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One interesting explanation for asset securitization is the managerial agency theory—where securitization of cash flows that are relatively insensitive to managerial effort reduces the noise for cash flows that are sensitive to managerial effort (Iacobucci and Winter, 2005). This paper extends this concept in several ways. First, we differentiate the effects of noise and effort sensitivity on managerial effort and compensation, underscoring the importance of a less noisy environment. We also carefully delineate the conditions under which asset securitization would improve the welfare of managers and shareholders of the originating company. Second, we relax the assumptions regarding the expected income-producing function and the income variance, and further take into consideration the change of the marginal production of income with respect to effort before and after securitization. Third, under a multitask principal-agent model framework, we explore how the relationship between managerial activities on different assets affects the incentive compensation for the manager of the originating company and the joint surplus for shareholder and manager. This is particularly relevant when entire buildings are securitized as opposed to pools of income-generating assets. Finally, we examine the role of the third-party servicer.  相似文献   

作为一种金融创新工具,资产证券化在金融危机中遭受质疑和约束。在相关国际金融组织及主要发达国家的努力下,资产证券化正在逐步得以恢复。要保障资产证券化的健康发展,就必须对资产证券化监管法律制度进行改革。对资产证券化监管的首要目标是维护金融安全,对金融效率、金融自由的追求必须符合维护金融安全的要求。相关国际组织及一些国家资产证券化监管法律制度改革的实践表明:金融安全是金融监管的逻辑起点。  相似文献   

Asset-backed securitization (ABS) is a relatively new financial instrument in Singapore's capital market, which has been accepted by developers (originators) as an alternative source of financing. Credit assessment and rating requirements have not been imposed on the ABS bond issues. Default-risk evaluation has also been understated, if not omitted, in the process of structuring ABS deals. This is the first study that applies a theoretical default-risky swaps valuation model to evaluate credit risks in ABS bonds in Singapore. The Monte-Carlo simulation results, based on the Century Square shopping mall ABS case, show significant effects of the changes in rental volatility and default-free interest rate volatility on the default-risk premium of swap. More specifically, an increase in the rental volatility reduces the default-risky swap values significantly. However, an increase in the instantaneous default-free interest rate volatility increases the default-risk premium of swaps, and this effect is only observed in the high default-free interest rate volatility regime (above 20 percent). The results suggest that the rental dynamics of the securitized real estate are critical in determining the default risks of ABS deals. The fixed-rate (coupon yield) and floating-rate (rental cash flows) should therefore be adequately determined to reflect the default risks, which may be caused by the rental dynamics of the securitized real estate.  相似文献   

2005年资产证券化试点打开了证券化的空间,但试点证券化资产范围相对狭窄,没有触及中小企业的融资需求。资产支持商业票据提供了破题的一种选择。本文介绍了资产支持商业票据的发展概况、发展的市场动力、交易结构以及交易种类,并对一个具体案例进行了分析。  相似文献   

In this paper, we will give a new framework of barrier options to generalize`Parisian Option' and `Delayed Barrier Option'. Take a stopping time asthe caution time. When occurs, derivatives are given `Caution'. After, if K.O. time =() occurs, derivative contractsvanish. We simply say that first `Caution' second `K.O.'. Using thisframework, designs of barrier options become more flexible than before and newrisk management will be possible. New barrier options in this category arecalled Edokko Options or Tokyo Options.  相似文献   

出于融资的需求,资产证券化登上历史舞台。可用于证券化的资产包括信贷资产、不动产和知识产权等。资产证券化注重对资产信用价值的利用,促进了资产价值的流动,实现了资产价值最大化。在资产支持证券的流转过程中,传统法律规则多处被突破。资产证券化体现了现代商法的特征。资产证券化在我国起步较晚,我国应加快资产证券化的立法进程。次贷危机虽使资产证券化受到质疑,但如果选择优等资产予以证券化,就可以最大限度地避免证券化中的风险。  相似文献   

We asked 82 experienced managers to value, in effect, a set of real options, by taking decisions on invented case studies. The classic Black Scholes model should set an upper bound for rational valuations of these options (since it assumes a risk neutral discount rate, which may be optimistic). The managers valued their options erratically, and generally optimistically, though their responses to changes in moneyness, volatility and maturity tended to be in the 'correct' directions. Oil industry managers over-valued least, relative to Black-Scholes, and Brewery managers most. Questionnaires explored managers' perceptions of the real option parameters encountered in their workplaces.  相似文献   

Under the common assumption of constant interest rates, we show that penalties for early termination of a lease are often structured in such a way that the cancellation option embedded in consumer automotive leases has little value. Furthermore, our estimates drawn from a sample of three popular car models over 1990 to 2000 indicate that the stand‐alone value of the lease‐end purchase option is, on average, about 16% of the market value of underlying used vehicles, or about $1,462 per contract. Finally, we examine the sensitivity of our option value estimates to model parameters and default risk.  相似文献   

