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中部崛起的区域创新战略与政策研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
对目前普遍认同的3种中部崛起的战略途径进行了分析和评述,指出了各自的局限性。根据后发优势理论提出了中部崛起的区域创新战略,并探讨了中部区域创新战略的结构体系和基本内涵,明确了其对中部崛起的重要现实意义。随后从4个方面阐述了中部区域创新战略的发展思路,并针对目前中部地区科技与经济发展的情况,提出了相关的政策建议。  相似文献   
低碳物流探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
低碳物流是物流产业在低碳经济背景下发展的新阶段,其与低碳经济的发展理念保持一致。中国物流产业存在低碳意识薄弱、装备和技术水平落后、信息化水平低、粗放经营等问题。建立低碳物流,应积极引进或开发低碳物流技术,建立低碳物流信息系统,推行共同配送、第三方物流和逆向物流的运作体系,同时还应有政府在金融、税收政策和法律法规方面的支持。  相似文献   
文章通过案例分析发现创新应该包括许多维度,如单纯意义上的技术创新、组织创新、经营方式与理念创新、企业制度创新、商业模式创新、企业关系创新、公共关系及整合能力创新等。而且创新分成多个层次,从技术创新到企业创新,再到整个经济体系的社会创新。  相似文献   
Building upon the market, institutional, and cultural perspectives, this paper identifies the major impetuses and impediments that affect the professionalization of Chinese family business at the environment, firm, and owner levels. Our integrative framework projects that whether a family business owner will adopt professional managers is largely determined by the relative strength of impetus factors and impediment factors. We then discuss the possible governance choices under different configuration of impetuses and impediments. This theoretical framework is expected to help set the momentum for further conceptual exploration and empirical study in this area.
Hao MaEmail:

Jianjun Zhang   (PhD, University of California at Berkeley) is an assistant professor at Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. His interests include entrepreneurship, firm governance, and political strategy of Chinese private firms. He is the author of Marketization and democracy in China and a number of articles. Hao Ma   (PhD, University of Texas at Austin) is a professor of management at University of Illinois at Springfield, and professor of management and director of Academic Committee at Beijing International MBA Program, China Center for Economic Research, Peking University. His research interests include the nature and cause of competitive advantage, competitive analysis, strategic decision making, leadership style, and the entrepreneurial process, especially the exploration of the above topics in international setting. He has published in Academy of Management Review, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of International Management, and Organization Dynamics, among others.  相似文献   
高职服装专业英语课程的设置,应当以"就业为导向",根据企业对掌握服装英语人才的实际能力需求,进一步明确其在服装专业课程中的定位和设计思路,并以项目为载体对课程内容进行重组,通过多种方式创新教学模式,达到该课程的改革目的和教育教学目标。  相似文献   
The interaction between asymmetrically informed traders has been mostly investigated in theoretical frameworks. Not only there are relatively few empirical studies but, if any, the mostly focus on cross-sectional analysis and use very short samples. In this study, we blend theoretic with empirical, and propose a new signalling system of turning points in the economy to examine the extent of volatility of these markets relative to their tranquil periods. The signalling system proposed here is based on the Markov-switching model. Differing from the existing literatures, the study employs three phases and time-varying transition probability, and captures the states of volatility. After examining the causality between high volatility and foreign portfolio investment (FPI) by using moving average and generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity, the portfolio's profitability of FPI and individual investors in different periods are compared. Finally, the investigation of FPI's leading effect is studied.  相似文献   
功能性监管:现代金融业发展的必然选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在全球化和金融一体化发展背景下,现代金融业向着混业经营方向发展。功能性金融监管在传统的金融监管模式基础上,更加侧重金融效率与金融机构的协调,从而顺应了这一发展潮流,成为现代金融业发展的必然选择。  相似文献   
基于企业外部合作伙伴分布广泛的特点,从外部研发合作广度的两个维度(市场广度和研究广度)出发,选取2010—2018年160家中国制造业上市企业数据,运用多元回归分析法探讨外部研发合作广度对企业新产品开发绩效的影响。结果表明,外部研发合作的市场广度和研究广度正向影响新产品开发绩效,其中,研究广度的作用更为显著;网络学习在外部研发合作广度对新产品开发绩效的影响机制中存在部分中介作用;知识库同质性正向调节外部研发合作广度与网络学习的关系。结论丰富了新产品开发绩效前因变量研究,对企业制定外部研发合作战略,提升新产品开发绩效具有重要管理启示。  相似文献   
We provide a closer look at the trading dynamics which may give rise to the positive relationship between market trading volume and its lagged returns. Chinese market turnover increases sharply with past day returns. A comprehensive dataset which facilitates the tracing of trading activities among different groups of investors reveals that when previous market returns are high, investors with larger (smaller) average trade size increase their buy (sell) volume. Our findings indicate an important role of differing responses to market information among different classes of investors (e.g. different priors) in explaining this recently documented phenomenon.  相似文献   
本文通过建立回归面板数据模型,证实了企业数量对经济增长有很大的促进作用,然后通过建立SVAR模型,检验了各种规模企业对货币政策的相应作用,结果显示我国中小型企业对货币政策比较敏感,特别是中型企业最为敏感.由于我国区域之间企业结构存在较大差异,这必然会产生货币政策区域效应.  相似文献   
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