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我国银行间市场自2006年正式引入货币经纪制度以来,经纪业务发展势头良好,市场参与者应用经纪业务的深度和广度不断提高。该文通过分析国内外经纪业务发展现状与动态,揭示了进一步推动经纪业务发展的重要作用和意义,并针对我国银行间市场经纪业务存在的不足,提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   
We develop and estimate an econometric model of the relationship between several local and global air pollutants and economic development while allowing for critical aspects of the socio-political-economic regime of a State. We obtain empirical support for our hypothesis that democracy and its associated freedoms provide the conduit through which agents can exercise their preferences for environmental quality more effectively than under an autocratic regime, thus leading to decreased concentrations or emissions of pollution. However, additional factors such as income inequality, age distribution, education, and urbanization may mitigate or exacerbate the net effect of the type of political regime on pollution, depending on the underlying societal preferences and the weights assigned to those preferences by the State.  相似文献   
该文回顾了中国信用债市场的发展历程,指出经过自2005年以来的快速发展,目前中国信用债券市场已取得了市场规模持续扩大、产品创新不断涌现、市场基础性建设不断完善等成绩,但同时也存在机构投资者持债结构不均衡、国际化程度较低以及信用评级机制有待完善等不足。展望未来,中国信用债市场仍将继续保持高增长态势,发行和投资主体将更加多样化、国际化,且交易市场也将趋向统一。  相似文献   
This paper reports an empirical investigation of individual preferences in the use of managerial influence tactics by Hong Kong Chinese and Americans. Subjects in a cross-cultural scenario study were asked to evaluate alternative upward and downward influence tactics in terms of their preferred usage. The findings indicate a main effect for culture and for direction of influence attempt. In addition, direction of influence attempt interacts with subject gender and culture on a tactic-by-tactic basis to reveal differences in influence preferences. Implications of the findings and directions for future studies are discussed.This research was supported by The Chinese University of Hong Kong. The special assistance of Mimi Kam and Ricky Lam in back-translation of the research instruments is appreciated, as are the contributions of Joseph Raelin of Boston College and Harold Welsch of Depaul University in data collection.  相似文献   
4月14日,中注协修订的《独立审计具体准则第7号—审计报告》和《独立审计具体准则第17号—持续经营》以及拟订的《独立审计具体准则第28号—前后任注册会计师的沟通》,经财政部批准发布,将于2003年7月1日起施行。现对这三项准则的有关内容作些说明介绍。其中有关《审计报告》、《持续经营》准则修订的背景情况,我们已在今年第3期上介绍过。关于《独立审计具体准则 第7号——审计报告》1.注册会计师对审计报告承担的责任更加明确原审计报告准则规定,注册会计师应对其出具的审计报告的真实性、合法性负责。还规定,审计报告的真实性是指审计报…  相似文献   
2010年银行间债券市场机构投资者行为分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2010年,在国民经济总体向好、流动性整体宽松的环境下,银行间债券市场保持快速发展态势,投资者数量和类型进一步丰富,各类机构普遍增持债券。受信贷调控及资本监管加强的影响,商业银行侧重于增加低风险债券的持有比例;非银行金融机构风险偏好则相对较高。全年机构的持有结构保持稳定。随着下半年市场资金面的趋紧,基金、证券公司等交易类机构表现更为活跃,年末市场利率明显上升,收益率曲线平坦化上移。  相似文献   
近年来,新疆货币市场在不断探索和积极实践中稳步发展,人民银行乌鲁木齐中心支行认真履行辖区同业拆借市场业务监管职能,不断完善市场制度,严格业务管理,在货币市场现场检查方面积极探索,有效促进了辖区货币市场各项工作的顺利开展,取得了一定成效。  相似文献   
该文以亲身经历为基础,叙述了在华尔街所经历的三次金融危机;从一个从业人员和普通购房者的视角向读者展示了危机的来龙去脉。文章指出理论上,经济的周期性注定6年的繁荣终究会有尽头;而在实践中,多年的低利率带来的信用泛滥,以及华尔街为追求短期暴利而进行无止境的风险叠加.也致使金融风险扩散到社会和世界的每一个角落。  相似文献   
In spite of its importance to policy makers, surprisingly little attention has been paid to the welfare effects of one aspect of trade policy-how to implement an import quota that applies to a heterogeneous product category. The government can impose a simple quota that applies indiscriminately to all goods within the product category or it can divide the quota among them with subquotas. In this paper, we analyze the welfare effects of subquotas. Under certain simplifying assumptions we find that a system of subquotas nearly always exists that provides greater welfare than a simple quota for a large country that retains quota rights or for a large or small country that gives quota rights away to foreigners. However, subquotas cannot increase the welfare of a small country that retains quota rights. The difference lies in the effect of imports on the home country's terms of trade.The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the US International Trade Commission. The authors are grateful for helpful comments on an earlier draft by anonymous referees.  相似文献   
关于三月浮息债负利差产生的原因与投资建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文基于Shibor报价工作实践,首先从投资者类型、债券流动性等多角度列举了浮息债定价的影响因素,分析了当前3M_Shibor浮息债利差持续为负的原因,然后在探讨归纳3M_Shibor的定价机理和阐释近期Shibor报价新特征的基础上,对3M_Shibor中期走势进行展望,并就投资3M_Shibor浮息债时需关注的问题予以提示。  相似文献   
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