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资产质量与财务困境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对18个反映资产质量的指标进行配对样本T检验,证明从亏损前3年开始公司的资产整体质量已经开始下降,同时提出一些能够有效预测财务危机的指标。  相似文献   

孙倩 《财会通讯》2021,(8):118-122
作为一项复杂的资本市场行为与企业主体行为,资产置换业务成为上市公司扭转经营业绩与非上市公司获取融资渠道的有效操作方式.为研究资产置换业务对上市公司带来的绩效影响,协助上市公司合理展开资产置换业务,实现业务的最优化与风险的最小化.文章以上市公司财务困境下资产置换绩效分析为研究课题,以陷入财务困境的ST百花公司实施资产置换业务为例,并采用事件研究法与财务指标分析法评价资产置换前后的短期市场表现与长期财务层面的表现,纵向与横向定量分析资产置换变更主营业务所产生的影响.  相似文献   

上市公司财务困境与资产替代行为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国国有股“一股独大”以及债权人保护较弱的制度背景下,大股东侵占债权人利益的动机和能力同时存在。鉴于证交所对财务困境公司的ST处理规定,这类公司为了避免退市,须在较短的时间内扭亏为盈。为此,其大股东更易通过资产替代行为对债权人利益进行侵占。本文以沪深两市2002年至2006年的A股上市公司为研究样本,考察了不同财务状况下大股东的资产替代行为。发现财务困境企业的资产替代行为确实比非困境企业严重,且财务状况越差,资产替代行为越严重.  相似文献   

在我国国有股一股独大以及债权人保护较弱的制度背景下,大股东侵占债权人利益的动机和能力同时存在。鉴于证交所对财务困境公司的ST处理规定,这类公司为了避免退市,须在较短的时间内扭亏为盈。为此,其大股东更易通过资产替代行为对债权人利益进行侵占。本文以沪深两市2002年至2006年的A股上市公司为研究样本,考察了不同财务状况下大股东的资产替代行为,发现财务困境企业的资产替代行为确实比非困境企业严重,且财务状况越差,资产替代行为越严重。  相似文献   

本文通过对万华化学2016年至2020年的财务报告进行仔细研读,对万华化学的货币资金、在建工程、固定资产、无形资产等重要资产以及偿债能力、营运能力、盈利能力和发展能力的分析,探索万华化学在近年来势头强劲的发展中存在的问题以及未来的发展能力和趋势,更好的了解万华化学在未来发展中所面临的挑战和机遇.  相似文献   

随着资本市场不断的发展,上市公司之间的竞争越来越激烈,陷入财务困境的公司也越来越多。自2008年金融危机以来,国际上许多大型上市公司均遭受严重创伤。本文选择索尼进行财务困境的研究,希望能对于我国大型企业特别是跨国集团企业的财务的经营管理具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

财务困境与稳健经营   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
破产是企业经营的一种结果。达到这一结果的是一系列可识别的环节:稳健经营-不稳健经营-财务困境-破产。  相似文献   

财务困境预测一直是财务界的研究热点.文章梳理了相关财务困境预测模型的发展脉络,对传统的和现代的财务困境预测模型进行了系统的评述,并对未来财务困境预测的研究作了展望.  相似文献   

本文以实际上市公司为研究对象,选取了43家被ST的上市公司和43家根据行业与资产规模设计的非ST配对公司作为研究样本,运用LOGIT回归法分别构建了ST前一年,ST前二年和ST前三年的财务预测模型,模型具有较高的预测成功率,在实际当中具有较强的实用价值。  相似文献   

煤炭行业作为我国重要的能源产业之一,是我国对外贸易快速发展的重要保证,也是影响我国经济社会稳步前进的重要因素。本文以大同煤业为例,通过整理该公司近年来财务年度报表,对报表数据进行系统研究与分析,进而发现大同煤业面临的财务问题及其原因,并提出相应的解决对策与建议。  相似文献   

The early stages of financial distress   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
More firms enter financial distress as a result of poor management than as a result of economic distress. Management actions are a significant determinant of recovery and improvement in the industry-adjusted market value for firms entering financial distress as a result of poor management, but not for firms entering as a result of economic distress. In the early stages of financial distress, median firm operating income measured on an unadjusted basis and after controlling for other factors which alter firm performance increases significantly. The results support Jensen’s hypothesis that financial distress triggers corrective action which improves firm performance. (JEL G300) This paper is based on my dissertation at the University of Houston. I appreciate the helpful comments from Ronald F. Singer (chair), David W. Blackwell, Raul Susmel, and Julio Peixoto, and seminar participants at the Southern Finance Association meeting.  相似文献   

Sustainable growth rate defines the rate at which a company’s sales and assets can grow if the company sells no new equity and wishes to maintain its capital structure. The traditional formula assumes that the firm can increase its indebtedness. Many private firms and most firms in financial distress have limited or no access to debt markets. While distressed firms may prefer a no growth strategy, external pressures such as inflation or demand increases may cause their sales to rise exogenously. A new sustainable growth rate formula is developed that describes how much growth the firm with no new debt capacity can endure.  相似文献   

