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当前,融资难已对中小企业的发展壮大构成了瓶颈制约。如何针对具体情况,借鉴国内外的成功经验,改善中小企业的融资环境,拓宽融资渠道,是当前应对国内外严峻经济形势,努力确保经济社会健康较快发展的一个重要课题。  相似文献   
黄妍  刘宏波 《特区经济》2020,(5):152-154
单耗管理,作为海关加工贸易管理的基础和核心,在海关加工贸易监管工作中发挥着重要作用。随着加工贸易创新发展和海关各项业务改革的不断深入,改进单耗管理已经迫在眉睫、势在必行,本文主要根据加工贸易发展现状,分析了现行单耗管理模式的问题,研究了单耗管理的特点和规律,进而对下一步加工贸易改革创新提出政策建议。  相似文献   
开启智慧生活的一天 Start a Day of Smart Life 8月23日,2021中国国际智能产业博览会在重庆开幕,"智慧生活的一天"也在两江新区礼嘉智慧公园亮相. 作为智慧生活的"样板间",礼嘉智慧公园将最新的人工智能技术融入到生活场景中,进入公园便能邂逅未来的智慧生活.  相似文献   
刘德寰 《市场研究》2006,(11):32-34
在社会调查问卷设计过程中,经常会遇到对相似状况或原因的排序问题,而这方面问题的处理相对困难也一直是这类题型不能广泛运用的重要原因。但是,毋庸置疑,这类题型的应用无论对相似社会现象的分析,还是对原因的分析,抑或对市场调查中的满意度研究分析都非常重要。  相似文献   
In this paper, we discuss the substitution effects between mobile games and console games. We estimate such effects by a fixed-effect regression with instrumental variables using panel data of about 100,000 observations. The results showed that the substitution effects of playing smart devices on 3DS, Wii, and PSP were recognizable, but did not have significant effects on PS3, and the substitution effects on PSP were very small. Therefore, mobile games had a substitution effect on casual console games, or on console games in which the play situation resembled mobile games. In addition, the substitution effects were at most about 0.1. The substitution effects were small. Our results indicate that mobile games represent the pioneers in the new market of gaming at least during our observation period. But new games and traditional games will coexist for a while.  相似文献   
Despite being generally well studied, emotional stability (ES) has not yet been widely accepted as a satisfactory and solidly valid theoretical construct. Without a clearly defined and validated construct, it is difficult to infer what ES means for the behavior and decisions of individuals as well as the performance of groups and organizations. Based on self-organization theory, this study infers a two dimensional construct for ES (threshold and recovery) under the framework of dynamic change and complexity. Two studies were conducted in China to develop and examine the construct of ES in an organizational context. The psychometric examination indicated that the newly developed construct of ES has discriminant and convergent validity with respect to different though related constructs such as the Big Five personality model and emotional intelligence (EI). It also demonstrates incremental validity in predicting group leadership, job satisfaction, job self-efficacy, and commitment. The findings also demonstrate that ES moderates the relationship between individual commitment and group relationship conflict. The results indicate that self-ratings effectively reflect the theoretical construct, whereas peer ratings and supervisor ratings create different biases. Additional theory, empirical, and methodological contributions are also discussed.  相似文献   
刘路 《今日重庆》2006,(3):90-92
这是一次餐饮史上的伟大创新:这是一群土家人的美食梦想; 这是一个预言与传统的深度撞击;这是重庆美食步入的一个全新世界; 一个普通的餐饮企业究竟有怎样的魔力能让社会各界频频光顾? 一只生长在深山老林的小小野菌究竟又有着怎样的独特魅力? 本期我们走近毕麦,走进武陵山珍,一同发掘这深埋在的武陵山区的旷世瑰宝……  相似文献   
西芹 《今日重庆》2006,(1):88-91
早春,连风都是绿的,这样的时令,正是我们将绵冬的慵懒拎到乡间野外翻晒的时候。在高尔夫球场,你会发现生活是这样快乐和大度。[编者按]  相似文献   
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