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Comparison effects have been studied extensively in many fields. In particular, existing operations management articles have discussed the impact of comparison effects on enterprises' production and pricing decisions. Research has also shown that consumers' purchasing decisions are primarily determined by three factors: product quality, selling price, and comparison effects. The current study introduces the concepts of social and temporal comparison effects to examine how comparison effects influence a monopolist’s production quality and pricing strategy for substitutable products. Results reveal the following: (1) Setting different prices for even two types of substitutable products with negligible quality differences can divide customers into three groups under the influence of social comparison effects in a single-stage model. (2) The monopolist should avoid using a price discrimination strategy in which products with a short market life cycle have the same quality but different prices. (3) When the market life cycle of products is sufficiently long in the single-product market and the market with two substitutable products, the monopolist’s optimal choice in the second stage is to keep production quality constant and increase the selling price. Consequently, the number of buyers does not decrease because of temporal comparison effects. Therefore, the firm increases its revenue. (4) For the market with two substitutable products with quality differences, one approximate optimal strategy for the enterprise in the second stage is to keep the selling price constant with the assumption that product quality cannot be adjusted after the first period. At this point, the consumption situation in the market is the same as that in the first stage. Therefore, when no external constraints exist, the monopolist firm can obtain more benefits in the second stage than in the first stage by exploiting the temporal comparison effects of consumers in the second stage. (5) When consumer identity information can be confirmed in the market, social comparison effects, similar to temporal comparison effects, could help the enterprise increase its price and profit while maintaining product quality. These social and temporal comparison effects constrain consumers. Thus, the number of people who continue to buy products does not decrease.  相似文献   

This work investigates the optimal pricing of new and remanufactured products using a model of consumer preferences based on extensive experimentation. The experimental investigation reveals two distinct segments of consumers. One segment is relatively indifferent between new and remanufactured products and displays high sensitivity to price discounts. The second segment shows strong preferences for new products—with an accompanying aversion to remanufactured products—and realtively low sensitivity to price discounts. The pricing analysis examines several scenarios involving a new product manufacturer, ranging from a simple monopolist scenario to a more complex scenario involving competition with third-party remanufacturers. In contrast to the usual finding that new product prices should decrease when competitive remanufactured products enter the market, the introduction of market segments reveals a robust finding across all scenarios: when remanufactured products enter the market, the optimal price of the new product should increase. Through appropriate pricing of new products, the OEM can mitigate the effects of cannibalization and increase profitability.  相似文献   

This article generalizes production risk from a single output production function to a multiple output cost frontier, which is able to examine input-oriented technical efficiencies and production risk simultaneously in the context of a panel data. Furthermore, the joint confidence interval estimates for technical efficiencies are constructed by means of multiple comparisons with the best approach. Whether taking production risk into account or not offers quite dissimilar implications in terms of the average technical efficiency measure and the identification of multiple efficient banks achieving the optimal cost frontier. It is suggested that inferences drawn on the basis of the confidence intervals of technical efficiency provide much more fruitful and insightful information than the point estimation alone. Bank specific risk parameters are found to be highly and positively correlated with fixed-effect estimates, implying that the more risk-averse a bank is, the more technically efficient it will be.
Tong-Liang KaoEmail:

The existing literature on investment and reinsurance is limited to the study of continuous-time problems, while discrete-time problems are always ignored by researchers. In this study, we first discuss a multi-period investment and reinsurance optimization problem under the classical mean-variance framework. When the asset returns with a serially correlated structure, the time-consistent investment and reinsurance strategies are acquired via backward induction. In addition, we propose an alternative time-consistent mean-variance optimization model that contrasts with the classical mean-variance model, and the corresponding optimal strategy and value function are also derived. We find that the investment and reinsurance strategies are both independent of the current wealth for the above two optimization problems, which coincides with the conclusion presented in the continuous-time problems. Most importantly, the above investment strategies with serially correlated structures are both conditional mean-based strategies, rather than unconditional ones. Finally, we compare the investment and reinsurance strategies suggested above based on the simulation approach, to shed light on which investment-reinsurance strategies are more suitable for insurers.  相似文献   

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems have a controversial reputation. Critics say that even if ERP systems may be beneficial for organizations operating in stable conditions, they are surely detrimental to organizations that face dynamic market requirements. This is because ERP systems are said to impose such procedures and constraints on organizations that make business processes inflexible to change. In contrast, proponents argue that the information-processing capabilities of ERP systems are crucial for organizations that face dynamic market requirements and also that the criticized procedures and constraints actually support process reengineering. These two contradictory arguments are often found in practitioner literature, but both of them can also be supported by management theory. The central tenets of the Organic Theory of organization design imply that ERP systems should be detrimental when market requirements change frequently, whereas the principles of Rigid Flexibility Theory suggest that they should be advantageous. In this study, we use cross-sectional data from 151 manufacturing plants to determine which argument is more applicable in the context of manufacturing planning and control. The results strongly favor the use of ERP systems under dynamic market requirements. To facilitate the reconciliation of the two contradictory arguments, we discuss how the results may have been influenced by two contextual factors: the predominantly technical nature of the studied organizational system and the tight interdependence of the studied activities.  相似文献   

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