accurately describe the asymmetric negative extreme dependence across different markets.  相似文献   

The copula function defines the degree of dependence and the structure of dependence. This paper proposes an alternative framework to decompose the dependence using quantile regression. We demonstrate that the methodology provides a detailed picture of dependence including asymmetric and non-linear relationships. In addition, changes in the degree or structure of dependence can be modeled and tested for each quantile of the distribution. The empirical part applies the framework to three different sets of financial time-series and demonstrates substantial differences in dependence patterns among asset classes and through time. The analysis of 54 global equity markets shows that detailed information about the structure of dependence is crucial to adequately assess the benefits of diversification in normal times and crisis times.  相似文献   

Recent studies on stock market pricing have rejected the random walk model for short-term periods and have concentrated on long-term persistent or mean-reverting dependence. The problem with these studies is that their statistical results can be biased by the shorter term dependence. Rather than trying to develop a unified theory that explains both short- and long-term dependence, current studies use different methodologies to correct for the short-term dependence while trying to test for long-term dependence. This paper uses a sequential information theory to focus attention on short-term dependence effects. This theory states that the market process is a nonstationary mean process surrounded by a nonstationary autocovariance error process. A nonstationary mean process implies short-term dependence resulting from changing economic events (new information). Long-term persistent dependence then derives from nonperiodic economic cycles. A new empirical approach, a cross-sectional autocorrelation coefficient is used since it is free from the stationarity problems of previous techniques.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the dependence structure between the equity market and the foreign exchange market by using copulas. In particular, several copulas with different dependence structure are compared and used to directly model the underlying dependence structure. We find that there exists significant symmetric upper and lower tail dependence between the two financial markets, and the dependence remains significant but weaker after the launch of the euro. Our findings have important implications for both global investment risk management and international asset pricing by taking into account joint tail risk.  相似文献   

This article investigates the impacts of the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) on stock market dependence between Hong Kong and China. To avoid the influence of unusual events on stock market dependence, the mixed generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic with the autoregressive jump intensity (GARJI) margin model was modified to exclude jump innovations. The t copula was chosen to estimate the unknown dependence break and measure the average dependence level change. The stock market dependence break occurred about one and a half years after CEPA became effective, and the CEPA increased stock market dependence between Hong Kong and China. Moreover, this article shows the influence of stock market jump effects in the case of CEPA.  相似文献   

This paper models dependence with switching-parameter copulas to study financial contagion. Using daily returns from five East Asian stock indices during the Asian crisis, and from four Latin American stock indices during the Mexican crisis, it finds evidence of changing dependence during periods of turmoil. Increased tail dependence and asymmetry characterize the Asian countries, while symmetry and tail independence describe the Latin American case. Structural breaks in tail dependence are a dimension of the contagion phenomenon. Therefore, the rejection of the correlation breakdown hypothesis should not be considered, without further investigation, as evidence of a stable dependence structure.  相似文献   

Copulas with a full-range tail dependence property can cover the widest range of positive dependence in the tail, so that a regression model can be built accounting for dynamic tail dependence patterns between variables. We propose a model that incorporates both regression on each marginal of bivariate response variables and regression on the dependence parameter for the response variables. An ACIG copula that possesses the full-range tail dependence property is implemented in the regression analysis. Comparisons between regression analysis based on ACIG and Gumbel copulas are conducted, showing that the ACIG copula is generally better than the Gumbel copula when there is intermediate upper tail dependence. A simulation study is conducted to illustrate that dynamic tail dependence structures between loss and ALAE can be captured by using the one-parameter ACIG copula. Finally, we apply the ACIG and Gumbel regression models for a dataset from the U.S. Medical Expenditure Panel Survey. The empirical analysis suggests that the regression model with the ACIG copula improves the assessment of high-risk scenarios, especially for aggregated dependent risks.  相似文献   

