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Scott D. Johnson 《International Journal of Technology and Design Education》1997,7(1-2):161-180
The increasing complexity of work and social life demands that people possess conceptual understanding and intellectual skills in order to gain the desired level of competence. Unfortunately, the development of high level cognitive skills is a complex task that has not been sufficiently addressed in education. This chapter discusses the nature of intellectual skills and identifies numerous problems that educators face when they attempt to emphasize these skills in their curriculum. Through a comparison of the characteristics of formal and informal learning environments, the author identifies four elements of informal learning that guide the creation of high level intellectual skills. Incorporating the four elements of informal learning in formal instruction can lead to robust opportunities for students to gain conceptual understanding and develop their intellectual skills. 相似文献
Tina Jarvis Léonie J. Rennie 《International Journal of Technology and Design Education》1998,8(3):261-279
Two instruments designed to ascertain children's conceptions of ‘technology’ were given to 315 English children in Years 2–6. A subset of 81 children and their teachers were interviewed. Responses to the same instruments were collected from 745 Western Australian children in the same year groups. Subsequently their teachers and 164 Australian children were interviewed. The Australian and English children had a similar range of concepts to explain technology, but the frequency of concepts varied. The results suggest that the stages of developing an inclusive concept of technology are mainly chronological, but the rates vary with individuals depending on a number of inter-related factors including home and school influence, ability, gender and opportunity to discuss ideas. Examination of these factors suggests there is a need for specific curriculum provision in technology based on adequate in- service training of teachers, which should also clarify the differences between science and technology. Children also need to be enabled to clarify their ideas through focused activities. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Theodore Lewis 《International Journal of Technology and Design Education》2000,10(2):163-179
This article considers the problem of introducing technology education as a school subject in development countries. Should the subject draw inspiration from everyday circumstances in these countries, or should it leapfrog to the space age? Answers depend upon circumstance. Alternative scenarios for how technology can be introduced in these settings are set forth. They include technology as reconstituted industrial arts, and technology across the curriculum. 相似文献
Theodore Lewis 《International Journal of Technology and Design Education》2000,10(3):163-179
This article considers the problem of introducing technology education as a school subject in development countries. Should the subject draw inspiration from everyday circumstances in these countries, or should it leapfrog to the space age? Answers depend upon circumstance. Alternative scenarios for how technology can be introduced in these settings are set forth. They include technology as reconstituted industrial arts, and technology across the curriculum. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
It is argued in this paper that various approaches are available in designing teaching and learning experiences for technology education. However, many approaches are based on inappropriate assumptions about transfer, the ways in which meaning is represented by individuals and relationships among different kinds of experiences. It is advanced that the development of technology knowledge in school should aim at developing a rich inter-connectedness among the ways in which technological meanings can be understood by learners, so that learners experience transformations in relation to themselves, technological practice and their knowledge. Cultural-historical activity theory is suggested as a useful basis for designing instruction aimed at the various purposes of technology education. 相似文献
Vicki Compton Cliff Harwood 《International Journal of Technology and Design Education》2003,13(1):1-26
The stated aim of technology education in New Zealand is to develop students' level of technological literacy. This paper introduces the Technology Assessment Framework (TAF) as an organisational tool for the development and delivery of technology programmes that focus on increasing students' technological literacy through the enhancement of their technological practice across technological areas and contexts. The TAF was developed and refined in 1999 and 2000 as part of a two year New Zealand Ministry of Education funded research project, and integrated within a national professional development programme in 2000 designed for preservice and inservice teacher educators in New Zealand.This paper backgrounds the sociocultural theoretical position of the TAF and explains how it reflects and furthers the aim of technology education in New Zealand. The TAF is then presented and explained with the aid of illustrative examples from classroom practice. 相似文献
Issues of Learning and Knowledge in Technology Education 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This article examines issues that arise from learning and knowledge in technology education. The issues examined are, first, the definition of technological knowledge and what the nature of that knowledge should be, where the concern is with how we define and think about that knowledge, especially in the context of how students learn and use knowledge in technology education. Second, the relationship between learning and knowledge in particular the inter-relationship between learning and knowledge, focusing on a situated view of learning. The third issue sees learning related to the context within which the learning takes place.This paper will explore these three inter-related issues in four sections. First, an outline of a view of learning that privileges context. Second, there will be a consideration of types of knowledge, namely, procedural and conceptual knowledge. These two types will be elaborated upon through research done at the Open University, particularly on problem solving and design. In discussing conceptual knowledge empirical work in mathematics and science education will be drawn on, along with work on the use of mathematics and science in technology education. Third, it will be argued that qualitative knowledge should become a part of teaching and learning in technology education because it both reflects a view of knowledge stemming from situated learning, and the tasks of technology. The article will end with a research agenda for what we have yet to understand, drawing on the earlier arguments. 相似文献
