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杨信 《光彩》2011,(11):55-55
黑色短袜BlackSocks?貌似网络上的人更关注长腿黑丝吧?事实并非如此,黑色短袜比长腿黑丝更有价值亦更具"魅力"。你也许听过王永庆"卖大米"的故事,这位已故的台湾"经营之神"当年就是运用"定期送到家"的卖米服务快速赚取了第一桶金。而BlackSocks,演绎出一个网络版的"定期送到家"。这是一家英国的小型网络商店,正准备进军美国,网址是"BlackSocks.com",顾名思义,它专卖黑袜子。最普通的黑袜子,定价也十分高昂,基本上是一双10美元。但十年来,BlackSocks居然能成功卖出1000万双,而支撑黑袜子网站成功  相似文献   

最近刚搬了新窝,整理了一大堆东西,该扔的扔,该送人的送人。待到收拾完毕,突然发现没袜子穿了。跟大多数21世纪的宅男一样,自然打开一个购物网站,寻找合适的袜子。一番游荡之后,发现了男人袜(www.nanrenwa.com)。这是一个专注男袜销售的B2C电子商务网站,旨在追求一种简单的生活方式。主页醒目位置道出了网站的创意:像订杂志一样订袜子。网站提供三种模式:体验套装、包年套装和自选套装。体验套装为三双,一次寄送;包年套装为12双,袜子会按季度送到提前填号的地址;自选套装则可以自主选择数量和寄送时间。不需要选择样式,网站会根据订货地点的季节气候,为客户寄送最合适的袜子。  相似文献   

海冰 《致富时代》2013,(5):26-27
80后IT宅男陈伯乐,2010年11月创建网站专卖男人用的袜子,并在国内首创"袜子包年"、"定期配送"等服务模式。短短一年多,网站实现盈利……让顾客像订杂志一样订袜子"早上起床,才发现袜子要么没洗,要么破了洞,只好找一双洞最小的穿上,再提醒自己下次购买。但买袜子这事,大大咧咧的男人有几个能记住?我的经历想必很多男人都有过。"IT宅男陈伯乐提及创建网站卖袜子的初衷。  相似文献   

困境与出路:金融危机下的广东制造业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
据商务部的统计:全世界每4支吸管中就有1支是中国制造;每3双袜子中就有1双是中国制造;每10个玩具中就有7个是中国制造……“中国制造”在全球已是家喻户晓,它为中国创造了巨额外汇的同时,也为中国提供了大量的就业岗位。  相似文献   

<正> 马玉明所在的制袜厂近几年很不景气,产品大量积压,最后不得不关门停产,把积压产品全部分给职工销售。情急之下,马玉明找到我说:"姜兄,我分得了1800多元的积压产品,你对市场营销有研究,帮我出个主意卖出去吧。"我问是啥产品,他说全是过时的没人要的袜子。我让他拿一双给我试穿。不料马玉明灰心丧气地说:"都是几年前的过时袜子,你还稀得穿吗?"等袜子拿来,我仔细一看,与目前市场上卖的确实不一样。现行的袜子薄且大,都是直筒,不分底和面,穿起来随便;而马玉明的袜子却不具备。经反复对比琢磨,我发现:小马的袜子也挺有特点,  相似文献   

你也有过那种烦躁吗?当整个世界似乎都不和你站在一边,万事不顺. 送你一棵救命稻草.一家网址为www.1000awesomethings.com的网站致力於让每个愁眉不展的人挂上笑脸.网站收集了生活中的点点滴滴的开心事,比如找到丢失的袜子,刚按下电钮,却发现它已经停在你的楼层.  相似文献   

随着互联网在中国的迅速发展,各种五花八门的网站如雨后春笋般陆续登台亮相,在告别了网站问世的初期繁荣之后,网站开始面临持续发展的深层问题。在千人一面的网站中如何脱颖而出?如何让网民的注意力长留不去?是人们不得不思考的问题。网站定位精中求变失败的网站都是相似的,成功的网站则各有各的不同。网站最常见的失败原因是其立意不清,定位不明。即使同一行业的网站,定位不同,在观众眼中也会有极大差别。例如:同样是销售体育产品的网站,阿迪达斯将网站理解为推介产品的场所。主要栏目是款型各异的运动鞋图片及说明,就像一个产品展销中心。而耐克网站虽然有大量页面介绍其运动鞋,但它还关注  相似文献   