资产证券化是我国金融市场发展的重要方向之一,而贸易融资资产是商业银行的重要资产之一。在贸易额逐年增加的背景下,促进贸易融资资产的证券化不仅是商业银行进行风险管理的重要方式,也是推进我国资产证券化进程的有效途径。由于供应链融资思想的引入,目前的贸易融资过程与传统的贸易融资相比有了较大的变化。在我国资产证券化市场刚刚出现的背景之下,贸易融资资产的证券化需要解决原始资产的风险管理、证券化模式的选择、中介机构制度的创立、信用评级与增级和机构监管等一系列的制度问题。  相似文献   

资产证券化在创造了市场流动性,满足了消费者和投资者需求的同时也给金融市场的稳定带来了隐患.本文以次贷危机为例说明了资产证券化的过度引致金融危机的一般性规律,并认为资产证券化改变了传统的融资模式,加大了内生流动性收缩的频率和幅度,延迟和放大了风险从而给货币政策调控带来了方向、工具、中介目标选择上的难度.  相似文献   

不动产证券化被引入城市更新中具有诸多优势,这也是解决当前城市更新困境的有效途径之一。本文首先利用SWOT分析法研究不动产证券化在城市更新中的应用,然后探讨不动产证券化的最新发展类型——开发型不动产证券化的运作模式,最后对我国利用不动产证券化促进城市更新提出政策建议。  相似文献   

Our paper compares mortgage securitization undertaken by government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) with that undertaken by private firms, with an emphasis on how each type of mortgage securitization affects mortgage rates. We build a model illustrating that market structure, government sponsorship, and the characteristics of the mortgages securitized are all important determinants of mortgage rates. We find that GSEs generally—but not always—lower mortgage rates, particularly when the GSEs behave competitively, because the GSEs implicit government backing allows them to sell securities without the credit enhancements needed in the private sector. Using our simulation model, we demonstrate that when mortgages eligible for purchase by the GSEs have characteristics similar to other mortgages, the GSEs implicit government-backing generates differences in mortgage rates similar to those currently observed in the mortgage market (which range between zero and fifty basis points). However, if the mortgages purchased by GSEs are less costly to originate and securitize, and if the GSEs behave competitively, then the simulated spread in mortgage rates can be much larger than that observed in the data.  相似文献   

巴塞尔协议的资本充足率指标可以反映银行部门吸收风险损失的能力,但是无法监测和控制银行体系外的贷款总额和累积的信用风险。20世纪70年代的贷款证券化创新导致银行进行监管资本套利,并使得资本充足率监管趋于失效。本文基于贷款证券化下银行贷款余额与社会贷款余额的差异,分析银行监管资本套利的微观机制并提出改进资本监管的建议。  相似文献   

在本次美国次贷危机中,以住房抵押贷款证券化及其衍生品为主证券化产品的基本功能在危机的产生和传导中发挥了不可估量的作用。本文深入讨论资产证券化的基本功能在本次次贷危机中的作用.并提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

This article develops a model of the interactions between borrowers, originators, and a securitizer in primary and secondary mortgage markets. In the secondary market, the securitizer adds liquidity and plays a strategic game with mortgage originators. The securitizer sets the price at which it will purchase mortgages and the credit-score standard that qualifies a mortgage for purchase. We investigate two potential links between securitization and mortgage rates. First, we analyze whether a portion of the liquidity premium gets passed on to borrowers in the form of a lower mortgage rate. Somewhat surprisingly, we find very plausible conditions under which securitization fails to lower the mortgage rate. Second, and consistent with recent empirical results, we derive an inverse correlation between the volume of securitization and mortgage rates. However, the causation is reversed from the standard rendering. In our model, a decline in the mortgage rate causes increased securitization rather than the other way around.  相似文献   

The quality option for Japanese Government Bond Futures contracts is analysed using a term structure approach based upon a two-factor Heath, Jarrow and Morton (1990b) model. The option value is found to be 0.12%–0.2% of par three months prior to delivery. Also, analysis of variance confirms that the quality option has a negative theta .  相似文献   

住房抵押贷款证券化在国外已有几十年的历史,而我国因商业银行对其缺乏积极性而进展缓慢。住房抵押贷款证券化在其运行过程中,面临着风险控制、法律规制和税收等诸多方面的问题。我国现行的信托法律制度,对采取信托模式实行住房抵押贷款证券化提供了法律上的可行性,但也存在着立法上的障碍和空白。只有在“信托财产双重所有权”理论的指导下,制定《信托特别法》以及规范信托受益权证的流通市场,才能真正促进我国住房抵押贷款证券化的顺利发展。  相似文献   

Analytical Approach to Value Options with State Variables of a Levy System   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we present an analytical method in pricing Europeancontingent assets, whose state variables follow a multi-dimensionalLévy process. We give an explicit formula for the hypotheticalEuropean "two-price" call option price by means of the conditionacharacteristic transform. The work not only unifies and extendsthe option pricing literature, which focuses on the use of thecharacteristic function, but also provides the way to formalizeandunify the valuation of the option price, the valuation of thediscount bond price, the valuation of the scaled-forward price,and the valuation of the pricing measure in incomplete markets.JEL Classification codes: G13  相似文献   

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