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In this paper, we propose a model of income dynamics which takes account of mobility both within and between jobs. The model is a hybrid of the mover‐stayer model of income dynamics and a geometric random walk. In any period, individuals face a discrete probability of ‘moving’, in which case their income is a random drawn from a stationary recurrent distribution. Otherwise, they ‘stay’ and incomes follow a geometric random walk. The model is estimated on income transition data for the United Kingdom from the British Household Panel Survey (BHPS) and provides a good explanation of observed non‐linearities in income dynamics. The steady‐state distribution of the model provides a good fit for the observed, cross‐sectional distribution of earnings. We also evaluate the impact of tertiary education on income transitions and on the long‐run distribution of incomes. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Drawing a framework from stakeholder theory, this study uses 1994 data drawn from 100 United Kingdom listed companies to test empirically whether the level of discretionary donations made by companies to charitable, social and political causes is related to four company-specific factors, namely leverage, company size, profitability and ownership structure. Consistent with our hypotheses, the results indicate that the decision to contribute funds to charities and other bodies is positively related to company size and profitability and negatively related to leverage. However, the study provides no support for the view that there is a link between discretionary donations and a company's ownership structure.  相似文献   

This paper documents a number of facts about worker gross flows in the United Kingdom for the period between 1993 and 2010. Using Labour Force Survey data, I examine the size and cyclicality of the flows and transition probabilities between employment, unemployment and inactivity, from several angles. I examine aggregate conditional transition probabilities, job-to-job flows, employment separations by reason, flows between inactivity and the labour force and flows by education. I decompose contributions of job-finding and job-separation rates to fluctuations in the unemployment rate. Over the past cycle, the job-separation rate has been as relevant as the job-finding rate.  相似文献   


Open government is spreading throughout the world as a policy agenda oriented to foster transparency, participation and collaboration. Despite its increasing relevance in policy documents, there has been a scarce interest in deepening the analysis of how such agenda has been implemented in different national contexts. By adopting a multidimensional and multilevel perspective, we propose a qualitative comparative analysis of institutional digital platforms able to gather the evolution of open government in three European countries. We retrieved 979 open government platforms in France, Italy, and United Kingdom and analyzed them with an original set of indicators grouped in the three macro-areas of e-government, open data and transparency, participation and collaboration. Our study has methodological and policy implications: from the one hand, we provide the widest and deepest survey of open government platforms so far, contributing to the standardization of research methods on this field. From the other hand, we can observe that open government implementation is characterized by some typical traits, suggesting a trans-national convergence; this evidence is particularly prominent in the e-government and open data areas, whereas Participatory platforms are characterised by higher degrees of fragmentation both at the trans-national and at the intra-national levels. The analysis of open government platforms also reveals that, at the intra-national level, public administrations’ approaches to digital government are not homogeneous, although at different degrees among the three countries involved in our study, suggesting the need of a better integration and coordination by central authorities.


Was UK inflation more stable and/or less uncertain before 1914 or after 1945? We address these questions by estimating a statistical model with changing volatilities in transient and persistent components of inflation. Three conclusions emerge. First, since periods of high and low volatility occur in both eras, neither features uniformly greater stability or lower uncertainty. When comparing peaks with peaks and troughs with troughs, however, we find clear evidence that the price level was more stable before World War I. We also find some evidence for lower uncertainty at pre-1914 troughs, but its statistical significance is borderline.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze how country‐specific differences influence capital structure indirectly through firm‐specific variables. We apply a system Generalized Method of Moments technique to a panel data sample of companies from five countries (France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom) during the period 1998–2008. As the different financial systems of European economies (bank‐oriented or market‐oriented) may influence capital structure differently through firm‐specific variables, we first examine the determinants of capital structure for each country separately and we then analyze whether the observed differences between the United Kingdom and the continental European countries are relevant. The results show that there are substantial differences in the capital structure choices of firms across five major European countries. These differences are motivated by the type of financial systems of the countries (bank‐oriented and market‐oriented) and influence the capital structure indirectly through the firm‐specific variables. Overall, our results support the relevance of the differences in the capital structure choices of firms across five major European countries, and in particular, the singularity of the United Kingdom (a market‐oriented economy) as opposed to continental European countries (bank‐oriented economies).  相似文献   

In this paper, we attempt to evaluate whether a film's commercial performance can be forecast. The statistical distribution of film revenues in the UK is examined and found to have unbounded variance. This undermines much of the existing work relating a film's performance to its identifiable attributes within an OLS model. We adopt De Vany and Walls' approach and transform the revenue data into a binary variable and estimate the probability that a film's revenue will exceed a given threshold value; in other words, the probability of a blockbuster. Furthermore, we provide a sensitivity analysis around these threshold values. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The thesis of this essay is that it is unlikely that economic growth in the UK during the rest of the 1990s will be balance-of-payments constrained in any significant sense. Our conclusion is that manufacturing industry does not and will not play a unique role in Britain's economic future. These propositions are not to be confused with two distinct and related ones. The first is that the fact that the balance of payments need not be seen as a constraint does not rule out the possibility of other problems associated with the balance of payments such as we have seen in the recent past. Secondly, the fact that manufacturing industry is not in any sense a unique part of economic activity in no way lessens its importance as a major and significant sector. This paper is in no sense a critique of manufacturing industry.  相似文献   

