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We introduce the notion of a market-free-lunch that depends on the preferences of all agents participating in the market. In semimartingale models of securities markets, we characterize no arbitrage (NA) and no-free-lunch-with-vanishing-risk (NFLVR) in terms of the market-free-lunch and show that the difference between NA and NFLVR consists in the selection of the class of monotone, respectively monotone and continuous, utility functions that determines the absence of the market-free-lunch. We also provide a direct proof of the equivalence between the absence of a market-free-lunch, with respect to monotone concave preferences, and the existence of an equivalent (local/sigma) martingale measure.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to develop a duality between a novel entropy martingale optimal transport (EMOT) problem and an associated optimisation problem. In EMOT, we follow the approach taken in the entropy optimal transport (EOT) problem developed in Liero et al. (Invent. Math. 211:969–1117, 2018), but we add the constraint, typical of martingale optimal transport (MOT) theory, that the infimum of the cost functional is taken over martingale probability measures. In the associated problem, the objective functional, related via Fenchel conjugacy to the entropic term in EMOT, is no longer linear as in (martingale) optimal transport. This leads to a novel optimisation problem which also has a clear financial interpretation as a nonlinear subhedging problem. Our theory allows us to establish a nonlinear robust pricing–hedging duality which also covers a wide range of known robust results. We also focus on Wasserstein-induced penalisations and study how the duality is affected by variations in the penalty terms, with a special focus on the convergence of EMOT to the extreme case of MOT.

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