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This paper develops a flexible approach to combine forecasts of future spot rates with forecasts from time-series models or macroeconomic variables. We find empirical evidence that, accounting for both regimes in interest rate dynamics, and combining forecasts from different models, helps improve the out-of-sample forecasting performance for US short-term rates. Imposing restrictions from the expectations hypothesis on the forecasting model are found to help at long forecasting horizons.  相似文献   
EU antitrust investigations involve a sequence of events which affect the investigated firm's market value. We model these relationships and estimate their impact on firms' share prices. On average, a surprise inspection reduces a firm's share price by 2.89%, an infringement decision reduces it by 3.57%. The Court judgments do not have a statistically significant effect. Overall, we find that the total effect of the antitrust action ranges from ?3.03% to ?4.55% of a firm's market value. Fines account for no more than 8.9% of this loss, and we conjecture that most of the loss is due to the cessation of illegal activities.  相似文献   
By means of an integration of decision theory and probabilistic models, we explore and develop methods for improving data privacy. Our work encompasses disclosure control tools in statistical databases and privacy requirements prioritization; in particular we propose a Bayesian approach for the on-line auditing in Statistical Databases and Pairwise Comparison Matrices for privacy requirements prioritization. The first approach is illustrated by means of examples in the context of statistical analysis on the census and medical data, where no salary (resp. no medical information), that could be related to a specific employee (resp. patient), must be released; the second approach is illustrated by means of examples, such as an e-voting system and an e-banking service that have to satisfy privacy requirements in addition to functional and security ones. Several fields in the social sciences, economics and engineering will benefit from the advances in this research area: e-voting, e-government, e-commerce, e-banking, e-health, cloud computing and risk management are a few examples of applications for the findings of this research.  相似文献   
The relationship between international trade and foreign direct investment (FDI) is one of the main features of globalisation. In this paper, we investigate the effects of FDI on trade from a network perspective, since FDI takes not only direct but also indirect channels from origin to destination countries because of firms’ incentive to reduce tax burden, to minimise coordination costs and to break barriers to market entry. We use a unique data set of international corporate control as a measure of stock FDI to construct a corporate control network (CCN), where the nodes are the countries and the edges are the corporate control relationships. Network measures, as the shortest path length and the communicability, are then computed on the CCN to capture the indirect channel of FDI. Empirically, we find that corporate control has a positive effect on trade both directly and indirectly. The result is robust with different specifications and estimation strategies. Hence, our paper provides strong empirical evidence of the indirect effects of FDI on trade. Moreover, we identify a number of interplaying factors such as regional trade agreements and the region of Asia. We also find that the indirect effects are more pronounced for the manufacturing sector than for primary sectors such as oil extraction and agriculture.  相似文献   
Cooperatives are facing the challenge to be competitive in the market, without losing their traditional values of mutuality and democracy. To do that, they need to re‐construct open and participative dialogue with their employees and members based on more democratic forms of communication and engagement. From this point of view, the measurement and communication of sustainability aspects may allow a dialogue to be mobilized with shareholders and stakeholders without losing the attention on competitive factors. Based on these premises, the article analyses the experience of a 5‐year action research project (from 2006 to mid‐2011), carried out within Unicoop Tirreno, an Italian consumers' cooperative, and aimed to implement different tools for sustainability accounting and to embrace a more open dialogue with stakeholders, in particular with employees and members. In this process of change, the tools implemented for sustainability accounting played a key role in supporting the cooperative to reinterpret its own values and in stimulating a new and participative management approach. The results indicate a virtuous circle between the management and measurement of cooperative principles and the management and measurement of sustainability issues.  相似文献   
We study the effects of financial innovation in a model of endogenousinformation acquisition. We determine the conditions under whichthe introduction of a derivative written on an existing stockincreases or decreases the incentive to purchase information.We show that financial innovation produces some effects whichhold across informational structures and others which differ.The former coincide with the few empirical results that arerobust in the literature (effects on prices, risk premia, andvolatility), while the latter coincide with the ones that differexperiment by experiment (effects on volume, correlation betweenvolume and volatility, and market informational efficiency).  相似文献   