<正> 某市一家袜厂10多年前生产的13万双袜子至今还躺在库房里,占压资金10万多元。如果计算一下成本,10多年来,这些袜子占压的资金超过了20  相似文献   

有“中国袜业之乡”之称的浙江诸暨市,年产各类袜子近 50亿双,然而市场上标有诸暨产地的袜子却不多,名牌产品更是几乎没有。原因是当地的袜子生产厂家很少注册自己的商标,打自己的牌子。而与诸暨比邻的县、市的一些袜子生产经营者大量收购诸暨产的白坯袜,如义乌人把薄型丝袜作为半成品收购,然后通过加工贴上自己的商标,变成自家产品,又通过义乌中国小商品城向全国各地销售,利润成倍上涨。   有人算了一笔帐:根据不同的品种和质量,诸暨生产的白坯袜一双袜子只有几分钱到几角钱的利润,而外地厂家收购白坯袜后,贴上自己的商标,…  相似文献   

栀子 《中国市场》2008,(25):57-57
<正>网上展会虽已渐成趋势,但它并没有像阿里巴巴、慧聪等B2B网站那样"成绩斐然"。究其原因,笔者认为是观念的错位导致了网上展会的平淡。在网络展览的初期,人们认为它可以代替传统展会而独立存在。但从近年来的发展情况来看,没有实体经济,虚拟展览不能发生根本的变化。目前,单纯的网络展会做得并不成功,尤其在实际的交易量方面还不尽如人意,而注重触感的纺织服装产品尤甚。  相似文献   


Live streaming has recently become a popular direct selling channel which offers small, self-employed sellers unseen levels of consumer interaction and engagement. While the extant research focused on consumer motivation and intention to shop via live streaming, little is known from the seller’s perspective. Indeed, the potential advantages of live streaming commerce are accessible to everyone, but sellers experience different levels of success with this medium. Using a mixed quantitative and qualitative approach, this study analyses Facebook data of live streaming sellers to assess the nature and extent of engagement metrics, and delineate the dynamic, interactive live streaming sales process. We identify four sales approaches and twelve strategies adopted in acquiring and retaining customers. This typology of sales approach representing seller-focused antecedents is mapped against the relationship process and outcomes to provide a framework for understanding relationship mechanisms in live streaming commerce.  相似文献   

Why are so few organizations selling beneficial products at the base of the pyramid (BoP) successful? This is not simply a story of companies failing, and it is one with a dramatic consequence as low-income people do not benefit from products that can improve their way of life. Instead, they continue to drink unsafe water, cook on stoves that emit fumes that kill over 1 million people per year, light their homes with dangerous kerosene lamps, and fall ill from a mosquito bite. Based on a multiyear field research program conducted in 25 countries, we argue that having a specific mindset about BoP customers is consequential to an organization’s success. Many organizations start with the assumption that BoP customers lack money, knowledge, and jobs. By contrast, successful organizations start from the assumption that customers can and will pay if they are provided with a satisfactory solution to their needs and are reassured about the level of risk involved. We detail the different practices that follow from this mindset change in the areas of value proposition, communication, and distribution and show how these practices can make or break the organization’s financial sustainability.  相似文献   

王露 《中国市场》2012,(38):54-55,7
<正>十几年的部队大院生活,让程光照一直认为自己是个兵,虽然是编外的。他依然"军事化"管理着自己的三份产业,并乐在其中。程光照初次接触负离子节能灯缘于2009年的大连之旅。他第一次从韩国客户那里听到了负离子节能灯的概念。之后借着去杭州出差的机会,他探访了当地的工厂,有工厂说以前接过类似的负离子节能灯外单,但只是组装产品,不知道这东西怎么用、有什么用,可能出于自我保护,国内的组装代工厂根本接触不到产品说明书。  相似文献   

How much more of a service or product can we potentially sell to a customer? Recognizing the effect of selling inefficiency on upselling potential, this article offers a concept of upselling potential that is different from that currently in use and introduces a methodology for calculating customer-specific upselling potential for life insurance customers. The proposed model was applied to the data of 5,000 life insurance customers. This paper shows that the insurer analyzed could have sold an additional 25% worth of premiums for more than half of its customers. Other uses of the technique are also discussed.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of technology, more and more products tend to both meet customers’ functional needs and provide stylish consumption experiences at thesame time. We define them as “fashion tech” products. In practice there exist two opposite consumption externalities associated with “fashion tech” products. One, some customers are more likely to purchase the product if fewer customers can afford or have access to it to advertise their prosperity or good taste. In contrast, other customers’ utility increases with the rising number of other customers. Thus the firm needs to consider such consumption externalities in their pricing decisions in order to appropriately position products and maximize profits. In such contexts, this paper optimizes intertemporal pricing strategies for fashion tech products selling to strategic customers with two kinds of externalities. We find that a markdown strategy is always optimal. In addition, it is appropriate for the firm to use slight markdowns when both the fraction of snobs and probability of stockout are small or use sharp markdowns otherwise.  相似文献   

