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税收作为国家一项重要的财政政策,经常被用于对经济进行宏观调控。由于企业所得税在我国税收体系中占据着重要地位,因此所得税政策的调整必然会给经济带来一定的冲击。本文主要分析企业所得税税负变动对湖南投资的影响。  相似文献   

成本与市价孰低法是会计学上对存货和短期投资计价的方法。在税收方面,为了加强对所得税税前列支项目的控制,我国税法在企业所得税和个人所得税应纳税额的计算过程中设计了许多绝对金额与相对比率控制相结合的方法,要求将某些税前扣除项目的实际发生总额与按规定比例计算的最高列支限额相比较,然后选择两者中数值较低者进行扣除。论文将有关规定进行了归纳整理,称为金额与比例孰低法。  相似文献   

反机会主义规则及其对会计的制约性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
税法与会计并不总是相互协调的,诺斯认为,如果改变基础性安排的成本远大于因此带来的收益,变迁往往从次级安排开始。作为基础性安排的增值税视同销售规则在契约层面上又表现为一个反机会主义规则,对会计形成制度框架意义上的制约,产生会计安排的非适宜性,导致增值税会计效率不高以及会计披露缺位问题,从相对成本效益角度权衡,改变会计安排为效率性选择。  相似文献   

宋祥来 《城市发展研究》2011,18(3):27-31,36
房地产税改革不仅仅关系到中央和地方间的财事权分配、普通居民的税收负担,关系到房地产市场的稳定发展,也会对我国城镇住房保障体系的建设和创新形成制度约束.本文介绍了房地产税收政策支持住房保障体系建设的国际经验,运用经济学理论,分析了在我国当前的住房保障制度中,房地产税改革对不同类型保障性住房建设和运营的影响.在此基础上,提...  相似文献   

Imputation systems integrate corporate and shareholder personal income taxes to alleviate double taxation of dividend income. In this study, we empirically examine whether a corporate tax rate reduction under an imputation tax system benefits shareholders. Using Taiwan as a setting, our analyses indicate that decreasing the corporate tax rate is associated with an increase in dividend payout ratio and foreign investment. Moreover, the increase in dividend payout ratio is even greater for firms that have a higher increase in foreign ownership. Additionally, the market reacts positively to an announcement of a tax rate reduction; specifically, positive stock price reactions are stronger for firms that experienced a greater increase in foreign ownership in response to the tax rate reduction, for firms with greater liquidity constraints and more growth opportunities before the tax rate reduction, and for firms with a bigger decrease in effective tax rates after the tax rate reduction. Overall, we provide evidence that a tax rate reduction is associated with economic impacts and that foreign shareholders appear to be the main beneficiaries of a tax rate reduction under an imputation tax system.  相似文献   

We examine how differences in state income tax rates, as well as other state and local taxes and public service expenditures, influence the choice of state of residence for households (federal tax filers) moving into multistate metropolitan areas (MSAs) using data from the IRS on the migration of taxpayers. MSAs that are on borders provide a spatial discontinuity—discrete differences in state tax rates within a single labor market. These MSAs allow residents to live in one state and work in another state. We find that differences in state income tax rates have a significant impact on the relative rate of migration to the states within an MSA. However, contrary to what would be expected, this impact is only significant in MSAs in which the filing state is based on employment (states without reciprocity) and not for those states in which the filing state is the state of residence (states with reciprocity). In MSAs where states do not have reciprocity agreements, a difference of ten percent in tax rates leads to a 4.1 percent difference in the relative rate of incoming taxpayers. Analogously, we find that a ten percent difference in state tax rates in these MSAs results in a 3.3 percent difference in the rate of tax base inflow (AGI). Our results suggest that one reason that differences in state income taxes appear to have more impact in multistate MSAs without reciprocity is that only relatively large differences in state income tax rates have any impact on migration and these differences are much more pronounced in MSAs without reciprocity.  相似文献   

我国将稳步推进房产税的改革,而在改革的过程中需要准确界定房产税的计税依据。为此本文首先分析和比较了面积、市场价值和租金收入三种类型的房产税计税依据的优点和缺点,在此基础上结合公平性的要求、我国现行税收征管水平以及房地产市场现状等情况,提出我国应以市场价值为基准确定房地产税税基。对于房地产市场价值的评估办法,笔者认为居住用房地产价值的评估应该采用“城乡有别”的办法——城市和县城的居住用房地产采用市场比较法进行价值评估;农村地区的房地产采用重置成本法进行价值评估;对于营业用房地产,则采用收益法评估其市场价值。  相似文献   

