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汽车文化借助互联网,产生了前所未有的影响。汽车网络媒体异军突起,成为传播汽车文化的一种全新媒体,正有力地颠覆传统媒体所主导的传统观念和道德规范。网络汽车文化属于大众文化范畴,应加以健康引导。  相似文献   
中部崛起关系我国经济发展的全局,具有重要战略意义。借鉴长三角地区成功发展的启示,中部地区要实现崛起必须在发挥六省各自优势的同时,充分进行区域协作,实行区域联动。在目前六省竞争有余,协作不足的情况下,有必要利用六省旅游资源丰富、互补性强,旅游产业发展态势良好的有利条件,充分发挥旅游业关联带动作用明显、区域协作性强的产业持质,以旅游业为中部六省联动的首选行业,进行六省区的协作,实现六省旅游资源、客源市场共享,域内各级政府与旅游企业间的联动。并以此为范例,带动其他产业的协作与联动,开创六省上下一条心、紧抓机遇共谋崛起的良好局面。  相似文献   
一条标准的供应链由处于不同环节的供应商、研发商、生产商、分销商、零售商、信息服务商、物流服务商和消费八大主体构成。处于供应链不同环节的不同主体具有不同的核心竞争力。可以通过获得行业内部的竞争优势力争成为供应链成本集成的主导,在供应链多个环节增强核心竞争力,交叉进入多条供应链,以企业集群和行业协会的方式袅与供应链管理等措施,谋求对供应链的领导权和尽可能大的利益回报。  相似文献   
This paper presents an analysis of Delphi from a Bayesian point of view and brings to attention several hitherto neglected, but highly relevant findings of research in areas other than Delphi proper. The aim has been to seek avenues of improvement in the Delphi technique. This has led to development of a methodology, which is based on a concept of second order probabilities as a measure of one's fuzzy thinking. The justification of this new methodology lies in explicit recognition and implementation of an optimum, determined by the trade-off between advantages and complexities of hierarchial inference. It is essential that conventional Delphi applications, at the very least, be accompanied by a Turoff-type cross impact analysis. It is indicated that the tremendous potential of Bayesianized Delphi in appropriate situations has remained utapped.  相似文献   
返乡创业是农民工对输出地与输入地的投资成本与效益比较后的理性选择。农民工返乡创业主要以中小企业或个体的多行业经营分布为主。农民工返乡“创业潮”形成的两个阶段在兴办企业的资金来源、产业结构和销售渠道等方面差异较大。由于农民工自身素质和条件以及外在环境制约着民工的创业发展,因此应从农民工自身素质的提高和创业环境的优化两方面着手促进农民工返乡创业。  相似文献   
城镇化加速带来的人口聚集程度以及城乡教育事业发展水平的明显差异,对以往依据行政区划对农村教育资源进行布局的方式提出了新的挑战。2001年起实施的以 “适当合并”、“整合资源”为主要施政意图的农村小学 “布局调整”政策,却在实际执行中引发了优质教育资源在城镇 “过度集中”的新问题,由此引起了农村地区所面临的种种农村内部和城乡之间,因资源配置不均衡而导致的 “不公平”现象的讨论。该文以上述基础教育资源布局调整政策为背景,首先运用统计数据和实地调研相关案例,描述了自 2001年政策实施以来,城乡学校以及校均学生数量的变化、农村地区的 “点校”运转状况以及地方财政资金在城乡学校之间基础建设上的分配情况;并通过建立全国30个省1998~2010年农村小学学校数量变化影响因素的面板模型,对地方政府撤并农村小学的行为动机进行了验证,结果证实了 “效率优先”的行为动机。文章在最后分析了这种以通过 “学校进城”迫使学生进城,推动城镇化的效率导向,是源自利益相关者的缺位,另一方面也提出了从根本上解决城乡基础教育资源配置问题的思路与进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   
In accounting, there are few accounts of theorising as a lived, social process. Governed by the restrictive tenets of hypothetico-deductivism, the manufacture of theory has been objectified into an activity which is divorced from the life-world of the researcher and the researched. This paper gives a reconstruction of theorising on a four year research project and argues that (a) Theory is grounded in prior assumptions about the constitution of the Real; (b) Theory constructs and is constructed by the Real; and (c) Theory choice is an inevitable part of the act of research.  相似文献   
随着改革开放的深入和中国加入WTO,社会越来需要要既具备国贸专业知识,又能运用流利的英语与外界交往的高素质人才。在当前就业形势日趋严峻的情况下,提高国际贸易专业毕业生的专业英语素质,不但能提高其就业竞争力,而且能为我国经济与社会发展提供强有力的人才支持和智力保证。要应对挑战,当前国际贸易专业英语教育改革就应当与市场需求接轨、以就业为导向,并在此基础上提出国际贸易专业英语课堂教学模式的构想。  相似文献   
利用土地利用变化幅度、单一土地利用动态度、综合土地利用动态度、土地利用程度综合指数等模型,对河池市土地利用动态变化分析,采用因素相关性分析法对其驱动因素进行分析;2001-2007年农业用地面积减少,园地面积逐步增长,建设用地面积一直呈现增长态势,累计增长量达5990.380hm2,2001年、2004年、2007年河池市土地利用程度综合指数分别为178.56,178.80,178.41,土地呈现从高度开发利用向合理调整转变的趋势;政策因素、经济和交通的快速发展、人口增长等都是促进土地利用变化的主要驱动因素。  相似文献   
This research sheds new light on how information technology (IT) assimilation affects exploratory and exploitative innovation in the context of small‐ and medium‐sized firms (SMEs). This contextualization is important in establishing the boundary conditions for the theory, as well as generating specific managerial insights for SME managers. A sample of 248 U.K.‐based SMEs in the manufacturing industry demonstrates contextual ambidexterity (CA) mediates the relationship between IT assimilation and two types of innovation. This finding highlights that IT assimilation does not automatically promote innovation. Instead, IT assimilation represents a critical resource that enables the effective implementation of CA, which in turn affects innovation. This implies that SMEs cannot fully realize the potential of their IT assimilation and use it to enable innovation without implementing CA. Furthermore, this study differentiates between two different dimensions of knowledge base: knowledge breadth and knowledge depth. This study finds that knowledge breadth moderates the indirect IT assimilation–exploratory innovation relationship by influencing the effect of CA on exploratory innovation. Knowledge depth, on the other hand, moderates the indirect IT assimilation–exploitative innovation relationship by influencing the effect of CA on exploitative innovation. This finding implies that SMEs can benefit from their IT assimilation that enables them to engage in CA, which in turn allows them to perform innovation. However, it is apparent that the dimension of knowledge that SMEs hold internally can determine what types of innovation that they are able to perform.  相似文献   
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