Online retailers provide social selling cues, such as “39 customers bought this product” or “156 customers viewed our product per hour”, to encourage sales. Revealing the numbers bought has been shown to increase purchase intentions, but what remains unexplored are the ramifications of posting the number of brand-related views or revealing both numbers bought and viewed so customers can determine the views-to-bought ratio. The number of views is much higher than the numbers bought, which customers may anchor on as a signal for product quality; however, a countervailing force is that views are a more ambiguous, hence a less diagnostic, cue. Five experiments revealed that: (1) showing the number of views or bought can, but does not always, increase purchase intentions; (2) revealing the number bought has a monotonically increasing (at diminishing rate) effect on purchase intentions; and (3) views exhibit a concave curvilinear effect in that, beyond a tipping point, increasing the number of views lowers purchase intentions. Given the anchoring effect of the larger views number, if the number of views or the number bought are relatively low, it is better to show the larger views number, but the reverse is true if the respective numbers are both high. Additional insights reveal that it is only advantageous to reveal both numbers if the views-to-bought ratio is lower than 20:1, which would apply to about the top 25% of brand landing pages. These findings were further validated in a choice experiment. Perceptions of product quality mediate the relationship between these social selling cues and purchase intentions; however, this is not the case for perceived skepticism (lack of trust in the information). Revealing these social selling cues is an online retailer’s prerogative; hence, these insights are theoretically interesting and have practical relevance.  相似文献   

The sale of faster access to financial market data has recently generated public controversy. NY Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has referred to such fast data feeds as “Insider Trading 2.0”. For example, Thomson Reuters sold the University of Michigan’s Consumer Sentiment Index to computerized trading firms 2 seconds before releasing its data to its other paying clients. This paper explores the ethical issues involved in the sale of such information. Is selling faster access ethically the same as traditional insider trading, which generally involves a breach of fiduciary duty or the use of misappropriated information? Such practices are extremely different from traditional insider trading as there is neither a breach of fiduciary duty nor misappropriation of inside information. The ethical issues are similar to other market segmentation and price discrimination issues, in which different prices are charged to different customers. The ability to price discriminate across segments can actually benefit large segments of the population who may receive lower prices because others, such as the high-speed traders, are paying more. The sale of faster access to information, especially by exchanges, raises additional ethical issues. There may be adverse effects on market quality that must be addressed. The moral distaste for the practice expressed by some stems from the seeming unfairness of a modern market structure that provides advantages to a small group of computerized traders.  相似文献   

By reference to period retailing narratives, this paper examines the changed significance of shop window displays for British grocers with the transition from counter‐based to self‐service from the late 1940s to the 1960s. The ‘well‐dressed’ window showing a selection of goods and price offers became an early casualty of changed retail practices. Opportunities presented by self‐service for comprehensive stock displays and in‐store promotion proved a decisive challenge to the art of the grocer's window display. These displays had been ubiquitous; large and small shops alike tried to impress passers‐by with examples of their stock range. Self‐service shops had different internal space requirements and soon it was more important that potential customers could see the well‐stocked aisles and activity within.  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2021,97(2):217-237
For retail salespeople chronic time pressure, a perpetual perception of being rushed for time, is a prevalent and pervasive phenomenon in their daily sales jobs. Despite this practical relevance, consequences of perceived chronic time pressure on retail salespeople's selling behaviors, such as adaptive selling, and selling performance are not well understood. Thus, the authors investigate the effect of retail salespeople's perceived chronic time pressure in interactions with customers and its impact on retail salespeople's adaptive selling behavior, customers’ purchase outcomes, as well as salespeople's overall objective performance. Analysis of dyadic data from 291 salesperson–customer interactions from a large B2C furniture retailer revealed an inverse U-shaped curve for the relationship between retail salespeople's perceived chronic time pressure and their adaptive selling behavior. The chronic time pressure–selling outcome relationship strongly depends on the contingencies of retail salespeople's goal orientations and perceived organizational support and has implications for retail research and practice.  相似文献   

<正>做APP研发可能还没街边卖手机壳的摊贩赚得多。市场竞争白热化、技术含量低、更新速度快使手机壳市场机遇与挑战并存。在保险公司上班的罗玲,前后虽然只换过四部手机,但换过的手机壳有十七八个,材质从普通塑料、皮革到水钻壳等等,价格也从十几元涨到几十、几百元。"现在算算,光在手机壳上就花了上千块,够换部新手机了"。和罗玲有着类似经历的人不在少数。尤其是iPhone手机的热销,将手机壳的市场行情推向了高峰。如果问手机周边产业什么最赚钱,  相似文献   

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