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<正>"融媒",或者说媒介融合,已经成为业内一个时髦的字眼。2010年我们见识了前所未有的媒介合作与跨界融合,这一股浪潮并不是平白无故出现的,它更多地反映了来自于受众层面、自下而上对于媒体的改变。  相似文献   
1.Impact of domestic policies and environment1.1 Obvious helping effect of going global government policy on enterprisesBased on the survey,72.8% enterprises said that they had obtained various kinds and degrees of assistance from domestic governments at various levels.  相似文献   
2009年上半年中国金融市场运行分析报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009年上半年,我国金融市场继续保持了健康平稳的发展态势。货币市场成交量呈现较大幅度增长,市场利率有所上扬;债券市场发行大幅跃升,债券指数较年初有所下降;股票市场指数震荡走高,成交量同比大幅增加;外汇市场人民币兑美元略有下滑,利率互换呈现恢复增长;黄金市场成交量保持增长,黄金价格高位震荡;期货市场规模继续壮大,商品期货价格全面回升。持续宽裕的流动性、不断拓展的融资功能和逐步增强的市场信心,我国金融市场对经济企稳和回暖起到了较好的支撑作用。  相似文献   
The size of trading blocs Market power and world welfare effects   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We construct an n-country n-commodity trade model to analyze the implications of bloc size for (Nash) equilibrium tariffs and welfare. The relationship between the absolute size of (symmetric) trading blocs and their market power is ambiguous, and we illustrate how this relationship varies with model parameters. In contrast, sufficiently large increases in the relative size of a bloc enhance its relative market power and cause the welfare of its country members to rise above the free trade level. We establish the existence of an optimal bloc size, and study the dependence of optimal size on the parameters of the model.  相似文献   
The year of 2011 marked the beginning of China s 12th Five-Year Plan period,and also the 20th year of the country's implementation of its “going global” strategy.In the past decade,Chinese enterprises' outbound investment has witnessed the gradual transition from rapid growth to steady growth and from quantity based growth to qualitative based improvement.In 2011,against the backdrop of increasing turmoil in the global political and economic environment,the ongoing deepening of the European debt crisis,and an increasing complex international investment climate,Chinese enterprises' outbound investment maintained a stable growth momentum.Domestic investors made non-financial outbound direct investment in 3391 overseas enterprises in 132 countries and regions around the world,and the cumulative direct investment amounted to US$60.07 billion,up 1.8% Y/Y.Going into 2012,domestic enterprises are actively more involved in overseas investment.In January and February,domestic investors made US$7.435 billion of non-financial outbound direct investment in 706 overseas in 97 countries and regions around the world,up 59.9% y/y.  相似文献   
本文剖析了民间投资发展面临的主要问题,阐述了"非公经济新36条"的地位和意义,并针对政策内容进行了详细分析。本文提出:切实贯彻落实"非公经济新36条",必须进一步解放政府部门的观念和思想、尽快出台更为明晰的细则,和加强政策执行的力度。  相似文献   
This research engages with the problem of company–community conflict in mining. The inequitable distributions of risks, impacts, and benefits are key drivers of resource conflicts and are likely to remain at the forefront of mining-related research and advocacy. Procedural and interactional forms of justice therefore lie at the very heart of some of the real and ongoing challenges in mining, including: intractable local-level conflict; emerging global norms and performance standards; and ever-increasing expectations for the industry to translate high-level corporate social responsibility policy into on-the-ground practice. This research focuses on the “process” aspects of resource conflicts through an examination of existing grievance-handling procedures at six mining operations where company–community conflict was present. In their current form, and on their own, the six mechanisms were found to be insufficient in their capacity to advance justice. The authors argue that if the overall objective of global norms is that companies construct and perform grievance handling in ways that strongly preference just practices, then “mechanisms-in-practice” must be better understood and constructively critiqued along all justice dimensions.  相似文献   
全球营销获得成功的首要条件是理解不同文化之间的价值观的相似性和差异性。由于缺乏以研究为基础获得的信息,这一任务对于试图与中国做生意的公司而言尤为艰巨。本研究采用霍夫斯塔德文化模型中的最新价值观来比较中美之间波莱广告诉求的有效性。在以文化维度为基础预测有效诉求的20个假设中,有9个得到了支持。另外一个假设也非常显著,但是与预想的方向正好相反。这些研究发现意味着,采用霍夫斯塔德文化维度作为有效广告诉求的唯一预测指标是不明智的。霍夫斯塔德维度或许缺乏可以有效预测各种广告诉求成功度所必需的结构。此外,广告诉求的有效性还可能由于其他因素(例如,年龄、社会趋势、政治法律环境及产品用法)而有所调整。  相似文献   
Using annual data for 75 countries in the period 1960–2000, we present evidence of a positive relationship between investment as a share of gross domestic product (GDP) and the long‐run growth rate of GDP per worker. This result is robust for our full sample and for the subsample of non‐OECD countries, but not for the subsample of OECD countries. Our analysis controls for time‐invariant country‐specific heterogeneity in growth rates, and for a range of time‐varying control variables. We also address endogeneity issues, and allow for heterogeneity across countries in model parameters and for cross‐section dependence. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
今天我主要讲的是关于全球货币政策及利率变化对中国的影响,首先我认为有一个现象值得我们注意,就是中美两国的经济发展状况出现了不一致性,美国的经济增长开始减速而中国的经济在不断攀升,另外美国的利率预计会下调,而中国的利率在提高.  相似文献   
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