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计量经济学因其具有综合运用经济理论、数学和统计学等知识对经济现象进行定量分析的特点,在经济学学科体系中占据重要地位.目前高校本科计量经济学教学过程中存在着学生学习积极性不高、教学内容安排和课时设置不尽合理、学生不能很好地掌握课程基本知识和概念、不能学以致用等问题.今后的教学中可运用“任务驱动型”教学法,从增加课时、协调教学内容、完善案例库、提升实验课效率、开展设计性实验教学和增强学生学习自主性等方面继续深化计量经济学教学模式的改革.  相似文献   

原续菲 《经济师》2024,(3):146-147
“互联网+”对高校教学提出新的要求,为顺应时代发展,提高地方高校教学质量,满足应用型人才培养需求,课堂教学改革势在必行。文章首先介绍课程教学目标和教学难点;其次,以“互联网+”时代背景下地方性普通高校《税法》课程教学改革为例,结合“服务地方”的办学理念,通过教学设计,对课程教学理念、教学方式、考核方式进行改革,同时融入课程思政元素,旨在激发学生自主学习兴趣,提升学生实务处理能力;最后,结合当前发展需求,提出课程教学改革的未来发展方向及应实施措施。  相似文献   

“任务驱动”指的是在老师的组织与帮助下,引导学生围绕一个学习任务或者学习活动,对各种学习内容资料进行科学积极利用,并全面激发学生进行自主探索和互助协作的教学方法.近年来“任务驱动”教学模式在众多学科得到广泛应用,并取得了良好的教学效果,通过“任务驱动”教学,可以有效激发学生的学习主动性和积极性,还可以锻炼学生的自主探索能力以及协同合作能力,极大地提高了课堂教学的效率和质量.在预算会计课程教学过程中,科学应用“任务驱动”,是实现教学目标,提升学生的综合素质的一个行之有效的方法和途径.本文主要分析了“任务驱动”模式下预算会计课程的教学设计,为相关人员提供一定的参考意见.  相似文献   

模拟实践教学在高校《保险学》课程讲授中是一种新的教学方法,它可以让学生从教室走进实验室,在实践教学不能实现的条件下进行模拟实践,使学生能学以致用,理论联系实际,加深了对保险理论知识的理解,锻炼了学生的动手能力,提高了学生学习的积极性,进一步适应了高等院校对人才培养的要求。  相似文献   

杨涛 《时代经贸》2013,(16):79-79
在网络环境下,改革高校思想政治课教学势在必行。高校教师理应切实树立以人为本理念,遵循因材施教原则,让大学生在“学会”的同时还要“会学”,并要引导他们学以致用。因此,教师必须努力搭建网络教学平台、建立网络课程资源和互动化平台,在优化自身知识结构的同时,为高校思想政治教育开辟新的路径。  相似文献   

高等数学是高职院校各专业学生的一门重要基础课,是学生提高文化素质和学习有关专业知识的重要基础。但由于高职院校中大部分学生数学基础差,有的学生从小就对数学不感兴趣,因此该课程成为了学生公认的一门“难啃”的课程,所以长期以来高职院校中高等数学的教学效果及学生的考核成绩总是不能令人满意。但是高等数学又系一门重要基础课,教学质量的好坏直接影响学生专业课和其它学科的学习。因此,作为高等数学的教学者,我们必须根据高职数学本身的特点和学生实际情况,在教学过程中激发起学生对学习数学的兴趣。  相似文献   

人文地理学是高校地理类一级学科下各专业的基础课程,它的学习为其他专业课程奠定了重要基础,但其教学方法还需要不断创新.本文简要阐述了主题讨论法的涵义、作用及运用步骤,并提出了运用主题讨论法创新高校人文地理学教学的思路,最后通过五个案例说明了该方法的运用.  相似文献   

许进杰 《时代经贸》2011,(4):246-247
西方经济学是一门应用性和实践性都很强的学科,其教学目的是要培养大学生“学以致用”的能力。然而,传统的西方经济学所秉承的“讲授-接受”教学模式忽视了学生实践应用能力的培养,创新这种教学模式已凸显紧迫和必要。通过在西方经济学过程中加强案侧教学,不仅可以推进西方经济学课程教学模式的创新,更为重要的是,它可以培养大学生运用书本知识来分析和解决现实经济问题的能力,提升大学生的综合素质。  相似文献   

陈旭 《新经济》2013,(29):122-122
《会计学基础》是高职院校财务管理专业中较为基础性的一门专业课程,是进行会计专业学习的入门学科。这门基础课的学习直接影响着学生专业课程的学习,如果基础打不好,很难进行下一阶段的学习。从当前各高校的《会计学基础》的教学情况看,存在的不少问题制约了这门学科教学效果的提升。本论文分析了当前《会计学基础》教学中存在的问题,并针对问题提出了构建高效《会计学基础》的具体对策,希望能够为该门课程学习提供些许帮助。  相似文献   

基于《金融经济学》的学科特色,首先分析该课程实施研讨式教学的必要性;然后根据现代教学模式的内涵,构建了该课程的研讨式教学模式;最后,以“均值一方差模型”教学为例,探讨了该课程实施研讨式教学的模式设计。不仅为改进金融经济学课程的现行教学模式提供理论指导,也为高校教学改革提供新的思路。  相似文献   