This paper explores quantitatively the general equilibrium implications of a revenue neutral tax reform in which the current income and capital income tax structure in the U.S. is replaced by a flat tax, as proposed by Hall and Rabushka (1995), (The Flat Tax, 2nd ed. Hoover). The central aspects of such reform, the impact of tax reform on capital accumulation and labor supply, as well as its distributional consequences, are analyzed in a dynamic general equilibrium model. Main results are that, (i) the elimination of the actual taxation of capital income has an important and positive effect on capital accumulation; (ii) mean labor hours are relatively constant across tax systems, but aggregate labor in efficiency units increases; (iii) in all circumstances analyzed, the distributions of earnings, income and especially wealth become more concentrated.  相似文献   

This paper presents two versions of an applied general equilibrium model for the regional economy of Andalusia, Spain, that differ in the closure rule adopted to describe the behavior of the public sector. We use the model with to analyze the impact that the reform of the personal income tax (Act 40/98) implemented in Spain as a whole would have had on the Andalusian region in particular. The model is of the neoclassical variety and includes not only the productive sectors of the economy but also the foreign sector and the government, which are usually absent from theoretical general equilibrium models. Both versions of the model are calibrated by using a Social Accounting Matrix of Andalusia for 1995. The analysis shows that the reform is not self-financing, not even partially, despite governmental claims. It also indicates that there is a positive but smaller than anticipated economic stimulus. In welfare terms, we find that the category of Urban Salaried consumers is the one that benefits the most in real income terms.  相似文献   

Much research and policy attention has been on socio‐economic gaps in participation at university, but less attention has been paid to socio‐economic gaps in graduates’ earnings. This paper addresses this shortfall using tax and student loan administrative data to investigate the variation in earnings of English graduates by socio‐economic background. We find that graduates from higher income families (with median income of around 77,000) have average earnings which are 20% higher than those from lower income families (with median income of around £26,000). Once we condition on institution and subject choices, this premium roughly halves, to around 10%. The premium grows with age and is larger for men, in particular for men at the most selective universities. We estimate the extent to which different institutions and subjects appear to deliver good earnings for relatively less well off students, highlighting the strong performance of medicine, economics, law, business, engineering, technology and computer science, as well as the prominent London‐based universities.  相似文献   

浅议我国现行个人所得税制改革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
韦小虹 《价值工程》2011,30(24):291-292
个人所得税作为调节居民收入分配的一个重要税种,在我国经济生活中起着至关重要的作用。个税调整直接关系百姓钱袋子,在通胀形势下成为关注热点。随着我国经济的增长,居民可支配收入也在逐年增多,但是作为调节贫富收入差距的"个人所得税"这一税收杠杆却滞后于我们经济的变化,这些问题不仅严重影响了税收调节经济的功能,而且对社会稳定也极为不利。本文在阐明了我国个人所得税制改革中存在的相关问题后,有针对性的提出了相关学者的政策建议。  相似文献   

Abstract . The incentive effects of state and local tax policies in promoting or inhibiting the ownership of farmland by non-operators are evaluated. Previous research on the economic, social and environmental effects of absentee ownership is reviewed as well as evidence regarding the impact of tax laws on absentee owners versus owner-operators. The Federal tax laws, it is found, work to increase land prices, reduce entry into farming by young farmers, and increase absentee ownership. State income tax policies may reinforce these effects. Property tax policies, on the other hand, may counteract income tax laws by giving tax relief preferentially to owner-operators. Several modifications of property tax relief programs are suggested.  相似文献   

财税政策通过促进关键生产要素流入可促进产业升级。通过构建动态模型分析地方政府财税竞争对要素流动、社会福利及产业升级的影响。研究发现,提高生产要素的税率不仅会导致该生产要素外流,还会导致其他生产要素外流;在税率变化冲击下,要素存量调整至新的均衡状态与生产函数凹性和调整成本函数凸性有关;对发达地区落后产业实行高综合税率以及新兴产业实行低综合税率会促进地区产业升级,对落后地区实行低综合税率会促进地区经济发展和产业升级;政府的财税协调有利于地区间实现产业升级和提高社会福利水平;地区居民对企业的持股份额会影响地区福利水平。  相似文献   