International diversification has costs and benefits, depending on the degree of asset dependence. We study international diversification with two dependence measures: correlations and extreme dependence. We discover that dependence has typically increased over time, and document mixed evidence on heavy tails in individual countries. Moreover, we uncover three additional findings related to dependence. First, the timing of downside risk differs depending on the region. Surprisingly, recent Latin American returns exhibit little downside risk. Second, Latin America exhibits a great deal of correlation complexity. Third, according to the empirical results, correlation does not vary with returns, but extreme dependence does vary monotonically with regional returns. Our results are consistent with a tradeoff between international diversification and systemic risk. They also suggest international limits to diversification, and that international investors demand some compensation for joint downside risk during extreme events.  相似文献   

The viability of international diversification involves balancing benefits and costs. This balance hinges on the degree of asset dependence. In light of theoretical research linking diversification and dependence, we examine international diversification using two measures of dependence: correlations and copulas. We document several findings. First, dependence has increased over time. Second, we find evidence of asymmetric dependence or downside risk in Latin America, but less in the G5. The results indicate very little downside risk in East Asia. Third, East Asian and Latin American returns exhibit some correlation complexity. Interestingly, the regions with maximal dependence or worst diversification do not command large returns. Our results suggest international limits to diversification. They are also consistent with a possible tradeoff between international diversification and systemic risk.  相似文献   

This paper documents nonlinear cross-sectional dependence in the term structure of US-Treasury yields and points out risk management implications. The analysis is based on a Kalman filter estimation of a two-factor affine model which specifies the yield curve dynamics. We then apply a broad class of copula functions for modeling dependence in factors spanning the yield curve. Our sample of monthly yields in the 1982–2001 period provides evidence of upper tail dependence in yield innovations; i.e., large positive interest rate shocks tend to occur under increased dependence. In contrast, the best-fitting copula model coincides with zero lower tail dependence. This asymmetry has substantial risk management implications. We give an example in estimating bond portfolio loss quantiles and report the biases which result from an application of the normal dependence model.  相似文献   

This paper aims to investigate the regime-switching and time-varying dependence between the COVID-19 pandemic and the US stock markets using a Markov-switching framework. It makes two contributions to the empirical literature by showing that: (a) the variations of the daily reported COVID-19 cases and cumulative COVID-19 deaths induced asymmetric lower (left) and upper (right) tail dependence with the stock markets, and its left and right tail dependence exhibited significant time-varying trends; and (b) the left and right tail dependence between the stock markets and the pandemic exhibited significant regime-switching behaviours, with its switching probabilities in the higher tail dependence stage all being greater than in the lower tail dependence stage after 1 December 2019. Moreover, given that there is concurrent but significant financial market reaction to any unexpected emergence of a transmittable respirational disease or a natural calamity, the outcomes have some vital implications to market players and policymakers.  相似文献   

Spatial dependence is often seen as a problem in econometrics rather than in economics. This study seeks to find an economic explanation for spatially correlated real estate prices. We posit spatial dependence as a process to discover price information from neighboring property transactions. Weaker spatial dependence is expected when price information in the immediate vicinity of a subject property is abundant. In the context of apartment buildings, in addition to the more commonly known horizontal dependence, there is also spatial dependence in the vertical dimension within the same building. Based on more than 18,000 transactions of highly homogeneous apartment units in Hong Kong, we found that the trading volume of a building depresses horizontal spatial dependence, but raises vertical spatial dependence. This not only confirmed the role of trading volume in the real estate price discovery process, but also questioned the validity of constant spatial autocorrelation assumption adopted in many studies.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose to identify the dependence structure that exists between returns on equity and commodity futures and its development over the past 20 years. The key point is that we do not impose any dependence structure, but let the data select it. To do so, we model the dependence between commodity (metal, agriculture and energy) and stock markets using a flexible approach that allows us to investigate whether the co-movement is: (i) symmetrical and frequent, (ii) (a) symmetrical and mostly present during extreme events and (iii) asymmetrical and mostly present during extreme events. We also allow for this dependence to be time-varying from January 1990 to February 2012. Our analysis uncovers three major stylised facts. First, we find that the dependence between commodity and stock markets is time-varying, symmetrical and occurs most of the time (as opposed to mostly during extreme events). Second, not allowing for time-varying parameters in the dependence distribution generates a bias towards an evidence of tail dependence. Similarly, considering only tail dependence may lead to false evidence of asymmetry. Third, a growing co-movement between industrial metals and equity markets is identified as early as 2003; this co-movement spreads to all commodity classes and becomes unambiguously stronger with the global financial crisis after Fall 2008.  相似文献   

