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While small and medium enterprises contribute to gross domestic product, generate crucial employment, and improve socio-economic development, unfortunately the literature on the internationalization processes of these companies remains timid and inconsistent. The following study seeks to analyze the international expansion of the Colombian company Inducascos. The research follows the structure of a case study including literature analysis and secondary data of the Colombian industrial market and Inducascos. Challenges, opportunities and learning process of the organization related to its international expansion and set out, seeking to contribute to the existing studies in international business.  相似文献   
The paper provides a theoretical explanation for the inverted U-shaped relation between pollution and income often found in empirical research (Environmental Kuznets Curve). We model the transition in the pollution pattern as a change in general purpose technologies and investigate how it interferes with economic growth driven by quality improvements. We provide an analytical foundation for the claim that the rise and decline of pollution can be explained by endogenous innovations, policy-induced technology shifts, and intrasectoral changes. Once environmental degradation becomes too severe, regulation is introduced by which society forces the economy to make a transition to cleaner production.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Optimale Nachfragepolitik zur Bek?mpfung der Stagflation. — Der Aufsatz besch?ftigt sich mit der Wahl einer optimalen Gesamtnachfrage-Politik als Antwort auf einen inflation?ren Schock — optimal in dem Sinne, da\ die Volkswirtschaft zur Vollbesch?ftigung und Preisstabilit?t auf einen Pfad zurückgeführt wird, der die sozialen Kosten minimiert. Es wird die Ansicht vertreten, da\ die Kosten eines gegebenen Stabilisierungspfades proportional sind zu den über die Zeit aufsummierten Abweichungen der Inflationsrate und der Arbeitslosenquote von den langfristigen Zielwerten. Auf der Grundlage einer sehr allgemeinen Formulierung der Phillips-Kurve wird die optimale wirtschaftspolitische Antwort auf einen Inflationsschock analysiert und gezeigt, da\ sie gew?hnliche ?Turnpike?-Eigenschaften besitzt. Dieser Ansatz wird veranschaulicht, indem er auf die USA für den Zeitraum 1971–1975 angewandt wird, wobei die Sensitivit?t des optimalen Pfades in bezug auf alternative Wohlfahrts-Bewertungen und Ansichten hinsichtlich der Natur des Trade-off untersucht wird.
Résumé Les politiques de demande optimum contre la stagflation. — Cet article a pour sujet la selection d’une politique de demande agrégée optimum en réponse à un choc — optimum de manière qu’elle reconduit l’économie au plein emploi et à la stabilité de prix le long d’un sentier d’inflation-ch?mage minimisant des frais sociaux de ?welfare?. Nous arguons que les frais du chaque sentier donné de stabilisation peuvent être pris comme proportioneis à l’excès d’inflation et de ch?mage au-dessus du but à long terme, cumulé sur le sentier. En se fiant à une expression très générale de la ?courbe de Phillips? l’article analyse et démontre la réponse de politique optimum à un choc inflationniste pour exhiber des simples ?barrières? propriétés. L’approche est illustrée par l’application sur les E. U. pour la période de 1971 à 1975. Elle explore la sensibilité du sentier optimum aux évaluations alternatives de ?welfare? et aux vues de la nature du ?trade-off?.

Resumen Políticas óptimas de demanda contra la estagflación. — Este artículo se ocupa de la selección de una política de demanda agregada óptima en respuesta a un ?shock? óptimo inflacionario en el sentido que devuelve el pleno empleo y la estabilidad de precios a la economía a través de una trayectoria de inflación-desempleo minimizando los costos sociales de bienestar. Se argumenta que el costo de cualquier trayectoria de estabilización dada puede tomarse como proporcional al exceso de inflación y desempleo por sobre la meta de largo plazo, acumulado a través de la trayectoria. Basándose sobre una formulación muy general de la ?curva de Phillips? se analiza la respuesta de política óptima a un ?shock? inflacionario y se muestra que exhibe propiedades simples de Camino de portazgo. El enfoque se ilustra aplicándolo a los EEUU para el período 1971–75, investigando la sensibilidad de la trayectoria óptima con respecto a evaluaciones de bienestar alternativas y apreciaciones sobre la naturaleza del ?trade-off?.

