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This article analyzes the impact and effectiveness of the Mexicanlabor retraining program for unemployed and displaced workers—Programade Becas de Capacitación para Trabajadores (PROBECAT).The strategy followed is to compare the post-training labormarket experiences of trainees with those of a comparison group—amatched sample of unemployed individuals who were eligible for,but did not participate in, PROBECAT. The results of this exercisesuggest that participation in PROBECAT reduced the mean durationof unemployment for both men and women trainees and increasedthe monthly earnings of men, but not of women. The results alsoindicate that the post-training earnings effect varied systematicallyby level of education attained, with the largest earnings increases(of about 28 to 37 percent) found for men with six to twelveyears of education.  相似文献   
新型农村合作医疗保险制度参保模式研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
谭湘渝 《改革与战略》2008,24(1):80-81,149
当前新型农村合作医疗保险制度实行自愿加入的参保模式,但在实施中产生了“逆向选择”等诸多问题。笔者从制度设计目标和制度变迁模式等角度分析了实行强制保险的必要性,认为目前实行自愿参保仍然是未来一段时间内的现实选择,但是,当新型农村合作医疗保险制度基本覆盖全国农村居民之后,就必须开始着手推进强制保险工作。  相似文献   
目的回顾性分析克林霉素导致急性肾损伤(AKI)的临床特征、治疗及预后,旨在提高对克林霉素相关肾损害的认识。方法选取2008年8月~2012年11月昆明医科大学第一附属医院肾内科27例克林霉素治疗后出现AKI的患者进行分析。结果 20例(74.07%)接受血液净化治疗,7例(25.93%)患者接受口服透析治疗,出院后28天随访27例患者血清肌酐(SCr)均恢复正常。结论克林霉素导致肾脏损害的临床突出表现为恶心、呕吐、腰痛、腹痛、发作性肉眼血尿和少尿性AKI,罕见以往认为常见的发热、皮疹及嗜酸细胞增多等临床表现。约74%患者需要血液净化治疗,观察患者近期预后良好,远期肾功能需进一步观察。  相似文献   
谭小平 《现代财经》2008,28(5):31-34
短期债务具有流动性好、财务灵活性强、名义利率低等一系列优势,但过量短期债务的使用会给企业带来较大的财务风险。鉴于我国上市公司债务融资存在的严重短期化现象,应针对这种短期化债务融资的弊端与成因,提出改变不良状况的学术见解和解决问题的方略。  相似文献   
“我只是领了个头而已。”24岁,进入中铁大桥局开始了自己的“造桥梦”;白沙洲大桥、南京大胜关长江大桥、天兴洲长江大桥……23年来,他组织设计建造的20座大桥傲然屹立,获得的国家级奖项不胜枚举。46岁,就成为中周工程院桥梁设计方面的第七位院士。  相似文献   
In contrast to short-term stock trading, portfolio managers are interested in the medium- to long-term peaks and troughs of the stock price cycles as signals to balance their stock portfolios – the predicted trough is the signal to buy the stock and the predicted peak is the signal to sell the stock. As statistical models are generally inadequate or incapable of providing such portfolio balancing signals, we propose using the generic self-organizing fuzzy neural network (GenSoFNN)—a fuzzy neural system – as a tool for portfolio balancing. The network adopts the supervised learning approach to detect inflection points in the stock price cycles, and a modified locally weighted regression algorithm is employed to smooth the stock cycles. The GenSoFNN-based portfolio balancing system was evaluated with experiments conducted using 23 stocks from the New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ, and the results showed an average profit return of 65.66%. The contributions of the proposed GenSoFNN intelligent portfolio balancing system are twofold: it can be used as an efficient trading solution and it can provide decision support in trading via its generated rules. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
谈月明 《江南论坛》2005,(11):21-23
湖州市坚持以科学发展观统领全局,把推进城市化作为推动经济社会跨越式发展的一项重大战略,快建设、重管理,拉框架、增功能,塑特色、造品位,在拓展城市规模的同时,大力提升城市品质,城市发展步入历史上建设投入最多、要素集聚最快、形象变化最大的时期。近4年,湖州城市化水平每  相似文献   
谭焕新 《价值工程》2011,30(19):197-197
鉴于我国英语课堂教学面临的普遍问题,通过分析职前教师受传统经验的影响,提出将合作学习理论与职前外语教师实习相结合,研究真实情境下合作学习对于教学活动的影响,为师范生提供动态的教学环境。  相似文献   
文章对人才柔性流动的相关理论进行阐述,在此基础上具体分析了皖江城市带承接产业转移示范区人才资源现状以及未来示范区建设过程中对人才资源的需求预测,并从人才柔性流动的必要性、可行性以及流动路径等方面对示范区人才柔性流动机理加以分析。  相似文献   

Finance is a popular programme of study in UK higher education despite it being a challenging subject that requires students to understand and apply complex and abstract mathematical models and academic theories. Educational simulation is an active learning method found to be useful in enhancing students’ learning experience, but there has been limited pedagogic research attention on its use in finance education within the UK. This paper, utilising an on-line survey, provides a snapshot of the current usage of finance-related simulations across the 97 UK universities offering finance programmes. The paper also reports the findings of a case study that offers insights into the effectiveness of introducing computerised simulation into a postgraduate finance course from both a student and tutor perspective. It highlights an enhancing learning experience for students through concrete experience and reflective observation, increasing their understanding of difficult and complex finance concepts.  相似文献   
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