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This paper analyses firms’ bidding behavior in auctions for development land in Hong Kong. The real estate market in Hong Kong is considered to be oligopolistic as it is dominated by a few top real estate firms, which have strong financial strength/development capacity and large land banks. Joint bidding is used by other real estate firms (“large” firms) to pool resources/capital in order to compete with the top firms. We test whether joint bidding increases or decreases the level of competition in land auctions, using land auction data in Hong Kong from 1991 to 2011. We find that large real estate firms are more likely to be successful than top firms at auctions when bidding jointly. However, joint bidding/winning does not harm competition as reflected by the number of bids, bids per bidder and number of bidders. Land prices also increase significantly in auctions won by joint bidders or alliances of large developers. Our results suggest that joint bidding enhances competition by allowing large firms to act strategically by pooling their resources and act aggressively to compete with the top firms.


Land and real estate are intrinsically related but generally traded in two different markets. Vacant land, being a major “raw material” for development of real estate, is traded by developers who actively manage development risk for profit. Real estate, being a long lived final product, is traded by end-users or investors for use or investment in the secondary market. This study examines price discovery between the two markets. The key question is whether land transactions, in the form of public auctions, convey any new information to the secondary real estate market. Our results suggest unexpected land auction outcomes have both market-wide and local effects on real estate prices. However, the impacts are asymmetric. We found that lower than expected land auction prices have a significant negative market-wide and local impact on real estate prices while higher than expect land auction prices have little or no impact.  相似文献   

This paper studies whether bank credit fuels asset prices. Financial deregulation during the 1980s allowed keiretsus to obtain finance publicly and reduce their dependence on banks. Banks that lost these blue-chip customers increased their property lending, and serve as an instrument for the supply of real estate loans. Using this instrument, I find that a 0.01 increase in a prefecture's real estate loans as a share of total loans causes 14–20% higher land inflation compared with other prefectures over the 1981–91 period. The timing of losses of keiretsu customers also coincides with subsequent land inflation in a prefecture.  相似文献   

开征物业税对我国房地产市场的影响分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
开征物业税有利于转变政府职能,使政府的税源更依赖于环境的建设,而不是过多地依赖于土地出让;有利于减轻开发商在房地产开发初期的资金压力,降低其经营风险,吸引更多的开发商进入,促进房地产业的竞争,增进消费者福利;有利于鼓励和实现房地产的自住性需求;有利于抑制房地产市场的投资和投机行为。但由于开征物业税会导致房地产开发成本和进入壁垒降低,也可能造成房地产开发过度,产生房地产泡沫。  相似文献   

广东省房地产金融风险实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
房地产金融风险特指银行等金融机构为房地产业提供资金的筹集、融通、清算等金融服务活动中,由于各种事先无法预料(即不确定)因素的影响,使金融机构的实际收益与预期收益发生背离,从而蒙受经济损失的可能性。本文通过参考现有房地产金融风险分析的主要因素,从金融机构、房地产开发企业及购房者这三个方面对当前房地产市场的风险状况进行分析,并通过定量的方法估算当前广州房地产市场的投机程度,最后提出相应防范房地产金融风险的建议。  相似文献   

This paper investigates how a development moratorium affects choices of development timing and land values in a framework where both the value of developed property evolves stochastically and the development costs are fully irreversible. We assume that a regulator initially announces that land is not allowed to be developed during a finite period of time in the future. A developer, thus, must decide whether to develop land before the timing ordinance is imposed, or after it expires. The development moratorium reduces the developer’s option value from waiting and, thus, accelerates development. We also use simulation analysis to demonstrate how the other factors that relate to the demand and supply conditions of the real estate market affect this accelerating effect.  相似文献   

房地产金融风险的发生会引发全社会投资与消费的大幅减少,进而影响宏观经济,对经济增长和金融稳定产生负面影响。当前我国房地产金融风险主要为:土地储备贷款存在的隐性风险、房地产开发贷款风险、个人住房消费贷款违约风险以及房地产金融的宏观信用风险。为防范房地产金融风险,维护我国宏观经济安全,本文认为中国要借鉴房地产市场成熟国家经验,建立完善的房地产金融风险预警系统;建立健全房地产金融市场和监管体系,引导金融机构不断提升房地产信贷风险管理能力;完善房地产宏观政策体系,保持房地产市场供需结构平衡,引导房地产市场持续健康稳定发展。  相似文献   

