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A claim adjudicated in small claims court is substantively not resolved until the judgement rendered has been received by the winning plaintiff. Using data from the Boone County, Missouri, Small Claims Court, this study found that one-half of the winning claims were collected in full. Differences in collection success were more closely related to the judgment amount and characteristics of the defendant than to characteristics of the plaintiff.  相似文献   
Abstract. This study provides further evidence about whether accounting choice decisions reflect a consistent strategy to manage income by investigating the relation between methods used in financial reports and lobbying positions on accounting for income taxes. A numerical income-strategy score is calculated for each lobbyist based on whether the firm chose an income-increasing or income-decreasing alternative for the following: depreciation, inventory, investment tax credit, and pension amortization. We find that firms lobbying for no tax allocation, the most income-increasing alternative, have higher average income strategies (more income increasing) than firms lobbying for comprehensive allocation, the most income-decreasing alternative. Combining the firms favoring either no allocation or partial allocation (due to the conceptual similarity of these alternatives), we find that their average income strategy score is also higher than firms favoring comprehensive allocation. Further, firms favoring discounting deferred taxes, which would ordinarily increase net income by reducing the deferred portion of income tax expense, employ more income-increasing strategies than firms opposed to discounting. In contrast, the hypothesized relationship was not found between income strategy and when the benefits anticipated from the use of a net operating loss carryforward should be recognized. Nevertheless, the combined lobbying positions differ significantly between both the upper and lower third and upper and middle third of the firms classified by their income strategy scores. We also provide analyses to examine whether income strategies can be used to predict lobbying positions. We find that the associations are not sufficiently strong to do so. Résumé. Les décisions relatives aux choix comptables sont-elles le reflet d'une stratégie uniforme visant la gestion des bénéfices? Les auteurs jettent un éclairage nouveau sur cette question, en analysant la relation entre les méthodes utilisées dans les rapports financiers, et ils approfondissent également celle des positions de lobbying relatives à la comptabilisation des impôts sur le bénéfice. Les auteurs attribuent une note numérique à la stratégie de bénéfice de chaque lobbyiste, selon que l'entreprise a opté pour une méthode qui accroît ou décroît le bénéfice, à l'égard des éléments suivants: l'amortissement, les stocks, le crédit d'impôt à l'investissement et la ventilation des coûts découlant des régimes de retraite. Selon les auteurs, les entreprises qui militent en faveur du non-report des impôts, l'option qui contribue le plus à accroître le bénéfice, poursuivent des stratégies de bénéfice moyen supérieur (contribuant davantage à hausser le bénéfice) que les entreprises qui militent en faveur du report intégral, l'option qui contribue le plus à décroître le bénéfice. Si l'on combine les entreprises qui favorisent le non-report et celles qui favorisent un report partiel (compte tenu de la parenté conceptuelle de ces options), il appert que la note correspondant à leur stratégie de bénéfice moyen est, encore une fois, supérieure à celle des entreprises qui favorisent un report intégral. Plus encore, les entreprises qui favorisent l'actualisation des impôts reportés, ce qui devrait ordinairement accroître le bénéfice net en réduisant la portion différée de la charge fiscale, emploient des stratégies qui accroissent davantage le bénéfice que les entreprises qui s'opposent à l'actualisation. En revanche, la relation dont les auteurs posent l'hypothèse entre la stratégie de bénéfice et le moment de la constatation des avantages que l'on prévoit tirer d'un report prospectif de perte d'exploitation n'a pas été confirmée. Les positions de lobbying combinées s'écartent néanmoins sensiblement si l'on compare le tiers supérieur et le tiers inférieur de même que le tiers supérieur et le tiers médian des entreprises classées en fonction des notes attribuées à leur stratégie de bénéfice. Les auteurs procèdent également à des analyses visant à déterminer si les stratégies de bénéfice peuvent être utilisées pour prévoir les positions de lobbying. Ils en concluent que les associations ne sont pas suffisamment probantes pour permettre ces prévisions.  相似文献   
Expanding the cross‐country footprint of an organization's profit‐making activities changes the geographic pattern of its exposure to loss in ways that are hard for regulators and supervisors to observe. This paper tests and confirms the hypothesis that differences in the size and character of safety‐net benefits available to banks in individual EU countries help to account for cross‐border merger activity. Our results suggest that central bankers need to develop statistical procedures for assessing the consequences of differences in supervisory strength and weakness in partner countries. We believe that the methods used here can help in this task.  相似文献   
This research examines compulsive buying as an impulse‐control disorder, a form of maladaptive behavior believed to have its roots in early‐in‐life experiences of family adversities. Unlike previous research that has typically studied only the effects of family divorce on compulsive buying, this study examines the effects of disruptive family events within the broader multitheoretical life course framework. A sample of 327 young adults is used to test the hypothesized relationships derived from the main life course perspectives. The results show alternate paths leading to compulsive buying, beyond those uncovered in previous studies. By offering a broader overarching framework, the article shows how previous efforts to study compulsive buying can be improved, pointing to the value of the multitheoretical life course approach in understanding consumption phenomena .  相似文献   
Manufacturers' Cents-Off promotional discounts are sometimes NOT passed on to the consumer. This survey over 240 stores across 8 SMSAs reveals the extent of this practice by various retailer “types” and provides suggestions for future research to monitor the effectiveness of FTC regulations.  相似文献   
We analyze the trends from 1959 to 2007 using an expanded measure of income called the Levy Institute Measure of Economic Well‐Being (LIMEW). LIMEW is different in scope from the official U.S. Census Bureau measure of gross money income (MI) in that our measure includes non‐cash transfers, public consumption, imputed income from wealth, and household production and nets out personal taxes. While the annual growth rates of median LIMEW and MI are very close over the whole period (0.67 and 0.63 percent), median LIMEW grew much faster than median MI after 1982 and much slower before. The Gini coefficient of MI is uniformly higher than that of LIMEW but both show about the same change from 1959 to 2007. Decomposition analysis shows that changes in inequality are driven to a large extent by non‐home wealth in LIMEW and earnings in MI. While the racial gap in MI declined somewhat over the 1990s and 2000s, the racial gap in LIMEW actually widened a bit. Over the same years, while there was little change in the gap in MI between the elderly and non‐elderly, the LIMEW of the elderly actually overtook that of the non‐elderly.  相似文献   
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