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党的十六大报告指出:“坚持社会科学和自然科学并重,充分发挥哲学社会科学在经济和社会发展中的重要作用。”为什么要坚持社会科学与自然科学并重?我们的体会是:第一、马克思主义科学是社会科学发展史上的最高成就,它是我们认识和改造社会、促进社会进步的最强大的精神武  相似文献   
从企业孵化网络本身以及环境视角分析了企业孵化网络治理绩效的影响因素,通过企业孵化网络治理机制对治理绩效关系的实证分析,验证了环境不确定下企业孵化网络的契约治理机制、管理治理机制对治理绩效的影响。结果表明:企业孵化网络治理机制中的契约治理机制、关系治理机制对治理绩效具有正向调节作用;环境不确定性会扩大或缩小治理机制对治理绩效的作用强度。企业孵化网络在高市场不确定性环境下,采用关系治理机制的绩效较好;在高技术不确定性环境下,采用契约治理机制的绩效较好。  相似文献   
Based on the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equations and mass transfer model,an approach,where a three-component cavitation model is proposed,is presented to simulate ventilated cavitating flow as well as natural cavitation.In the proposed cavitation model,the initial content of nucleus in the local flow field is updated instantaneously,and is coupled with the Rayleigh-Plesset equation to capture the cavity development.The proposed model is applied to simulate the cavitating flow around an under-water veh...  相似文献   
高校预算编制的类型有汇总型预算、分块型预算、自下而上型预算、自上而下型预算、协作型预算等方式,实施协作型预算管理的要点主要包括预算编制方法、预算编制程序、预算编制沟通、预算金额确定、预算公平透明、预算控制管理、预算执行进度、预算考核评价等,必须环环相扣,才能达到预算管理的目的。  相似文献   
A multizone/multiblock coupled RANS equation solver is presented to numerically simulate the viscous flow around an appended submarine model at Reynolds number 1. E7. k-ε two equation turbulenc model together with wall function are used. The resulting finite difference equations are solved by SIMPLEC, ADI. The technique of rising up the bottom surface is presented to overcome radial contraction problem in Cartesian coordinate system. Benchmark numerical calculations have been compared with experimental data, the radial distribution of axial velocity on the propeller disk plane is 4. 63%.  相似文献   
In this paper the complex structure and pattern of ship stern flow driven by multi-propellers is simulated numerically by using RANS equations with K-ε turbulence model and propeller lifting surface theory as essential research tool and coupling the computer code of ship stern flow to the computer code of propeller performance prediction through the medium of body force.A ship model with four propellers is selected as the numerical example.Detailed computational results are presented graphically and the qualitative and quantitative analysis is made. Finally,the comparison between the calculated result and the available experimental data is made.The agreement between them is satisfactory.  相似文献   
This paper presents a numerical method called BUBMAC method,whichis based on the Marker And Cell(MAC) technique,to numerically simulate the problemof bubble dynamics in vortex core. With the incorporation of the azimuthal velocity intothe momentum equation, the model takes into account the complete interaction betweenthe bubble dynamics and the vortex flow field.The three momentum equations (N-Seqs.) are solved numerically by the finite-difference methed, and the motion of bubblesurface is described by tracing massless marker particles distributed only on the surface ofthe bubble. With some important medifications to the original MAC method, the numeri-cal accuracy of the method is conisderably increased. The validation of the proposed BUB-MAC method is checked by comparing the numerical results with some available analyticalsolutions in the cases of spherical bubble evolution and with numerical results in the casesof nonspherical collapse of bubble and bubble evolution in tip-vortex core. The compar-iso  相似文献   
无锡阿科力化工有限公司是国家级高新技术企业,专业生产聚酯树脂、丙烯酸树脂、聚氯酯树脂、特种环氧树脂等.公司创建于1999年,位于无锡市锡山经济开发区东亭民营科技工业园,交通便利;占地面积2万平方米,现有厂房建筑面积9000平方米,科研、办公大楼1700平方米,厂房库区2600平方米:固定资产5100万元;拥有18套生产装置,年生产能力达1.3万吨;现有员工80名.  相似文献   
四月的无锡,春绿大地,草长莺飞。2010中国(无锡)吴文化国际研讨会在无锡隆重召开。100多位来自海内外的专家学者围绕“吴文化与区域发展”这一主题,对相关的理论问题、实践问题进行全面深入的研讨,产生了一批具有较高学术价值和现实指导意义的研究成果,取得了预期的效果。  相似文献   
The current paper presents the result of a study on determining the pressure distribution along the surface of a foil section by using measured velocity field data and the Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes equations. The results are compared with the measured pressure data and show its satisfaction. It is a try to find a new way to determine pressure by combining the experimental data and CFD method.  相似文献   
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