Financial distress prediction (FDP) takes important role in corporate financial risk management. Most of former researches in this field tried to construct effective static FDP (SFDP) models that are difficult to be embedded into enterprise information systems, because they are based on horizontal data-sets collected outside the modelling enterprise by defining the financial distress as the absolute conditions such as bankruptcy or insolvency. This paper attempts to propose an approach for dynamic evaluation and prediction of financial distress based on the entropy-based weighting (EBW), the support vector machine (SVM) and an enterprise’s vertical sliding time window (VSTW). The dynamic FDP (DFDP) method is named EBW-VSTW-SVM, which keeps updating the FDP model dynamically with time goes on and only needs the historic financial data of the modelling enterprise itself and thus is easier to be embedded into enterprise information systems. The DFDP method of EBW-VSTW-SVM consists of four steps, namely evaluation of vertical relative financial distress (VRFD) based on EBW, construction of training data-set for DFDP modelling according to VSTW, training of DFDP model based on SVM and DFDP for the future time point. We carry out case studies for two listed pharmaceutical companies and experimental analysis for some other companies to simulate the sliding of enterprise vertical time window. The results indicated that the proposed approach was feasible and efficient to help managers improve corporate financial management.  相似文献   

Prior literature on highly levered transactions (levered buyouts or levered recapitalizations) has emphasized either changes in governance or the structuring of their financing in helping these firms avoid financial distress or bankruptcy. Observing a sample of HLTs over time, we observe that debt composition is a more critical influence than proposed changes in governance for the likelihood of an HLT avoiding financial distress or bankruptcy. Such evidence is consistent with the [Chemmanur, T. & Fulghieri, P. (1994). Reputation, renegotiation, and the choice between bank loans and publicly traded debt. Review of Financial Studies 7, 475–506] model and suggests that the critical factor is the ability to informally renegotiate debt terms with a few lenders.  相似文献   

Companies often suffer periods of financial distress before filing for bankruptcy. Unlike one-off bankruptcies, financial distress can occur repeatedly within the same individual firm. This paper is focused on the recurrence of financial distress and studies the Chinese stock market, where Special Treatment – an official indicator of financial distress – can be repeatedly applied to a listed company. We employ a stratified hazard model to predict the probability of subsequent distress with variables, including duration dependency, event-based factors, institutional variables, financial ratios, market-based variables and macroeconomic conditions. Our empirical results show that accounting and market-based variables have limited power in predicting the recurrence of distress, whereas the duration of recovery, restructuring events and their interaction terms with the accounting and macroeconomic factors affect the recurrent risk significantly. Tested on out-of-time samples, our proposed hazard models show a robust performance in the prediction of recurrent risk over time.  相似文献   

This article examines factors associated with financial distress among 1006 Spanish manufacturings (SMEs), distinguishing high and low technology industries. Financial distress is analysed using industrial organizational theory through the Porter's five competitive forces model (external factors) and the resource based view through strategic variables (internal factors), such as training, planning, innovation, technology and quality. Two different sources of information were used in the study: Qualitative information related to environmental conditions and strategic variables was gathered through a questionnaire addressed to the firm manager. Quantitative information to identify whether the firm was in financial distress was gathered from the balance sheets and earning statements of the firms. Evidence from this study shows that environmental conditions and some strategic variables are associated with financial distress. The results found that young SMEs with low technology and in a highly competitive environment had a higher probability of financial distress. High bargaining power of buyers and high degree of rivalry among existing competitors were positively associated with financial distress. Financial distress in high-technology industries was not affected by external factors. However, firms with a quality certification have better quality control procedures that ultimately improve financial performance of firms in the technology industries.  相似文献   

Financial distress precedes bankruptcy. Most financial distress models actually rely on bankruptcy data, which is easier to obtain. We obtained a dataset of financially distressed but not yet bankrupt companies supplying a major auto manufacturer. An early warning model successfully discriminated between these distressed companies and a second group of similar but healthy companies. Previous researchers argue the matched-sample design, on which some earlier models were built, causes bias. To test for bias, the dataset was partitioned into smaller samples that approach equal groupings. We statistically confirm the presence of a bias and describe its impact on estimated classification rates.  相似文献   

Should the current managers remain in control of the firm during financial distress? We address this issue by examining whether managers who take value-maximizing actions also refrain from abnormal selling of their own shares in the firm. Our empirical results show that managers in the action firms do not engage in abnormal selling even during periods of frequent earnings losses. These managers exhibit higher net purchases than the nonaction managers. Thus, trading behavior of the managers and the actions taken during poor performance both appear to be consistent with stockholder interests.  相似文献   

公司治理结构特征是探究企业陷入财务困境原因不可忽略的重要范畴。对来自中国上市公司近期数据的研究表明,股权集中度和高管薪酬两个因素与企业陷入财务困境的可能性显著负相关,第一大股东较高的持股比例和管理层待遇有助于企业避免陷入财务困境。这种结果体现了中国转型经济背景下企业在公司治理和财务管理衔接上的特殊性。企业应该重视并构建符合自身的公司治理结构,以有效规避财务困境。  相似文献   

Using banking sector and stock market development indicators, we examine the effect of institutional quality on financial development in developed and developing countries. Empirical results are based on dynamic system generalized method of moments estimations and demonstrate that a high-quality institutional environment is important in explaining financial development, specifically for the banking sector. However, the stock market development-institution relationship is contingent one, characterized by a non-monotonic pattern. The results are robust to two measurements of institutions and governance indicators, as well as estimation methods.  相似文献   

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