A general, copula-based framework for measuring the dependence among financial time series is presented. Particular emphasis is placed on multivariate conditional Spearman's rho (MCS), a new measure of multivariate conditional dependence that describes the association between large or extreme negative returns—so-called tail dependence. We demonstrate that MCS has a number of advantages over conventional measures of tail dependence, both in theory and in practical applications. In the analysis of univariate financial series, data are filtered to remove temporal dependence as a matter of routine. We show that standard filtering procedures may strongly influence the conclusions drawn concerning tail dependence. We give empirical applications to two large data sets of high-frequency asset returns. Our results have immediate implications for portfolio risk management, derivative pricing and portfolio selection. In this context we address portfolio tail diversification and tail hedging. Amongst other aspects, it is shown that the proposed modeling framework improves the estimation of portfolio risk measures such as the value at risk.  相似文献   

In this paper, we seek to examine the effect of the presence of long memory on the dependence structure between financial returns and on portfolio optimization. First, we focus on the dependence structure using copulas. To select the best copula, in addition to the goodness of fit tests, we employ a graphical method based on visual comparison of the fitted copula density and the smoothed copula density estimated by wavelets. Moreover, we check the stability of the copula parameter. The empirical results show that the long memory affects the dependence structure. Second, we analyze the impact of this dependence structure on the optimal portfolio. We propose a new approach based on minimizing the Conditional Value at Risk and assuming that the dependence structure is modeled by the copula parameter. The empirical results show that our approach outperforms the traditional minimizing variance approach, where the dependence structure is represented by the linear correlation coefficient.  相似文献   

We show, using the modified rescaled range statistic, that none of the return series of indices of five European countries, the United States and Japan exhibits long term dependence. This statistic — introduced by Lo (1991) — correct Hurst's (1951) ‘classical’ rescaled range statistic for short term dependence. We also report the classical rescaled range statistic after adjusting the series for short term dependence. This procedure shows, for cases where the results of the modified rescaled range statistic are mixed, that no long term dependence can be found. Simulations indicate reasonable power of this adjustment procedure. Furthermore, we find that estimates of the Hurst exponent, a related measure of long term dependence, are also biased by short term dependence. Simulations show that this measure — that has recently attracted growing interest — cannot distinguish between models with or without long term dependence.  相似文献   

The efficient market, martingale model of security price movements requires that the arrival of new information be promptly arbitraged away. A necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of an arbitraged price is that statistical dependence among prices must decrease very rapidly. If persistent statistical dependence is present, the arbitraged price changes do not follow a martingale and should have an infinite variance. Using a technique for detecting long-term dependence, called R/S analysis, 200 daily stock return series are studied; many series are characterized by long-term dependence. Thus, in the presence of long-term dependence, the martingale model does not hold. Also, the distribution of security returns is non-normal stable Paretian as opposed to Gaussian.  相似文献   

The article examines the characteristics and implications of jump tail dependence in the Chinese stock market with high-frequency data. The results indicate that jumps contribute significantly to tail dependence between individual stocks and the aggregate market. Jumps are more tail dependent than raw returns and account for an average of 17 percent of the daily tail-dependence coefficient. We also find that jump tail dependence is asymmetric and substantially stronger in the lower tail than in the upper tail. Ignoring jump tail dependence may lead to underestimation of risks and produce inaccurate conclusions about the tail neutrality of a portfolio.  相似文献   

This article proposes a generalized notion of extreme multivariate dependence between two random vectors which relies on the extremality of the cross-covariance matrix between these two vectors. Using a partial ordering on the cross-covariance matrices, we also generalize the notion of positive upper dependence. We then propose a means to quantify the strength of the dependence between two given multivariate series and to increase this strength while preserving the marginal distributions. This allows for the design of stress-tests of the dependence between two sets of financial variables that can be useful in portfolio management or derivatives pricing.  相似文献   

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