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通过美日两国比较研究发现,美日两国在去产能过程中采取的优先淘汰落后产能、鼓励企业兼并重组、扶持产业创新、刺激市场需求和实施产能国际化转移等措施都收到了较好效果,对中国去产能的操作具有重要的借鉴意义。借鉴美日两国的有益经验,中国在去产能的实践中,要努力做到立足中国现实情况实施去产能、以市场化运作为主导原则、注重产业升级与技术进步、有效实施并购重组、走好产能国际合作之路、注重从供给端和需求端双向施策。  相似文献   
本文以湖北省兴山县烟叶保险为例,采用CVM方法获取调查数据,并利用PCE模型分析得出了影响农户对烟叶保险支付意愿的主要因素包括:对烟叶保险重要性的认知程度、自然灾害造成的烟叶生产的平均损失金额、农户年龄和年家庭纯收入。同时,本文还测算出了保额为每亩100元时,农户对烟叶保险的支付意愿平均值为6.43元/亩。这些结论为解决农业保险保费筹集问题提供了思路。  相似文献   
王玲芬 《物流科技》2004,27(5):76-78
随着国内市场的不断开放,尤其是中国“入世”后,企业更需要从国际竞争的角度来考虑和确定企业的竞争战略。  相似文献   
乡镇财政自给能力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乡镇财政危机目前作为一个重要问题成为各界关注焦点,乡镇财政赤字和负债数额巨大,乡镇财政自给程度到底有多大,本文运用财政能力系数指标来定量探讨乡镇财政的危机程度,通过全国五级财政自给系数纵向对比、分省区四级财政自给能力纵向和横向对比以及两个乡镇个案的财政自给系数,来揭示乡镇财政危机的制度内涵.  相似文献   
技术创新是我国经济结构调整的重要推动力,而创业投资是推动技术创新的重要手段,良好的创业投资制度安排则是促进科学技术转化为生产力的有力保障.本文从分析我国当前经济问题的角度入手,论证了创业投资在推动技术创新中的作用,以及制度创新与创业投资业发展之间相辅相成的关系,并在此基础上,提出了创业投资运作机制的设想.  相似文献   
Prospective Changes in Tax Law and the Value of Depreciable Real Estate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 significantly reduced the taxation of income-producing properties by accelerating tax depreciation on both new and, especially, existing properties. A partial reversal of the 1981 legislation appears likely. To provide some insight into the possible effects of a decrease in tax depreciation of income-producing properties, two potential tax changes are analyzed: an increase from fifteen to twenty years in the tax service lives of both new and existing properties and an increase for existing properties only. Both residential and commercial/industrial properties are considered.  相似文献   
生活水平的提高将人们的关注点从"吃得饱"转移到了"吃得好"。蔬菜作为生活必需品,人们对它的重视程度越来越高,研究如何保证消费者获得高质量蔬菜也成为了一项重要并且值得做的事。本文首先分析蔬菜供应链的特点,研究蔬菜供应链存在的问题,最后探讨改善蔬菜供应链的对策。  相似文献   
With the rapid development of economic globalization and network, dynamic uncertainty further intensifies in the operation of social economy. The competitive model is further developing to the complication direction. Simultaneously, enterprise's cooperation will also have more development. In this environment, enterprises will gradually evolve into competition of ecosystem. The future performance of the business model is also a form of competition. This article mainly discusses the business ecosystem connotation and the characteristics, explains the strategy types and strategy of the business ecosystem's survival and development, and finally puts forward the business ecosystem health and the maintenance measures.  相似文献   
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