Noel D. Uri 《Socio》1982,16(4):157-162
This paper sets out to examine the demand for energy in the United Kingdom. All energy sources are demonstrated to be substitutable. Coal is the most price responsive with natural gas, oil and electrical energy following. Moreover, when the issue of stability is considered, the suggestion is that the demand for coal, oil, natural gas and electrical energy have remained virtually constant over the past three decades.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of size, analyst coverage, and book-to-market in explaining momentum profits in UK stocks. We document a pattern of momentum in UK stocks and find that momentum profits are negatively related to firm size, analyst coverage, and book-to-market. We find that book-to-market is more important than coverage and coverage is more important than size in explaining momentum profits. We examine the book-to-market effect closely and find that a value premium exists for past stock losers, but a growth discount exists for past stock winners. Finally, the results of this study provide mixed support for the information diffusion hypothesis of Hong and Stein (1999).  相似文献   

The natural rate of interest, also known as R*, is a central concept for many monetary economists. Although policymakers and commentators make judgements based on an implicit belief regarding its value, attempts to measure it are quite rare. This article uses productivity data to estimate the natural rate for the UK economy during 1998–2018. It finds that the median real natural rate up to and including 2008:2 was 2.11 per cent and has been 1.9 per cent since then. This supports the view that the natural rate can change over time and has fallen in recent years. Policymakers who use the natural rate as a benchmark should therefore monitor this more closely.  相似文献   

Over the course of the 1990s the concept of empowerment became firmly established within the vocabulary of urban politics in several different national contexts. This article analyzes the spread of this concept by looking at the politics of urban renewal in the United States and the United Kingdom. It shows that even if (and possibly because) the definition of empowerment remained vague, the turn to empowerment came out of and contributed to a shift in the nature of urban politics and to a reconfiguration of governmental methods, the role of the state and, consequently, to changes in civil society, all of which were associated with a rise to prominence of a neoliberal perspective.  相似文献   

The concept of countervailing power has been used to suggest that the power of unions explains the origins and development of employers' organisations (EOs). However, unions have declined since the 1970s, but EOs continue to play an important role in employment relations. If pressure from unions is not sufficient to explain continuing employer organisation, what does account for it? This article pursues this question by examining the evolution and activity of UK EOs between the 1960s and 2016. Our countervailing power argument goes beyond a sole focus on unions to include changing pressures and demands on EOs caused by the state such as individual rights legislation and campaigns by civil society organisations. The changing force exerted by these societal pressures helps to explain the shift of EOs' focus from collective bargaining, nowadays only pursued by a minority of EOs, to lobbying, provision of services, legal support, and training.  相似文献   

Creating sufficient opportunities for individuals to develop their capabilities and earn a living wage is one of the central challenges facing all countries. However, some types of vocational education and training (VET) institutions may be more effective than others in promoting the development of career-enhancing ‘transferable’ skills. In order to investigate the links between national skill-creation systems and individual career paths, this study focuses on three countries with very different VET systems: the United States, the United Kingdom and Germany. The comparison is based on closely matched samples of three- and four-star hotels. The results suggest that individual career development and outcomes, such as wages and turnover rates, are strongly influenced by the interplay of three key elements – the breadth, relevance to employment and degree of standardization – of national initial VET systems. Our analysis identifies strengths and weaknesses of the different systems and key lessons for improvement.  相似文献   

人类已进入城市化的新阶段,全球70亿人口中超过半数生活在城市里.英国作为世界上率先实现城市化的国家,拥有250余年的城市化实践.英国城市走过了集群化、郊区化、逆城市化、城乡一体化的道路,英国城市化经历了自发蔓延、先放任后治理、法制管理、规划先行、城乡一体的进程,为包括中国在内的城市化高速发展的新兴国家,提供了研究城市化发展进程及其内在规律的启示.通过文献搜集、比较研究、案例分析等研究方法,总结英国城市化各阶段特征,详列英国应对“城市病”的具体举措,尤其是英国目前通过城市化缩小城乡差别,普及公共服务的经验,以资借鉴.  相似文献   

This paper shows that both relative wages and industry structure vary considerably across regions of the United Kingdom. In accordance with the neoclassical model of trade, regions abundant in a factor (i) exhibit lower relative prices of that factor than regions scarce in the factor, and (ii) tend to specialize in a mix of industries intensive in the use of the factor. We show that this specialization leads UK regions to be asymmetrically exposed to external macroeconomic or international trade shocks.  相似文献   

Sid Kessler traces trends and developments in the prevention and settlement of British labour disputes since 1968 in the context of the wider industrial relations system. He then considers the present law in relation to such disputes and discusses current systems for their prevention and settlement, in particular, the work of the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service.  相似文献   

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