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We propose a new multivariate constant correlation test based on residuals. This test takes into account the whole correlation matrix instead of the considering merely marginal correlations between bivariate data series. In financial markets, it is unrealistic to assume that the marginal variances are constant. This motivates us to develop a constant correlation test which allows for non-constant marginal variances in multivariate time series. However, when the assumption of constant marginal variances is relaxed, it can be shown that the residual effect leads to nonstandard limit distributions of the test statistics based on residual terms. The critical values of the test statistics are not directly available and we use a bootstrap approximation to obtain the corresponding critical values for the test. We also derive the limit distribution of the test statistics based on residuals under the null hypothesis. Monte Carlo simulations show that the test has appealing size and power properties in finite samples. We also apply our test to the stock returns in Euro Stoxx 50 and integrate the test into a binary segmentation algorithm to detect multiple break points. 相似文献
采用递阶分散控制的方法对土木结构进行振动控制,同时结构满足稳定性要求。控制作用分为局部和全局控制两级,局部控制器对子结构的振动控制,用李雅普诺夫方法来获得子结构稳定,而全局控制器来减小子结构之间相互作用而保证结构全局稳定性。对悬臂梁结构进行了控制稳定性仿真分析,将振动仿真结果与集中控制的结果进行对比分析。结果表明,基于递阶分散的控制方法保证大型土木结构的稳定性。 相似文献
本文就锅炉运行中安全隐患之一的水冷壁高温磨损和高温腐蚀主要原因进行了分析和探讨,提出一些防止锅炉高温磨损和高温腐蚀的措施,以求对锅炉的安全经济运行有所裨益. 相似文献
A forward intensity model for the prediction of corporate defaults over different future periods is proposed. Maximum pseudo-likelihood analysis is then conducted on a large sample of the US industrial and financial firms spanning the period 1991–2011 on a monthly basis. Several commonly used factors and firm-specific attributes are shown to be useful for prediction at both short and long horizons. Our implementation also factors in momentum in some variables and documents their importance in default prediction. The model’s prediction is very accurate for shorter horizons. Its accuracy deteriorates somewhat when the horizon is increased to two or three years, but the performance still remains reasonable. The forward intensity model is also amenable to aggregation, which allows for an analysis of default behavior at the portfolio and/or economy level. 相似文献
西部新农村建设中的社会资本问题和对策——对重庆市黔江区的实地调查 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
社会资本的重构与提高对新农村建设具有十分重要的意义。文章通过对重庆市黔江区6个村的实地调查,发现西部农村地区社会资本比较薄弱,主要表现在:村民的信任具有较强的封闭性、村民间的互动较弱、社会关系网络平均规模较小、村民从社会关系网络中获取资源能力较弱、社会中间组织缺乏等。文章从六个方面提出了重建和提升西部农村社会资本的建议。 相似文献
不能照搬“诺瑟姆曲线”来研究中国的城镇化问题 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
诺瑟姆曲线是对西方国家城镇化的一种实证分析,不具有普遍性。我国的城镇化不能走西方的老路。要在反思西方城镇化道路的基础上,结合中国国情,走中国特色的城镇化道路;要以农村城镇化为重心,走城乡协调发展之路;要以科学发展观为指导,以新型工业化为动力,走新型城镇化道路。 相似文献
随着知识经济的到来,人力资本已成为经济增长的关键因素。人力资本同物质资本一样,是企业生存发展不可或缺的要素;人力资本是企业风险的真正承担者,是企业财富的真正创造者,所以人力资本分享企业剩余是合情合理的。在实践中,人力资本股权化是对人力资本分享企业剩余的有益探索。 相似文献
段伟伟 《南京财经大学学报》2013,(4):93-96
高等教育竞争的日益加剧,要求高校培养出符合社会真正需要的高素质人才。大学生艺术实践教育作为大学生公共艺术教育的重要组成部分,可以培养学生良好的沟通能力和团队协作能力、发展学生的创造性思维,提高学生的就业竞争力,促进学生就业后的自我发展。 相似文献