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In this paper we re-examine the relationship between inflationuncertainty and total output. To properly specify an estimatingequation, we investigate the time series properties of two frequentlyused measures of inflation uncertainty. We fail to reject thehypothysis that each series has a unit root. However, the uncertaintymeasures are not cointegrated with output and relative oil prices.This means that the proper specification is in terms of differences.With this specification we find that an increase in inflationuncertainty growth reduces real GNP growth but, unlike earlierwork, we find that this effect is temporary. It is also unlikelythat an inflation uncertainty shock on its own could producea recession.  相似文献   
The history of vital registration has attracted substantial attention from both social historians and historical demographers. While much of that research has touched upon issues of fertility and mortality, the contentious issue of the stillborn child—which falls somewhere between the two—has been largely neglected. Although civil birth and death registration was introduced to Scotland in 1855, stillbirth registration did not begin until 1939. Using a range of legal, medical, and statistical evidence, this article explores the history of stillbirth registration in Scotland from a social history perspective. It outlines the problems associated with lack of stillbirth registration, the processes that eventually led to registration of the stillborn child, and the wider significance of that registration.  相似文献   
Anecdotal evidence suggests that the political power of public employee unions has been a major cause of excessive growth in municipal expenditures. Previous studies, however, have not directly measured union political activities but instead have used some type of unionization or collective bargaining proxy. This paper uses unpublished data from the International City Management Association (ICMA) to develop a more direct measure of police and fire union political activity. It is found that increased union political activity leads to greater department expenditures but not necessarily to greater municipal expenditures or revenues. The results also suggest that unions increase department spending through political activity and not through the collective bargaining process itself. Further, it appears that political activity increases department spending through higher employment and not through higher compensation.  相似文献   
Abstract. Previous research has shown that analysts' forecasts of quarterly earnings per share (EPS) are more accurate than those of accepted time-series models. In addition, some previous research suggests that, on average, analysts' forecasts tend to be optimistic (i.e., biased). Two explanations for analysts' superiority have been proposed: (1) analysts use more recent information than can time-series models and (2) analysts use forecast-relevant information not included in the time-series of past earnings. This paper provides evidence on a third potential source of analyst superiority: the possibility that humans can use past earnings data to predict future earnings more accurately than can mechanical time-series models. We find that human judges do no worse than accepted time-series models when both use the same information set: namely, the series of past EPS figures. To date, little or no research has attempted to determine why analyst bias might exist. Still, some possible reasons have been forwarded. First, pessimistic forecasts or reports may hinder future efforts of the analyst or the analyst's employer to obtain information from the company being analyzed. Second, forecast data bases may suffer a selection bias if analysts tend to stop following those firms that they perceive as performing poorly. This study proposes, and provides evidence regarding, a third possible explanation for analyst bias: the use of judgmental heuristics by analysts. Many studies have shown that human predictions are often biased because of the use of such heuristics. We present evidence that suggests this may be the case for analysts' forecasts of earnings per share. Résumé. De précédents travaux de recherche ont démontré que les prévisions des analystes relatives au bénéfice par action (BPA) trimestriel sont plus exactes que celles que permettent d'obtenir les modèles reconnus basés sur les séries chronologiques. De plus, les résultats de certains travaux de recherche laissent croire qu'en moyenne, les prévisions des analystes tendent à être optimistes (c'est-à-dire biaisées). Deux explications à cette supériorité ont été proposées: 1) l'information que les analystes utilisent est plus récente que celles utilisées dans les modèles fondés sur les séries chronologiques et 2) les analystes utilisent de l'information pertinente aux prévisions qui ne figure pas dans les séries chronologiques relatives aux bénéfices passes. Les auteurs attribuent à un troisième facteur potentiel cette supériorité: la possibilité pour les humains d'utiliser les données relatives aux bénéfices passés pour prédire les bénéfices futurs de façon plus précise que ne le peuvent les modèles fondés sur les séries chronologiques. Ils en viennent à la conclusion que les humains obtiennent des résultats tout aussi efficaces que les modèles chronologiques reconnus lorsqu'ils utilisent un jeu de renseignements identique, soit les données historiques relatives au BPA. Jusqu'à maintenant, peu de chercheurs, sinon aucun, ont tenté de déterminer à quoi tiendrait l'existence d'un biais chez l'analyste. Malgré tout, certaines explications possibles ont été proposées. Premièrement, les prévisions ou les rapports pessimistes peuvent faire obstacle aux efforts futurs de l'analyste ou de son employeur pour obtenir de l'information de la société faisant l'objet de l'analyse. Deuxièmement, les bases de données servant à la prévision peuvent être entachées d'un biais de sélection si les analystes ont tendance à cesser de suivre les entreprises qui leur semblent afficher une piètre performance. Les auteurs proposent et attestent une troisième explication possible du biais de l'analyste: l'utilisation de méthodes heuristiques fondées sur le jugement. De nombreuses études ont démontré que les prédictions humaines sont souvent biaisées par suite de l'utilisation de ces méthodes heuristiques. Les auteurs apportent des arguments qui permettent de croire que ce pourrait être le cas des prévisions des analystes du bénéfice par action.  相似文献   
This paper examines the theory and method behind the long-run growth projections of four prominent models used within the U.S. government. The growth models of the Congressional Budget Ofice, the Social Security Administration, the Office of Management and Budget, and the General Accounting Office are all firmly based on the neoclassical framework of an aggregate production function, but several practical dfferences exist. Most notably, the CBO and GAO models endogenize capital accumulation, while the SSA and OMB simply assume that labor productivity growth will continue at historical rates. Although recent endogenous growth theory and the expanding empirical literature on cross-sectional variation emphasize alternative factors, the US. government agencies remain appropriately committed to the traditional, neoclassical framework as a tool for projecting long-run growth.  相似文献   
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