There is a continuing perception that current educational arrangements for technology education in modern liberal democracies are at odds with its actual delivery in the classroom (Dakers & Doherty 2003). The technè versus poiesis tension (explained later) is one major contributor to this perception. Equally, the practice of transmission versus constructivist pedagogies contributes to the mismatch between policy and practice.This paper will investigate how factors relating to these two contributions affect the delivery of technological education. It will begin by discussing the derivation of the word technology and how its modern incarnation has become not only amorphous, but confusing for technology education, in that the term can be taken to mean production on the one hand or process on the other. It will then explore technology teachers perceptions (and misperceptions) of what constitutes technology education, and discuss why this can lead to confusion. It will further consider how this can affect the pedagogy adopted. It will then examine two pedagogical frameworks which result from teachers perceptions of technology education as either; a process of internalisation of technological skills and functions as representations exclusively within the mind and unique to the individual, thus solo, or; a process of technological skills and functions embedded in sociocultural activity in which cognition is distributed across the internal mind and the external environment. Finally, the paper will offer a framework for the delivery of technology education set within a community of learners paradigm. 相似文献
This paper examines the rationale for the Woodworking Skills section of a course on Practical Craft Skills which forms part of the new technology curriculum in Scottish Schools. Introduced with the intention of making technology subjects more accessible to a wider range of pupils, the subject has potential for contributing to a more inclusive environment in secondary schools. The practical nature of the subject, moreover, should, in theory at least, have been able to contribute particularly well to the development of a community of practice (Wenger, 1998).In education, however, practice does not always reflect theory nor reality reflect the rhetoric. This paper examines the assumptions underlying the pedagogy and assessment methods outlined in the rationale for the subject in relation to current theory and concludes that a valuable opportunity for creating an inclusive community of learners has been missed. Whilst the paper focuses on the Woodworking Skills area of the course, other areas reflect a similar framework. 相似文献
Alistair Webster Coral Campbell Beverley Jane 《International Journal of Technology and Design Education》2006,16(3):221-235
When undertaking design and technology activities, children are provided with opportunities to create solutions to problems
in new and innovative ways. The mental processes involved in the generation of new ideas may be enhanced when children’s attention
is not focussed and is allowed to wander in a relaxed and uncompetitive environment. Research indicates that the two mental
states, generative and non-generative, cannot exist simultaneously. This paper reports on a research project which investigated
the impact on children’s thinking when a period of non-focussed thinking became part of the technology process. The results
support the previous proposition that a child’s non-generative/analytical mental state needs to give way to a generative state
so that a child can be more fully creative. Moreover, from this study that documented children’s ideas during their involvement
in a design and technology activity, teachers are urged to provide an incubation period as part of the technological process
in the classroom, so that children’s creativity can be fostered. 相似文献
Alister Jones 《International Journal of Technology and Design Education》1997,7(1-2):83-96
This paper examines recent research in student learning of technological concepts and processes. To explore this area three inter-related aspects are considered; existing concepts of technology, technological knowledge and processes. Different views of technology and technology education are reflected in both research outcomes and curriculum documents. Teacher and student perceptions of technology impact on the way in which technology is undertaken in the classroom. Teacher's perceptions of technology influence what they perceive as being important in learning of technology. student's perceptions of technology and technology education influence what knowledge and skills they operationalise in a technological task and hence affect student technological capability. Technological concepts and processes are often defined in different ways by particular groups. Subject subcultures are strongly held by both teachers and students. The influence of subject subcultures and communities of practice will be discussed in terms of defining and operationalising technological concepts and processes. Technological concepts are not consistently defined in the literature. For students to undertake technological activities, knowledge and processes cannot be divorced. Recent research highlights the problems when processes are emphasised over knowledge. This paper will examine different technological concepts in an attempt to create a critical balance between knowledge and process. Much of the literature in technology education has rightly emphasised definitions, curriculum issues, implementation and teacher training. This paper argues that it is now time to place a great emphasis on in-depth research on student understanding of technological concepts and processes and ways in which these can be enhanced. 相似文献
A. Jones 《International Journal of Technology and Design Education》1997,7(3):241-258
This paper reports on the analysis of student (ages 6–15 years) technological capability as they undertake technological tasks.
The activities covered a number of different contexts (including different subject areas), and had differing degrees of openness
and methods of presentation. Data was obtained from 261 of the 400 students that took part in the classroom activities. A
holistic approach to analysing student performance was developed and this provided insights into the strategies adopted by
the students. Some preliminary conclusions are: the focus of students on an end-product meant that they did not fully consider
the processes that might be required to solve the problem; student technological approaches were influenced by the culture
of the classroom; and existing concepts of technological processes influenced the approaches undertaken.