This paper empirically examines how real estate risk impacts corporate investment and financing decisions. Using a panel of United States firms from 1985 to 2013, we document that real estate risk is negatively associated with firms’ long-term investments and long-term external financing in equity and debt. The results are robust to different risk measurements and in particular salient during the financial crisis period when the endogeneity between risk and investment is less of a concern. The effect on firm leverage, however, depends on risk measures. Overall, in contrast to previously documented positive effects of the real estate value, real estate risk exposure exhibits mostly the opposite effects on investment, financing and capital structure. This difference is consistent with option value determinants. Findings in this paper shed new lights on the impact of real estate holding on corporate decisions, offer a new explanation for the underperformance of hedge funds’ real estate strategies, and confirm the theoretical predictions in Deng et al. (2015).  相似文献   

This study investigates whether depository institutions that concentrate on real estate lending are economically viable by examining the behavior of a sample of commercial banks that chose over the last decade to specialize in real estate lending. The results show that over the 1978–1988 period, the average real estate specializing bank earnings performance was on par with regular commercial banks, and those that were in the business for a longer period of time had higher returns with less risk than substantially more diversified commercial banks. Real estate banks has relatively lower loan losses and relatively higher proportions of lower risk, one- to four-family mortgage loans than regular commercial banks. Finally, it appears that real estate banks exhibited substantial flexibility in their ability to adjust their real estate loan holdings.  相似文献   

从供给视角看我国房地产市场的“两难困境”   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过理论模型解释我国房地产市场两难困境的内在机制,提出各参与主体的博弈行为与房地产泡沫的制度逻辑:一方面地方政府土地出让和开发商的垄断造成房价过高;另一方面地方政府投资又依赖于土地出让收入。中央政府面临两者之间的权衡。本文提出,地方政府的利益是地价和房价上涨的根本原因,开发商垄断是高地价和高房价的直接原因。我们认为,大力建设保障性住房,并发展高端房市场是解决房地产市场两难处境的有效手段。  相似文献   

This article develops an equilibrium framework for strategic option exercise games. I focus on a particular example: the timing of real estate development. An analysis of the equilibrium exercise policies of developers provides insights into the forces that shape market behavior. The model isolates the factors that make some markets prone to bursts of concentrated development. The model also provides an explanation for why some markets may experience building booms in the face of declining demand and property values. While such behavior is often regarded as irrational overbuilding, the model provides a rational foundation for such exercise patterns.  相似文献   

Until the recent introduction of real estate futures on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME), there have been few opportunities to manage house price risk. This paper examines whether house price risk can be effectively hedged in Las Vegas, one of the CME contract cities. The analysis considers hedging from the viewpoint of real estate investment groups, mortgage portfolio investors, builder/developers and individual homeowners. For investment groups and mortgage holders holding a mix of new and existing home assets, CME futures would have reduced house price risk by more than 88% over the 1994–2006 period. Similarly, homeowners implicitly hedging price volatility of existing homes also would have fared well over the sample period. However, builder/developers worried about new home price appreciation would have been much less successful in managing their risk. One important caveat, minimum variance hedge ratios change over time and may cause hedge performance to suffer.
Steve Swidler (Corresponding author)Email:

We investigate the net effect between diversification benefit and information cost of international real estate mutual funds from three dimensions: whether investors can benefit from investing in international real estate mutual funds, whether managers of international real estate mutual funds possess superior market knowledge and timing abilities, and whether investors are motivated by returns or diversification. Our findings are threefold. First, the results show that international real estate mutual funds perform better and are less risky than domestic real estate mutual funds before Jun 2007. That is, diversification benefits outweigh the information costs, and investors therefore gain from investing in international real estate mutual funds. However, the benefit is reduced because of the economic shock of sub-prime financial crisis. Second, on average, neither international mutual fund managers nor domestic mutual fund managers possess market timing abilities. Finally, we find that fund flows are driven by investors’ return-chasing behaviors and fund size, but not by diversification purpose.  相似文献   

