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基于《中国统计年鉴》(2010)的数据,采用因子分析法对中国31个省市的国有、私营、外商投资工业企业经济发展情况予以统计排序,并进行了区域内部和区域之间的比较研究。分析结果显示,区域内部国有、私营、外商投资工业企业经济的发展存在不协调性;各地区工业企业经济的发展存在不均衡性,国有、私营和外商投资工业企业的经济发展水平符合中国区域经济东强西弱的总体特征;东、中、西部国有、私营和外商投资工业企业经济发展呈现出各自的特征。  相似文献   
基于循环经济理论的旅游项目开发管理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
循环经济建立了以“减量化、再利用、资源化”为内容的行为原则。通过对循环经济理论的分析,将循环经济理论引入到旅游项目开发管理中,对旅游项目开发管理的设计建设问题、使用维护问题、环境影响问题、资源利用问题和后期处理问题及相应对策进行了探讨。  相似文献   
We examine the relative influence of preferences and technology on producers' ex ante willingness to pay for a reduction in production risk. A risk averse producer pays both an Arrow-Pratt risk premium to stabilize income and a ‘production premium’ to stabilize yield. Using soil-nitrate risks as our motivating example, we demonstrate that the production premium accounts for 40-85% of producers' willingness to pay for risk reduction. These results demonstrate the relative importance of technology over risk preferences when estimating the costs of agricultural production risk.  相似文献   
根据西藏矿产资源丰富、地质环境复杂、生态环境脆弱、矿业开发蓬勃发展的现状,针对矿产资源在西藏区域经济发展中所处的地位以及西藏矿产资源开发中存在的对矿山地质环境和矿区生态环境造成不同程度的影响等问题,从推进西藏矿产资源可持续开发的角度出发,贯彻落实科学发展观,走可持续发展道路;科学规划矿业开发布局,合理有序地开发矿产资源;加大找矿力度,进一步摸清西藏矿产资源家底;坚持矿业开发与生态环境保护并重,建设绿色矿山;依靠科学技术,推动矿业健康有序发展。  相似文献   
Strategies for physician recruitment should include the following: Consider creating an in-house recruiting system to save money and to "own" the health system's first impression. Gain a competitive advantage by nurturing relationships with prospects over the long-term. Use innovative recruitment techniques, such as video interviewing and electronic reference checking, to better coordinate recruitment, follow-up, and mentoring. Make a new hire's job satisfaction and home life a top priority during the first 90 days of employment, and then plan regular follow-ups to maintain a positive relationship.  相似文献   
会计盈余是影响上市公司股票价值的一个重要因素。以我国亏损上市公司为对象,根据亏损性质的不同将亏损公司分为单赤字公司、虚双赤字公司、实双赤字公司以及三赤字公司四类。实证分析显示:亏损最为严重的是三赤字公司,其会计盈余和权益账面价值与股价之间均不存在显著的相关性。  相似文献   
This paper argues for a bidirectional relationship between competitive intensity perceived by a firm and its strategic response in the form of forging collaborations. Consistent with a variety of theoretical perspectives including enactment, cognition, and the resource-based view, we conceptualize competitive intensity as a firm-level construct and hypothesize that collaboration will reduce the perceived competitive intensity due to the twin mechanisms of information acquisition and risk reduction. We also predict an inverted U-shaped relationship for the impact of competitive intensity on the likelihood of forming at least one collaboration. We test our predictions using data on the dynamic and competitive Chinese market. Our analyses provide strong support to the bidirectional argument.  相似文献   
This paper examines procedural justice principles from a cultural perspective, and examines the relationships between three dimensions of national culture (uncertainty avoidance, societal emphasis on collectivism, and gender egalitarianism), three principles of procedural justice (consistency, social sensitivity, and account-giving), and judgments of fairness. The results suggest that culture can influence employees' perceptions of the fairness of procedural justice principles; different dimensions of national culture influence different principles of procedural justice. The principle of social sensitivity was perceived as fairer in collectivistic China than in individualistic U.S. In addition, differences between men and women in perceived fairness of account-giving were exaggerated in China (a culture low in gender egalitarianism) and attenuated in the U.S. (a culture high in gender egalitarianism).  相似文献   
本文以湖北省为例研究我国中部地区创新方法推广应用现状,在分析总结湖北省创新方法工作主要经验和现有问题基础上,从政策导向、示范推广、市场运营、基础研究 4 个方面提出针对性建设建议,以期为中部地区的创新方法推广应用工作提供政策参考。  相似文献   
通过对数控加工中内圆角清角时刀具超程距离选取不合理时产生的现象进行分析,阐明其缺点并了提出正确的刀具超程距离的计算方法。  相似文献   
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