We adopt a simple model of endogenous growth with polluting capital and a fixed budget for aggregate emissions. Pollution abatement efficiency is growing over time due to technical progress. We find that long-run capital and consumption are inversely related to the initial capital stock. Capital taxation does not harm the economy but actually raises long-run consumption and production, which we call the “capital tax paradox.” The reason for this surprising result is that in an economy with a binding carbon policy, early abundance of polluting capital is not a blessing but a curse. It is preferable to have a large capital stock when abatement efficiency has grown sufficiently large. The paper also provides novel results on the impact of pollution intensity and the rate of technical progress on the greening of the economy and the pollution permit prices. In the quantitative part, we calibrate model and study economic growth under different assumptions on the basic model parameters.

Stereotypes abound about the clash between newcomers to urban neighborhoods and their longstanding residents. In a case study of Columbia Heights in the District of Columbia, the preferences and attitudes of newcomers and longstanding residents are compared. The comparison will help assess the extent to which indirect displacement pressures in the domain of retail activity might be occurring in Columbia Heights. Data from surveys conducted in 2008 by the Howard University Center for Urban Progress (HUCUP) form the empirical base of this study. A total of 217 completed surveys were received, 116 from an Internet survey and 101 one-on-one street interviews. The sample was split into thirds (according to length of time that the participant lived in the neighborhood) leading to break points at two years and eight years of residency. All respondents who lived in the neighborhood two years or less or eight years or more were kept in the final sample. The former were defined as “newcomers” and the latter were defined as “longstanding residents”. There were 77 newcomers and 74 longstanding residents in the final sample. The survey instrument inquired about respondents’ opinions about the availability and quality of stores by type, the variety of stores, and what types of stores they would like to see added to the neighborhood. Respondents were then asked their assessment of the new commercial developments and of the previously existing businesses in the corridor. Chi-square tests were used to test the hypotheses that there were differences between the two populations -- newcomers and long-standing residents -- in terms of preferences and attitudes. The findings demonstrated significant differences between the two groups in terms of their opinions about the commercial corridor, although both groups were generally pleased with the new retail developments. The analysis of these data weakly supports the hypothesis that indirect factors could heighten pressures for displacement of longstanding residents, but it is argued that the main focus of gentrification studies should continue to be on the direct economic factors affecting longstanding residents during neighborhood revitalization.  相似文献   
In this paper, we confront the theoretical motivations of the consumption of eco-friendly products and the factors influencing the European perceptions regarding the fact that “fish caught using an environmentally friendly technique may carry a special label”. We take advantage of the recent integration of non-economic elements in the microeconomic analysis of consumers' behavior in order to highlight the factors leading to their demand for green products. Thanks to an original European survey on seafood product carried out on more than 5000 consumers, we test the influence of intrinsic motivation, information, localization and socio-economic factors on the demand for an eco-label for fish.Our results show a significant connection between the desire for eco-labeling and seafood features, especially the freshness of the fish, the geographical origin of the fish and the wild vs farmed origin of the fish. Moreover, we prove the major role played by the fish price. We also demonstrate that the ecological issue regarding fisheries is highly connected to consumer information, intrinsic motivation and socio-economic status: the typical “green fish consumer” is a young woman, well educated, well informed on the state of marine resources and not very trusting of the regulation of the fisheries. Consumers who are aware of the importance of marine resource preservation have the same profile.  相似文献   
In academic research, many attempts have been undertaken to legitimize corporate community involvement by showing a business case for it. However, much less attention has been devoted to building understanding about the actual dynamics and challenges of managing CCI in the business context. As an alternative to existing predominantly static and top-down approaches, this paper introduces a social movement framework for analyzing CCI management. Based on the analysis of qualitative case study data, we argue that the active role of employees pressuring for CCI policies and practices, as well as the organization audience responses to their efforts, are at the core of the challenges involved in managing CCI. These challenges also pose limits to how far CCI can be extended to a “business as usual” activity.  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper is to lay out future scenarios related to the impact of the intensification of competition between universities and research centres of OECD countries on the stocks and flows of university graduates in Latin America. In conditions of intensified competence, it is possible that the ways in which Latin American countries, universities and university professionals participate in the processes of international mobility will change significantly. This paper proposes different scenarios, combining hypotheses about the global dynamics of skilled mobility and migration of graduate students (conditioned by the behaviour of the demand in developed countries), about their main impacts on Latin America, and about the responses that Latin American governments and universities could make to face this process.  相似文献   
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