马来西亚是一个中等收入国家,与新加坡、文莱、印尼等东盟国家相似都以直接税为主。个人所得税在设计上充分体现了其社会经济发展的特点,作为一个外向型国家,马来西亚通过低税率、宽优惠的方式吸引外资和人才。  相似文献   

This paper examines the 205 insolvent thrifts that were resolved in 1988 and assesses the cost savings obtained by selling 179 of the institutions through assisted acquisitions rather than liquidating them. It is hypothesized that the cost savings were determined by factors related both to the future viability of the acquired institution and the particulars of the deal arranged by the Federal Home Loan Bank Board and the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation. The added value by selling a thrift is determined primarily by the level of core deposits obtained by the acquired thrift. However, the branch structure and purchased mortgage-servicing rights should also add franchise value to the firm. In addition to these factors, the analysis accounts for the tax benefits and other regulator forbearances associated with the deals. Other characteristics of the deals are also considered. It is found that core deposits, tax benefits, purchased mortgage-servicing rights, average branch size, and type of acquirer, as well as some other factors, were significant determinants of the cost savings obtained through selling an institution rather than liquidating it.  相似文献   

吕琼丽 《价值工程》2014,(27):197-198
根据永煤贵州地区煤炭企业股权结构比较复杂,涉税地点分布广,当地税收政策混乱、税费成本畸高等现象,结合永煤贵州地区煤炭企业纳税成本现状,提出了纳税筹划的各种举措,降低企业税负,提高企业的经济效益。  相似文献   

We examine the distributional impact of potential changes in the tax treatment of owner-occupied housing in this paper. In particular, we focus on the removal of mortgage interest and local property tax deductibility. A theoretical model of the demand for housing is developed that captures the impact of removing these deductions on housing demand. Then, we use a large cross section of individual income tax returns from the Internal Revenue Service for 1990 to estimate the distributional effects of removing housing deductions. Taxpayers are ranked by income and tax liability, both with and without the housing deductions. By comparing tax liability under the alternative regimes, and composing measures of the distributional impact of removing housing tax deductions using the classic Suits index, we assess both revenue neutral and nonrevenue neutral distributional effects. Results in both cases indicate that the removal of the tax deductibility of mortgage interest and property taxes would increase the progressivity of the income tax substantially.  相似文献   

1994年至今,个人所得税已经历四次重大改革,个税改革是税制改革的重点内容。本文将从个人所得税对居民消费影响的理论研究和实证研究方面,对现有个人所得税的研究文献进行梳理总结,并进行述评,总结现有文献研究存在的不足之处,以期为进一步研究个人所得税对居民消费影响研究提供依据和方向。  相似文献   

本文以2003~2005年沪深A股上市公司年报数据为依据,分析了所得税会计核算方法选择与盈余管理程度、审计费用水平之间的关系。研究发现:在我国现行的应税收益-会计收益的差异水平下,应付税款法与纳税影响会计法核算的总体绩效评价指标、盈利预测误差程度均没有显著差异;而采用纳税影响会计法的公司,其盈余管理程度、审计费用水平(“簿记成本“的替代变量)均显著高于采用应付税款法的公司,说明盈余管理与薄记成本是影响所得税会计政策选择的重要因素。  相似文献   

This study of internal migration at the state level empirically investigates the Tiebout hypothesis (as extended by Tullock) of “voting with one’s feet.” In addition to its adoption of more current data (net migration from July, 2000 through July, 2008) than other related studies to date, the model differs from most previous comparable studies by including a separate cost of living variable and a measure of per capita state income tax burdens. We also test the hypothesis using two alternative specifications: one linear and the other semi-log. Finally, the analysis also provides both OLS and 2SLS estimates. The advantage of this multi-faceted approach is that it permits an assessment of how sensitive the results are to specification changes and to different estimation procedures. After controlling for economic factors and a quality of life/climate variable, migrants (consumer-voters) appear to prefer lower state income tax burdens, lower state plus local property tax burdens, and higher per pupil outlays on primary and secondary public education.  相似文献   

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