英美文学课不仅是学好语言的最佳手段,更是素质教育和人文精神培养的有效途径。鉴于目前普通高等教育英美文学教学的现状和中国全面推行素质教育的急迫形势,英美文学课程必须大胆改革,构建新型教学模式,激活文学课的原动力。重点探讨更适合学生综合素质开发的“以学生为中心”的英美文学教学模式,为英美文学课教学改革提供新思路、新途径。  相似文献   

Economic educators often profess the goal of teaching our students to “think like economists.” Since Siegfried and colleagues (1991) coined this phrase, its meaning has been interpreted as a focus on analytical concepts and methods of economics as opposed to the broader goal of preparing students for independent, critical thought in the complex world beyond college. Colander and McGoldrick (2009b) argued that students are more likely to achieve both of these objectives when the learning process includes open-ended questions that encourage them to move beyond algorithmic application of textbook principles. In this article, the authors operationalize this “big think” approach through an instructional module on differential tuition pricing, the development of which was enhanced by careful attention to contemporary learning theory.  相似文献   

The use of student evaluations of courses and professors has been examined by Professor Kelley in an effort to learn more about the factors that appear to be associated with “good” or “poor” ratings. Using student evaluations of the Principles of Economics course at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, Kelly investigated two dependent variables: measures of course evaluation and measures of professor evaluation. Eleven independent variables were included in the analysis, and two different regression models were used. The results are tentative, of course, but the study reveals some interesting findings on the impact of teaching assistants, the student's expectation of his course grade, and the professor's propensity to be generous or niggardly in awarding high grades.  相似文献   

Professor McKenzie administered the SRA Test of Economic Understanding to 144 elementary teachers in southwest Virginia and compared their performance with that of several other groups. It is concluded that elementary teachers whose formal economics training is comparable to that of high school teachers are equally knowledgable. His results raise further questions about the effectiveness of two semesters of economics as compared with one, at least as far as long-run impact is concerned. The so-called “Stigler hypothesis” was also tested, McKenzie concluding that Stigler was probably “overly pessimistic about the lasting effects of the college economics course.” Several suggestions for improving the teaching of economics at the elementary level are included.  相似文献   

How do people learn? We assess, in a model-free manner, subjectsʼ belief dynamics in a two-armed bandit learning experiment. A novel feature of our approach is to supplement the choice and reward data with subjectsʼ eye movements during the experiment to pin down estimates of subjectsʼ beliefs. Estimates show that subjects are more reluctant to “update down” following unsuccessful choices, than “update up” following successful choices. The profits from following the estimated learning and decision rules are smaller (by about 25% of average earnings by subjects in this experiment) than what would be obtained from a fully-rational Bayesian learning model, but comparable to the profits from alternative non-Bayesian learning models, including reinforcement learning and a simple “win-stay” choice heuristic.  相似文献   

This paper studies an organizational knowledge sharing process which requires costly “teaching” and “learning” efforts on the part of the sender and receiver, respectively. The process is a team problem in which the principal rewards successful sharing by optimally rewarding performance. In this setting we compare two modes of knowledge transfer with regard to efficiency. The first is sequential in which the sender precommits to teaching and the receiver acts as a follower. The second is simultaneous where each agent simultaneously exerts effort. A key result is that the sequential mode dominates when teaching and learning are complements, but the simultaneous mode dominates if teaching and learning are substitutes.  相似文献   

随着计算机网络技术的飞速发展,如何把丰富的英语网络资源应用到大学英语教学中,建构全新的英语教学环境,提高学生学习的积极性,成为大学英语教学的新的话题。利用英语网络资源提高学生的听说读写译的能力成为当前大学英语教学过程中的一个很有成效的尝试,对大学英语教学有一定的启发作用。  相似文献   

为了提高"高频电子线路"课程的教学质量,培养学生的工程应用能力,文章在总结该课程进行的研究和改革基础上,讨论了授课方式,如采用项目教学法、讨论教学法、仿真教学法、自学指导教学法等。实践表明这既能加强学生对理论知识的掌握又能提高学生解决实际问题的能力。  相似文献   

This paper describes how we used Facebook as a discussion tool in the instruction of a principles level economics course and reports empirical estimates of the affect of that use on learning outcomes. Social media as a tool for promoting classroom discussion has advantages and disadvantages. For example, its omnipresence and flat learning curve can promote academic discourse. However social media can promote nonacademic “chatting”, and its omnipresence means the user needs more than a passing knowledge of the privacy settings to have control of their “digital identity”. For a Principles of Microeconomics taught in 2011 we collected data, with permission from our institution’s Institutional Review Board, on student use of Facebook, academic and demographic characteristics, learning style preferences and learning outcomes. Our research hypothesis is that an empirical analysis will find a positive correlation between student in-class use of Facebook and learning outcomes. Among our findings are that students should receive more coaching on the use of privacy settings, and qualified evidence that there is a positive net effect on learning outcomes of using Facebook as a discussion tool.  相似文献   

In this paper, we provide a generalization of the standard models of the diffusion of a new product. Consumers are heterogeneous and risk averse, and the firm is uncertain about the demand curve: both learn from past observations. The attitude towards risk has important effects with regard to the diffusion pattern. In our model, downward-biased signals to consumers can prevent the success of the product, even if its objective quality is high: a “lock-in” result. We show, in addition, that the standard logistic pattern can be derived from the model. Finally, we discuss the steady states of the learning dynamics, with regard to the multiplicity and the local stability of equilibria, and to their welfare properties.  相似文献   

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