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Recent research in finance has indicated that the institutional structure in which financial asset prices are determined can have a nontrivial impact on pricing. This report examines transaction level data for Treasury Note futures contracts traded at the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) to identify institutional, or market microstructure, impacts on the pricing of these contracts. Relatively few articles have conducted empirical research on the microstructure of U.S. futures trading due to the limited availability of comprehensive transaction level data from the futures exchanges. This report uses the CBOT's Computerized Trade Reconstruction database, a comprehensive transaction level dataset, to identify the price impact of the time duration between trades in a manner analogous to that of A. Dufour and R. F. Engle (2000). Unique differences from prior research include the application to futures contracts with their relative higher frequency of trading, as well as the investigation of the price impact of the number of active traders present on the trading floor and the trading volume. Subsequent price and sign of trade significantly relate to the time duration between trades, the number of floor brokers, and the trading volume. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl. Fut Mark 24:965–980, 2004  相似文献   
本文的理论模型从分配战略取向的角度分析了高积累轻消费战略和积累消费共同促进战略下的经济增长的定量比较关系,构造积累率增长率和消费率增长率之差与GDP增长率的增长率水平VAR,通过Granger因果检验和方差分解等证明:不同战略取向下的经济增长速度取决于消费品部门和工业品部门的资本边际产出的比较,积累消费比例变化的波动将影响经济增长的波动,说明分配战略目标应是在促进积累和促进消费之间合理加权。  相似文献   
这次会议讨论的是一个很重要的题目──国企转型与企业文化构建。我们现在对企业文化的认识,如果同10年前相比,可以说是跨越了一个世纪。当时感觉企业文化是个新鲜东西,并不知道它有多大用途,好像很时髦,多数人对它的认识还是狭窄的、浮面的。10年后的今天,经过理论界的探索研究,特别是经过企业界的创新实践,使得我们对企业文化的认识有了很大的发展。中外企业文化杂志社利用庆祝创刊10周年的机会,组织大家共同研讨国企转型与企业文化构建,这个题目选得非常好。当前,企业文化在中国的需求,很重要的一点就是与国企转型联系在了一起。企业文化…  相似文献   
周建清 《特区经济》2008,(12):63-64
影响人民币汇率的因素很多,但其作用时间的长短却不同。文章通过对中国的汇率制度、购买力平价及国际货币供求的分析,来说明其对汇率的长期影响。  相似文献   
在近代历史进程中,东江籍人士以炽热的爱国精神和革命行动为辛亥革命作出了有目共睹的贡献:他们加入革命组织,从事舆论宣传,募捐斗争经费,进行武装起义,参与武昌革命及东江光复,捍卫共和大业,凡此种种,均在历史上留下了光辉的一页,值得后人铭记。  相似文献   
刘敏 《特区经济》2011,(7):13-15
作为全球最活跃的经济体之一,香港一直坚持低税制、低福利、高发展的路线,并根据自身情况建立了一套具有香港特色的社会救助制度。但是,20世纪90年代后,经济、社会等领域发生的重大变化导致这一制度面临诸多问题。为此,香港政府进行了一系列改革,改革汲取了当代全球先进福利理念及经验,在许多方面突破了单纯强调收入援助的传统救助模式,而转向一种新的具有社会投资倾向的积极救助模式。  相似文献   
The presence of circular causality in a region through factor returns is studied in a general equilibrium model in which firms producing final products engage in oligopolistic competition. The intermediate input is produced by capital and labor with a constant returns to scale technology. If the degree of increasing returns in the production of final products is sufficiently high, the return to a factor can increase with the amount of this factor. Thus a higher amount of a factor in a region leads to a higher return to this factor and attracts additional amount of this factor to move in. Capital movement and labor movement can be reinforcing. This type of circular causality means that unbalanced regional development can persist over time.  相似文献   
实现海南产业超前发展战略,大力发展高新技术产业是重要的突破口.海南高新技术产业发展已进入了迅速成长并日益成熟的发展阶段,呈现良好的发展态势和广阔的发展前景,同时也面临着严峻的挑战,其发展需要建立健全高新技术产业目标体系、高新技术产业管理体系、高新技术产业发展体系、高新技术产业扶持体系.  相似文献   
浅谈农村邮政金融业务同业竞争策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周颖 《邮政研究》2010,26(6):9-11
文章分析了农村邮政金融网点与其他同业者存在的差距,从明确定位、加大投入、优化软件、产品开发、分类公关及加强培训六个方面探讨了农村邮政金融网点的建设方向。  相似文献   
We study a dynamic mean-variance portfolio optimization problem under the reinforcement learning framework, where an entropy regularizer is introduced to induce exploration. Due to the time–inconsistency involved in a mean-variance criterion, we aim to learn an equilibrium policy. Under an incomplete market setting, we obtain a semi-analytical, exploratory, equilibrium mean-variance policy that turns out to follow a Gaussian distribution. We then focus on a Gaussian mean return model and propose a reinforcement learning algorithm to find the equilibrium policy. Thanks to a thoroughly designed policy iteration procedure in our algorithm, we prove the convergence of our algorithm under mild conditions, despite that dynamic programming principle and the usual policy improvement theorem failing to hold for an equilibrium policy. Numerical experiments are given to demonstrate our algorithm. The design and implementation of our reinforcement learning algorithm apply to a general market setup.  相似文献   
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