This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
K. E. Shaw 《International Journal of Technology and Design Education》2002,12(1):77-91
Technology concerns knowledge not merely artifacts. To transfer it effectively requires prepared minds on the part of the receivers and some measure of shared cognitive frameworks. It also requires co-ordinated policies on investment, education and training, employment, the economy and development. In the Gulf, specifically the UAE, educational administration and schooling are not well adapted to these purposes. Transfer of educational technology is needed, yet education is culture-saturated and the educational bureaucracy is not well developed. Higher cognitive processes are techniques for handling reality and are thus themselves a technology. Transferring these may be the most important transfer of all. 相似文献
Commercialization is known to be a critical stage of the technological innovation process, mainly because of the high risks and costs that it entails. Despite this, many scholars consider it to be often the least well managed phase of the entire innovation process, and there is ample empirical evidence corroborating this belief. In high‐tech markets, the difficulties encountered by firms in commercializing technological innovation are exacerbated by the volatility, interconnectedness, and proliferation of new technologies that characterize such markets. This is clearly evinced by the abundance of new high‐tech products that fail on the market chiefly due to poor commercialization. Yet there is no clear understanding, in management theory and practice, of how commercialization decisions influence the market failure of new high‐tech products. Drawing on research in innovation management, diffusion of innovation, and marketing, this article shows how commercialization decisions can influence consumer acceptance of a new high‐tech product in two major ways: (i) by affecting the extent to which the players in the innovation's adoption network support the new product; (ii) by affecting the post‐purchase attitude early adopters develop toward the innovation, and hence the type of word‐of‐mouth (positive or negative) they disseminate among later adopters. Lack of support from the adoption network is found to be an especially critical cause of failure for systemic innovations, while a negative post‐purchase attitude of early adopters is a more significant determinant of market failure for radical innovations. There follows a historical analysis of eight innovations launched on consumer high‐tech markets (Apple Newton, IBM PC‐Junior, Tom Tom GO, Sony Walkman, 3DO Interactive Multiplayer, Sony MiniDisc, Palm Pilot, and Nintendo NES), which illustrates how commercialization decisions (i.e., timing, targeting and positioning, inter‐firm relationships, product configuration, distribution, advertising, and pricing) can determine lack of support from the innovation's adoption network and a negative post‐purchase attitude of early adopters. The results of this work provide useful insights for improving the commercialization decisions of product and marketing managers operating in high‐technology markets, helping them avoid errors that are precursors of market failure. It is also hoped the article will inform further research aimed at identifying, theoretically and empirically, other possible causes of poor customer acceptance in high‐tech markets. 相似文献
Students involved in holistic technological practice need to develop an understanding of technological practice outside the
classroom and to participate in tasks set as close as practicable to actual technological practice. This paper investigates
the context of assessment and its relationship to achievement and the importance of teacher knowledge to student technological
practice. I argue that ‘out of context’ assessment tasks do not give an accurate indication of achievement levels of the children
assessed. Introduced is the Model of Student Technological Practice, which identifies four constraints that influence student
technological practice. A significant factor is teacher knowledge, as it impacts greatly on the quality of feedback given
to students by their teachers. Timely teacher intervention and formative assessment feedback will alter student technological
practice and should improve the students’ likelihood of developing successful outcomes. 相似文献
前进中的网纹辊套筒技术 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
网纹辊套筒最早出现于八年前,但只是近两年才被广为传知。随着无齿传动技术的不断发展,以及印版套筒技术为印刷厂带来的诸多好处,已经得到了十分广泛的开发和应用。无齿传动印刷机具有许多优点,比如易于套准、便于质量控制、方便维护和保养等等。此外,采用网纹辊套筒还可以大大降低操作人员的劳动强度,而且还具有存贮方便、运输成本低等优点,因此两者都受到了广大用户的青睐。据一位资深的网纹辊套筒开发专家介绍,最初的设计是在网纹辊套筒的外层复合材料上没有金属涂层,这给产品质量带来了一定的影响。首先,喷涂陶瓷涂层时的切变不能很好地… 相似文献
Catching-up Crisis and Industrial Upgrading: Evolutionary Aspects of Technological Learning in Korea's Electronics Industry 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1
Dieter Ernst 《Asia Pacific Journal of Management》1998,15(2):247-283
This paper address a puzzle: How is it possible that a country that has established a broad, export-oriented industrial base at record speed, remain vulnerable to the vicissitudes of international finance and currency markets? We argue that the Korean model that was tremendously successful for catching-up has now reached its limits. The focus is on the role of technological learning for development of the electronics industry, a main carrier of Korean's successful late industrialization. It is shown that a heavy reliance on credit and an extremely unbalanced industry structure have given rise to a narrow knowledge base, and a sticky pattern of specialization. Catching-up has focused on capacity and international market share expansion for homogenous, mass-produced products; very little upgrading has occurred into higher-end and rapidly growing market segments for differentiated products and services. Such truncated upgrading is one important reason for Korea's vulnerability to the financial and currency crisis. 相似文献
经过20年的发展,我国的军转民工作取得了举世瞩目的成就。目前,国防军工有一半以上的人员从事民品的开发和生产,先后开发出几十大类、上万种民用产品,促进了国民经济的发展,如“长征”运载火箭进入国际卫星发射市场,通信、气象、资源等卫星技术的应用。 相似文献