张伟平  曹廷求 《金融研究》2022,505(7):94-114
本文以2007—2021年沪深A股上市房企为样本,首先基于SIM单指数分位数回归技术提出测量系统性风险的新指标SIM-CoVaR,并结合前沿的TENET网络模型,构造跨房地产企业风险动态传染的尾部风险网络,然后采用块模型探究房地产市场系统性风险溢出的聚类性、触发机制及传播路径,最后考察网络整体结构和宏观经济变量对房地产市场系统性风险溢出的影响。研究表明:(1)我国房地产企业间存在明显的系统性风险联动性和溢出效应,在市场动荡时期房地产部门是金融风险溢出的放大器;(2)评估系统重要性节点企业时,除考虑企业规模等内部属性,还应考虑房企间关联结构,利用系统性风险指数可有效捕捉网络中系统重要性节点;(3)跨房企的系统性风险溢出具有显著的聚类特征,尾部风险网络可被划分为4个不同的功能模块,各模块的成员及其角色呈现明显的时变特性,监管部门可据此从供给端“因企施策”;(4)网络聚集性、网络效率和网络匹配性的降低能显著降低房地产市场的系统性风险溢出效应。本文从企业微观层面探讨房地产市场风险的形成机制,为促进房地产业健康发展和防范化解宏观层面的系统性金融风险提供参考。  相似文献   


This study explores the dynamic nature of linkages among seven key real estate sectors which include residential, health, lodging-resort, storage, office, retail and industrial. Long-run results reveal evidence of increased integration and contagion across the real estate sectors in the wake of the housing crisis. Short-run analyses suggest bi-directional causality and indicate that shocks to one real estate sector have a much more severe and persistent impact on other real estate sectors during the post-crisis period in comparison to the pre-crisis period. Finally, ripple effects are observed across the real estate sectors with shocks emanating from the ``dominant” residential sector and spilling over to other real estate sectors.



Using data from the recent referendum in Britain to leave the E.U., we document a link between political uncertainty and real estate values. Specifically, we find that real estate values in areas of London that have a high concentration of E.U. passport holders declined significantly more than the rest of the city following the Brexit vote. In addition, we find that areas with concentration of highly-educated residents also experienced a disproportionately large price decline. These findings suggest that real estate markets are forward looking, incorporate information quickly, and are segmented.


有限理性、房地产市场波动与金融稳定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文认为,房地产市场波动对金融稳定影响的根本原因在于房地产市场存在有限理性。房地产市场有限理性包括三个方面,分别是投资者有限理性、房地产开发商有限理性和金融机构有限理性。在此基础上,本文通过构造房地产市场有限理性,论证了房地产市场波动对金融稳定的影响过程。  相似文献   


The real estate literature recognizes the real option to invest in capital expenditures (CAPEX) or sell a property but treats these options as independent. We show that these real options are interconnected. We provide empirical evidence that, consistent with the real option framework, CAPEX increases in income growth expectations but declines in their volatility; that CAPEX are partially capitalized into property market values; and that CAPEX significantly reduce the subsequent likelihood of sale. We also present evidence that, controlling for market timing, past property performance influences CAPEX but not disposition choices, consistent with a value-add investment strategy.


邱峰 《吉林金融研究》2013,(3):32-37,41
新型城镇化与房地产业紧密相连。新型城镇化对房地产行业而言,是一种机遇,也是一种挑战,须在耕地的保护基础之上,通过完善土地流转制度、户籍管理制度、社会保障制度等,并配以产业化、公共产品的承接以及适宜的房价,形成相辅相成、协调推进的良性循环局面,最终达到二者的协同发展。  相似文献   

中国房地产价格持续上涨的成因一直是学界研究的热点。产业集聚作为市场经济活动的必然现象,是否会对房地产价格产生影响?以中国35个大中城市2000~2016年的数据为样本,构建静态面板模型和动态面板模型实证检验产业集聚对房地产价格的影响。研究表明,产业集聚对房地产价格具有显著的正向影响;进一步研究发现,人口集聚和土地成本是产业集聚影响房地产价格的重要中介,即产业集聚能够通过人口集聚和土地价格上涨来推动房价上涨。基于研究结论,为保证我国房地产市场健康发展,应采取促进区域均衡协调发展、多渠道保障城市新流入人口住房和加快土地市场改革等政策措施。  相似文献   

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