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在介绍裂隙介质中的水流运动及裂隙介质溶质运移规律的基础上,总结了多种用于概化裂隙岩体的模型及数值方法,介绍了各模型相应的模拟软件如TOUGH2与FRSCMAN的发展及应用,指出裂隙介质中地下水运动及溶质运移数值模拟研究仍处于探索阶段,方法与技术均不成熟,机理研究、数值模拟方法等方面有待进一步发展。 相似文献
裂隙的粗糙度对单裂隙中的溶质运移有着重要的影响,然而粗糙元的形状(粗糙裂隙壁面上的各种凸起/坑洼)对单裂隙中溶质运移的影响机理尚未完全清楚。该研究通过求解纳维—斯托克斯方程和溶质运移方程模拟了具有不同粗糙元形状(矩形、梯形、三角形)的单裂隙中的溶质运移,并利用稀释指数量化了裂隙内溶质的空间分布。模拟结果表明粗糙元起始处的切线方向与流线的夹角越大,则发育的涡流体积越大,引起的溶质非均匀流动越明显;对溶质运移突破曲线和停留时间分布的分析表明随着流速的增加,溶质运移逐渐由费克运移转变为非费克运移,其相应的突破曲线表现出越来越显著的"早到"和"拖尾"特征;粗糙元密度与停留时间分布的幂律拟合参数b之间存在明显的正相关关系;对于相同的雷诺数,矩形粗糙元引起的非费克行为比梯形和三角形粗糙元更显著。该研究有助于进一步完善粗糙裂隙溶质运移理论。 相似文献
地下水环境中化学作用对溶质运移具有重要影响,然而对于双分子反应性溶质运移研究,以往大多是在多孔介质中展开的,且使用传统的对流弥散方程不能很好地解决对生成物\"过度预报\"及\"拖尾\"问题.为了揭示双分子反应性溶质在裂隙介质中的运移机理,该文以苯胺(AN)和1,2-萘醌-4-磺酸钠(NQS)为例,开展了单个裂隙中双分子反应性溶... 相似文献
本文对双重多孔介质中溶质运移的团粒扩散模型(Ⅰ)、团粒扩散和膜交换模型(Ⅱ)、一阶动力模型(Ⅲ)和对流-弥散模型(Ⅳ),应用时间动量分析方法,研究了溶质运移的平均时间、有效弥散系数、诱发弥散系数和质量交换系数的结构及其影响因素。 相似文献
土壤溶质运移的微观机理模型研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
由于不合理灌溉形成的次生盐碱化,养分流失,以及化学肥料和杀虫剂随土壤水分入渗进入河流和地下水造成水体污染等各种环境问题。迫切地需要量化的溶质运动模型为指导进行研究。本文在分析现有数学模型的物理基础上,探讨了此类模型目前需要解决的问题及可能途径。 相似文献
通量边界条件多孔介质溶质运移参数估计方法 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1
提出了一个估计溶质运移参数的确定性方法。通过Laplace空间的数学转换得到一个包含运移参数的线性时间函数。运用这个关系及两个时间观测浓度数据形成关于参数的非线性方程。求解参数的计算方法和数据误差分析也作了详细讨论。几个假设算例被用于检验参数估计模型,计算表明估计参数与算例设计的真参数有很好的一致性。 相似文献
Zhi DOU Zhi-fang ZHOU 《水科学与水工程》2014,7(3):277-287
In this study, the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) was used to simulate the solute transport in a single rough fracture. The self-affine rough fracture wall was generated with the successive random addition method. The ability of the developed LBM to simulate the solute transport was validated by Taylor dispersion. The effect of fluid velocity on the solute transport in a single rough fracture was investigated using the LBM. The breakthrough curves (BTCs) for continuous injection sources in rough fractures were analyzed and discussed with different Reynolds numbers (Re). The results show that the rough frac~'e wall leads to a large fluid velocity gradient across the aperture. Consequently, there is a broad distribution of the immobile region along the rough fracture wall. This distribution of the immobile region is very sensitive to the Re and fracture geometry, and the immobile region is enlarged with the increase of Re and roughness. The concentration of the solute front in the mobile region increases with the Re. Furthermore, the Re and roughness have significant effects on BTCs, and the slow solute molecule exchange between the mobile and immobile regions results in a long breakthrough tail for the rough fracture. This study also demonstrates that the developed LBM can be effective in studying the solute transport in a rough fracture. 相似文献