Nell'articolo si applicano al problema di minimax discreto dei dadi truccati due condizioni di minimax locale, una necessaria, sostanzialmente già nota, e l'altra sufficiente, originale, contenute in un precedente lavoro dell'autore. Si dimostra che una distribuzione di probabilità per la qualen somme consecutive sono equiprobabili e di probabilità massima verifica la condizione necessaria e che sotto due ulteriori ipotesi, che in pratica appaiono spesso verificate, tale distribuzione verifica altresì la condizione sufficiente di minimax locale. Si deduce quindi un risultato di Clemens.  相似文献   
This paper systematically investigates the sources of differential out-of-sample predictive accuracy of heuristic frameworks based on internet search frequencies and a large set of econometric models. The volume of internet searches helps gauge the degree of investors’ time-varying interest in specific assets. We use a wide range of state-of-the-art models, both of linear and nonlinear type (regime-switching predictive regressions, threshold autoregressive, smooth transition autoregressive), extended to capture conditional heteroskedasticity through GARCH models. The predictor variables investigated are those typical of the literature featuring a range of macroeconomic and market leading indicators. Our out-of-sample forecasting exercises are conducted with reference to US, UK, French and German data, both stocks and bonds, and for 1- and 12-months-ahead horizons. We employ several forecast performance metrics and predictive accuracy tests. Internet-search-based models are found to perform better than the average of all of the alternative models. For several country-asset-horizon combinations, particularly for UK bond returns, our heuristic models compare favourably with sophisticated econometric methods. The heuristic models are also shown to perform well in forecasting realized volatility. The baseline results are supported by several extensions and robustness checks, such as using alternative search keywords, controlling for Fama–French and Cochrane–Piazzesi factors, and implementing heuristic-based trading strategies.  相似文献   
We present a new type of Artificial Neural Networks: the Self-Reflexive Networks. We utter the theoretical presuppositions; their dynamics is analogous to the one ascribed to autopoietic systems: self-referentiality, unsupervised learning and unintentionally cooperative and contractual activities of their own units. We also hypothesize a new concept of perception. We present the basic equations of Self-Reflexive Networks, new concepts as the one of dynamic target, of Re-entry with dedicated and fixed connections, of Meta-Units. Therefore, we experiment a specific type of Self-Reflexive Networks, the Monodedicated, within the interpretation of a toy-DB and we have hinted at other already made experimentations, experimentations in process and planned experimentations. From the applicative work that we present a few specifics and novelties of this type of Neural Networks emerge:
  1. the capability of answering to complex, strange, wrong or not precise questions, through the same algorithms through which the learning phase took place.
  2. the capability of spontaneously transforming their own learning inaccuracy in analogic capability and original self-organization capability.
  3. the capability of spontaneously integrate the models that it experienced in different moments in an achronical hyper-model.
  4. the capability of behaving as it had explored a decisions graph of large dimensions, both deeply and in extension. With the consequence of behaving as an Addressing Memory forself-dynamic Contents.
  5. the capability of always learning, rapidly and anyway, besides the complexity of the learning patterns.
  6. the capability of answering simultaneously from different points of view, behaving, in this case, as a network that builds more similarity models for each vector-stimulus that it receives.
  7. the capability of adjusting in a biunivocal way, each question to the consulting DB and each DB to the question that are submitted. The consequence of this fact is the continuous creation of new answering models.
  8. the capability of building during the learning phase, a weights matrix that provides a subconceptual representation of the bi-directional relations between each couple of input variables.
  9. the capability, through the Metaunits, to integrate in a unitary typology, nodes with different saturation speed and, therefore, with different memory: in fact, while the SR units are short memory nodes, since each new stumulus zeros the previous stimulus, the Metaunits memorize the SR different stimulus during time, functioning as an average length memory. This fact should confirm that the avarage length memory is of a different level from the immediate memory and that it is based only uponrelation among perceptive stimulus which are distributed in parallel and in sequence. In this context the weights matrix constitute the SR long term memory. And in this sense it will be opportune to think at a methodic through which the Metaunits can influence during time, the same weights matrix. In any case, in the SR there areservice nodes orfilter nodes andlearning nodes as if they were weights (the Metaunits).
This paper investigates the international asset allocation effectsof time-variations in higher-order moments of stock returnssuch as skewness and kurtosis. In the context of a four-momentInternational Capital Asset Pricing Model (ICAPM) specificationthat relates stock returns in five regions to returns on a globalmarket portfolio and allows for time-varying prices of covariance,co-skewness, and co-kurtosis risk, we find evidence of distinctbull and bear regimes. Ignoring such regimes, an unhedged USinvestor's optimal portfolio is strongly diversified internationally.The presence of regimes in the return distribution leads toa substantial increase in the investor's optimal holdings ofUS stocks, as does the introduction of skewness and kurtosispreferences.  相似文献   
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