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Understanding what drive users’ website stickiness is of strategic importance for e-tourism managers. This study examines the role of a neglected construct ‘perceived fashionability’ in forming users’ e-tourism website stickiness in comparison with four commonly studied rational factors: system quality, information quality, security and e-shopping value. Drawing upon dual-system theories and social influence theories, a conceptual model with hypotheses was developed and tested. A sample of 376 e-tourism website users in China participated in this study. The results indicate that perceived fashionability has a positive impact on user's stickiness to the website, and perceived fashionability also performs a mediating role between website security and stickiness. This study contributes to theory by explaining that website stickiness is not entirely driven by rationality but also perceived fashionability. Managerial implications for e-tourism strategies are provided.  相似文献   
近年来中国东、中、西部地区经济差距有逐渐扩大的趋势,再次引起了政府和学术界的关注。中央在十八大明确提出要实施全国经济协调发展战略,让不同地区的人民都能实现中国梦。实现中国梦的第一前提是公平。而区域差距的扩大显然有违公平原则,在这个大背景下,缩小区域差距便成为中国当前时期一个亟待解决的艰巨任务。参考大量国内外研究区域经济差距的重要文献,按照逐步深入的顺序,从区域经济差距的研究方法到中国区域差距度量和变化趋势,再到中国区域经济差距的成因和对策,依次进行概括总结,并进行了相关评述,提出了一个缩小区域差距的新思路,作为下一步研究的重点方向。  相似文献   
本期特别策划的主题是“基于社会公平视角下的城市保障管理体系建设”,共有9位专家学者分别从包容理念下的城市治理秩序、民生供给的利益平衡、城市发展的风险与前景、城市公共服务的统筹管理、城乡公共资源均衡配置的监督机制以及基于农村人口城市化的驱动困局等角度,论证了城市发展过程中的热点难点问题,积极探索转型期城镇化发展的战略升级路径。  相似文献   
本文基于2010年至2013年山东省的短期贷款、中长期贷款和居民消费物价总指数的月度数据,采用协整检验、误差修正模型、脉冲响应分析和方差分解法对山东省信贷期限结构的通货膨胀效应进行实证分析。结果发现:短期贷款对物价水平产生负效应,具有抑制通货膨胀的作用,而中长期贷款会导致物价上涨,形成通货膨胀压力。  相似文献   
本文运用SBM方向性距离函数和Luenberger生产率指标测度了2003~2009年中国11家上市商业银行不良贷款约束下的效率和全要素生产率增长,并对影响效率和全要素生产率的宏观因素进行了实证分析。研究结果发现:股份制商业银行的效率优于大型商业银行,非利息收入和不良贷款是银行无效率的主要来源;中国银行业的全要素生产率是增长的,股份制商业银行的全要素生产率高于大型商业银行,主要体现在规模效率变化和技术规模变化;外资银行的进入和M_2的供给增长对中国银行业的发展起到推动作用。  相似文献   
体育舞蹈进入普通高校也有数年,为了更好的进行普通高校体育舞蹈教学,以影响高校学生体育舞蹈的因素为研究对象,采用访问调查和问卷调查等方法,对多年从事高校体育舞蹈教学的教师进行调查,并对调查结果进行了分析.提出对策与建议.  相似文献   
抵押权是不转移物的占有,为担保债权的实现而在特定物上设立的一种权利。抵押权法律制度的设立对在市场经济情形下,鼓励交易,保护交易安全,具有重要的法律作用。本将从抵押权法律制度的沿革过程中新旧法律交替的法律适用、抵押权与债权和物务的关系、新型物之抵押权等若干法律问题提出浅见的观点。  相似文献   
2003年6月,按照"明晰产权关系、强化约束机制、增强服务功能、国家适当支持、地方政府负责"的总体要求,国务院决定深化农村信用社的改革,把农村信用社逐步办成由农民、农村工商户和各类经济组织入股,为农民、农业和农村经济发展服务的社区性地方金融机构.作为自1999年就已开办的央行支农再贷款,在这次改革进程中发挥了什么作用,以及改革后的发展取向如何,带着这些问题,我们对江西省的芦溪县进行了调查.通过调查分析,我们认为:几年来的支农再贷款投放,为农村信用社改革的顺利进行奠定了基础:今后相当长的一段时期内,支农再贷款对农村信用社和农村经济的发展仍将发挥重要作用,但需改进现行的管理制度,增加风险防范设计.  相似文献   
Real estate investment trust (REIT) provides a unique laboratory to study the relation between insider ownership and firm value. One, a REIT has to satisfy special regulations which weaken alternative mechanisms to control agency problems. Empirically, I find a significant and robust nonlinear relation between Tobin's Q and REIT insider ownership that is consistent with the trade-off between the incentive alignment and the entrenchment effect of insider ownership. Two, many REITs are Umbrella Partnership REITs (UPREITs) which have dual ownership structure. They have both common shares and Operating Partnership Units (OP units). Property owners can contribute their properties to the UPREIT in exchange for OP units. Their capital gains taxes remain deferred as long as they hold onto their OP units and the UPREIT does not sell the properties they contributed. OP units owners are locked in with the firm and have incentive to monitor firm management, but their interests diverge from the common shareholders because their tax bases are much lower. Consistent with the trade-off between positive monitoring effect of OP units and tax-induced agency costs, I find that UPREIT's firm value increases with the fraction of OP units, but the effect is significantly weaker for the UPREITs where insiders hold OP units.  相似文献   
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