In this paper, the developed lattice Boltzmann method(LBM) is used to model the solute transport in a filled fracture under a heterogeneous advective velocity field. The results of the developed LBM in modelling the solute transport are compared with the published experimental data. The numerically derived BTCs indicate that the distribution of the filled medium in the fracture has a significant effect on the characteristics of the BTCs, even with the same porosity. The heterogeneity of the filled medium is responsible not only for the heterogeneous advective velocity field but also for the early arrival and long tails of the BTCs. The long tailings of the BTCs increase their length with the increase of the duration of the input pulse. Furthermore, the BTCs obtained from the LBM simulations are well consistent with the two-region model(TRM). The fitting results show that the fractional mobile region varies with the distribution of the filled medium. The long tailings of the BTCs increase their length with the increase of the immobile region while the concentration peak value increases with the increase of the mobile region. 相似文献
溶质在细粒孔隙介质中迁移预测的可靠性分析 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
在预测溶质运移,尤其是低中放废物处置场中的核素在包气带与含水层中的迁移时,需要考虑介质中不流动水体的影响,否则,会影响预测结果的可靠性。通过对黄土的物理特性实验与野外氚的包气带示踪试验表明:用孔隙度或含水量除以渗透流速得到的平均孔隙流速比实际平均孔隙流速小,在包气带中约小30%~65%,含水层中约小40%.用对流弥散模型计算氚在包气带中的迁移表明:考虑不流动水体的影响时的平均孔隙流速比不考虑的结果增加了1.39倍,相对浓度减弱了1.32倍。 相似文献
拟线性化方法是基于溶质运移“穿透曲线”(BTC)数据估计对流-弥散方程(CDE)中运移参数。该方法运用任意两个时刻浓度导数(dc/dt)与参数之间的函数关系,通过求解一个随参数单调增减的非线性方程,推导出关于时间的拟线性化参数估计方程。依据该线性化方程拟合的直线截距和斜率确定溶质运移参数。通过一组设计参数获得的BTC,应用拟线性法求解溶质运移参数并与设计参数比较,证明用该方法估计参数具有较好精度。设计数据还被用于讨论剔除浓度导数(dc/dt)峰值段误差较大数据以改善参数估计精度的方法。拟线性化方法用于估计红壤和水稻土中SO4^-2运移参数,其结果与CXTFIT法和等斜率法估计参数具有较好的一致性。 相似文献
The scenario simulation analysis of water environmental emergencies is very important for risk prevention and control,and emergency response.To quickly and accurately simulate the transport and diffusion process of high-intensity pollutants during sudden environmental water pollution events,in this study,a high-precision pollution transport and diffusion model for unstructured grids based on Compute Unified Device Architecture(CUDA)is proposed.The finite volume method of a total variation diminishing limiter with the Kong proposed r-factor is used to reduce numerical diffusion and oscillation errors in the simulation of pollutants under sharp concentration conditions,and graphics processing unit acceleration technology is used to improve computational efficiency.The advection diffusion process of the model is verified numerically using two benchmark cases,and the efficiency of the model is evaluated using an engineering example.The results demonstrate that the model perform well in the simulation of material transport in the presence of sharp concentration.Additionally,it has high computational efficiency.The acceleration ratio is 46 times the single-thread acceleration effect of the original model.The efficiency of the accelerated model meet the requirements of an engineering application,and the rapid early warning and assessment of water pollution accidents is achieved. 相似文献